What is happening when a TCP sequence number arrives that is not what is expected? - c

I am writing a program that uses libpcap to capture packets and reassemble a TCP stream. My program simply monitors the traffic and so I have no control over the reception and transmittal of packets. My program disregards all non TCP/IP traffic.
I calculate the next expected sequence number from the ISN and then the successive SEQ numbers. I have it set up so that every TCP connection is uniquely identified by a tuple made up of the source IP, source port, dest IP, and dest port. Everything goes swimmingly until I receive a packet that has a sequence number different than what I am expecting. I have uploaded screen shots to help illustrate what I am describing here.
My questions are:
1. Where is the data that was in the "lost" packet?
2. How does the SEQ number order recover from this situation?
3. What can I do to handle these occurrences.
Please remember; however, I am not writing a program that adheres to TCP. I am writing a program that passively monitors network traffic for TCP streams and attempts to save the raw data to disk, and I am confused as to why the above state situation happens and how I can program to handle it.
Thank you

Where is the data that was in the "lost" packet?
It got dropped by someone
It got lost on the way (wrong detour) and will arrive later
How does the SEQ number order recover from this situation
The receiver notices the segment is out of sequence and doesn't send it to the application, thereby fulfilling its contract: in-order reliable byte stream. Now, what actually happens to get the missing piece is quite intricate and varies from stack to stack. In a nutshell the stack waits for the missing piece to arrive.
The receiver can throw away out-of-sequence segments or it can queue them in a reassembly queue
The receiver can wait for the missing segment to arrive or it can immediately send the ACK it already sent before. Duplicate ACKs will alert the peer something is wrong (look for Fast Retransmit)
When sending acknowledgments the TCP can inform the peer some segments arrived successfully - they're just out of sequence (SACK)
What can I do to handle these occurrences
You can't do anything since you're only monitoring. You could probably get more insight into what is really happening if you also captured the response traffic.

Depending on the window-size of the current TCP connection, if the new packet fits within the receiving window (multi-packet buffer) it will be entered into the receiving queue (and reordered for ordered delivery to protocol clients).
If the sequence number is larger than the maximum for the current window, the packet gets rejected.
See also section 4.4.2 (INPUT PACKET HANDLER) in RFC 675


Can a linux socket return data less than the underlying packet? [duplicate]

When will a TCP packet be fragmented at the application layer? When a TCP packet is sent from an application, will the recipient at the application layer ever receive the packet in two or more packets? If so, what conditions cause the packet to be divided. It seems like a packet won't be fragmented until it reaches the Ethernet (at the network layer) limit of 1500 bytes. But, that fragmentation will be transparent to the recipient at the application layer since the network layer will reassemble the fragments before sending the packet up to the next layer, right?
It will be split when it hits a network device with a lower MTU than the packet's size. Most ethernet devices are 1500, but it can often be smaller, like 1492 if that ethernet is going over PPPoE (DSL) because of the extra routing information, even lower if a second layer is added like Windows Internet Connection Sharing. And dialup is normally 576!
In general though you should remember that TCP is not a packet protocol. It uses packets at the lowest level to transmit over IP, but as far as the interface for any TCP stack is concerned, it is a stream protocol and has no requirement to provide you with a 1:1 relationship to the physical packets sent or received (for example most stacks will hold messages until a certain period of time has expired, or there are enough messages to maximize the size of the IP packet for the given MTU)
