mybatis ordering by many fields with dynamic sql - ibatis

Is there a cleaner way of doing the next :
<select id="getWithQueryData" resultMap="usuarioResult" parameterType="my.QueryData" >
select * from t_user
<if test="fieldName != null and ascDesc != null">
order by
<when test="fieldName == 'name'">
<when test="fieldName == 'lastName'">
<when test="fieldName == 'email'">
<when test="fieldName == 'password'">
<when test="fieldName == 'age'">
<if test="ascDesc == 'asc'">
<if test="ascDesc == 'desc'">
limit #{limit} offset #{offset};
As you could infer, QueryData looks like:
public class FiltroBusquedaVO {
private Integer offset;
private Integer limit;
private String fieldName;
private String ascDesc; ... }
Would be nice if I could get a column name given a fieldName. I mean, the result maps have that info. But it seems I can not get it from the xml.
My example has just 5 fields, but what about 20 fields? Is there another way around of doing this less verbose?

See my answer on a similar problem.
Mybatis map property to column
But with that the only downside is you java code will know about the column names.

This is how I did it:
List<ProjectLockDBO> getProjectsLocks(#Param("projectId") Integer projectId, #Param("userId") Integer userId, #Param("limit") Integer limit,
#Param("offset") Integer offset, #Param("sortAsc") List<String> sortAsc, #Param("sortDesc") List<String> sortDesc);
<select id="getProjectsLocks" resultMap="ProjectLockResult">
pl.created_at, AS user_id, AS user_email,
u.first_name AS user_first_name,
u.last_name AS user_last_name
FROM projects_locks pl
LEFT JOIN users u ON = pl.created_by_id
<if test="projectId != null"> AND pl.project_id = #{projectId}</if>
<if test="userId != null"> AND pl.created_by_id = #{userId}</if>
<when test="sortAsc != null or sortDesc != null">
ORDER BY <if test="sortAsc != null">
<foreach collection="sortAsc" item="element" open="" close=" ASC" separator=",">
<if test="sortAsc != null and sortDesc != null">, </if>
<if test="sortDesc != null">
<foreach collection="sortDesc" item="element" open="" close=" DESC" separator=",">
<otherwise>ORDER BY;</otherwise>
<if test="limit != null">LIMIT #{limit}</if>
<if test="offset != null">OFFSET #{offset}</if>
Where the 2 lists will contain strings like: "pl.project_id", "",
The critical part here is the dollar sign "$" in front of the {element}. If you will use the standard #, it won't work.


how to join a table in asp.netcore

Here the way I join the table I want to implement it to core I don't know which is the correct way.
left join MasterHubxRangeTest mhr on hb.categoryid=mhr.hubxcatid and mhr.ItemStatus='Normal' and mhr.CountryCode='AUS' and mhr.ItemTitle = hb.ItemTitle
below line of code is how i tried to implement the same in core here im using Include() function i think this is wrong which function should i use. Here HubxDataItems, HubxDataCategory, MasterHubxRangeTest are tables. I'm trying to get the data by giving some cnditions.
The issue is only MasterHubxRangeTest table condition that I gave
var dataItems =
(from item in _context.HubxDataItems.Where(c => c.PatientId == patientId && c.IsActive == true && c.IsDeleted == false)
from category in _context.HubxDataCategory.Where(c => c.Id == item.CategoryId && c.IsActive == true && c.IsDeleted == false)
from range in _context.MasterHubxRangeTest.Include(d => d.HubXCatID == item.CategoryId && d.ItemTitle == item.ItemTitle && d.ItemStatus == "Normal" && d.CountryCode == "AUS").Where(c => c.HubXCatID == item.CategoryId && c.IsActive == true && c.IsDeleted == false)
select new
CategoryId = item.CategoryId,
ItemTitle = item.ItemTitle,
ItemValue = item.ItemValue,
ItemUnit = category.CategoryName.Trim().ToLower() == "notes" ? category.CategoryName : item.ItemUnit,
DisplayOrder = category.DisplayOrder,
IsActive = item.IsActive,
IsDeleted = item.IsDeleted,
CreatedDate = item.CreatedDate,
CreatedBy = item.CreatedBy,
UpdatedBy = item.UpdatedBy,
UpdatedDate = item.UpdatedDate,
PatientId = item.PatientId,
CategoryName = category.CategoryName,
NormalRange = range.ItemValue,
ItemColor = range.ItemColor

can the camel splitter skip on messages rows of some value like empty or null?

