FlexSlider and IE7 - internet-explorer-7

I am building a homepage that includes a calendar carousel coming from an RSS feed. I have placed a FlexSlider inside of the rss reader jquery plugin. It seems to work everywhere, but IE7. Is this a FlexSlider issue? or is it my coding?
See example: http://enews.andover.edu/q/v2/
Many thanks,

In your slider loading code, your HTML or your PHP, the last argument should not contain a comma otherwise it won't work.
Hope this helps

I took the last comma out from the Flexslider options JS code and it worked in IE7!


PDF generation from AngularJS

I made an AngularJS page with multiple tables, and I need a pdf generation solution. I'm working in a Phonegap context.
The tools I found until now were not able to handle the CSS in my page (like JSpdf).
Do you know some great tools to solve my problem ?
Thanks in advance.
You can try phantomJS. http://phantomjs.org
It provides print to pdf function too.

Codepen like template

I'm building a web application with AngularJS.
The application should behave like Codepen:
4 sections,
allowing the user to hide/show one section or another
with a resizing element allowing the user to shrink or enlarge sections.
I snooped on Codepen's code and I realized it's intensively relying on JQuery-UI.
I'd like to find any Codepen-like boilerplate template or similar example using Twitter Bootstrap or matching AngularJS
Thanks in advance
Plunker (http://www.plnkr.co) which is similar to CodePen is created using Angular.
Check out the GitHub Repo: https://github.com/filearts/plunker
At last I found these solutions:
Flexy Layout (discontinued?)
this stackoverflow (CSS based)

IE 11 doesn't render masonry js properly

Latest Update:
This got fixed in the new masonry version.
Original Post:
I have an AngularJS website with Bootstrap3 style, which works fine in Chrome, Safari and Firefox, but not in IE (and I thought those days would be over).
I use the Masonry-plugin to display some tiles. The first time I open the page IE11 sticks the tiles together. I believe it is because of some problem with the padding in bootstrap. When trying to debug the application or only show variable contents on console.log everything works fine. Also after reloading the page everything is rendered as expected, it is really only on the first time the page is accessed.
I've noticed that Masonry's website and examples work with IE so I'm trying to figure out what they have different.
The above mentioned problems also occur in IE10 - I don't have any information about IE9 and we don't intend to support IE8 or before.
Update: I've noticed that the masonry website doesn't use paddings (like bootstrap does) but margins instead, and indeed when I remove paddings and add margins, it works. However the question remains - Why doesn't it work with paddings?
Update 2: I have a working test which shows the error. It is quite extensive, and can be accessed here: http://server.grman.at/ie11-intro.html
It shows that the problem only occurs in IE, if the some script (probably the masonry library) is pre-loaded on a page before and afterwards used.
Here a screenshot of how it should look from Chrome:
And here a screenshot of how it looks for me in IE11:
Last Update: Yes, it's the masonry script, I've created a second intro page: http://server.grman.at/ie11-intro2.html which doesn't preload the masonry script and it works, now the quesion is - WHY?
After playing around with your demo a bit, I found that loading masonry.pkgd.min.js before Bootstrap and custom styles would resolve the issue for me. Something in Masonry's setup is breaking re-navigations in Internet Explorer - though I don't have specifics at this time.
Move the masonry script tag to the top of your document, above Bootstrap and your styles, and you should find that the issue is resolved.
The obvious and fast answer (as I'm not sure if the error is fixable in the masonry script in the first place) is, to remove a reference to the masonry script whenever you are not going to use it in the website.
This got fixed in the newer masonry version

How do I convert my HTML/CSS site to be used on Mobile/Tablet

I made a website in complete HTML/CSS and a little bit of Javascript and Flash. I would like to know if it is possible to have it be good for Mobile/Tablet.
I am working in Dreamweaver and i clicked FILE > CONVERT > XHTML MOBILE 1.0 but got this error message "couldt fix 4 elements without alt attribute.
If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it, thank you!
Use response CSS.
Twitter Bootstrap is great for this sort of thing. Divshot is a good tool for constructing user interfaces with Twitter Bootstrap.

Drupal 7.10 WYSIWYG with syntax highlighting

Does anyone have a confirmed/tested working way of setting up a rich WYSIWYG (like CKEditor or TinyMCE) with support for syntax highlighting (for pasting and sharing java/php/etc.) in Drupal 7.10?
I have now tried a variety of combinations, and I have struggled to get any of them to work in Drupal 7.10. Here is what I have tried:
CKEditor (3.6.2) using CKEditor module (7.x-1.6) with Syntax Highlighter library and
Syntax Highlighter Module (7x-1.1). I followed betuts.com/guide-install-syntax-highlighter-ckeditorckeditor-syntax-highlighter-plugin-drupal-7.
Problem: I could not get a code button into my CKEditor. I just would not appear no matter what I did - perhaps it has something to do with the new drag-and-drop
method of adding buttons that has replaced the old text-based one.
CKEditor (3.6.2)with CKEditor module (7.x-1.6) GeSHi Filter (7x-1.0) module and GeSHi libarary following this guide peterpetrik.com/blog/ckeditor-and-geshi-filter.
Problem: Same as above, I cannot seem to get the code button to appear in my CKEditor.
WYSIWYG module with CKEditor and Google Code Prettifier module + library.
Problem: Although this solution is simple and works beautifully with no editor, I simply cannot find a good way of getting CKEditor (or any of the other RTEs) to stop HTML-escaping code inside <pre> tags.
I appreciate your help (this is my first post :-)!
After some more work I got the following combination to work. I also did a more elaborated guide here.
Using WYSIWYG module with CKEditor library. I can insert my code into pre tags (using the Formatted style), and this should also be possible with most other RTEs you can use with the WYSIWYG module.
For the markup itself I installed the Prettify module with the Google Code Prettify library. This will syntax highlight any code within pre or code tags. BUT if you also enable the prettify filter, you will get unwanted html-escapes inside your tags. This is what caused me to think it was CKEditor who did the escapes as described in scenario 3 above.
So this is verified to work with Drupal 7.10, WYSIWYG 7-2.1, and Prettify 7-1.x-dev.
We ran into similar issue on our site when posting to our own site and had to modify CKEditor plugin.
Modified plugin code is posted on https://github.com/dbrain/ckeditor-syntaxhighlight/tree/ckeditor-4
