WPF Routed Event, subscribing to custom events - wpf

I am trying to get routed events working with child controls that will manually fire these events and they will bubble up and be handled at the main grid level. I basically want to do something like this:
<Grid Name="Root" WpfApplication5:SpecialEvent.Tap="Catcher_Tap">
<RowDefinition Height="40" />
<RowDefinition Height="40" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<WpfApplication5:UserControl2 Grid.Row="0" x:Name="Catcher" />
<WpfApplication5:UserControl1 Grid.Row="1" />
<Frame Grid.Row="2" Source="Page1.xaml" />
But when I run my example, I get a null reference in the presentation framework, the application never initializes, it fails when it's trying to load/initialize the XAML (InitializeComponent()). Here's the small file that contains the event:
public class SpecialEvent
public static readonly RoutedEvent TapEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(
"Tap", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(UserControl1));
// Provide CLR accessors for the event
public event RoutedEventHandler Tap;
I am basically wanting to copy the behavior of how ButtonBase.Click allows parents to subscribe to any button click() methods for their children. But, this doesn't seem to be working for anything but ButtonBase.Click(). That is, when I switch out my custom WpfApplication5:SpecialEvent.Tap="Catcher_Tap" to ButtonBase.Click="Catcher_Tap" it works. Any ideas why? What is ButtonBase doing that I'm not doing?

After playing around some more, I found that it's possible to accomplish what I needed in the code behind of the main window like so:
public MainWindow()
Root.AddHandler(SpecialEvent.TapEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(Catcher_Tap));
For some reason, specifying it in the XAML as you would do for ButtonBase() does not work, but adding the Handler in the code behind does.

The code you provided does register a custom event, however, it doesn't register an attached custom event. You'll have to explicitly implement the Add*Handler and Remove*Handler methods if you would like to use the attached syntax with your event. See the "Defining Your Own Attached Events as Routed Events" section on this MSDN article.


Using named in reusable WPF control

I recentrly discovered "reusable controls" in WPF and I have a project where they seem to provide me with a solution to a problem I have.
Let me sketch the situation:
I need to make several UI elements. All of them share a common base, a common style/layout/template let's say, and they also share some common logic.
Next to that, all of these elements have some element-specific stuff.
You could say that I have some kind of inheritance here, but then for both XAML and CS.
The way I wanted to solve this, was by making an outer reusable element, I made a small example. The common part Is the Title label and the border. The element-specific UI can then be inserted into UserContent.
The code looks something like this (although it's simplified for the sake of brevity and conciseness, I also have an eventhandler and a routed event in my actual application):
<UserControl x:Class="StackOverflowQuestion4.ReusableControl"
<Border BorderBrush="Black"
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<Label Content="{Binding Title, ElementName=root}"
<ContentControl Content="{Binding UserContent, ElementName=root}"
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace StackOverflowQuestion4
public partial class ReusableControl : UserControl
public ReusableControl()
public string Title
get { return (string)GetValue(TitleProperty); }
set { SetValue(TitleProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty TitleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Title", typeof(string), typeof(ReusableControl), new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty));
public object UserContent
get { return GetValue(UserContentProperty); }
set { SetValue(UserContentProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty UserContentProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("UserContent", typeof(object), typeof(ReusableControl), new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty));
Lovely, I can now use my special control in other parts of my code, and I can insert whatever I want into the UserContent field.
<Window x:Class="StackOverflowQuestion4.MainWindow"
<Grid Width="800"
<local:ReusableControl Title="Test">
<Rectangle Width="300"
This works great, but the problem arises when I start to name things. Simply adding a name to an element inside of my ReusableControl causes a compilation error.
<Rectangle Width="300"
I get the following error:
MC3093 - Cannot set Name attribute value 'LolWhatAmIDoing' on element 'Rectangle'. 'Rectangle' is under the scope of element 'ReusableControl', which already had a name registered when it was defined in another scope.
This seems like such a small issue, but I cannot find an easy solution to this problem.
I found this thread on the forum, but it does not really provide a solution.
Since I'm pretty new to all of this, I also don't really get what the issue is, so apologies if I'm slow minded.
Should I move to CustomControls?
What you show is a simple property assignment: you set the value of type Rectangle to the property ReusableControl.UserContent. It's important to understand that the Rectangle is not part of the visual tree at this point. It's a simple property value that is only accessible via the property and not via the visual tree.
This all happens in the scope of MainWindow.
But the Rectangle is not a member of this scope. The ReusableControl is adding it to its own visual subtree or scope by binding the value of ReusableControl.UserContent to a ContentControl. This is were the Rectangle exists i.e. is rendered in the visual tree.
It effectively doesn't exist in the scope of MainWindow. It effectively only exists inside the ReusableControl in the "shape" of a ContentControl. This means that the scope of ReusableControl is the only name scope where you can register a name for child elements. It's also the only scope where you can directly reference it (if it had been defined and registered in this scope).
If you understand this, then you understand that the Rectangle is currently trying to register a name in the wrong scope, a scope in which it doesn't exist.
As a consequence, you cannot directly refer to it in the scope of MainWindow. You would have to dig into the ContentTemplate of the UserControl (which is a ContentControl) in order to get the nested ContentControl that actually hosts the Rectangle.