As an example if you sent two "packets" (call your send function twice), the receiving program might only receive 1 "packet" (the receiving TCP stack might combine them together). If you are implimenting a message type protocol over TCP, you should include a header at the beginning of each message (or some other header/footer mechansim) so that the receiving side can split the TCP stream back into individual messages, either when a message is received in two parts, or when several messages are received as a chunk.
Fragmentation should be transparent to a TCP application. Keep in mind that TCP is a stream protocol: you get a stream of data, not packets! If you are building your application based on the idea of complete data packets then you will have problems unless you add an abstraction layer to assemble whole packets from the stream and then pass the packets up to the application.
The question makes an assumption that is not true -- TCP does not deliver packets to its endpoints, rather, it sends a stream of bytes (octets). If an application writes two strings into TCP, it may be delivered as one string on the other end; likewise, one string may be delivered as two (or more) strings on the other end.
RFC 793, Section 1.5:
"The TCP is able to transfer a
continuous stream of octets in each
direction between its users by
packaging some number of octets into
segments for transmission through the
internet system."
The key words being continuous stream of octets (bytes).
RFC 793, Section 2.8:
"There is no necessary relationship
between push functions and segment
boundaries. The data in any particular
segment may be the result of a single
SEND call, in whole or part, or of
multiple SEND calls."
The entirety of section 2.8 is relevant.
At the application layer there are any number of reasons why the whole 1500 bytes may not show up one read. Various factors in the internal operating system and TCP stack may cause the application to get some bytes in one read call, and some in the next. Yes, the TCP stack has to re-assemble the packet before sending it up, but that doesn't mean your app is going to get it all in one shot (it is LIKELY will get it in one read, but it's not GUARANTEED to get it in one read).
TCP tries to guarantee in-order delivery of bytes, with error checking, automatic re-sends, etc happening behind your back. Think of it as a pipe at the app layer and don't get too bogged down in how the stack actually sends it over the network.
This page is a good source of information about some of the issues that others have brought up, namely the need for data encapsulation on an application protocol by application protocol basis Not quite authoritative in the sense you describe but it has examples and is sourced to some pretty big names in network programming.
If a packet exceeds the maximum MTU of a network device it will be broken up into multiple packets. (Note most equipment is set to 1500 bytes, but this is not a necessity.)
The reconstruction of the packet should be entirely transparent to the applications.
Different network segments can have different MTU values. In that case fragmentation can occur. For more information see TCP Maximum segment size
This (de)fragmentation happens in the TCP layer. In the application layer there are no more packets. TCP presents a contiguous data stream to the application.
A the "application layer" a TCP packet (well, segment really; TCP at its own layer doesn't know from packets) is never fragmented, since it doesn't exist. The application layer is where you see the data as a stream of bytes, delivered reliably and in order.
If you're thinking about it otherwise, you're probably approaching something in the wrong way. However, this is not to say that there might not be a layer above this, say, a sequence of messages delivered over this reliable, in-order bytestream.
Correct - the most informative way to see this is using Wireshark, an invaluable tool. Take the time to figure it out - has saved me several times, and gives a good reality check
If a 3000 byte packet enters an Ethernet network with a default MTU size of 1500 (for ethernet), it will be fragmented into two packets of each 1500 bytes in length. That is the only time I can think of.
Wireshark is your best bet for checking this. I have been using it for a while and am totally impressed

