I have been tinkering with this problem and trying to research for a few hours. I am still getting familiar with the entity API for Drupal 7, and have been trying to work with PHP but to no avail--I think I am missing something VERY obvious as a result of my tired brain over-thinking things.
I have two Content Types, CT1 and CT2. CT1 has a field that can hold multiple Field Collection values. In this Field Collection (field_coll_ct2) one of the fields (field_ct2_ref) is an Entity Reference to a node of content type CT2.
Now, when I am looking at a single node of type CT1, I want a block View that will show me all of the CT2 nodes referenced in that CT1 node's field_coll_ct2 field collection field.
My primary approach, which has worked on non-field collection fields of the same kind of relation, is to add a contextual filter to the view on Content:NID. From there, since it is a block and URL parameter passing is out of the question (there are so many of these kinds of relations between 7-8 different content types, at different tuples per node, it is absolutely not feasible to use the URL for parameter-passing) I have it set to 'Provide default value' of type 'PHP' and 'allow multiple values' and here is where it gets hairy.
I need to get all of the field_ct2_ref entity references in the currently-viewed node's field_coll_ct2 field collections. I've tried using:
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($entity_type, $entity);
return $wrapper->field_coll_ct2->field_ct2_ref->value();
foreach ($node->field_coll_ct2['und'] as $record)
$values[]= $record['value'];
foreach($values as $val){
return $tgts[omg];
and probably close to a hundred variations of the above trying to get it to return something that vaguely resembled an entity reference to a CT2 type node.
I can't seem to dig deeply enough into the entity/field references to get to the field_ct2_ref['und'][0]['target_id'] that has worked for all non-field collection fields with this kind of relationship. Or I get AJAX errors telling me 'Unknown data property field_coll_ct2' or console errors saying that every index I try to throw at these array objects (to even just get ONE of the values) is wrong.
Is there an easier way of doing this? Am I missing something simple and obvious--either in the way I'm implementing my View or the PHP itself?
For what it's worth, I've been able to narrow down the view results without any contextual filter by selecting a relation to 'Referencing Entity: field_ct2_ref' but it shows ALL CT2 nodes referenced by ANY CT1 type node rather than the specific CT1 type node I'm looking at.
Thank you!
I'm trying to do the same as this example does under title "Attribute-On-Relationship to Query other Fields".
I'm editing Blog application visual query.
So I have RelationshipFilter, which takes entities of type Category via Default in point. And I want to filter them by field Name. Here I can get list of names either from params or from list of posts and their categories. That's not a problem as far as I understand.
So looks like Name has to be of entity type. I'm struggling right now with this filter, since I want to filter Category by field Name of simple text type. Which means that I have nothing to specify in Relationship Attribute. EntityTitle or just empty Relationship Attribute field don't work and cause Bad Request error. So is there a way to make it work?
P.S. ValueFilter is not an option, since it doesn't support returning nothing if there are no items, that satisfy condition and also it supports only filter by item's Attribute, that contains Value and no option that Value can contain any in Attribute with separator.
The RelationshipFilter is only meant for relationships (item with item) - and you seem to want to do a string-compare.
I'm not really sure what you should do because I don't have context, but if things get really special, best use LINQ instead. Check out the tutorials for LINQ here: https://2sxc.org/dnn-tutorials/en/razor/linq/home
Here is the issue I am facing all the time since I started to learn CakePHP 3
What is this concept of entity a real world example would help alot.
public function add()
// why do we have to create new entity / what is the role of entity here.
$comment = $this->Comments->newEntity();
if ($this->request->is('post','put')) {
// why do we have to use this line after posting / what is the role of this line.
$comment = $this->Comments->patchEntity($comment,$this->request->data);
if ($this->Comments->save($comment)) {
$this->Flash->success('comment submitted successfully.');
} else {
$this->Flash->error('Sorry, comment could not be updated.');
return $this->redirect($this->referer());
Let me open the book for you:
While Table Objects represent and provide access to a collection of
objects, entities represent individual rows or domain objects in your
application. Entities contain persistent properties and methods to
manipulate and access the data they contain.
why do we have to create new entity / what is the role of entity here.
Almost everything, if not all, in Cake3 works with entities, what an entity is is explained above. You need to create a new entity so that the FormHelper can work with it, AFAIR it can still work with an array if configured to do so as well but the entity should be used.
The reason entities exist is to abstract the data. Some people think entities are the representation of a DB row - that's wrong. As the book says, they can be a row but don't have to represent a row because the 3.0 ORM can work with other resources as well. In theory you can have a CSV data source that returns an entity per line.
I suggest you to read the entity code in the CakePHP core to get a deeper understanding of what else entities provide, just saying they're "just" a set of properties is to short thought.
why do we have to use this line after posting / what is the role of this line.
The post data is merged into the previously created entity, that's it. Use the API if you have basic questions like that. See the API entry for patchEntity().
In simple word, Entity is a set of one record of table and their relational table, on that you can perform operation without touch of database and encapsulate property of entity (fields of table) as you want.
Advantages of Entity.
Modifying result sets outside of the database (for formatting or otherwise)
Needing to represent both the table and row in the same class.
Data validation was a fucking nightmare.
Inconsistent API in terms of both how we handled things internally as well as what (and how) we returned stuff.
Other random stuff as you want.
You can do run-time modification of result sets. Just add a method to your entity to return results in the way you want. This also means you can use composition for managing entities (yaya traits)
Validation is beautiful. We can validate data before it gets into an object and then validate the object state in a separate step.
