Accessing SSDT data for programmatic manipulation - sql-server

I have an MSSQL 2012 Reporting server set up, and many, many reports made in Sequel Server Data Tools. I would like to have access to the data returned in those reports through C#/ASP.NET.
The end result is to display the data in the KendoUI DataViz suite, but first I need to convert the reports into JSON on the server side.
Is this possible?
Edit: To be clear, I need to know how to access the report data from the web server. Converting data into JSON format is not what I need assistance with.

Yes it is possible. I suggest you to take a look how to return JSON with ASP.NET MVC and how it works.

Since I asked the question, I've learned I can use the atom feed button on the reports to download a .atom file, which contains a URL that provides report data in XML.
You'll need to replace the & in the URL with '&', and then you have a working URL.


Request data from JSON API and store in SQL Server using SSIS

I'm trying to request data from a JSON API from Vemcount - a footfall-sensor system. I want to retrieve all my company's data and store it in a SQL Server db using SSIS. During my research I've realized that JSON is not natively integrated with SSIS, so solutions are either hardcoding the import or using a 3rd party - I've chose to go with the latter, so currently I'm trying to do the request using Kingswaysoft and their JSON Source component in VS.
The URL looks something like this (example from their documentation, which can be found here):{"api_key":"xxxxxxx","type":"shop_id","id":[10,14,24],"date_from":
"2014-01-01 00:00","interval":"15min"}
So, the keys api_key, type, and id are mandatory. The key/value pairs "type":"shop_id" and "id":[10,14,24] are the type of ID I want to search on and the ID itself. In the above example I've entered 3 different shop_id's. However, we have more than 250 id's, and more are being added continuously.
How do I request ALL the different id's without adding all the id's in the array? I've pasted my HTTP CM and JSON Source Editor below.
As you've probably guessed by now, this is somewhat unexplored territory for me, so I'm aware I might have chosen to proceed in a completely wrong way. If you have any better solutions for my case, please let me know.
UPDATE: So I've stored all Shop ID's in a variable, which I wanna pass as a value.
I am answering on phone so I don't have ssis available but here are the steps id do.
Exec sql to get the list of shop ids saved into an object.
For each loop on ado object from 1 storing shop id into variable.
Data flow
Script component source passing in shop ID as variable.
Build your url.
Using web client download string.
Deserialize JSON and write to data flow to finish.
Step 7 is huge and requires its own question. It involves setting up classes for your json.
This should get you started. Research step7 before posting question though.
Good luck.
Also, here is a link to help I received in regards to deserializing JSON.
C# Checking if Object is Null

Google Data Studio send API request

I have my own community connector built which is pulling data through API. Everything works as it should, as I am getting data into the report.
Now I want to be able to query the API from the report, using a dedicated field/filter. What I mean is having the option to write a string and request API for results including that string.
What I have done so far is I've used the request.configParams.field_name parameter to pass request data from Google Data Studio back to my data source but this means reloading the data source into the report every time I change the value.
Is there another way to pass custom request data from Google Data Studio to my connector API query?
For Community Connectors, it is not possible to push down arbitrary filters for report viewers at the moment (other than date filters).

SharePoint 2013 - Getting SPSite.Url from SharePoint DB

I'm working directly against the SharePoint DB (I know it is highly not recommended but I need to, for several reasons).
I'm trying to get the SPSite.Url property ("http://baseurl/sites/somename") but can't figure out how to do that. I can only find and get the second part ("sites/somename") for each site.
Does any one know which stored procedures I need to use in order to get that?
The way to do that is: Retrieving the Farm Id--> Retrieving the Alternate URL Collection Ids--> Retrieving the Alternate URL Collections--> Alternate URL Matching
You can find in this link: [MS-WSSFO3]: Windows SharePoint Services (WSS): File Operations Database Communications Version 3 Protocol documentation with detailed explanation under this section:
Site Collection Lookup

Google Maps Local Services Search

I am creating a VB.NET WPF application that requires a user to nominate services local to the area they are in (such as the closest hospital, fire station, etc). Using the web site I can return the results that I am seeking, and I have stumbled across an AJAX based API that too returns results that I am after, however this is in a format that I am unfamiliar with (I think it is JSON).
Using the following URI, I am able to get a file that contains results for all hospitals local to Adelaide, South Australia, can anyone advise if this is JSON and if they could provide any sites or information on how I can parse this data in VB.NET 3.5.
If there is any suggesstions on better Google Maps API's that can achieve this (I would love XML format as I am more familar with XML then JSON) your suggesstions will be greatly appreciated.
You can use the library to parse the JSON data

How to create a website which uploads/ download data from/ to Database and Excel files

I am afraid to ask this kind of question as it has many factors to consider and its not easy for others to give suggestions.
But, I have to do this task and couldnt trace out the possible way to do this. One requirement I know is with the help of AJAX controls and Update panel ( I never worked on them) I have to do this.
Please please some ideas and suggstions, of how to start and soem pinpoints to get there.
it will be an internal portal site and users can access the data from this website which I have uploaded to the database and download data using UI I have.
hoping some help on this.
Thank you,
You will need 2 components
1. Excel VBA : for retrieving data from web service and sending data to web service
2. Web Service : for providing data to excel vba and receiving data from excel vba for saving to database
I currently working for a project with this kind of mechanism, which involved database as backend and excel as user interface.
Here's a simple example in PHP using MySQL -
You're right. That's way too much for anyone to try to answer. But here are some links that should help:
Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax:
Db-driven ASP.NET App Tutorial:
