while malloc fail, how to end the successive code without exit()? - c

While develop mobile App(limited memory about 2Mb or less), on malloc() fail, I have added a callback to report the error to UI, but the successive code still need to check the return value of malloc(), this may cause a lot of dirty code(check whether the returned memory is NULL or the false return code caused by allocation fail). is there a elegant way to terminate the successive code without exit() the whole App?

Do you mean 'is there an elegant way to continue after memory allocation failure'?
Yes, there is, sort of, but it's quite difficult to do right. By playing with setjmp and longump you can give yourself some sort of emergency recovery system a little akin to try/catch, but you have to be extremely careful to clean up as you pass up the call stack.
Moreover, until your cleanup starts actually cleaning up allocated memory, any subsequent call to malloc is liable to fail.
Mostly, elegant is going to involve making sure you pass the error status back up the call stack though, and deal with it everywhere.

So you want to notify user by the means of some popup window and then terminate?
I don't know what library you are using - in win32 it would be easy as modal windows
have their own message loop, so you do not need to exit the function that initiates a modal dialog.
Anyway you call the exit after modal dialog finishes. If you want some real cleanup logic -
it's hard and it's about whole program structure and design I think.
By the way if memory is really low even popup may fail.


Is it safe to not call curl_multi_cleanup()?

I was reading this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26648931/6872717 and decided to fix that code and improve it to be able to use it as a library.
It is one of the examples in the libcurl web page: https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/fopen.html
I found out that although the libcurl documentation states this referring to the function curl_multi_init():
This init call MUST have a corresponding call to curl_multi_cleanup
when the operation is complete.
the example code doesn't call it, ever.
In a program, it can be easy to add that call at the end of the main, but for a library, it is more difficult (or maybe impossible) to know if the multi handle can be cleaned up. Is it valid to omit the call?
I guess that constitutes a memory leak, but not a very big one, and it's only once, and I don't know how to avoid it.
Would it be OK to write a __attribute__((destructor)) url_deinit() function so that if the user forgets to call it, it would be called anyway, or would the resources already be destroyed at that moment and produce UB?
If you never clean it up, you will never get the memory and resources "back" that is allocated in relation to that handle.
In the fopen.c example, the multi handle is global and is reused and is indeed never freed. That's fine if you're fine with never getting the memory back.
When your program exits, all memory and resources will be freed forcibly anyway.

GLib handle out of memory

I've a question concerning the GLib.
I would like to use the GLib in a server context but I'm not aware on how the memory is managed:
If any call to allocate memory fails, the application is terminated. This also means that there is no need to check if the call succeeded.
If I look at the source code, if g_malloc failed, it will call g_error:
define g_error(...)
A convenience function/macro to log an error message.
Error messages are always fatal, resulting in a call to abort() to terminate the application.[...]
But in my case, as I'm developing a server application, I don't want the application exit, I would prefer, as the traditional malloc function, the GLib functions returns NULL or something to indicate an error happened.
So, my question is, there is a manner to handle out of memory?
Is the GLib not recommended for server purpose applications?
If I look at the man of abort I can see that I can handle the signal but I'll make the management of out-of-memory errors a little bit painful...
The abort() function causes abnormal program termination to occur, unless
the signal SIGABRT is being caught and the signal handler does not
Thanks for you help!
It's very difficult to recover from lack of memory. The reason for that is that it can be considered a terminal state, in the sense that lack of memory will persist for some time before it goes away. Even reacting to the lack of memory (like informing the user) might require more memory, for example, to build and send a message. A related problem is that there are operating systems (linux at least) that may be over optimistic about allocating memory. When the kernel realizes that memory is missing, it may kill the application, even if your code is handling the failures.
So either you have a much stricter grasp of your whole system than average, or you won't be able to successfully handle out of memory errors, and, in this case, it doesn't matter what the helper library is doing.
If you really want to control memory allocation while still using glib, you have partial ways to do that. Don't use any glib allocation function and use some from other library. Glib provides functions that receive a "free function" when necessary. For example:
The hash table constructor accepts functions for destroying both keys and values. In your case, the data will be allocated using custom allocation functions, while the hash data structures will be allocated with glib functions.
Alternatively you could use g_try_* macros to allocate memory, so you still use glib allocator, but it won't abort on error. Again, this only partially solves the problem. Internally, glib will implicitly call functions that may abort and it assumes it will never return on error.
About the general question: does it make sense for a server to crash when it's out of memory ? The obvious answer is no, but I can't estimate how theoretical this answer is. I can only expect that the server system be properly sized for its operation and reject as invalid any input that could potentially exceed its capacities, and for that, it doesn't matter which libraries it might use.
I'm probably editorializing a bit here, but the modern tendency to use virtual/logical memory (both names have been used, although "logical" is more distinct) does dramatically complicate knowing when memory is exhausted, although I think one can restore the old, real-(RAM + swap) model (I'll call this the physical model) in Linux with the following in /etc/sysctl.d/10-no-overcommit.conf:
vm.overcommit_memory = 2
vm.overcommit_ratio = 100
This restores the ability to have the philosophy that if a program's malloc just failed, that program has a good chance of having been the actual cause of memory exhaustion, and can then back away from the construction of the current object, freeing memory along the way, possibly grumbling at the user for having asked for something crazy that needed too much RAM, and awaiting the next request. In this model, most OOM conditions resolve almost instantly - the program either copes and presumably returns RAM, or gets killed immediately on the following SEGV when it tries to use the 0 returned by malloc.
With the virtual/logical memory models that linux tends to default to in 2013, this doesn't work, since a program won't find memory isn't available at malloc, but instead upon attempting to access memory later at which point the kernel finally realizes there's nowhere in RAM for it. This amounts to disaster, since any program on the system can die, rather than the one the ran the host out of RAM. One can understand why some GLib folks don't even care about trying to fix this problem, because with the logical memory model, it can't be fixed.
The original point of logical memory was to allow huge programs using more than half the memory of the host to still be able to fork and exec supporting programs. It was typically enabled only on hosts with that particular usage pattern. Now in 2013 when a home workstation can have 24+ GiB of RAM, there's really no excuse to have logical memory enabled at all 99% of the time. It should probably be disabled by default on hosts with >4 GiB of RAM at boot.
Anyway. So if you want to take the old-school physical model approach, make sure your computer has it enabled, or there's no point to testing your malloc and realloc calls.
If you are in that model, remember that GLib wasn't really guided by the same philosophy (see http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=51286#c27 for just how madly astray some of them are). Any library based on GLib might be infected with the same attitude as well. However, there may be some interesting things one can do with GLib in the physical memory model by emplacing your own memory handlers with g_mem_set_vtable(), since you might be able to poke around in program globals and reduce usage in a cache or the like to free up space, then retry the underlying malloc. However, that's limited in its own way by not knowing which object was under construction at the point your special handler is invoked.

