What is this sizeof trick doing? - c

It's been a while since I looked at C code, but I'm trying to make sure I understand what's going on here. Someone has declared this (has more members in their code):
int trysizes[] = { 64, 64, 128, 64, };
Then later they use this as part of a for loop:
I'm thinking the first part is the number of bytes in the array and the second part must be the size of each array member giving us the number of items in the array. Is this a standard way to calculate array length and what is the second sizeof actually doing?

Yes, after fixing the confusing syntax so this becomes
or even better
this is the preferred way of computing the number of elements of an array. The second sizeof indeed computes the size of element 0 of the array.
Note that this only works when trysizes is actually an array, not a pointer to one.

You got it. The second sizeof in the denominator de-references the first element of the array, yielding the size of element 0. sizeof knows the total buffer size of an array variable - the numerator - and so this idiom will yield the number of elements in the array.
In my experience this is an uncommon expression of this particular idiom, usually I've seen, and I use:
This more clearly identifies the variable as an array and not a pointer.
This is a pretty common trick, but be aware that it only works if the variable is declared as an array, e.g. this won't work on an array that's been converted to a pointer as a function parameter.

The keypiont is that,when using sizeof, although we mostly use int a; sizeof(a); , we can also omit the parentheses, like this: int a; sizeof a;
So in this case, sizeof*(trysizes) == sizeof *trysizes == sizeof(*trysizes)


Is a 2D Array an Array of Pointers?

If I have:
int A[10][20];
it will print the address of A[3][0].
However, I'd like to know if this one dimensional array A[3] containing pointers really exists, or it is calculated in some way.
The way you have defined A means that the compiler will allocate for it a contiguous block of memory large enough to hold 10 x 20 (200) integers; see here (scroll down to "Multidimesional arrays"). As I'm sure you realize, if you were to do printf("%p", A); you would see the address of the beginning of that allocated block.
Now, when the compiler sees the expression A[3], it will add what it calculates as the necessary amount of "integer sizes" to the base address (that of A, or A[0][0]); in this case, it will add "3" (the index specified) multiplied by the combined size of all the other dimensions (in this case, there's only one, which is 20).
So, in your case, there is no actual array of pointers; just a memory block that the compiler can interpret according to how you described any part(s) of it.
However, in a more versatile approach, one can actually define a 2D array in terms of an actual array of pointers, like so:
int **A;
A = malloc(10 * sizeof(int*));
for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) A[n] = malloc(20 * sizeof(int));
In this case, using printf("%p",A[3]); would still be valid, but it would give a very different offset value from printf("%p",A); or printf("%p",A[0]);.
It's also, perhaps, worth noting that, even though these two different declarations for A can both resolve an individual element through an expression like A[i][j] (but the compiler would evaluate the addresses differently), there is here scope for major confusion! When, for example, passing such an array to a function: if the function expects data allocated in the second form, and you give it an array defined in the first form (and vice versa), you're gonna get major undefined behaviour .
yes there is a way to calculate the position:
for A[i][j]
the position of the memory block will be
pos = A + i*(number_of_columns_in_each_row) + j
here A is the pointer to the first element of the array
However, I'd like to know if this one dimensional array A containing pointers really exists, or it is calculated in some way.
The way you defined the array A :
int A[10][20];
does not contain any pointers as elements of the array. it contains only integer elements.
if you want to make an array of pointers, which should be assigned to int-variables is defined like that:
int *A[10][20];
You also can set a pointer to the start of the array, which means element [0] [0]
by using:
int *pointer;
int *A[10][20];
pointer = &A;
You also be able to set the pointer slightly forwards according to each element by increase the pointer.

memcpy start index really needed?