Combobox Dropdown event triggers parent window Z index to change

I have a problem with a WPF business line application prototype that I do not know where to start to debug.
My Master Window (A) opens a "dialog" window using Dialog.Show(). The child window (B) has a combobox on it.
When the combobox is clicked (to expand and to show all the options) the entire second window (B) is hidden except the dropdownlist appearing from the combobox. The combobox isn't there, the window isn't there. Nothing is there except the dropdownlist and the master window behind it. If I click the master window then focus is once again set to window B and it shows as it should (because I set the Owner of window B to be window A).
To make it more interesting this bug is not consistent. It appears maybe 1 of 20 times I use the application, and when it starts appearing it can appear several times in a row and then stop happening again.
Possibly related is the fact that I think I have the same bug some times with MessageBoxes. When using MessageBox.Show() (Win forms msgbox) from a viewmodel when only the master window (A) is showing the box occationally appears behind the master window making it invisible for the user.
My application is using GalaSoft MvvmLight (if that could have anything to do with it) and quite a few telerik components. Other than that I am not sure what data to provide. I don't think anyone can tell me the source of the problem based on this information, but where would you start looking for the problem?
Update :
Good news! I have isolated the problem and found the combination of prerequisites for the phenomena to occur:
a) A component showing a PDF file is currently open anywhere withing the application.
b) A telerik component has been undocked and redocked.
I will include the code below, but I think the issue is buried deep within the RadDocking or WebBrowser component.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void OpenWindowClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var w = new TestWindow { Owner = this, DataContext = new TestViewModel()};
<Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
Title="MainWindow" Height="750" Width="925">
<RowDefinition Height="200"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<telerikDocking:RadDocking Grid.Row="0">
<telerikDocking:RadPane Header="I make bugs combined with a webbrowser showing a pdf document">
<TextBlock Text="1. Drag me and dock on the same or another location"/>
<Button Grid.Row="1" Click="OpenWindowClick" Content="2. Open window" Height="50" Margin="0,20"/>
<WebBrowser Grid.Row="2" Source="http://www.kb.nl/sites/default/files/docs/pdf_guidelines.pdf"/>
TestWindow :
public partial class TestWindow : Window
public TestWindow()
<Window x:Class="TelerikGridDockingVsBrowserVsWindowBug.TestWindow"
Title="TestWindow" Height="150" Width="300">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<TextBlock> 3. Click on the combobox.</TextBlock>
<ComboBox Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding Options}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedOption}" Height="50"></ComboBox>
<TextBlock Grid.Row="2"> This window will then disappear behind its owner</TextBlock>
TestWindow ViewModel:
public class TestViewModel
public List<string> Options { get; set; }
public string SelectedOption { get; set; }
public TestViewModel()
Options = new List<string> { "String1", "String2" };
SelectedOption = Options.First();
I have an open ticket with Telerik about this, so I will update here if I find out anything.
I have been in your situation before... you have an unexplained problem... it doesn't make any sense... you've tried everything that you can think of... in a last ditch effort to fix the problem, you throw it out to all the experienced users here... then nothing... no responses... no help.
The thing is that if you can't find and fix the problem with all of your code right in front of you, then how can we fix it without any code?
All I can suggest is for you to try to locate exactly where the problem originates. You can do this by commenting out sections of code and then running your solution to see if that has removed the problem or whether it still exists. The fact that your problem only occurs infrequently will make this stage even more tricky.
However, with perseverance, you should be able to narrow down where the problem arises. Once you have managed to exclude enough of your code, the last step is to see if you re-create it in a much smaller new WPF project. If you manage to get to this stage, please come back and show your reduced code... then, we may be able to help you further.

