Webkit GTK: Determine when a document is finished loading - c

There are other questions on StackOverflow which are close to what I want to know, like Webkit GTK :: How to detect when a download has finished?, but I think I'm asking something a bit different:
In general, in the event-driven C Webkit-GTK API there are a lot of events which may relate to the idea of when some document is finished "loading". The problem is the documentation is pretty sparse, and the idea of "finished loading" isn't necessarily clear, because it can refer to a lot of things. Does "finished loading" mean that the document is finished downloading? That it's finished creating the DOM tree? That it's finished downloading including all other resources (like CSS, JS and image files?)
Relevant signals are signal::notify::load-status, document-load-finished, and resource-load-finished.
The load-status signal fires everytime the load status changes, so you need to manually call webkit_web_view_get_load_status and check the status each time. Even so, when the status finally is WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED, I'm not sure what that means - does it mean WebKit is done downloading the resource, or that it's finished creating the DOM tree, or what?
What is the difference between the various "finished" signals, and is there any signal that is equivalent to the standard Javascript DOM event window.onload?

I believe the document-load-finished signal is what you are looking for as it seems (in my opinion) to match more closely what you are trying to test for.
One idea to test which is the correct way to do this would be to test the various ways there are to test if a document has "loaded" manually. I.e. Try the one I linked to above, and output a string to the Terminal when the value is true. If the value is true before the page has completely displayed all of its contents, chances are that it's not the one you're after. Then move on to the next, until you've got the right one.
Other than that, I'm not really sure what else you can do, since as you mentioned, the definition isn't very clear. It's times like these I wish Gtk documentation was a little more verbose.


C design pattern performing a list of actions without blocking?

Embedded C. I have a list of things I want to do, procedurally, mostly READ and WRITE and MODIFY actions, acting on the results of the last statement. They can take up to 2 seconds each, I can’t block.
Each action can have states of COMPLETE and ERROR which has sub-states for reason the error occurred. Or on compete I’ll want to check or modify some data.
Each list of actions is a big switch and to re-enter I keep a list of which step I’m on, a success step++ and I come back in further down the list next time.
Pretty simple, but I’m finding that to not block I’m spending a ton of effort checking states and errors and edges constantly. Over and over.
I would say 80% of my code is just checks and moving the system along. There has to be a better way!
Are there any design patterns for async do thing and come back later for results in a way that efficiently handles some of the exception/edge/handling?
Edit: I know how to use callbacks but don’t really see that as “a solution” as I just need to get back to a different part of the same list for the next thing to do. Maybe it’s would be beneficial to know the backend to how async and await in other languages work?
Edit2: I do have an RTOS for other projects but this specific question, assume no threads/tasks, just bare metal superloop.
Your predicament is a perfect fit for state machines (really, probably UML statecharts). Each different request can each be handled in its own state machine, which handle events (such as COMPLETE or ERROR indications) in a non-blocking, run-to-completion manner. As the events come in, the request's state machine moves through its different states towards completion.
For embedded systems, I often use the QP event-driven framework for such cases. In fact, when I looked up this link, I noticed the very first paragraph uses the term "non-blocking". The framework provides much more than state machines with hierarchy (states within states), which is already very powerful.
The site also has some good information on approaches to your specific problem. I would suggest starting with the site's Key Concepts page.
To get you a taste of the content and its relevance to your predicament:
In spite of the fundamental event-driven nature, most embedded systems
are traditionally programmed in a sequential manner, where a program
hard-codes the expected sequence of events by waiting for the specific
events in various places in the execution path. This explicit waiting
for events is implemented either by busy-polling or blocking on a
time-delay, etc.
The sequential paradigm works well for sequential problems, where the
expected sequence of events can be hard-coded in the sequential code.
Trouble is that most real-life systems are not sequential, meaning
that the system must handle many equally valid event sequences. The
fundamental problem is that while a sequential program is waiting for
one kind of event (e.g., timeout event after a time delay) it is not
doing anything else and is not responsive to other events (e.g., a
button press).
For this and other reasons, experts in concurrent programming have
learned to be very careful with various blocking mechanisms of an
RTOS, because they often lead to programs that are unresponsive,
difficult to reason about, and unsafe. Instead, experts recommend [...] event-driven programming.
You can also do state machines yourself without using an event-driven framework like the QP, but you will end up re-inventing the wheel IMO.

How can I optimize Robot Framework to speed up testing of an Angular application?

