Web front-end for SQL Server data warehouse - sql-server

Need a easy to set-up and flexible web front-end for a data warehouse built in SQL Server 2008. I'd like to be able to expose both SSRS reports and SSAS cubes for browsing.
Seems like Microsoft wants us all to use Sharepoint for this, but I want something I can expose to internal users as well as customers, so I don't think Sharepoint will work (right?).
The other big approach people take seems to be coding up a custom ASP.NET app, which I have no desire to do.
Basically just want something like Cognos or Business Objects, but as a front end to SSRS and SSAS, not some proprietary data structure.
Why is this so hard to find - seems like it would be a common need. Why doesn't Microsoft make this?
Only one I've found so far is Report Portal (www.reportportal.com), which seems pretty good, but not stellar. As far as the big guys go, it looks like MicroStrategy (microstrategy.com) can work with native SSAS cubes, but for general reporting has it's own structures. Graphs and interface look good though, so would appreciate hearing from anyone with experience integrating Microstrategy and SQL Server as well.

The Enterprise version of SharePoint does what you want and more. It is also able to handle external users, but that requires some serious thought to architecture etc. However Enterprise SharePoint is not cheap, nor is a SharePoint farm installation a minor exercise.
Having used SharePoint to do this, it is very powerful, but does not work well over SSL, so terminate your SSL at the F5 or other hardware.
For information on planning a SharePoint implementation, have a look at
Planning an architecture for SharePoint server 2010
also Extranet topologies for SharePoint 2010 Products
Running through the rather large amount of documentation here should give you a glimpse of what is involved in getting a SharePoint extranet working.

Would be really interested in a good "non-sharepoint, non-BI" answer. I see this question asked all over the place with people specifically saying "I don't want to use sharepoint, what are the alternatives." and invariably the next 200 answers are "Use sharepoint"
If you're a SQL/Asp shop that just does standard web, sharepoint and BI are both megatons of bloat just to get internet/intranet report delivery.
So the answer is "No there's not a "Front end in a box" other than the ones you've mentioned. Go kickstarter one as this is one of the most frequent searched on pain-points I've ever seen with the least amount of viable answers/solutions.


Dynamic Data Extract Tools

I've been searching around for a few weeks now for a tool that either is fully built or a direction of something I could build for dynamically extracting data via a web interface. Basically, what I'm looking for is a way to give users a list of all available data objects from our database and then let them pick ones from the list they'd like to view and set parameters then export the results to an excel file.
Right now we're doing it purely with SQL statements but we have hundreds of objects so as you might imagine, those statements are really complex and prone to errors. It would be great if there was a tool available to do this or if someone had an idea of an easy way to organize this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We've looked at BI tools like QlikView and Tableau but that is probably overkill for what we're trying to do. The open-source BI tools we've looked at seemed really primitive in their functionality. The other thing we looked at was MSAS (our DB is SQL Server) but I'd prefer something that was more database-agnostic and lived on a web server instead of on the database.
I think what you are describing is a typical BI reporting tool. I don't know what open-source BI tools you have been looking at but there are open source solutions which aren't "primitive" at all. The two main open-source reporting libraries are JasperReports and BIRT. You can design report templates within a graphical interface (NetBeans plugin called iReport for Jasper, Eclipse plugin for BIRT). A simple report template is basically an xml file which contains a parameterized SQL query and describes how to display the query results.
End-user typically connect to a web application (Java EE app which uses the reporting library) which executes the report templates : it asks the user to input parameters in a graphical way such as drop-down lists and checkboxes, and then retrieves the SQL query results from the database, and displays them according to the template (tables, charts, etc.). These results can then be exported in many formats including xls.
JasperReports developers provide a free open-source webapp designed to run Jasper reports, called JasperReports Server. Other open-source projects let you execute reports designed either with BIRT or Jasper, for instance ReportsServer which I haven't tested.
At my company we use SpagoBI, which is a fully-fledged free and open source Business Intelligence suite. This means that it has all the features of a commercial BI suite. The most useful is probably the ad-hoc query editor, which lets users with little technical knowledge design simple queries by dragging and dropping fields, and it performs the underlying table joins for them. It then lets users design simple reports such as pie charts or line charts from the data they just extracted. This sort of feature is part of the commercial editions of JasperReports Server and Actuate One (the BIRT equivalent of JasperReports Server which doesn't have a free version).
SpagoBI is a great, powerful tool and I recommend it, but it is also quite difficult to configure and to master. Maybe if your needs are only to execute pre-defined reports you had better go with one of the other solutions.
PowerPivot, Data Explorer, or Microsoft Query?
Sorry, didnt see that you wanted a web interface...
You can try get some export data functions from SQL Web Data Administrator - http://sqlwebadmin.codeplex.com/
Or you can install the web tool but restrict access for its web-page other then export data pages.
Cognos BI (specifically, the web-based Query Studio) fits this tab perfectly and is a great tool to deploy to non-technical web users.
It does require a pretty robust setup and is not cheap but it is an enterprise-class product. I've only worked with the full-scale deployment but they also have an Express product for small/midsize companies.
If you could clarify number of users, database size, expected query volume, and budget, we could refine the toolset further...