Caliburn.Micro wiring a View to a ViewModel for display by a ContentControl

I'm having some trouble with loading a view into a ContentControl. I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible so I used the Hello project that comes with CM. I made sure that the Hello project compiles correctly, and runs. It displays a window with a textbox, and a button. Both the textbox and button are wired at runtime to the sample ViewModel.
I modified the ShellView.xaml and replaced the StackPanel control with the Grid control, and setup the grid with 4 rows and a single column. I assigned the textbox to the first row, the button to the second row, and then two separate ContentControl to the final two rows.
<Grid Width="800" Height="600">
<TextBox Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="Name" />
<Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="SayHello" Content="Click Me" />
<ContentControl Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="TopMenu"
VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"></ContentControl>
<ContentControl Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="BottomMenu"
VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"></ContentControl>
I created two separate C# classes in the ViewModels folder which are the ViewModels and are respectively called TopMenuViewModel.cs, and BottomMenuViewModel.cs. Both classes extend the PropertyChangedBase class. This is simply mimicking the ShellViewModel.cs class that comes with the sample project.
using System;
using Caliburn.Micro;
namespace TestWithCaliburnMicro.ViewModels
/// <summary>
/// Description of BottomMenuViewModel.
/// </summary>
public class BottomMenuViewModel : PropertyChangedBase
public BottomMenuViewModel()
I created two separate WPF User Controls in the Views folder which are the corresponding View and are respectively called TopMenuView.xaml and BottomMenuView.xaml. I added a Label in each xaml with the Content of "Top Menu" or "Bottom Menu" to differentiate between the two.
<Label>Bottom Menu View</Label>
In the ShellViewModel.cs class I created two public properties with only the "get" accessor set to return an instance of the corresponding ViewModel.
private BottomMenuViewModel _bottomMenu;
public BottomMenuViewModel BottomMenu {
get { return _bottomMenu; }
private TopMenuViewModel _topMenu;
public TopMenuViewModel TopMenu {
get { return _topMenu;}
Adding a break to the get accessor of either property shows that the get accessor is called when debugging the project. I added a simple statement to the constructor of the BottomMenuViewModel.cs class, such as int x = 0 and added a break to that line, but the break is never hit which to me means that the constructor is not called, so really the class is not created?
I believe what I'm doing is exceptionally basic and have read the All About Conventions document on the CM Codeplex site, and confirmed the logic with this comment: Prior question on stackoverflow
Hopefully someone will have the time to read this and point me in the right direction. Thanks.
Solution on GitHub. Note: made with SharpDevelop 4.x
GitHub solution
Either instantiate your view models in the constructor of the ShellViewModel, or if you wish to instantiate them at a later point, then add setters to your view model properties, and call the NotifyOfPropertyChange method to notify your UI that those property references have changed.

