Adding a big data table from MS word to an array? - c

I am working on a database project, where I want to create an array as follows:
unsigned char* drillSize[][10] = {
{"0.3678", "23.222", "MN", "89000", ".000236", "678", "ZX", "8563", "LX", "0.678"},
{"0.3678", "23.222", "MN", "89000", ".000236", "678", "ZX", "8563", "LX", "0.678"},
//around 6000 rows }
I have been provided with this data in an Microsoft Word file. If I were to key in the data manually it might take weeks; is there a way to insert commas and inverted commas for each element by some means?

You can try it with regular expressions.
If your data is structured in any way like a csv file you can just import it into your program in some way and then slice it up with basic string functions.
In php I'd
$input = file_get_contents($myfile) //lets say this contains a text: 1,2,3,4,5
$sliced = explode(",",$input);
$myarray = null; //our variable
$output = "\$myarray = new array("; //creating a template for an array as a String
//some logic with the $sliced array if you need
$output .= implode(",",$sliced); //we put it back as string
$output .= ");"; //close the array
eval($output); //after this its in php's scope
Basically that's what you need in a more complex form. If the text is not that structured you might need some regular expression library for C, but I'd recommend creating a text in Python, Perl or something which has more support and more flexible then copy the code manually back to C.


Finding out what is in an array of Hash (on a server)

I am using a 3rd party shopping cart solution that runs on a server (SellerDeck). I have some code that runs on the server to format a shopping basket with basic product data (quantity, price, name). I need to find some more data which I think is held in 2 arrays of hashes. I dont know what is contained in these 2 arrays so I would like to convert the array to a string and output via the existing code that puts it in a cookie on the client which I can then view. The 2 arrays are $pCartItem and $pProduct (see code at the bottom for how they are used).
The string $cartStr (bottom of the code) is output onto the client in a cookie by another part of the code.
I would like to covert the 2 arrays into 2 strings which can be concatenated onto $cartStr. I can then read the contents on my local pc (client). My issue is I am very unfamiliar with perl and know how to do the conversion.
I tried adding :
my $MiniCrtS=" ";
my $MiniCartElmt;
foreach $MiniCartElmt (#{$pProduct}) {
$MiniCrtS=$MiniCrtS . $MiniCartElmt;
and then changed the $cartStr from:
but this change makes the code crash when run.
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or an alternative to find out the data in the arrays?
Many thanks Tony
The relevant code is:
sub miniCart
use HTML::Entities ();
my $Self = shift;
my $abrv=12; # number of characters to abbreviate item name
my $defaultCur="£"; # currency symbol to include
my $cartStr="ss=" . $::g_sSearchScript . "cur=" . $defaultCur;
my $pCartItem;
foreach $pCartItem (#{$Self->{_CartList}})
my ($Status, $Message, $pProduct) = GetProduct($pCartItem->{'PRODUCT_REFERENCE'}, $pCartItem->{'SID'});
if ($Status == $::FAILURE)
return ($Status, $Message, []);
elsif ($Status == $::NOTFOUND)
my #Prices = $Self->GetCartItemPrice($pCartItem);
$cartStr=$cartStr . "&!" . $pCartItem->{'QUANTITY'} . "x" . HTML::Entities::encode($pCartItem->{'PRODUCT_REFERENCE'}) . ">" . HTML::Entities::encode(substr($pProduct->{'NAME'},0,$abrv)) . ">" . $Prices[2]/100;
return $cartStr;
To get a dump of a data structure, you can use Data::Dumper.
I'd use it as follows:
use Data::Dumper qw( );
sub dumper {
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
return Data::Dumper::Dumper($_[0]);
warn("pProduct: " . dumper($pProduct));
This will log it the string produced to the web server's error log, but you could also return it in a cookie if that's what you really want.

php calling a string in an array creates empty array?

Currently I have this:
$fn = "file.txt";
$file = file_get_contents("./$fn");
$array = array($file);
An example of whats in the text file:
However when I print the array or even sizeof($array) it is empty. Whats the deal?
The content of your file is plain text not array data structures. You'll have to parse the content yourself. Here is one way of doing it:
$file_content = "array(1,4,3,2),array(3,2,1,2),array(5,6,7,8)";
$matches = [];
$arrays = [];
if (preg_match_all('~array\(((?:(?:\d+),?)*)\),?~', $file_content, $matches)) {
$arrays = array_map(function ($array) { return explode(',', $array); }, $matches[1]);
$arrays now contains arrays as you would expect and you can use count() to check their size.
If you know that your file always contain arrays another way to do it is by using eval.
Another approach
eval('$arrays2 = [' . $file_content . '];');
Now $arrays2 contains the same arrays. There is one subtle difference. The former approach does not cast the values to integers whereas eval does.
Warning: Only use eval() if are 100% sure that you know what goes into the function. Also note that this approach will fail on bad data, whereas the former is a little more resilient.