I have camel route on ingress of files recieved, sometimes these files contain multiple can be thousands of empty rows or records. these occur at the end of the files.
help or advice on how to handle this situation.
2/3/20 0:25,12.0837099,22.07255971,51.15338002,52.76662495,52.34712651,51.12155216,45.7655507,49.96555147,54.47205637,50.66135512,54.43864717,54.31627797,112.11765,1305.89126,1318.734411,52.31780487,44.27374363,48.72548294,43.01383257,23.85434055,41.98898447,47.50916052,31.13055873,112.2747269,0.773642045,1.081464888,2.740194779,1.938788885,1.421660186,0.617588546,21.28219363,25.03362771,26.76627344,40.21132809,29.72854555,33.45911109
The route goes to a splitter.
<route autoStartup="true" id="core.predix.accept.file.type.route">
<from id="_from3" uri="{{fileEntranceEndpoint}}"/>
<convertBodyTo id="_convertBodyTo1" type="java.lang.String"/>
<split id="_split1" strategyRef="csvAggregationStrategy" streaming="true" stopOnException="true">
<tokenize token="\n"/>
<process id="_process3" ref="toCsvFormat"/>
<!-- passthru only we do not allow embedded commas in numeric data -->
<log id="_log1" loggingLevel="INFO" message="CSV body: ${body}"/>
<choice id="_choice1">
<when id="_when1">
<simple>${header.CamelFileName} regex '^.*\.(csv|CSV|txt|gpg)$'</simple>
<log id="_log2" message="${file:name} accepted for processing..."/>
<choice id="_choice2">
<when id="_when2">
<simple>${header.CamelFileName} regex '^.*\.(CSV|txt|gpg)$'</simple>
<setHeader headerName="CamelFileName" id="_setHeader1">
<log id="_log3" message="${file:name} changed file name."/>
<split id="_split2" streaming="true">
<tokenize prop:group="noOfLines" token="\n"/>
<log id="_log4" message="Split Group Body: ${body}"/>
<to id="_to1" uri="bean:extractHeader"/>
<to id="acceptedFileType" ref="predixConsumer"/>
<to id="_to2" uri="bean:extractHeader?method=cleanHeader"/>
<otherwise id="_otherwise1">
<log id="_log5" loggingLevel="INFO" message="${file:name} is an unknown file type, sending to unhandled repo."/>
<to id="_to3" uri="{{unhandledArchive}}"/>
The simple aggregator
public class CsvAggregationStrategy implements AggregationStrategy {
private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CsvAggregationStrategy.class.getName());
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
// Arrived | oldExchange | newExchange | Description
// A | NULL | A | first message arrives for the first group
// B | A | B | second message arrives for the first group
// F | NULL | F | first message arrives for the second group
// C | AB | C | third message arrives for the first group
log.debug("Aggregation Strategy :: start");
if ( newExchange.getException() != null ) {
if ( oldExchange == null ) {
return newExchange;
} else {
return oldExchange;
if ( oldExchange == null ) { //This will set the 1st record with the Header
return newExchange;
String newBody = newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
String oldBody = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
String body = oldBody + newBody;
oldExchange.getIn().setBody( body );
log.debug("Aggregation Strategy :: finish");
return oldExchange;
} //Exchange process
} //class AggregationStrategy
I thought I would handle the empty rows in the class toCsvFormat
The class ToCsvFormat simply changes the inbound csv delimiter to a comma.
public class ToCsvFormat implements Processor {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ToCsvFormat.class);
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
String body = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
body = body.replaceAll("\\t|;",",");
String bodyCheck = body.replaceAll(",","").trim();"BODY CHECK: " + bodyCheck);
if ( bodyCheck.isEmpty() || bodyCheck == null ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data record is Empty or NULL. Invalid Data!");
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(body.trim());
LOG.debug("CSV Format Body In: " + sb.toString());
LOG.debug("sb length: " + sb.length());
if ( sb.toString().endsWith(",") ) {
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.lastIndexOf(",", sb.length()));
}"CSV Format Body Out: " + sb.toString());
*** the problem I'm having is I need the splitter to finish processing until it hits all the empty rows, or skip over or stop the splitter on empty records. but I need what was previously split or processed. Throwing and capture of exception stops the splitter I get nothing. I'm using the splitter stoponexception but like it says, it stops on the exception.
thank you
So you set up stopOnException=true and asked why your route stopped when exception wasn't catched =) ? As workaround forget about throwing exception and validate your body and if it has inappropriate data just set empty body and then sum them in your AggregationStrategy like in pseudo-route below. I haven't used the xml description for a very long time so i hope your will understand this example with Java DSL.
public class ExampleRoute extends RouteBuilder {
AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy = new AggregationStrategy() {
public Exchange aggregate(final Exchange oldExchange, final Exchange newExchange) {
log.debug("Aggregation Strategy :: start");
if (oldExchange != null) {
newExchange.getIn().setBody(newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class) + oldExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class));
log.debug("Aggregation Strategy :: finish");
return newExchange;
public void configure() throws Exception {
.split(tokenize("\n"), aggregationStrategy).streaming().stopOnException()
I recommend you use Java DSL. As you can see, many things are easy to use with it.
Thank you C0ld. Appreciate going easy. yeah, I get it. sometimes we do silly things, why another pair of eyes is a wonderful thing. I took your suggestion and it works like a charm. thank you very much for responding.
<split id="_split1"
strategyRef="emptyRecordAggregationStrategy" streaming="true">
<tokenize token="\n"/>
<choice id="_choice5">
<when id="_when5">
<simple>${body} regex '^,+$'</simple>
<setBody id="_setBody1">
<process id="_processCSV" ref="toCsvFormat"/>
public class EmptyRecordAggregationStrategy implements AggregationStrategy {
private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmptyRecordAggregationStrategy.class.getName());
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
if ( newExchange.getException() != null ) {
if ( oldExchange == null ) {
newExchange.getIn().setBody(newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class) + System.lineSeparator());
return newExchange;
} else {
oldExchange.getIn().setBody(oldExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class) + System.lineSeparator());
return oldExchange;
if ( oldExchange == null ) {
newExchange.getIn().setBody(newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class) + System.lineSeparator());
return newExchange;
if ( !newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class).isEmpty() ) {
oldExchange.getIn().setBody(oldExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class) + newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class) + System.lineSeparator());
return oldExchange;