The question is when we are copying any Byte array using memcpy(), shall we explicitly declare the starting (0 th) index for the destination buffer or simple mentioning it would suffice. Let me show the examples what I'm talking about. Provided that we are trying to copy source buffer to starting of the destination buffer.
BYTE *pucInputData; // we have some data here
BYTE ucOutputData[20] = {0};
Code 1
memcpy((void*)&ucOutputData, (void*)pucInputData, 20);
Code 2
memcpy((void*)&ucOutputData[0], (void*)pucInputData, 20);
In your case, considering this a C code snippet, and ucOutputData is an array
memcpy(ucOutputData, pucInputData, 20);
memcpy(&ucOutputData[0], pucInputData, 20);
both are same and can be used Interchangeably. The name of the array essentially gives you the address of the first element in the array.
Now, as per the very useful discussion in below comments, it is worthy to mention, that
memcpy(&ucOutputData, pucInputData, 20);
will also do the job here, but there is a fundamental difference between the usage of array name and address of array name. Considering the example in the question, for a definition like BYTE ucOutputData[20],
ucOutputData points to the address of the first element of an array of 20 BYTEs.
&ucOutputData is a pointer to an array of 20 BYTEs.
So, they are of different type and C respects the type of the variable. Hence, to avoid any possible misuse and misconception, the recommended and safe way to use this is either of the the first two expressions.
FWIW, the cast(s) here is(are) really not needed. Any pointer type can be implicitly ansd safely be converted to void * in C.
No, both of your examples are sub-optimal.
Remember that all data pointers in C convert to/from void * (which is the type of the first argument to memcpy()) without loss of information and that no cast is necessary to do so.
Also remember that the name of an array evaluates to the address of the first element in many contexts, such as here.
Also remember to use sizeof when you can, never introduce a literal constant when you don't have to.
So, the copy should just be:
memcpy(ucOutputData, pucInputData, sizeof ucOutputData);
Note that we use sizeof without parentheses, it's not a function. Also we use it on the destination buffer, which seems the safer choice.
Since an expression &array[0] is the same as array, and because any pointer can be implicitly converted to void*, you should do this instead:
memcpy(ucOutputData, pucInputData, 20);
Moreover, since you are writing over the entire ucOutputData, you do not need to zero out its content, so it's OK to drop the initializer:
BYTE ucOutputData[20]; // no "= {0}" part
A native array can decay to a pointer without conversion, so in the snippet below, the three assignments to p all result in the same value; p will point to the beginning of the array. No explicit cast is needed because casting to void* is implicit.
typedef char BYTE;
BYTE ucOutputData[20] = {0};
void *p = &ucOutputData;
p = ucOutputData;
p = &ucOutputData[0];

Getting length of an array

I've been wondering how to get the number of elements of an array. Somewhere in this website I found an answer which told me to declare the following macro:
#define NELEMS(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
It works well for arrays defined as:
type arr[];
but not for the following:
type *arr = (type) malloc(32*sizeof(type));
it returns 1 in that case (it's supposed to return 32).
I would appreciate some hint on that
Pointers do not keep information about whether they point to a single element or the first element of an array
So if you have a statement like this
type *arr = (type) malloc(32*sizeof(type));
then here is arr is not an array. It is a pointer to the beginning of the dynamically allocated memory extent.
Or even if you have the following declarations
type arr[10];
type *p = arr;
then again the pointer knows nothing about whether it points to a single object or the first element of an array. You can in any time write for example
type obj;
p = &obj;
So when you deal with pointers that point to first elements of arrays you have to keep somewhere (in some other variable) the actual size of the referenced array.
As for arrays themselves then indeed you may use expression
sizeof( arr ) / sizeof( *arr )
sizeof( arr ) / sizeof( arr[0] )
But arrays are not pointers though very often they are converted to pojnters to their first elements with rare exceptions. And the sizeof operator is one such exception. Arrays used in sizeof operator are not converted to pointers to their first elements.
sizeof operator produces the size of a type of the variable. It does not count the amount of memory allocated to a pointer (representing the array).
To elaborate,
in case of type arr[32];, sizeof (arr) is essentially sizeof(type[32]).
in case of type *arr;, sizeof(arr) is essentially sizeof(type*)
To get the length of a string, you need to use strlen().
Remember, the definition of string is a null-terminated character array.
That said, in your code,
type *arr = (type) malloc(32*sizeof(type));
is very wrong. To avoid this kind of error, we suggest do not cast malloc().
And remove the cast. You should not cast the result of malloc and
These are the main reasons for not casting the returned value from malloc (and family of functions).
in C, the return type of those functions is 'void*'. A void * can be assigned to any pointer type.
During debugging and during maintenance the receiving pointer type is often changed. The origin of that change is often not where the malloc function is called. If the returned value is cast, then a bug is introduced to the code. This kind of bug can be very difficult to find.
There is no safe and sound way of finding the length of an array in C since no bookkeeping is done for them.
You will need to use some other data structures which does the book keeping for you in order to ensure the correct result every time.

