MongoDB - How to access an object in an array - arrays

I'm not able to describe my thought precisely in words, so here's an example:
'description': 'fruits',
'examples': [
'name': 'Apple',
'color': ['red', 'green']
'name': 'Banana',
'color': 'yellow'
'description': 'vegetables',
'examples': [
'name': 'Tomato',
'color': 'red'
'name': 'Carrot',
'color': 'orange'
'description': 'Wweets',
'examples': [
'name': 'Chocolate',
'color': ['brown', 'black', 'white']
'name': 'Candy',
'color': 'various'
Let's go step by step:
If I want to see all food categories, I query by the following command
I want to see the vegetables{ 'description': 'vegetables' })
Now let's say I forgot how a Carrot looks like (lol). What do I do? I tried the following (Native node.js MongoDB driver):
collection.find({'': 'Carrot'}, function(err, example){
// It still returns me the whole object!
As a result I expected MongoDB to return the next highest instance of the object. For example I wanted to do this.
// 'orange'
Do you have any idea? I'm new to document oriented DBs :/

When you store a bunch of objects in a single document you will (by default) get back the entire document. [*]
When one of the fields of the document is an array, you will get back the full array if the item you are trying to match is found in the array.
Don't fall for the temptation to cram everything into a single document if you will normally be getting back only a subset of those things.
You have an alternative available:
You can store a collection of foods where every food has a field "type" which is "fruit" or "vegetable" or "...". You can still query for all foods, or just foods of type "fruit" or just food with name "carrot", etc.
Arrays are great for lists of attributes of a particular object/document, they are not as good when you cram documents into them that you then want to get back as first-class objects.
[*] there is a way to project and get only a subset of the fields, but you will still get back entire fields.


MongoDb: What's the best approach to modify a model field from an array of strings to an array of ids that would refer to another model?

I have a Profile model, that contains this field:
interests: {
type: [String],
My app has been running for a while. So this means for several documents, this field has already been filled with an array of strings.
In order to achieve certain goals, I need to create a model Interest with a field name and then refer to it in the Profile like this:
interests: [{
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "interests",
The field name should contain the already existing string interests in Profile.interests.
This is the approach that I think I will follow:
Create Interest model.
Fill name field with the existing Profile.interests strings.
a. When doing this replace Profile.interests with the _ids of the newly created Interest documents.
b. Make sure is unique.
c. Remove spaces.
Wherever interests in the app are used in the backend, use populate to fill them.
This doesn't feel like a safe operation. So I would like to hear your thoughts on it. Is there a better approach? Should I avoid doing this?
Thank you.
Step 1:
Create a Model for interests,
specify your desired fields fir interests schema and set properties for particular fields
specify collection name in options as per your requirement
create a model and specify your desired name in model
const InterestsSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
{ name: { type: String } },
{ collection: "interests" }
const Interests = mongoose.model("Interests", InterestsSchema);
Instead of removing interests field add new field interest (you can choose desired field), for safe side whenever you feel the current update working properly you can remove it, Update profile schema,
update interest field as per your requirement, now newly added field is interest
interests: {
type: [String]
interest: [{
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "interests"
Step 2:
Wherever interests in the app are used in the backend, use interest and populate to fill them.
Step 3: (just execute the query)
Make a collection for interests and store all unique interests string from profile collection, so write a aggregation query to select unique string and store in interests collection, you can execute this query in mongo shell or any editor that you are using after specifying your original profile collection name,
$project to show interests field only because we are going to deconstruct it
$unwind to deconstruct interests array
$group by interests and select unique field, and trim white space from interests string
$project to show name field and if you want to then add your desired fields
$out will create a new collection interests and write all interests with newly generated _id field
{ $project: { interests: 1 } },
{ $unwind: "$interests" },
{ $group: { _id: { $trim: { input: "$interests" } } } },
{ $project: { _id: 0, name: "$_id" } },
{ $out: "interests" }
You have example input:
"_id": 1,
"interests": ["sports","sing","read"]
"_id": 2,
"interests": ["tracking","travel"]
After executing above query the output/result in interests / new collection would be something like:
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"name": "travel"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000001"),
"name": "sports"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000002"),
"name": "read"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000003"),
"name": "tracking"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000004"),
"name": "sing"
Step 4: (just execute the query)
Add new field interest with reference _ids from interests collection in profile collection, there are sequence to execute queries,
find profile query and project only required fields _id and interests when interest (new field) field is not exists and iterate loop using forEach
trim interests string iterating loop through map
find the interests reference _id by its name field from created interests collection
update query for add interest field that have _ids in profile collection
{ interest: { $exists: false } },
{ _id: 1, interests: 1 }).forEach(function(profileDoc) {
var interests ={
return i.trim();
var interest = [];
{ name: { $in: interests } },
{ _id: 1 }).forEach(function(interestDoc){
{ _id: profileDoc._id },
{ $set: { interest: interest } }
You have example input:
"_id": 1,
"interests": ["sports","sing","read"]
"_id": 2,
"interests": ["tracking","travel"]
After executing above query the result in your profile collection would be something like:
"_id": 1,
"interests": ["sports","sing","read"],
"interest": [
"_id": 2,
"interests": ["tracking","travel"],
"interest": [
Step 5:
Now you have completed all the steps and you have newly added interest field
and also old field interests field is still in safe mode, just make sure everything is working properly you can delete old interests field,
remove old field interests field from all profiles
{ interests: { $exists: true } },
{ $unset: { "interests": 1 } }
Test this steps in your local/development server before executing in production server.
Take backup of your database collections before executing queries.
Field and schema names are predicted you can replace with your original name.

