Select Box in IE7 (UI) - internet-explorer-7

I observed that in IE7, the select box's drop down looks incomplete (see image 1).
But when you hover it, the drop down box show-up completely (see image 2).
How can i make it look like image 2 as default. Also, if i increase the size of select box (height: 25px) and the text size is only 9px, how can i ensure that the text is in the middle? I've tried adjusting the padding and margin of the select box with no avail.
Thank you.

That's what drop-down boxes look like when you have the Windows Aero theme enabled. It's totally normal and standard. In fact, it's what Windows users expect to see. I don't recommend changing it just because you think it looks weird. Your users won't think so. All the other webpages they look at, as well as all of the apps on their computer, work exactly the same way.
And no, you can't trivially change the appearance. You'll have to write custom styling for the entire drop-down box control. And that's pretty difficult to do in Internet Explorer compared to other browsers, if it's even possible to get it to work correctly at all.
As for your second question: why would you be increasing the height of the drop-down box? The default height is the one you want. It automatically sizes itself to fit the size of the text it displays. It doesn't need to be any bigger than that, and if you force it to be bigger, it'll look ugly like you said.

Read more this issue fixing click here,
and yet more examples demo page


Responsive text size

Is it possible to set font size so that the text fills the available space and then changes its size with the p element if the window is resized?
In my demo (link rotten as of March 2015) the text in paragraph two is set to fill the paragraph by trial and error and if the window is resized the text wraps.
FitText is just the ticket if you want to use it for a headline, not recommended for entire paragraphs though.
FitText seems to need adjusting to get a proper fit...
Sure, every case is different. Out of the box it does work well though, here's a demo with the default $("#fittext1").fitText(); setting for the compressor and minor changes to the CSS.

UIToolbar at the bottom not working in Retina 4 simulator

I know it sounds a bit odd but perhaps someone has experienced the same too.
If I have a UIToolbar placed at the bottom of a Retina 4 sized xib (548 size) it does not work in the simulator (buttons show no reaction). However if I place it a bit higher (not sure where the threshold is) they work again. ???
My problematic xib looks like this:
As mentioned elsewhere (e.g. iPhone 5 (4") bottom toolbar not responding ) the problem is that even though your view is the full height, the underlying UIWindow isn't, and the underlying UIWindow is involved in your view getting touch events.
If you have a file name something like "MainWindow.xib" in your project:
Open it in Interface Builder.
Select "Window" from the list of objects on the left side.
In the Attributes Inspector pane, click the "Full Screen at Launch" checkbox.
UI elements at the bottom of the screen should now work.
I found the problem being the UIWindow. (perhaps it is only a problem with older projects) As long as the window object it set to the 480 size actions falling out of its size (which can happen on Retina 4) are not recognized.

Remove all extra space around a button with an image?

Alright, try as I might, I cannot for the life of me get rid of this tiny little border around my buttons.
Edit: I should mention, in case I didn't make it clear, these are buttons with an image on them, set to flat with the button sized to the image.
Images below:
Number one, I can't for the life of me get these borders to GO AWAY. I've checked everything I can think of. They're:
border 0
no margins
no padding
manually sized to the size of the image (75px)
in a table layout where the columns are all:
manually sized to the width of the image (75px)
Nothing seems to really "work" to get rid of these. If I size the columns down to be 74px instead of 75px, most of them go away, but a few remain. I've triple and quadruple checked the images, and they don't have anything that I can pick up on that should be causing this... no transparency around the borders, definitely no border that looks like that.
Which leads me to the second problem:
Settings button when dialog is small...
Settings button when dialog is stretched out.
Settings button is also in the same table layout panel.
I've checked all the settings on the table layout panel as well.. I can't find any padding or margin or anything settings that suggest this should be happening.
Does anyone have any experience with this? What am I missing..?
Simple solution: using directly a PictureBox as if it was a button. You can change your image on mouse over or mouse click.
Have you tried a Toolbar/strip/whatever it's called these days? Probably not going to help as I believe it pads on your behalf, but worth a shot.
In the end you can toss the buttons in the trash and write your own control. A single control that manages N buttons will work well here.
I don't understand your second problem. What's the problem? It'll be fixed if you roll your own control anyhow.
While not a fix for the spacing issue, as a workaround you can make that gray gradient currently "behind" the "tabs" and control panel image into a BackgroundImage for the TableLayoutPanel using BackgroundImageLayout of Stretch. While not fixing the spacing issue, it would make it unnoticeable.
Writing a winforms control has its challenges (experience speaking here). I would agree that that is whats needed however. Depending on your project you may consider using XAML and WPF. It provides that fine detail you seem to be looking for in you application.
There are ways to host XAML controls in a winform app, but if you went this route it would be best to create a native WPF application. The reverse is also true (winform controls in a WPF app).
Did you check if the image has transparent pixels around the graphic pixels you want?
May be a simple crop solution.

Automatically sizing a GtkTextView in a GtkScrolledWindow

I work on gschem, a free software tool for editing electronics schematic diagrams. Recently we have encountered a problem using a GtkScrolledWindow containing a GtkTextView.
Recent versions of Ubuntu use overlay scrollbars, which mean that GtkScrolledWindows no longer set a minimum height that provides enough room for a legacy scrollbar (in fact, they have a minimum height of 0). Likewise, a GtkTextView with no text to display requests a height of 0. This means that one of the scrollable GtkTextViews in gschem has been being displayed as one pixel in height, and this is obviously unusable.
In the dialog box on the right of the screenshot shown above, note the invisible widget between the "Value:" label and the "Add" button.
This has been reported independently by several users -- see also the bug report.
Obviously, we could fix this by doing:
g_object_set (textview, "height-request", 100, NULL);
However, this is pretty inelegant, and will break for users who set very large font sizes in pixels (e.g. users with vision problems or who use high-DPI screens).
Ideally, therefore, we want to set the minimum size of the GtkTextView relative to the default font size, e.g. tell it to "show at least three lines of text".
Can anyone suggest a sensible/elegant approach for doing this?
Just disable the ubuntu overlay scrollbars in your application by doing:
Not ideal, but it's a quite good until you can find a more permanent solution. Alternatively just wait until Ubuntu disables overlay scrollbars...
I would add code to dig out the current/default style information, use that to figure out the font baseline height, and then compute some rough size allocation based on that, around three lines as you mention.
Does it have to be a textview ? If you can use an eventbox instead, then you can make a cairo surface from it, render the text with pango, and then use pango_layout_get_size() to get the text height.
Likewise, a GtkTextView with no text to display requests a height of 0.
Probably you can create GtkTextView with some text inside. Like several spaces, and set empty value after creation.

Is this a good case for use of RoutedCommand?

I have a WPF page that has 2 ContentControls on it. Both of the ContentControls have an image, one being much smaller than the other. When mouse over the larger image I want to show a zoomed in view on the smaller image. Something very similar to this:
I think I want the larger image control to send out something that actually contains an image - which the smaller image control would pick up and display. Would this be a good place to take advantage of RoutedCommands? Can I pass along an image like that?
RoutedCommands seem a bit misplaced in this case... you'll want the mouse to respond smoothly and the last thing you want are commands to be fired off here and there.
You're probably better off using a VisualBrush. While Ian Griffith's example here is a magnifying glass (an early canonical VisualBrush example in WPF) you could easily adapt it to show a portion of your image.