If equals or greather than 3 rows

I'm trying to make a review section, but I only want it to show if there's 3 or more reviews posted.
When I do this I just seem to get an error.
var reviewCount = db.Query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ID) FROM Reviews");
#if (reviewCount >= 3)
<section class="col-md-12 reviews">
#foreach (var row in db.Query("SELECT TOP 3 * FROM Reviews ORDER BY DateTime"))
<article class="col-md-4">
<p>" #row.Text "</p> <p>- #row.FirstName #row.LastName</p>
If you just want a single value returned from your database operation, you should use the QueryValue method instead of Query. The first returns a scalar value whereas the second returns a collection of DynamicRecord objects.
var reviewCount = db.QueryValue("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ID) FROM Reviews");
#if (reviewCount >= 3){

Is there a way for me to set the class of an object using the ? notation in AngularJS?

I have the following:
data-ng-class="{trueStatus: stat.correct == true; }"
But I would like to have the class be set to trueStatue if stat.correct == true and undefStatus if stat.correct is not true.
Is there a shorthand way that I can do this with Angular or do I need to have two different checks?
data-ng-class="{true: 'trueStatus', false: 'undefStatus'}[stat.correct == true]"
If you have more conditions:
data-ng-class="{'class1': someValue == 1, 'class2': someValue == 2,
'class3': someValue == 3"
Try This
data-ng-class="(stat.correct == true) && 'trueStatus' || (stat.correct != true) && 'undefStatus'"