Determine if peer has closed reading end of socket

I have a socket programming situation where the client shuts down the writing end of the socket to let the server know input is finished (via receiving EOF), but keeps the reading end open to read back a result (one line of text). It would be useful for the server to know that the client has successfully read the result and closed the socket (or at least shut down the reading end). Is there a good way to check/wait for such status?
No. All you can know is whether your sends succeeded, and some of them will succeed even after the peer read shutdown, because of TCP buffering.
This is poor design. If the server needs to know that the client received the data, the client needs to acknowledge it, which means it can't shutdown its write end. The client should:
send an in-band termination message, as data.
read and acknowledge all further responses until end of stream occurs.
close the socket.
The server should detect the in-band termination message and:
stop reading requests from the socket
send all outstanding responses and read the acknowledgements
close the socket.
OR, if the objective is only to ensure that client and server end at the same time, each end should shutdown its socket for output and then read input until end of stream occurs, then close the socket. That way the final closes will occur more or less simultaneously on both ends.
getsockopt with TCP_INFO seems the most obvious choice, but it's not cross-platform.
Here's an example for Linux:
import socket
import time
import struct
import pprint
def tcp_info(s):
rv = dict(zip("""
state ca_state retransmits probes backoff options snd_rcv_wscale
rto ato snd_mss rcv_mss unacked sacked lost retrans fackets
last_data_sent last_ack_sent last_data_recv last_ack_recv
pmtu rcv_ssthresh rtt rttvar snd_ssthresh snd_cwnd advmss reordering
rcv_rtt rcv_space
pacing_rate max_pacing_rate bytes_acked bytes_received segs_out segs_in
notsent_bytes min_rtt data_segs_in data_segs_out""".split(),
s.getsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_INFO, 160))))
wscale = rv.pop("snd_rcv_wscale")
# bit field layout is up to compiler
# FIXME test the order of nibbles
rv["snd_wscale"] = wscale >> 4
rv["rcv_wscale"] = wscale & 0xf
return rv
for i in range(100):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("localhost", 7878))
I doubt a true cross-platform alternative exists.
Fundamentally there are quite a few states:
you wrote data to socket, but it was not sent yet
data was sent, but not received
data was sent and losts (relies on timer)
data was received, but not acknowledged yet
acknowledgement not received yet
acknowledgement lost (relies on timer)
data was received by remote host but not read out by application
data was read out by application, but socket still alive
data was read out, and app crashed
data was read out, and app closed the socket
data was read out, and app called shutdown(WR) (almost same as closed)
FIN was not sent by remote yet
FIN was sent by remote but not received yet
FIN was sent and got lost
FIN received by your end
Obviously your OS can distinguish quite a few of these states, but not all of them. I can't think of an API that would be this verbose...
Some systems allow you to query remaining send buffer space. Perhaps if you did, and socket was already shut down, you'd get a neat error?
Good news is just because socket is shut down, doesn't mean you can't interrogate it. I can get all of TCP_INFO after shutdown, with state=7 (closed). In some cases report state=8 (close wait).
http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/net/ipv4/tcp.c#L1961 has all the gory details of Linux TCP state machine.
Don't rely on the socket state for this; it can cut you in many error cases. You need to bake the acknowledgement/receipt facility into your communications protocol. First character on each line used for status/ack works really well for text-based protocols.
On many, but not all, Unix-like/POSIXy systems, one can use the TIOCOUTQ (also SIOCOUTQ) ioctl to determine how much data is left in the outgoing buffer.
For TCP sockets, even if the other end has shut down its write side (and therefore will send no more data to this end), all transmissions are acknowledged. The data in the outgoing buffer is only removed when the acknowledgement from the recipient kernel is received. Thus, when there is no more data in the outgoing buffer, we know that the kernel at the other end has received the data.
Unfortunately, this does not mean that the application has received and processed the data. This same limitation applies to all methods that rely on socket state; this is also the reason why fundamentally, the acknowledgement of receipt/acceptance of the final status line must come from the other application, and cannot be automatically detected.
This, in turn, means that neither end can shut down their sending sides before the very final receipt/acknowledge message. You cannot rely on TCP -- or any other protocols' -- automatic socket state management. You must bake in the critical receipts/acknowledgements into the stream protocol itself.
In OP's case, the stream protocol seems to be simple line-based text. This is quite useful and easy to parse. One robust way to "extend" such a protocol is to reserve the first character of each line for the status code (or alternatively, reserve certain one-character lines as acknowledgements).
For large in-flight binary protocols (i.e., protocols where the sender and receiver are not really in sync), it is useful to label each data frame with an increasing (cyclic) integer, and have the other end respond, occasionally, with an update to let the sender know which frames have been completely processed, and which ones received, and whether additional frames should arrive soon/not-very-soon. This is very useful for network-based appliances that consume a lot of data, with the data provider wishing to be kept updated on the progress and desired data rate (think 3D printers, CNC machines, and so on, where the contents of the data changes the maximum acceptable data rate dynamically).
Okay so I recall pulling my hair out trying to solve this very problem back in the late 90's. I finally found an obscure doc that stated that a read call to a disconnected socket will return a 0. I use this fact to this day.
You're probably better off using ZeroMQ. That will send a whole message, or no message at all. If you set it's send buffer length to 1 (the shortest it will go) you can test to see if the send buffer is full. If not, the message was successfully transferred, probably. ZeroMQ is also really nice if you have an unreliable or intermittent network connection as part of your system.
That's still not entirely satisfactory. You're probably even better off implementing your own send acknowledge mechanism on top of ZeroMQ. That way you have absolute proof that a message was received. You don't have proof that a message was not received (something can go wrong between emitting and receiving the ack, and you cannot solve the Two Generals Problem). But that's the best that can be achieved. What you'll have done then is implement a Communicating Sequential Processes architecture on top of ZeroMQ's Actor Model which is itself implemented on top of TCP streams.. Ultimately it's a bit slower, but your application has more certainty of knowing what's gone on.