Implementing a Memory Debugger

I've written a debugger using ptrace(2) that is mainly for auditing system calls and redirecting standard IO of a child process. I would also like to detect memory leaks using this debugger.
I thought that it might be as easy as counting references to the system call brk(2), but it isn't. Unfortunately (or fortunately), Linux seems to call brk(2) at the end of the program regardless of whether or not the memory was properly freed.
I've seen this in a program that calls malloc(3) and free(3) and a program that just calls malloc(3) - they both have equal counts of brk(2) calls by the time the program has called exit_group(2), which is happens on return (perhaps I could be interpreting those results incorrectly?).
Or, perhaps exit_group(2) isn't equivalent to 'return' from main, and I should be setting a different break point for auditing the call count of brk(2).
I found a similar question here, but I still haven't found an answer.
I understand that Valgrind is a perfect tool for this, but it would cause considerable overhead.
Does anyone have helpful information on detecting memory leaks with ptrace(2)? Is possible with ptrace(2)? Is there a more practical way? Is there an API for memory debugging child processes?
If there's other functions involved with allocate memory, I would count those too. On the page for malloc, it says that mmap(2) is also used in memory allocation. So, I would be counting that too.
Use gdb's heap extension. It will do what you want. IF you want to use it programatically, just pipe the results to your application to do post processing:

C how to handle malloc returning NULL? exit() or abort()

When malloc() fails, which would be the best way to handle the error? If it fails, I want to immediately exit the program, which I would normally do with using exit(). But in this special case, I'm not quite sure if exit() would be the way to go here.
In library code, it's absolutely unacceptable to call exit or abort under any circumstances except when the caller broke the contact of your library's documented interface. If you're writing library code, you should gracefully handle any allocation failures, freeing any memory or other resources acquired in the attempted operation and returning an error condition to the caller. The calling program may then decide to exit, abort, reject whatever command the user gave which required excessive memory, free some unneeded data and try again, or whatever makes sense for the application.
In all cases, if your application is holding data which has not been synchronized to disk and which has some potential value to the user, you should make every effort to ensure that you don't throw away this data on allocation failures. The user will almost surely be very angry. It's best to design your applications so that the "save" function does not require any allocations, but if you can't do that in general, you might instead want to perform frequent auto-save-to-temp-file operations or provide a way of dumping the memory contents to disk in a form that's not the standard file format (which might for example require ugly XML and ZIP libraries, each with their own allocation needs, to write) but instead a more "raw dump" which you application can read and recover from on the next startup.
If malloc() returns NULL it means that the allocation was unsuccessful. It's up to you to deal with this error case. I personally find it excessive to exit your entire process because of a failed allocation. Deal with it some other way.
Use Both?
It depends on whether the core file will be useful. If no one is going to analyze it, then you may as well simply _exit(2) or exit(3).
If the program will sometimes be used locally and you intend to analyze any core files produced, then that's an argument for using abort(3).
You could always choose conditionally, so, with --debug use abort(3) and without it use exit.