Mongo - add field if object in array of sub docs has value

I develop survey application with express and struggle with some getting of data.
The case:
you can get all surveys by "GET /surveys". And every survey doc has to contains hasVoted:mongoose.Bool and optionsVote:mongoose.Map if the user has voted for the survey. (SurveySchema is bellow)
you can vote for survey by "POST /surveys/vote"
you can see the results of any survey only if you vote for it
new Schema({
question: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.String,
required: true,
options: {
type: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.String,
required: true,
optionsVote: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Map,
of: mongoose.Schema.Types.Number,
votesCount: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Number,
votes: {
type: [{
user: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
option: mongoose.Schema.Types.Number,
So the target of the question is how to add fields hasVoted and optionsVote if there is "Vote" sub document in votes array where ?
I believe you got the idea so if you have an idea how to change the schema to achieve the desired result I'm open!
votes:[{user:"userId1", option:0}]
votes:[{user:"userId2", option:0}]
Route handler:
Where'userId1' and then make the desired query.
The result
[{ // Voted for this survey
votes:[{user:"userId1", option:0}]
},{ // No voted for this survey
In MongoDB, you can search for sub document as follows
//Mongodb query to search for survey filled by a user
db.survey.find({ 'votes.user': myUserId })
So with this when you can get results only where user has voted, do you really need hasVoted field?
To have optionsVote field, first I would prefer schema of optionsVote as {option: "a", count:1}. You can choose any of the following approach.
A. manage to update optionsVote field at the time of update by incrementing the count of the voted option when you POST /survey/vote.
B. Another approach would be to calculate the optionsVote based on votes entries at the time of GET /survey. You can do this via aggregate
//Mongodb query to get optionsVote:{option: "a", count:1} from votes: { user:"x", option:"a"}
{ $unwind: "$votes" },
{ $group: {
"_id": { "id": "_id", "option": "$votes.option" },
optionCount: { $sum: 1 }
$group: { "_id": "$" },
optionsVote: { $push : { option: "$_id.option", count: "$optionCount" } },
votes: { $push : '$votes'}
//WARNING: I haven't tested this query, this is just to show the approach -> group based on votes.option and count all votes for that option for each document and then create optionsVote field by pushing all option with their count using $push into the field `optionsVote`
I recommend approach A because I assume POST operations would be quite less than GET operations. Also it's easier to implement. Having said that, keeping query in B handy will help you with sanity check.

Ignoring a field mongodb request

Let's say we have objects like this in a mongodb collection:
_id: 00000001
colors: ["green", "yellow"],
houses: [
number: 1,
owner: "John"
number: 2,
owner: "John"
owner: "Dave"
_id: 00000002
colors: ["green", "red"],
houses: [
number: 15,
owner: "Dave"
So, to get every object where the color array contains the color green the query I would need to write would look smth like this: collection.find({colors: "green"});
Now if I would like to get all the objects in which John owns a house, how would I formulate such a query?
Basically what I am asking is, if my query would be collection.find({houses: {owner: "John", number: ?}}) what would I need to replace the "?" with to tell mongo that I don't care what value number has.
Or maybe there is another approach that I haven't thought of?
Thank you for any help!
(Btw this is a made up example hence why the IDs look weird and the object in itself doesn't seem very useful.)
To query an array of objects you can use the dot notation, try:
db.collection.find({ "houses.owner": "John"}})

how to merge similar values in normalizr function?

I have unusual response from server like this
id: 1,
name: "Alexandr",
children: [
id: 2,
name: "Stephan"
id: 3,
name: "Nick"
id: 4,
name: "David",
children: [
id: 3,
name: "Nick"
id: 6,
name: "Paul"
i would like to normalize this response to receive a diction with all people. So, i use normalizr go flat this
const people= new Schema('people');
Children: arrayOf(people),
NotOwnChildren: arrayOf(people)
let normalized = normalize(, arrayOf(people));
but doing like this i get an error
"When merging two people, found unequal data in their "Children" values. Using the earlier value."
How can i adjust normalizr to merge people with same id (update entities with newest data)?
It looks like you're getting two people that have differing values for one of their keys (I'm assuming your example input is truncated).
For Normalizr#2:
You can use a custom mergeIntoEntity function to resolve the issue manually.
For Normalizr#>=3.0.0, you'll need use mergeStrategy.

Filter array elements by nested array of objects

First, let me say that this question is slightly different to others I've seen regarding nested arrays in mongo.
Most of them ask how to get a specific element in a nested array. I want to get all elements of an array that has itself another array containing a given value.
I have documents, that look like this:
_id: something,
value: something,
items: [{
name: someItem,
price: somePrice,
{name: storeName, url: someUrl },
{name: anotherStoreName, url: someOtherUrl}
name: someOtherItem,
price: someOtherPrice,
{name: storeName, url: someUrl },
{name: yetAnotherStoreName, url: someOtherUrl}
What I want is to get only the items elements that have a given store in the stores array.
This is, if I ask storeName, I should get both items in the example. But if I ask for anotherStoreName, I should only get the first element of the array items.
Searching for similar questions and trying the solutions I can only get the first matching element of items, but I want all the matching elements.
I'd appreciate any help.
You should use mongo aggregation to get result in following way.
First use $unwind to separate array of items and then add match condition.
$unwind: "$items"
}, {
$match: {
"": "storeName"
}, {
$project: {
_id: 0,
items: "$items" //you can add multiple fields here
You should use the aggregation framework to unwind elements on the items array and then treat them as individual documents.[
$unwind: "$items"
$project: {
_id: 0,
items: "$items"
$match: {
"": "yetAnotherStoreName"
$project just let you work with the important part of the document.
This works on the mongoshell be carefully when using your driver.
The result.