Accessing element of an perl Array element

I have a perl code which read csv file. It contains grid data which needs to be updated at the front end.
First, here is the perl code which reads data and formats it so that the data can be pushed to front end for display.
my #array;
for my $column ($csv->column_headers) {
my $json = encode_json([ map { $_->{$column} } #$data ]);
push(#array, "$json;");
The final data is the #array which is passed to front end javascript code. The contents of #array is as follows.
["1","2"]; ["dd","ddd"]; ["wow","cool"]; ["HOLD","HOLD"];
This data is actually 4 columns with column header names as Id, Name, Comment and type. All these data are bundled up together in #array and passed to Javascript.
var header=[];
header[0] = #array[0];
This code above displays the below output if I do a console.log(header[0]); It means it is displaying the first element of the array. but I want to display the first element's element.
["1", "2"]
whereas it should display below output.
In short, I want to know how can I access array elements elements. I tried using below code but it didn't work. Can someone please suggest?
var header=[];
header[0] = #array[0][0];
I am ultimately trying to put this data in grid by using below code.
for (var i=0;i<row_cnt;i++){
var row={};
row["type"]= type[i];
where Id[i] will corresponding to "1" in first loop and "2" in second loop. Similarly it will generate data for other columns. These are then assigned to rows and updated in grid.
As per matts suggestion, I edited the code like this
my $json = encode_json($data);
for my $column ($csv->column_names) {
push(#data_array, "var $column= $json;");
Now it displays below values at every cell of the grid.
[object Object]
Building on the answer to your previous question, I think you just need to swap out the loop at the end for this:
my $json = encode_json($data);
print "var data = $json;\n";

Perl LWP anonymous array reference containing array reference comes across as array with a single element

I'm having a small issue. I'm using LWP::useragent and post to another script. In that script I am performing some logic on a json string and multiple files passed in anonymous array. Everything was going fine until I attempted to push the multiple files I was passing into an array and pass that as an array reference within the anonymous array.
open (IMAGE, "./flower.jpg") or die "$!";
open (IMAGE2, "./fw4.pdf") or die "$!";
$raw_string1 = do{ local $/ = undef; <IMAGE>; };
$raw_string2 = do{ local $/ = undef; <IMAGE2>; };
my #file_array;
push(#file_array, $raw_string1);
push(#file_array, $raw_string2);
my $array_ref = \#file_array;
my $data = [json_string => $json, file_array => $array_ref];
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$res = $ua->request(POST($url, $data));
On the catch script I read the params being passed from the anonymous into a hash. I'm able to access the json string passes without issue like:
my $json_post = $params{'json_string'};
And then I decode it and do what I wish with it it's all good. So I figured I could access the array ref like:
my $array_ref = $params{'file_array'};
my #array = #$array_ref;
also tried
my #array = #{$array_ref};
You can only send a stream of bytes over a socket. Anything else must be serialized into a stream of bytes and deserialized on the remote end.
Your opted to serialize using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded protocol. It's only capable of serializing key-value pairs of strings. Yet you try to pass a reference.
You'll need to serialize the contents of the array into a string in a manner expected by the server.

Why do I get the same value from iterating over this hash?

I'm trying to put a hash %listvol into an array #fileInfo in Perl.
#fileInfo = ($filename, $data, $index, \%listvol);
%listvol contains a list of volume: key = $vol, value = $vol.
The first $vol values are ABCDEF, then GFFFF, EEEAA - always different.
Then I put the array #fileInfo in the hash %listeAllFile:
$listeAllFile{$nameOfFile} = [#fileInfo];
Later I'm trying to get the hash %listvol without success. I'm using this code:
foreach $key (keys %listeAllFile) {
#tab = #{ $listeAllFile{$key} };
$filename = $tab[0];
%listvol = %{ $tab[3] };
foreach $vol (keys %listvol) {
print "\n vol is $vol for file $filename";
The file name is always different, so it is ok. But the value of the variable $vol is always the same, ABCDEF. It seems that I get get each time the same value.
Does anyone have an idea?
While you didn't include code to reproduce your problem, I'm fairly sure that the issue is that you're storing a reference to the same %listvol hash in each array.
When you change the contents of %listvol for the second entry, you're modifying the first entry at the same time. One way to fix that is to use {%listvol} instead of \%listvol. The former makes a shallow copy of the current contents of %listvol, just like [#fileInfo] makes a shallow copy of the current contents of #fileInfo.