What is the correct way to handle "out of memory"?

Recently, I work on a video player program on Windows for a CCTV program. As the program has to decode and play many videos streams at the same time, I think it might meet the situation that malloc will fail and I add checking after every malloc.
But genrally speaking, in these code of open source programs that I've read in open source projects, I seldom find any checking of result of malloc. So when malloc fails, most program will just crash. Isn't that unacceptalbe?
My colleagues who write server programs on linux will alloc a enough memory for 100 client connections. So although his program might refuse the 101 client, it will never met a failure of malloc. Is his approach also suitable for desktop applications?
On Linux, malloc() will never fail -- instead, the OOM killer will be triggered and begin killing random processes until the system falls over. Since Linux is the most popular UNIX derivative in use today, many developers have learned to just never check the result of malloc(). That's probably why your colleagues ignore malloc() failures.
On OSes which support failures, I've seen two general patterns:
Write a custom procedure which checks the result of malloc(), and calls abort() if allocation failed. For example, the GLib and GTK+ libraries use this approach.
Store a global list of "purge-able" allocations, such as caches, which can be cleared in the event of allocation failure. Then, try the allocation again, and if it still fails, report it via the standard error reporting mechanisms (which do not perform dynamic allocation).
Follow the standardized API
Even on Linux, ulimit can be used to get a prompt malloc error return. It's just that it defaults to unlimited.
There is a definite pressure to conform to published standards. On most systems, in the long run, and eventually even on Linux, malloc(3) will return a correct indication of failure. It is true that desktop systems have virtual memory and demand paging, but even then not checking malloc(3) only works in a debugged program with no memory leaks. If anything goes wrong, someone will want to set a ulimit and track it down. Suddenly, the malloc check makes sense.
To use the result of malloc without checking for null is unacceptable in code that might be open to use on platforms where malloc can fail, on those it will tend to result in crashes and unpredicatable behaviour. I can't forsee the future, don't know where my code will go, so I would write code with checks for malloc returning null - better to die than behave unpredicatbly!
Strategies for what to do if malloc fails depend upon the kind of applciation and how much confidence you have in the libraries you are using. It some situations the only safe thing to do is halt the whole program.
The idea of preallocating a known quota of memory and parcelling out in some chunks, hence steering clear of actually exhausting the memeory is a good one, if your application's memory usage is predicatable. You can extend this to writing your own memory management routines for use by your code.
It depends on the type of application that you are working on. If the application does work that is divided into discrete tasks where an individual task can be allowed to fail, then checking memory allocations can be recovered from gracefully.
But in many cases, the only reasonable way to respond to a malloc failure is by terminating the program. Allowing your code to just crash on the inevitable null dereference will achieve that. It would certainly always be better to dump a log entry or error message explaining the error, but in the real world we work on limited schedules. Sometimes the return on investment of pedantic error handling isn't there.
Always check, and pre-allocate a buffer that can be freed in this case so you can warn the user to save his data and shut down the application.
Depends on the app you write. Of course you always need to check the return value of malloc(). However, handling OOM gracefully only makes sense in very cases, such as low-level crucial system services, or when writing a library that might be used be them. Having a malloc wrapper that aborts on OOM is hence very common in many apps and frameworks. Often those wrappers are named xmalloc() or similar.
GLib's g_malloc() is aborting, too.
If you are going to handle huge amounts of memory, and want to make statements to Linux like "now I have memory area ABC and I don't need the B piece, do as you wish", have a look to mmap()/madvise() family of functions available in stock GNU C library. Depending on your usage patterns, the code can end up even simpler than using malloc. This API can also be used to help Linux not waste memory by caching files you are going to read/write only once.
They are nicely documented in GNU libc info documentation.
It is usually impossible for a program to handle running out of memory. What are you going to do? Open a file and log something? If you try to allocate a large block and it fails, you may have a fallback and try again with a smaller buffer, but if you fail to allocate 10 bytes, there is not much you can do. And checking for null constantly convolutes the code. For that reason I usually add a custom function that does checking and aborts on fail:
static void* xmalloc(size_t sz) {
void* p = malloc(sz);
if (!p) abort();
return p;