Can an array have trailing padding?

It is clear that arrays in C cannot insert padding between their elements. However, is there any rule saying that they can't add trailing padding at the end of the array as a whole?
i.e. is this program guaranteed to give the same results everywhere?
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
typedef char a[3];
typedef a b[3];
printf("%zu %zu\n", sizeof(a), sizeof(b)); // -> 3 9
As far as I can work out, adding a trailing byte or five to the size of a, perhaps in a misguided optimization attempt, wouldn't break the array access rules (b[1][1] still maps exactly to *(&b + sizeof(a) * 1 + 1) regardless of the size of its contained a objects, and accessing beyond the length of a contained a is UB anyway).
I can't find anywhere in the C standard where it actually says outright that the size of an array is the size of the element type multiplied by the number of elements. only says that sizeof returns the "number of bytes" in the array (it does give sizeof array / sizeof array[0] as a code example, but it's only an example - it doesn't say it has to work, and it doesn't give any details).
The implicit guarantee is useful for writing portable code that depends on exact data layouts, e.g. passing packed RGB values:
typedef uint8_t RGB[3];
RGB * data = ...;
glColorPointer(3, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, data);
(OK so OpenGL can accept stride values so this is a bad example, but you get the point)
For that matter, I assume from the widespread notion (even to the example in the standard) that you can get the number of elements of an array with sizeof, that this is likely to hold true everywhere anyway - are there any known situations where it isn't?
I believe it was never considered necessary for the standard to actually spell out that arrays don't have padding, for the simple reason that there is absolutely no reason why such padding might ever be useful on any implementation.
That said, I do believe the standard forbids such padding, through the description of the == operator.
6.5.9 Equality operators
6 Two pointers compare equal if and only if [...] or one is a pointer
to one past the end of one array object and the other is a pointer to the start of a different array object that happens to immediately follow the first array object in the address space.
int array[2][2];
the expression &array[0][2] points is a pointer one past the end of the first array subobject. &array[1][0] is a pointer to the second array subobject, which immediately follows the first array in memory. These pointers are required to compare equal. If int[2] had trailing padding, if sizeof(int[2]) > 2 * sizeof(int), I cannot imagine how any implementation could make the two pointers compare as equal.