I know the basics of optimizing Robot Framework for speed on normal applications, but this is not a normal application. It's not a question of going as fast as possible, because if the code executes too fast on an Angular application, it'll try to click an element that isn't enabled or visible, or an element that doesn't exist yet. Timing issues abound, and the result is that I'm using a keyword (below) to slow down my program universally. The problem is that it's hard-coded, and I'm looking for a more "programatic" (programatical? I don't know the exact term) solution that will wait for an element to be clickable and then click it as soon as it is.
This is the keyword I use after every single click (${SLOW_TIME} is a global variable set to 0.5s):
Slow Down
# Slow Down ${SLOW_TIME}
[Arguments] ${SLOW_TIME}
Sleep ${SLOW_TIME}
This is my current solution, which was written to verify that an element is ready to be clicked for test verification purposes, not speed. It's not complete (needs "Is Clickable") and occasionally causes the program to wait longer than it has to:
Verify Element Is Ready
# Verify Element Is Ready id=myElementId
# Click Element id=myElementId
[Arguments] ${element}
Variable should exist ${element}
Wait until element is visible ${element}
Wait until element is enabled ${element}
I'm aware that Robot Framework isn't built for speed, but for long tests I'm tired of doing nothing for 10 minutes waiting for it to finish, only to see that I have an incorrect [Fail]. If the solution involves Python, Javascript, or Java, I can work that in.
EDIT: I'm currently using ExtendedSelenium2Library, but its implicit waits don't always work, so I wanted a second layer of waiting, but only as long as necessary.
First solution to explore would be to use libraries specifically designed for Angular based web applications, such as AngularJsLibrary or ExtendedSelenium2Library. As far as I know, ExtendedSelenium2Library is the one that works best (but perhaps not without any issues, I think it does have a few issues)
Next thing to know is, given that your element indeed is visible, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's ready to be clicked. There are quite a few ways to get around this kind of issues.
One way is to put a sleep in your test setup, to give the page some time to fully initialize. I'm personally not a fan of this solution. This solution also doesn't work well for pages that load new content dynamically after the initial document was initialized.
Another way is to wrap your click element in a wait, either by writing your own in Python or, using something like Wait Until Keyword Succeeds

How do I find the context in which document.write operates. Can you solve the riddle

Basically i have these two lines of code written right after each other.:
console.log(typeof (noAdsCallback));
document.write('<sc' + 'ript type="text/javascript">console.log(typeof(noAdsCallback));</scr' + 'ipt>');
The first one logs function, the second logs undefined.
Of course it's a bit trickier than that. So here is the set-up in a nutshell:
I have a so called waterfall of ad-providers. That means, I try to load some Ads, by writing (using document.write) some special tags (given to me by my ad-provider).
If the provider doesn't find an ad for me, they send back a javascript-snippet which looks like this:
if (typeof(window.noAdsCallback) === "function") noAdsCallback();
This function essentially writes the tags of the next provider, which does the same as the first one until I reach the end of the list.
This system actually works fine, doing exactly what I want it to do. Both lines given in the beginning log function.
Except if I use Google as an ad-provider. There is one thing Google does differently, which seems to mess everything up.
In Google, I cannot define a fallback-JavaScript-snippet. All I can do is provide a fallback-url. So this fallback-url (since it's loaded inside an iframe inside an iframe inside...) sends a postMessage to the top, which then calls the same noAdsCallback() method. And this too, works just fine. The message is received and the right method executed. However, already the two lines already give different results, i.e. function and undefined respectively
The next provider then fails to find the noAdsCallback() Method, when it returns, because it uses document.write to try to execute it. Somehow, the context was lost.
First hint: It works fine (i.e. both lines log function) in Chrome, but it doesn't work in FF or IE.
Second hint: It works fine, as long as context never switches, but if communication runs at any point through messaging, it get's confused.
Third hint: Using the fantastic postscribe library as mentioned below, actually solves the problem, but introduces new ones somewhere else.
Fourth hint: Debugging the window.name, before using document.write, gives the correct name, so I'm not in a random iFrame.
Finishing thoughts. I know, i know: DON'T USE DOCUMENT WRITE!! I know that. But since Adproviders use it all the time, I am forced to use it to, otherwise I get this:
Failed to execute 'write' on 'Document': It isn't possible to write into a document from an asynchronously-loaded external script unless it is explicitly opened.
In Fact, right now I'm using postscribe (https://github.com/krux/postscribe) and it works like a charm, except for one lousey provider. And the workauround solution would be, to use document.write only for this lousy provider and postscribe for all the others. But i would really like to find out what the root of the problem is.
Any Ideas, much appreciated.
I think I understood it now. Long story short: DON'T USE DOCUMENT.WRITE :)
Try postscribe, if you have to.
So in hindsight it is quite obvious, because really, anywhere you read about document.write() it says, that write() clears the whole document. And I just didn't get it, because I never saw it happening and every ad is using it, like the whole time. Plus, it seemed to work fine on Chrome. So what's going on??
Well here is what happens. As long as the document is open, which basically means while it is being written, document.write() just appends to the stream, and doesn't clear the document. And as long as I used document.write(), to append foreign ad-scripts (which may and will contain document.write()), the page does not close, hence the document stays open.
This is the reason, why adding Google to my waterfall, posed a problem: Google puts everything in iframes. So the page containing the waterfall model just sees the iframe and says: "well as far as I'm concerned, I'm done" and closes the document, while in fact, Google is still at it.
Afterwards, Google didn't find an ad, sends a postMessage to the main page, causing the next provider to be used. Who then uses document.write() and clears everything.
Everything? Not everything. Remember, it still used to work when I used Chrome? The reason for that is, Chrome just clears the HTML but leaves the Javascript intact. So on Chrome, my Javascript-waterfall worked fine, because all the JS-objects where still in place. All other browsers cleared it.
So that's it. Probably noone's gonna read it, but if you do, USE POSTSCRIBE! Now that I finally really understood document.write() and document.open() and document.close() I'm a big fan.

MPQueue - what is it and how do I use it?

I encountered a bug that has me beat. Fortunately, I found a work around here (not necessary reading to answer this q) -
The problem is, I don't understand all of it. I am ok with the event taps etc, but I am supposed to 'set up a thread-safe queue) using MPQueue, add events to it pull them back off later.
Can anyone tell me what an MPQueue is, and how I create one - also how to add items and read/remove items? Google hasn't helped at all.
It's one of the Multiprocessing Services APIs.
… [A] message queue… can be used to notify (that is, send) and wait for (that is, receive) messages consisting of three pointer-sized values in a preemptively safe manner.

In WinForms, why can't you update UI controls from other threads?

I'm sure there is a good (or at least decent) reason for this. What is it?
I think this is a brilliant question -
and I think there is need of a better
Surely the only reason is that there
is something in a framework somewhere
that isn't very thread-safe.
That "something" is almost every single instance member on every single control in System.Windows.Forms.
The MSDN documentation for many controls in System.Windows.Forms, if not all of them, say "Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe."
This means that instance members such as TextBox.Text {get; set;} are not reentrant.
Making each of those instance members thread safe could introduce a lot of overhead that most applications do not need. Instead the designers of the .Net framework decided, and I think correctly, that the burden of synchronizing access to forms controls from multiple threads should be put on the programmer.
Although this question only asks "why" here is a link to an article that explains "how":
How to: Make Thread-Safe Calls to Windows Forms Controls on MSDN
Because you can easily end up with a deadlock (among other issues).
For exmaple, your secondary thread could be trying to update the UI control, but the UI control will be waiting for a resource locked by the secondary thread to be released, so both threads end up waiting for each other to finish. As others have commented this situation is not unique to UI code, but is particularly common.
In other languages such as C++ you are free to try and do this (without an exception being thrown as in WinForms), but your application may freeze and stop responding should a deadlock occur.
Incidentally, you can easily tell the UI thread that you want to update a control, just create a delegate, then call the (asynchronous) BeginInvoke method on that control passing it your delegate. E.g.
This is the equivalent to doing a C++/MFC PostMessage from a worker thread
Although it sounds reasonable Johns answer isn't correct. In fact even when using Invoke you're still not safe not running into dead-lock situations. When dealing with events fired on a background thread using Invoke might even lead to this problem.
The real reason has more to do with race conditions and lays back in ancient Win32 times. I can't explain the details here, the keywords are message pumps, WM_PAINT events and the subtle differences between "SEND" and "POST".
Further information can be found here here and here.
Back in 1.0/1.1 no exception was thrown during debugging, what you got instead was an intermittent run-time hanging scenario. Nice! :)
Therefore with 2.0 they made this scenario throw an exception and quite rightly so.
The actual reason for this is probably (as Adam Haile states) some kind of concurrency/locky issue.
Note that the normal .NET api (such as TextBox.Text = "Hello";) wraps SEND commands (that require immediate action) which can create issues if performed on separate thread from the one that actions the update. Using Invoke/BeginInvoke uses a POST instead which queues the action.
More information on SEND and POST here.
It is so that you don't have two things trying to update the control at the same time. (This could happen if the CPU switches to the other thread in the middle of a write/read)
Same reason you need to use mutexes (or some other synchronization) when accessing shared variables between multiple threads.
In other languages such as C++ you are
free to try and do this (without an
exception being thrown as in
WinForms), but you'll end up learning
the hard way!
Ahh yes...I switch between C/C++ and C# and therefore was a little more generic then I should've been, sorry... He is correct, you can do this in C/C++, but it will come back to bite you!
There would also be the need to implement synchronization within update functions that are sensitive to being called simultaneously. Doing this for UI elements would be costly at both application and OS levels, and completely redundant for the vast majority of code.
Some APIs provide a way to change the current thread ownership of a system so you can temporarily (or permanently) update systems from other threads without needing to resort to inter-thread communication.
Hmm I'm not pretty sure but I think that when we have a progress controls like waiting bars, progress bars we can update their values from another thread and everything works great without any glitches.