WPF: Handling Modal Dialogs

I found a nice solution on this webiste http://www.thesilvermethod.com/Default.aspx?Id=ModalDialogManagerAsimpleapproachtodealingwithmodaldialogsinMVVM
But had to do some changes to get it integrated into my code. Along the way I get some small problems mostly because there are certain parts of the code I'm not getting completely.
How I did it was to bind the ModalDialogManager to a MainWindow property of the Type IDialogViewModel. I then have a WindowsManager class that handles putting the right instance inside this property. One such is EditDialogViewModel that exposes a EditableViewModel to this DialogManager. I set the EditDialog view as a DataTemplate for this EditDialogViewModel but when I show it the new window only shows a part of it.
Here is the View:
<ResourceDictionary Source="EditDataTemplates.xaml" />
<RowDefinition Height="7*" />
<RowDefinition Height="2*" />
<RowDefinition Height="1*" />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=ViewModel}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=ViewModel.Error}" />
<UniformGrid Grid.Row="2" Columns="2">
<Button Command="{Binding SaveCommand}" />
<Button Command="{Binding CancelCommand}" />
But the new Dialog window only shows the ContentControl bound to the ViewModel property of EditDialogViewModel (it holds the ViewModel being edited).
My guess is it has something to do with this code in the ModelDialogManager:
void Show()
if (_window != null) Close();
Window w = new Window();
_window = w;
w.Closing += w_Closing;
w.Owner = GetParentWindow(this);
w.DataContext = this.DataContext;
w.SetBinding(Window.ContentProperty, ""); //This code here does something I don't fully understand
w.Title = Title;
w.Icon = Icon;
w.Height = DialogHeight;
w.Width = DialogWidth;
w.ResizeMode = DialogResizeMode;
He is applying the binding there but I guess it's only the first ContentControl that gets bound or something. It's quite tricky.
Another problem is that the mouse just doesn't work inside the Modal Dialog. I can tab into the textboxes but not click into them.
Is there a way to fix this or a better method to handle Modal Dialog boxes in WPF?
Ok I'm going to admit it. I'm a huge idiot. This was so simple I just couldn't see it. I had set Height and Width on the UserControl to a fixed value while I was still messing around with it being a Window. So in actuality it was showing the whole thing, there just wasn't room. I have no idea why the mouse didn't work at that point but now it works perfectly.
Answering "a better method to handle Modal Dialog boxes in WPF?" there is a new control called Child Window in the WPF Extended Toolkit that addresses your Modal Dialog pains.

Hiding/showing child controls when parent control gains/loses focus

I am creating a text editing control that contains a RichTextArea and a toolbar for formatting. I want the toolbar to only be visible when the control has focus. However I am finding this difficult to pull off in Silverlight, as Silverlight's focus API is very limited.
The control is structured like this:
<UserControl x:Class="MyRichTextBoxControl">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<StackPanel x:Name="_formattingToolBar" Grid.Row="0" Orientation="Horizontal">
<Button Content="Bold" ... />
<!-- other buttons -->
<RichTextBox x:Name="_richTextBox" Grid.Row="1" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
Initial Stab
At first I tried the obvious, I overrode OnGotFocus and OnLostFocus on the parent UserControl and hid/showed _formattingToolbar appropriately. This does not work, because if a child control gains focus, then Silverlight considers the parent control lost focus. The net result is trying to click on the toolbar causes it to disappear.
Nasty Solution
So far the only solution I have found is to hook up event handlers to the GotFocus and LostFocus events on every single child control and the parent UserControl. The event handler will call FocusManager.GetFocusedElement() and if the returned element is found to be a child of my UserControl, then keep _formattingToolbar visible, otherwise collapse it. I'm sure this will work, but it's pretty ugly.
It's also possible this idea is faulty because GotFocus/LostFocus are fired asynchronously, while GetFocusedElement() is determined synchronously. Could there be race conditions causing my idea to fail?
Anyone know of a better solution?
Nitin Midha, you had the right idea. That brought my back to my original attempt and a slight altering of OnLostFocus does the trick:
protected override void OnLostFocus(RoutedEventArgs e)
if (!IsChild(FocusManager.GetFocusedElement()))
protected override void OnLostFocus(RoutedEventArgs e)
object focusedElement = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement();
if (focusedElement is UIElement)
if (!this.LayoutRoot.Children.Contains((UIElement)focusedElement))
// Do your thing.
else { /**/ }