Best approach to database and UI development?

This question covers a number of areas, so may ultimately have to broken up into constituent parts. However, I don't want to do this, at least until I have some general idea of what direction I should be taking!
I want to create an online booking system under the .Net Framework. The GUI would have two separate vital areas. 1. would be the typical form GUI for setting up a user account. 2. would be a Calendar (much in the same vein as Google Calendar - if not actually Google Calendar) which would show users available times that users can book, and hopefully allow them to actually book by simply clicking on an available time as displayed on the calendar.
The available times that would be displayed on the calendar would depend on two things: the type of user the user is (would be specified in the signup form) and also (obviously) whether or not other users have already taken available slots.
One big question I have is whether it is possible to use Microsoft Access (any version) for this task. My preference is due to familiarity, and the fact that most other technologies being used in this development are Microsoft based. I know it is possible to migrate Access DBs with SQL Server - but would this include the vital front end (i.e. the form)?
Finally, The strategy for approaching the calendar aspect of the front-end is doing my head in a little! While it is certainly possible to integrate SQL Server and Google (docs/calendar) I feel that attempting to shoehorn Google Calendar into such a complex relational database would be ultimately infeasible - but I am struggling to think of an alternative without having to do my own development (which, in this case, I am seriously attempting to avoid!)
Any guidance on the above would be greatly appreciated!
My $.02: as #Luxspes said, Sql Server has no "forms" or "reports", but the SQL Server engine is better suited to web-based applications than Access's "Jet" engine. You could, however, develop your application in Access and then "upsize" your database, which tells Access "hey, those forms and reports are great, but now I want you to put the back-end database into SQL Server Express (free) and keep the front-end in Access." You can then publish your forms and reports to the web using Access's own tools, getting them "for free" while getting the better database engine on the back.
Be aware that doing this is not generally acceptable in the commercial world. An Access application looks like an Access application and most of the world will recognize it, and most don't like it: it will seem like you're cutting corners unless you can make the forms look really, really good. For in-house use it's fine because it has a fast turn-around time so the ROI is great. If you're making a commercial site, I'd take a look at the Microsoft MVC 3 framework: it will take a while to get your noodle around it, but once you're up to speed you can develop sites pretty quickly and robustly. If "robustly" is a word.
Is it possible to use Microsoft Access (any version) for this task, the task being using Access as the database for a online booking system under the .Net Framework: Yes. (But I would prefer to use MSSQL Express Edition)
I know it is possible to migrate Access DBs with SQL Server - but would this include the vital front end (i.e. the form)?: No, SQL Server has not concept of "forms". If you already have them in Access you would have to re-create them in, for example, ASP.NET. If you are looking for the easiest fastest way to do it, I would recommend you LightSwitch ( http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/lightswitch )
Finally, The strategy for approaching the calendar aspect of the front-end is doing my head in a little!: If you do no want to code it, you can find it in Google, just write ".NET Schedule control"

What considerations should be made when creating a reporting framework for a business?

It's a pretty classic problem. The company I work for has numerous business reports that are used to track sales, data feeds, and various other metrics. Of course this also means that there is a conglomerate of disparate frameworks, ASP.net pages, and areas where these reports can be found. There have been some attempts at consolidating these into a single entity, but nothing has stuck yet.
Since this is a common problem, and I am sure solved innumerable times, I wanted to see what others have done. For the most part these can be boiled down to the following pieces:
A SQL query against our database to gather data
A presentation of data, generally in a data grid
Filtering that can vary based on data types and the business needs
Some way to organize the reports, a single drop down gets long and unmanageable quickly
A method to download data to alter further, perhaps a csv file
My first thought was to create a framework in Silverlight with Linq to Sql. Mainly just because I like it and want to play with it which probably is not the best reason. I also thought the controls grant a lot of functionality like sorting, dragging columns, etc. I was also curious about the printing in Silverlight 4.
Which brings me around to my original question, what is the best way to do this? Is there a package out there I can just buy that will do it for me? The Silverlight approach seems pretty easy, after it's setup and templated, but maybe it's a bad idea and I can learn from someone else?
It may sound contrived, but we just used SSRS. Once it is installed, the /ReportServer web site does a decent job of managing and organizing reports, permissions, etc. You can also make wrappers in front of SSRS via ASP.Net controls or via SharePoint, etc. Cost = free. It works nicely via SQL Developer edition too.
If your SQL service is MS SQL Server 2005+ then I would definitely recommend SQL Service Reporting Services. It covers all the cases you outlined very well and is very easy to get into for someone already familiar with SQL.
myDBR reporting tool might be suitable for you. With myDBR you can create reports quite easily using the built in Query Builder. Once your reports are done you can organize them in categories and also specify access rights for users and user groups.
You can fully concentrate on creating your report content (using SQL) and myDBR will take care of the data presentation. For example creating charts from data is just a matter of adding one extra line to your stored procedure.
myDBR also provides Single-Sign-On Integration so that your users can continue to log in with their already existing username/password.
The tool is also very affordable, community version is free of charge and premium version is only 129 EUR / year.
We use FastReport .NET. It supports SQL Query, presentation of data in datagrid, filtering, export in many popular formats (PDF, DOC, XLS, CSV, DBF, etc.).