Questions about pointers and arrays

Sanity-check questions:
I did a bit of googling and discovered the correct way to return a one-dimensional integer array in C is
int * function(args);
If I did this, the function would return a pointer, right? And if the return value is r, I could find the nth element of the array by typing r[n]?
If I had the function return the number "3", would that be interpreted as a pointer to the address "3?"
Say my function was something like
int * function(int * a);
Would this be a legal function body?
int * b;
b = a;
return b;
Are we allowed to just assign arrays to other arrays like that?
If pointers and arrays are actually the same thing, can I just declare a pointer without specifying the size of the array? I feel like
int a[10];
conveys more information than
int * a;
but aren't they both ways of declaring an array? If I use the latter declaration, can I assign values to a[10000000]?
Main question:
How can I return a two-dimensional array in C? I don't think I could just return a pointer to the start of the array, because I don't know what dimensions the array has.
Thanks for all your help!
Yes but it would require a cast: return (int *)3;
Yes but you are not assigning an array to another array, you are assigning a pointer to a pointer.
Pointers and arrays are not the same thing. int a[10] reserves space for ten ints. int *a is an uninitialized variable pointing to who knows what. Accessing a[10000000] will most likely crash your program as you are trying to access memory you don't have access to or doesn't exist.
To return a 2d array return a pointer-to-pointer: int ** f() {}
Yes; array indexing is done in terms of pointer arithmetic: a[i] is defined as *(a + i); we find the address of the i'th element after a and dereference the result. So a could be declared as either a pointer or an array.
It would be interpreted as an address, yes (most likely an invalid address). You would need to cast the literal 3 as a pointer, because values of type int and int * are not compatible.
Yes, it would be legal. Pointless, but legal.
Pointers and arrays are not the same thing; in most circumstances, an expression of array type will be converted ("decay") to an expression of pointer type and its value will be the address of the first element of the array. Declaring a pointer by itself is not sufficient, because unless you initialize it to point to a block of memory (either the result of a malloc call or another array) its value will be indeterminate, and may not point to valid memory.
You really don't want to return arrays; remember that an array expression is converted to a pointer expression, so you're returning the address of the first element. However, when the function exits, that array no longer exists and the pointer value is no longer valid. It's better to pass the array you want to modify as an argument to the function, such as
void foo (int *a, size_t asize)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < asize; i++)
a[i] = some_value();
Pointers contain no metadata about the number of elements they point to, so you must pass that as a separate parameter.
For a 2D array, you'd do something like
void foo(size_t rows, size_t columns, int (*a)[columns])
size_t i, j;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++)
a[i][j] = some_value;
This assumes you're using a C99 compiler or a C2011 compiler that supports variable length arrays; otherwise the number of columns must be a constant expression (i.e., known at compile time).
These answers certainly call for a bit more depth. The better you understand pointers, the less bad code you will write.
An array and a pointer are not the same, EXCEPT when they are. Off the top of my head:
int a[2][2] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
int (* p)[2] = a;
ASSERT (p[1][1] == a[1][1]);
Array "a" functions exactly the same way as pointer "p." And the compiler knows just as much from each, specifically an address, and how to calculate indexed addresses. But note that array a can't take on new values at run time, whereas p can. So the "pointer" aspect of a is gone by the time the program runs, and only the array is left. Conversely, p itself is only a pointer, it can point to anything or nothing at run time.
Note that the syntax for the pointer declaration is complicated. (That is why I came to stackoverflow in the first place today.) But the need is simple. You need to tell the compiler how to calculate addresses for elements past the first column. (I'm using "column" for the rightmost index.) In this case, we might assume it needs to increment the address ((2*1) + 1) to index [1][1].
However, there are a couple of more things the compiler knows (hopefully), that you might not.
The compiler knows two things: 1) whether the elements are stored sequentially in memory, and 2) whether there really are additional arrays of pointers, or just one pointer/address to the start of the array.
In general, a compile time array is stored sequentially, regardless of dimension(s), with no extra pointers. But to be sure, check the compiler documentation. Thus if the compiler allows you to index a[0][2] it is actually a[1][0], etc. A run time array is however you make it. You can make one dimensional arrays of whatever length you choose, and put their addresses into other arrays, also of whatever length you choose.
And, of course, one reason to muck with any of these is because you are choosing from using run time multiplies, or shifts, or pointer dereferences to index the array. If pointer dereferences are the cheapest, you might need to make arrays of pointers so there is no need to do arithmetic to calculate row addresses. One downside is it requires memory to store the addtional pointers. And note that if the column length is a power of two, the address can be calculated with a shift instead of a multiply. So this might be a good reason to pad the length up--and the compiler could, at least theoretically, do this without telling you! And it might depend on whether you select optimization for speed or space.
Any architecture that is described as "modern" and "powerful" probably does multiplies as fast as dereferences, and these issues go away completely--except for whether your code is correct.