Ibatis/MyBatis select dynamically without need to create any Pojo / Mapper

Is there any way to select/update/delete dynamically using Ibatis/MyBatis?
When I say "dynamically" it means I don't want to create any POJO/DataMapper at all.
Any URL example would be welcomed.
Yes, just set the resultType attribute to map and the table data will be placed into a HashMap of column names to values. If the query returns more than 1 row, the mapped rows will be put into a List. If you want to select a single column, you can get just that value (as String, int, etc) or as a list.
<select id="test1" resultType="map">select * from user</select>
<select id="test2" resultType="map" parameterType="int">
select * from user where id=#{value}</select>
<select id="test3" resultType="string">select name from user</select>
// returns a list of maps
List test = sqlSession.selectList("test1");
// returns a single map
Object map = sqlSession.selectOne("test2", 0);
// returns a list of strings
List names = sqlSession.selectList("test3");
This applies to MyBatis 3; I think you can do something similar in iBatis 2.
The following approach can be useful.
Say, you have some generic select interface, like:
public interface IAutoRepository {
* The automatically generated insertPKs sql statements.
* Parts of the query can be set manually in the sql (insert-select query).
* #param items the {#link WhereStmt} statements
* #return the inserted rows count
<T extends WhereStmt> Integer insertPKs(#Param("items") List<T> items);
* Returns the value based on the {#link Parameter} class
* #param param the {#link Parameter} instance
* #return the searched value in a {#link java.util.Map} form
<T extends Parameter> Map<String, Map<String, ?>> getDistinctValues(#Param("param") T param);
According to some external type (say, single column or date range or range whatsoever) you can define the following query in the template Common.xml:
<sql id="includeDistinctValues">
<when test=' == "set"'>
DISTINCT ${param.column} AS val
<when test=' == "date" or == "range"'>
<some uid> AS val,
MIN(${param.minColumn}) AS min,
MAX(${param.maxColumn}) AS max
FROM ${entityTable}
What you receive from mybatis is the java.util.Map. Then you can you use it some kind like:
public enum StmtType {
set((valMap) -> {
final Set<String> distinctValues = valMap
.map(val -> (String) val.get("VAL"))
//use in date/range case
//final Date minDate = (Date) val.get("MIN");
//final Date maxDate = (Date) val.get("MAX");
return distinctValues;
(values, params) -> {
final SetParameter parameter = (SetParameter) params.getParams();
return new WhereSetStmt<>(parameter.getColumn(), values, params.getIncludeEmptyValues());
private Function<Map<String, Map<String, ?>>, ? extends Iterable> toValue;
private BiFunction<Collection, DataParam, ? extends WhereStmt> toWhereStmt;
Function<Map<String, Map<String, ?>>, ? extends Iterable> toValue,
BiFunction<Collection, DataParam, ? extends WhereStmt> toWhereStmt
) {
this.toValue = toValue;
this.toWhereStmt = toWhereStmt;
where the SetParameter can be represented as the following:
public class SetParameter extends Parameter {
* Column in sql query,
private final String column;
public SetParameter(String column) {
this.column = column;
Moreover, you can define some WhereStmt like:
public abstract class WhereStmt {
* Type of the statement
private final StmtType type;
* Shall empty values be included.
private final boolean includeEmptyValues;
public class WhereSetStmt<T> extends WhereStmt {
* The column for `column` IN (...) statement
private String column;
* Values for `column` IN (...) statement
private Collection<T> values;
public WhereSetStmt(String column, Collection<T> values, boolean includeEmptyValues) {
super(StmtType.set, includeEmptyValues);
this.column = column;
this.values = values;
public final class DataParam<P extends Parameter> {
* Whether to include nullable values.
private final Boolean includeEmptyValues;
* Represents database required information for later processing and sql statements generation.
private final P params;
Finally, in mybatis generic Common.xml you can use it like:
<sql id="includeInsertPkSelect">
FROM ${entityTable}
<sql id="includeInsertPkWhere">
<if test="items != null and items.size() > 0">
<foreach collection="items" item="item" index="i" separator="AND">
<when test=' == "set" and ( item.values != null and item.values.size() > 0 or item.includeEmptyValues )'>
<if test="item.values != null and item.values.size() > 0">
${item.column} IN
<foreach item="value" collection="item.values" separator="," open="("
<if test="item.includeEmptyValues">
<if test="item.includeEmptyValues">
${item.column} IS null
<when test=' == "date"'>
COALESCE(${item.column}, SYSDATE + 1000000)
BETWEEN #{item.from} AND #{}
<if test="item.includeEmptyValues">
OR ${item.column} IS NULL
<when test=' == "range"'>
COALESCE(${item.column}, 1000000000)
BETWEEN #{item.from} AND #{}
<if test="item.includeEmptyValues">
OR ${item.column} IS NULL
And combine sql statements as the template, say:
<insert id='insertPKs'>
INSERT INTO requiredTable
<include refid="Common.includeInsertPkSelect">
<property name="id" value="entityId"/>
<property name="entityTable" value="entityTable"/>
<include refid="Common.includeInsertPkWhere">
<property name="id" value="entityId"/>
<property name="entityTable" value="entityTable"/>
Yes, it should be possible to build the mapping in runtime through an API, and to use Maps instead of entity classes.
Yes, you can do select/update/delete without using POJO.
In myBatis you can write your query in Mapper XML and set the resultType that will be returned from SQL statement and store that in objects.
For Example,
<mapper namespace = "data">
<select id = "fetch" resultType = "java.util.HashMap">
select * from table_name
You can use List of Maps to store those results.
List<Map<String,Object>> results = session.selectList("data.fetch");