Advice on a DB that can be uploaded to a website by a smart client for collecting survey feedback

I'm hoping you can help.
I'm looking for a zero config multi-user datbase that my winforms application can easily upload to a webserver folder (together with 1 or 2 classic asp pages) and am looking for some suggestions/recommendations.
The idea is that the database will be used to collect feedback entered by people filling in the asp pages. The pages will write to the database using javascript.
The database will subsequently be downloaded again for processing once the responses are in.
In Summary:
It will mostly run in MS Windows environments.
I have a modest budget for this and do not mind paying for such a database.
No runtime licensing costs.
Should be xcopy - Once uploaded to a website folder it should be operational.
It should not have a dotnet CLR dependency.
It should support a resonable level of concurrent access. Average respondent count would be around 20-30 but one never knows.
Should be a reasonable size so that uploads/downloads to and from the site will be reasonably fast.
Would appreciate your suggestions/comments
Many thanks
To clarify - this is a desktop commercial application for feedback management in a vertical market. It uses SQL Server as the backing store.
The application currently provides feedback management from email and paper feedback. I now want to add web feedback capability. Getting users to to make their SQL servers accessible to a website is not at option at this time as I am want to make getting up and running as painless as possible.
I intend to release a web based implementation of the software in the near future but for now am looking at the above as a pragmatic way to provide web based feedback collection.
SQLite comes to mind. It meets all of your stated requirements, is open source, and has a liberal license (public domain).
I would use 'normal' database (say MySql, Postgresql, Firebird, etc.) on server. Instead of copying files to server your winforms application would create custom tables (or even custom databases). After collecting data you could just get it back to your application using plain old SQL.
why reinvent the wheel ? If you want to collect feedback and stuffs from users of your app and if they are connected to internet, it might be a better idea - and in the long term cheaper - to use a service like wufoo. We recently switched from homegrown setup to wufoo and are very pleased. Check it out.
Otherwise you might want to take a look at sqlite orfirebird. Both of them are very robust, and have ADO.NET providers. Firebird scales from a single user to full blown client server system and has no .NET dependency.
If you really don't want a DB/SQL Solution, you could try simple text files and ftp/xcopy files down and parse them into the back-office server as needed. ASP/VBScript or ASP.NET can create the files to store the basic feedback comments. Need to consider security of course!

What is the best way to use SQL Server Analysis Services data in a line of business application?

We'd like to see if we can get some improved performance for analysis and reporting by moving some of our key data into Analysis Services cubes. However, I haven't been able to find much in the way of good client front ends.
Our users have Office 2003. The move to 2007 is probably at least a year out and the Analysis Services add-in for Excel 2003 isn't great. I also considered just creating a winforms app, but I haven't had much luck finding robust controls for SSAS data. Meanwhile, Reporting Services seems to make you force your multi-dimensional data into a two dimensional dataset before it can be used in a report.
I hope that I'm missing something obvious and that there are some great client tools somewhere that will allow us to bring the multi-dimensional data from SSAS to a client application in a meaningful way. Performance Point seems like overkill, but maybe it's the best option.
Does anyone use SSAS data in line of business apps or is it primarily used for adhoc analysis? If you are using SSAS data for line of business apps, what technology(ies) are you using for the client front end?
I am on a project now that is using SSAS 2008. We were able to get all of our pilot users upgraded to Office 2007 and during the pilot of this project we used Excel 2007 as the front end tool. It turned out to be a great move (for us..YMMV) and I have been very impressed with how well the data features of Excel 2007 work. That being said it doesn't serve all our business needs and we're still going to use a reporting tool (MicroStrategy) as part of the client tool offerings to this project. This article (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2D779CD5-EEB2-43E9-BDFA-641ED89EDB6C&displaylang=en) was very helpful too.
Though you didn't ask directly I'll still say that the FE tools won't do much if the back-end design isn't right. I recommend googling Ralph Kimball and buying The Data Warehouse Toolkit book. There is even one tailored to SSAS 2005. Also search for the Microsoft Project Real whitepaper.
I've heard good things about this control.
I've used Dundas' control for OLAP. Very good and easy to use.
Also recommended is the DevExpress kit, the ASPxPivotGrid works directly against cubes, with some flexibility over what & how groups/dimensions/etc get shown via properties. Good prices and products. I don't work there :)
Take a look at some of the Demos:
Also nice integration with their charting stuff.