Streaming audio udp C

I'm writing a program with a client and a server I almost achieved it.
At the moment I can execute the server on a port. The client in the same port with the IP adress and the name of the .wav file that I want to read.
Now what I'd like to do is making a timeout between each sendto() so that the client receives the packet and read them well. without that the client receives many packets at once and it losts many of them.
So could someone tell me how it works in UDP, and how to do that ?
making a timeout between each sendto()
I believe that you are asking how to put a small delay between each sendto(). If you open raw wav file and send bytes, there is a good chance that the data will be getting to the client much faster than it can play it. If you want to stream data at the same rate as it is played, send data in chunks, then let the client request the next chunk.
If that is not an option, you can send a chunk of data (i.e. 20ms). Then let the thread sleep for a little less than 20ms then send the next chunk. Sleeps are kind of a hack. Some sort of audio callback would be best on the server. Bottom line is that your client buffer has to be big enough to consume the the amount of data your server is sending.
without that the client receives many packets at once and it losts many of them
I believe that you are asking how to deal with the variety of packet inter arrival rates and the packet losses and out of order packets received. It sounds like you were just sending packets at too fast a rate that your client could handle. You might need a larger buffer on the client.
In any case, with UDP/IP, you have the following scenarios
lost packets
packets arriving out of order
packets arriving in bursts: (each packet will not arrive exactly X ms apart)
To deal with this, you have to minimally have what is know as a dejitter buffer. This is a buffer that collects packets as they arrive and inserts them typically in a ring buffer. The buffer will have to be large enough to buffer up packets that your server is sending. Your client is potentially consuming the packets from the buffer slower than the server is sending them (or vice versa). In order to get packets in the right order and deal with losses, you have to detect it. You can detect losses and out of order arrivals by simply numbering each packet that is sent. As packets arrive you can put them into the buffer into the correct location. If a packet is lost, you need to deal with that with some sort of loss concealment (playing silence, estimating the lost packet, etc.) which is beyond the scope of this question,
The RTP protocol is designed for streaming and is an application protocol that work over UDP.
Since you're using UDP, which is connectionless, you don't really have a way to control the flow of packets unless you implement some kind of acknowledgement mechanism... at which point you might as well be using TCP because it already has that built in.
Although I don't have much experience in network programming, this looks a bit more complicated than it might seem at first glance. So UDP is connectionless. That speeds things up a lot, but there is a price to pay -- off the top of my head, packets can get lost or arrive out of order.
Those are situations you need to handle on the client end. Your client needs to be designed so that it accepts packets as they arrive at an arbitrary rate, skips over those that fail to arrive within a certain time (for live streaming, for buffered that doesn't matter) and takes order into consideration, which means that each packet needs to contain information about its place relative to previous packets.

C socket: does send wait for recv to end?

I use blocking C sockets on Windows.
I use them to send updates of a data from the server to the client and vice versa. I send updates at a high frequency (every 100ms). Does the send() function will wait for the recipient recv() to receive the data before ending ?
I assume not if I understand well the man page:
"Successful completion of send() does not guarantee delivery of the message."
So what will happen if one is running 10 send() occurences while the other has only complete 1 recv() ?
Do I need to use so some sort of acknowledgement system ?
Lets assume you are using TCP. When you call send, the data that you are sending is immediately placed on the outgoing queue and send then completes successfully. If however, send is unable to place the data on the outgoing queue, send will return with an error.
Since Tcp is a guaranteed delivery protocol, the data on the outgoing queue can only be removed once acknowledgement has been received by the remote end. This is because the data may need to be resent if no ack has been received in time.
If the remote end is sluggish, the outgoing queue will fill up with data and send will then block until there is space to place the new data on the outgoing queue.
The connection can however fail is such a way that there is no way any further data can be sent. Although once a TCP connection has been closed, any further sends will result in an error, the user has no way of knowing how much data did actually make it to the other side. (I know of no way of retrieving TCP bookkeeping from a socket to the user application). Therefore, if confirmation of receipt of data is required, you should probably implement this on application level.
For UDP, I think it goes without saying that some way of reporting what has or has not been received is a must.
send() blocks until the operating system (kernel) has taken the data and put it into a buffer of outgoing data. It does not wait until the other end has received the data.
If you're sending by TCP, you get guaranteed delivery1 and the other end will receive the data in the order sent. That might, however, be coalesced together so what you sent as 10 separate updates could be received as a single large packet (or vice versa -- a single update could be broken up across an arbitrary number of packets). This means, among other things, that any ACK of any data implicitly acknowledges receipt of all previous data.
If you're using UDP, none of that is true -- data can arrive out of order, or be dropped and never delivered at all. If you care about all the data being received, you just about need to build some sort of acknowledgement system of your own on top of UDP itself.
1 Of course, there's a limit on the guarantee -- if a network cable gets cut (or whatever) packets won't be delivered, but you'll at least get an error message telling you that the connection was lost.
If you're using TCP, you get the acknowledgements for free as that is part of what the protocol does under the hood. But sounds like for this type of application you would probably want to use UDP. In either case though send() will not block until the client has successfully recv().
If it's crucial that the client receive every message, then use TCP. If it's ok for the client to miss one or more messages, then use UDP.
TCP guarantees delivery at a lower TCP stack level. It retries delivery until the receiving part acknowledges that the data was received, but your application may never know about that fact.
Let's say that you are sending chunks of data and you need to place those chunks of data somewhere according to some logic. If your application is not prepared to know where each individual block has to be placed, receiving it at the TCP level may be useless. The original post was about the application level logic.

Winsock UDP packets being dropped?

We have a client/server communication system over UDP setup in windows. The problem we are facing is that when the throughput grows, packets are getting dropped. We suspect that this is due to the UDP receive buffer which is continuously being polled causing the buffer to be blocked and dropping any incoming packets. Is it possible that reading this buffer will cause incoming packets to be dropped? If so, what are the options to correct this? The system is written in C. Please let me know if this is too vague and I can try to provide more info. Thanks!
The default socket buffer size in Windows sockets is 8k, or 8192 bytes. Use the setsockopt Windows function to increase the size of the buffer (refer to the SO_RCVBUF option).
But beyond that, increasing the size of your receive buffer will only delay the time until packets get dropped again if you are not reading the packets fast enough.
Typically, you want two threads for this kind of situation.
The first thread exists solely to service the socket. In other words, the thread's sole purpose is to read a packet from the socket, add it to some kind of properly-synchronized shared data structure, signal that a packet has been received, and then read the next packet.
The second thread exists to process the received packets. It sits idle until the first thread signals a packet has been received. It then pulls the packet from the properly-synchronized shared data structure and processes it. It then waits to be signaled again.
As a test, try short-circuiting the full processing of your packets and just write a message to the console (or a file) each time a packet has been received. If you can successfully do this without dropping packets, then breaking your functionality into a "receiving" thread and a "processing" thread will help.
Yes, the stack is allowed to drop packets — silently, even — when its buffers get too full. This is part of the nature of UDP, one of the bits of reliability you give up when you switch from TCP. You can either reinvent TCP — poorly — by adding retry logic, ACK packets, and such, or you can switch to something in-between like SCTP.
There are ways to increase the stack's buffer size, but that's largely missing the point. If you aren't reading fast enough to keep buffer space available already, making the buffers larger is only going to put off the time it takes you to run out of buffer space. The proper solution is to make larger buffers within your own code, and move data from the stack's buffers into your program's buffer ASAP, where it can wait to be processed for arbitrarily long times.
Is it possible that reading this buffer will cause incoming packets to be dropped?
Packets can be dropped if they're arriving faster than you read them.
If so, what are the options to correct this?
One option is to change the network protocol: use TCP, or implement some acknowledgement + 'flow control' using UDP.
Otherwise you need to see why you're not reading fast/often enough.
If the CPU is 100% utilitized then you need to do less work per packet or get a faster CPU (or use multithreading and more CPUs if you aren't already).
If the CPU is not 100%, then perhaps what's happening is:
You read a packet
You do some work, which takes x msec of real-time, some of which is spent blocked on some other I/O (so the CPU isn't busy, but it's not being used to read another packet)
During those x msec, a flood of packets arrive and some are dropped
A cure for this would be to change the threading.
Another possibility is to do several simultaneous reads from the socket (each of your reads provides a buffer into which a UDP packet can be received).
Another possibility is to see whether there's a (O/S-specific) configuration option to increase the number of received UDP packets which the network stack is willing to buffer until you try to read them.
First step, increase the receiver buffer size, Windows pretty much grants all reasonable size requests.
If that doesn't help, your consume code seems to have some fairly slow areas. I would use threading, e.g. with pthreads and utilize a producer consumer pattern to put the incoming datagram in a queue on another thread and then consume from there, so your receive calls don't block and the buffer does not run full
3rd step, modify your application level protocol, allow for batched packets and batch packets at the sender to reduce UDP header overhead from sending a lot of small packets.
4th step check your network gear, switches, etc. can give you detailed output about their traffic statistics, buffer overflows, etc. - if that is in issue get faster switches or possibly switch out a faulty one
... just fyi, I'm running UDP multicast traffic on our backend continuously at avg. ~30Mbit/sec with peaks a 70Mbit/s and my drop rate is bare nil
Not sure about this, but on windows, its not possible to poll the socket and cause a packet to drop. Windows collects the packets separately from your polling and it shouldn't cause any drops.
i am assuming your using select() to poll the socket ? As far as i know , cant cause a drop.
The packets could be lost due to an increase in unrelated network traffic anywhere along the route, or full receive buffers. To mitigate this, you could increase the receive buffer size in Winsock.
Essentially, UDP is an unreliable protocol in the sense that packet delivery is not guaranteed and no error is returned to the sender on delivery failure. If you are worried about packet loss, it would be best to implement acknowledgment packets into your communication protocol, or to port it to a more reliable protocol like TCP. There really aren't any other truly reliable ways to prevent UDP packet loss.