It is easier for developers to understand what they are dealing with. You either have an object or an array of objects. An object can be linked to data which can also include other objects, but you no longer have to guess at what the array key will be, nor whether its nested funkily.
We can iterate on the interface for tables and entities separately. We couldn't easily change internals for the old Model class because of the implications on both, whereas now we can (in theory) change one without mucking about in the other.
It looks prettier simple.
Try this:
if ($this->request->is('post','put')) {
$data = $this->request->getData();
$comment = $this->Comments->newEntity();
$comment = $this->Comments->patchEntity($comment, $data);
$status = $this->Comments->save($comment);
if ($status) {
$this->Flash->success('comment submitted successfully.');
} else {
$this->Flash->error('Sorry, comment could not be updated.');
return $this->redirect($this->referer());
My advice is never use Post and Put in the same function. Just for good pratice. Put works fine when you make a update using id like a parameter.
Breeze & Angular & MV*
I get an invoice object and expand it's necessary properties: Customer, Details, etc.
To access detail properties is easy, invoice.detail[n].property. And saving changes to existing properties (1 - n) is also easy. In my UI, I simply loop through my object vm.invoice.details to get & display all existing details, bind them to inputs, edit at will, call saveChanges(), done!
(keep in mind, in this UI, I need to complete the following too....)
Now, I have blank inputs for a new detail I need to insert.
However, I need to insert a new detail into the existing array of invoice details.
For example: invoice #5 has 3 details (detail[0], detail[1], detail[2]). I need to insert into this existing invoice, detail[3], and call saveChanges()
I've tried to call the manger.createEntity('invoice') but it complains about FK constraints. I know you can pass values as a second argument in createEntity('obj', newvalues)...but is that the correct and only method?
Seems like this should all be much easier but, well, I am at a loss so, please help where you can. TIA!
Take a look at the DocCode sample which has tests for all kinds of scenarios including this one.
Perhaps the following provides the insight you're looking for:
function addNewDetail() {
var newDetail = manager.createEntity('Detail', {
invoice: vm.currentInvoice,
... other initial values
// the newDetail will show up automatically if the view is bound to vm.details
Notice that I'm initializing the parent invoice navigation property. Alternatively, I could just set the Detail entity's FK property inside the initializer:
invoiceId: vm.currentInvoice.id,
Either way, Breeze will add the new detail to the details collection of the currentInvoice.
Your question spoke in terms of inserting the new Detail. There is no need to insert the new Detail manually and you can't manage the sort order of the vm.currentInvoice.details property any way.
Breeze has no notion of sort order for collection navigation properties.
If you need to display the details in a particular order you could add a sorting filter to your angular binding to vm.currentInvoice.details.
Make sure you have correct EntityName, because sometimes creating entity is a not as simple as it seems.Before working with entities see
I will suggest you to look ur metadata file, go to last line of your file, you can see the field named "entitySet"
check the entityName here i took as "Entity_Name" and then try to create the entity and use this name
I've got a field collection, which contains
A copy field
A user field, via entity reference
Now when I try to access the copy field by storing the collection in $collection, via
I get what im looking for, but trying similar on the entity referenced field
It breaks. By looking into the variables for $collection->field_my_collection_user I should have 'uid' available on it, but $collection->field_my_collection_user->uid gives me nothing and $collection->field_my_collection_user->uid->value(); gives me Unable to get the data property uid as the parent data structure is not set
It could be because Field Collection doesn't inherently know what node type their parent is associated with.
I need a CouchDB view where I can get back all the documents that don't have an arbitrary field. This is easy to do if you know in advance what fields a document might not have. For example, this lets you send view/my_view/?key="foo" to easily retrieve docs without the "foo" field:
function (doc) {
var fields = [ "foo", "bar", "etc" ];
for (var idx in fields) {
if (!doc.hasOwnProperty(fields[idx])) {
emit(fields[idx], 1);
However, you're limited to asking about the three fields set in the view; something like view/my_view/?key="baz" won't get you anything, even if you have many docs missing that field. I need a view where it will--where I don't need to specify possible missing fields in advance. Any thoughts?
This technique is called the Thai massage. Use it to efficiently find documents not in a view if (and only if) the view is keyed on the document id.
function(doc) {
// _view/fields map, showing all fields of all docs
// In principle you could emit e.g. "foo.bar.baz"
// for nested objects. Obviously I do not.
for (var field in doc)
emit(field, doc._id);
function(keys, vals, is_rerun) {
// _view/fields reduce; could also be the string "_count"
return re ? sum(vals) : vals.length;
To find documents not having that field,
GET /db/_all_docs and remember all the ids
GET /db/_design/ex/_view/fields?reduce=false&key="some_field"
Compare the ids from _all_docs vs the ids from the query.
The ids in _all_docs but not in the view are those missing that field.
It sounds bad to keep the ids in memory, but you don't have to! You can use a merge sort strategy, iterating through both queries simultaneously. You start with the first id of the has list (from the view) and the first id of the full list (from _all_docs).
If full < has, it is missing the field, redo with the next full element
If full = has, it has the field, redo with the next full element
If full > has, redo with the next has element
Depending on your language, that might be difficult. But it is pretty easy in Javascript, for example, or other event-driven programming frameworks.
Without knowing the possible fields in advance, the answer is easy. You must create a new view to find the missing fields. The view will scan every document, one-by-one.
To avoid disturbing your existing views and design documents, you can use a brand new design document. That way, searching for the missing fields will not impact existing views you may be already using.