datbase.php of cakephp not uploading to github - cakephp

I have recently started using GitHub. I am uploading my cakephp website.
Also, I am using GitHUb for windows, http://windows.github.com/
Now, after I added my CakePHP files -> committed the changes -> synced, I do not see my app/database.php file being uploaded.
I checked the repository through browser, but still can't find the database.php file.
I have re-installed GitHub for windows, created a new repository, again added the files to it, but same result.
Please help, what is the issue.

Clear your .gitignore file and commit again.
But database.php is in your .gitignore is for a security reason. It may contain sensitive data, double check it before pushing.


I want to make my website open source but I have a file with DB credentials

I made a website with NextJS that I'd like to make open source, but I have a .env file with read-only credentials to my DB.
I don't think it would be a huge issue to make those credentials public as I wouldn't mind people querying my DB, but it still seems risky and I'd rather not.
Keep in mind that I use Vercel to deploy the website, which gets the code from the git repo.
I've thought about cloning the private repo, deleting the .env file and making this new repo public, but that's not an ideal solution since I'd end up with two repos.
I assume your .env file has already been committed to the repo?
Add it to .gitignore, and use BFG (usage instructions at that link) to delete the file from your repo. A normal delete will not work, as the file will still be in the git history. Using BFG, it'll be erased from the repo entirely.

How to deploy entire React JS project files to Github for collaboration

I'm currently working on a React App in visual studio code. However I need my friend to also work on the same project. I deployed it successfully to github but of course it only uploads the static build folder. How do I get the entire project across to my friend so he can work on it?
Follow this instruction link in their documentation on how to add an existing project to github. Or even simpler, VSCode has a built in "Publish to Github" command, use it. Make sure you don't ignore anything you don't want in the .gitignore file. You don't need to upload the static build folder though, ignore it in the .gitignore file. Your friend can build the project himself.
Open the Github repository settings and look for something called "Manage access". There you can see an option where you can invite a collaborator. That way your friend will have write access to the repo and can push change to the code.
Told him to clone the repo and accept the invite -> done.

I need help github and intelij idea

Your help is very necessary. I am creating react-project in intellij idea. When I want to commit files before pushing them to github, I can't see all the files with folders that were created. When I create a branch, it is visible on github, but files and folders are NOT pushed and they are not visible. How can I solve this problem? Thank you very much)
This is my files and folders
enter image description here
And here is what I get after committing
enter image description here
Your files are not confirmed or tracked. If you run git status in the Terminal you will see all files added or changed. So you need to add this files to git tracking and after to perform a commit. And finally, git push to upload your changes to Github.
In the UI simply mark the checkbox to add all files to the commit.

gitlab markdown delete file

I use GitLab CE 9.5.3 and I've added a file as attachment to a repository, but when I've deleted the file from the gitlab console the file has not been deleted from the file system.
Have you got any suggestions on how to fix it?
In order to reflect the changes made on the web to your file system, you have to perform a git pull from your system.

GAE appcfg.py deploy always upload all files (instead changed only)

I've started to have a problem today.
Everytime I run appcfg.py update . it updates 441 project files.
Even if I just modified 1 it will upload 442.
running appcfg.py update . twice will upload 441 files every time.
This is obviusly a problem because instead uploading a couple of files it is uploading a lot of them and taking a lot of time.
This is what I have tried:
Updated app engine launcher to it latest version
removed all files from the folder, download them again from git
nothing seems to work.
I even left only app.yaml and index.php and it uploaded both files every time, even if I do not change anything.
Ideas? thanks
This is expected behavior. Uploading the files are always fast for me.
it is fixed now.
At the moment of this answer, google seems to have fixed the issue.
Just tried to deploy and it only uploaded the modified files.
