Data in local .mdf file didn't changed, but no error - sql-server

I use a .mdf file as my database. I also used Linq-to-SQL connection.
At first, my application can add and display the data in the .mdf file correctly. But when I try to see the data by clicking the .mdf file directly and from the table, the database is empty.
I've set the .mdf file and the .dbml file Copy if newer, but still nothing.
Please help me and thank you for your help.

I bet your connection string contains
The whole User Instance and AttachDbFileName= approach is flawed - at best! Visual Studio will be copying around the .mdf file and most likely, your INSERT works just fine - but you're just looking at the wrong .mdf file in the end!
If you want to stick with this approach, then try putting a breakpoint on the myConnection.Close() call - and then inspect the .mdf file with SQL Server Mgmt Studio Express - I'm almost certain your data is there.
The real solution in my opinion would be to
install SQL Server Express (and you've already done that anyway)
install SQL Server Management Studio Express
create your database in SSMS Express, give it a logical name (e.g. YourDatabase)
connect to it using its logical database name (given when you create it on the server) - and don't mess around with physical database files and user instances. In that case, your connection string would be something like:
Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=YourDatabase;Integrated Security=True
and everything else is exactly the same as before...


Microsoft SQL Server : attach database with FILESTREAM from new location fails, because location not available

You just providing new .mdf file location, everything goes perfect, but... error and database not attached.
It occurs ALWAYS, when you attaching .mdf's from different versions of Microsoft SQL Server.
What to do ?
Answer is very simple :
Just go to error message, find missed location of your FILESTREAM directory (yes, it was not recognized automatically, even it is near the mdf file).
Create location (directory) manually.
Move you FILESTREAM directory content to it.
Enable permissions (sometimes people just add "Full" for all, but it is not recommended) on new location for Microsoft SQL Server (yes, it was not done by default).
Now, try to attach your database again. It must success.
Good luck

Publishing a VB.NET Application with SQL Express DB (using LocalDB)

I have written a VB.Net application that uses an SQL Express DB file containing a single table and a handful of stored procedures.
I have successfully built and exported the application to my VPS.
The problem comes when knowing what to do concerning the database file, there is a wealth of stuff online but not specifically to suit my needs.
I plan to use LocalDB on the VPS but being commandline - it is hard to know if the scripts that I have run have been successful after creating an instance , starting it... etc,
I want to keep installation requirements to an absolute minimum on my VPS machine and (in time other end users machines)... hence using LocalDB and not SQL Express
So, what do I have to do on the VPS to enable my application to connect to the database.. ? This was simple when it was Access - (supply the MDB file and run the AccessDatabaseEngine(redistributable) - job done)
The connection on my devt. machine runs as expected.
The connection string in my code is:
Const strSQLConnection As String = "Data Source= (localdb)\v11.0;Database=SoccerTrader;Trusted_Connection=True"
Can anyone help please.. this is driving me around the bend.. surely it cant be that difficult..?
I have found the following in an MSDN blog which says:
Database as a File: LocalDB connection strings support AttachDbFileName property that allows attaching a database file during the connection process. This lets developers work directly with databases instead of the database server. Assuming a database file (*.MDF file with the corresponding *.LDF file) is stored at “C:\MyData\Database1.mdf” the developer can start working with it by simply using the following connection string: “Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;Integrated Security=true;AttachDbFileName=C:\MyData\Database1.mdf”.
================ ADDED 12th June =====================
OK, this is really bugging me now... I have read around this till it is coming out of my ears and nothing specifically seems to target what I am trying to do. All the blogs I read refer to installing / running SQL Server and changing permissions etc.
As I have mentioned I am using a VPS and propose to use LocalDB on the VPS to access a simple/small database file for a VB.Net application I am writing.
This is the story so far.
1) I have built a working prototype on my development PC and connected using SQL Express to a database file SoccerTrader.mdf - no problem.
In the Visual Studio Project properties I have added a requirement to the project that checks for SQL Server ..and if it is missing, installs it...
2) I install the project on the VPS and as expected SQL Server 2012 LocalDB is installed .... see here..
3) I have copied the SoccerTrader.MDF and SoccerTrader.LDF files into "C:\BESTBETSoftware\SoccerBot" on the VPS
4) for practical reasons given the problems I am having getting this to work, I have implemented an inputbox for me to specify the connection string when the application runs.... the connection strings I have used give the following...
I have not changed any file permissions on the development PC and the database state is NOT read only....
So, the question is where do I go from here...? What have I missed.. why is it not working..?
I have managed to sort the problem.
Seemingly, the connection string I was using was OK. It was my error handling that wasnt 'clean' enough. It transpired the connection was being made on my VPS but when the application attempted to update the table , the directory I had created and put the MDF file into, would not permit write access.
I moved the MDF into the C:\Users\Public\Documents folder and all works as it should.
You have to specify the full path of the Db file with folder name/ip-address

SQL Server Database Primary Data File got lost

SQL Server 2008 R2 stopped all of a sudden due to (maybe) Power Fluctuation.
I tried all the possible ways to restart the it but every time it is failing with the error
The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion.
Some of the ways I tried are
Making the SQL Server to log On as "Local System" instead of "NetworkService"
Replacing of Master.mdf and mastlog.ldf files from the "Bin/Templates" folder
Disabling "VIA" (which was already disabled)
But all in-vain :(
On checking further I noticed that both the data files i.e. mydb.mdf and mydb.ldf of my database are not there in the DATA folder and instead there are mydb_1.ndb and mybd_2.ldf files.
How to recover mydb.mdf file and to restart the SQL Server?
Thank you.
sql data files can be named anything so the mydb_1.ndb could be your data file.
If that's true you should be able to recover the data by:
Install a new sql server (sql express would work if the DB is < 10GB)
move the mydb_1.ndb and mybd_2.ldf onto that server
Use "Attach..." from ssms to add the database to the new server
If you are lucky and that ndb is just a differently named mdf file you should be able to access the data.
Then you can repair your existing server (reinstall will be easier than messing with the master database unless you've got other dbs on there) and move the database back over i.e. do the same attach... method
Oh - and start backing it up :)

context.Database.Exists always returns true, even if database file is missing

If I create a new MVC4 Web Application with the Internet Application project template (which uses forms authentication) then, when I run it the first time and click on Register, the call to context.Database.Exists (in the InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute filter) correctly detects that the database file does not exist, and ObjectContext.CreateDatabase is called, creating the dbf and ldf files in the App_Data folder.
If I then delete the dbf and ldf files and run the app again, the call to context.Database.Exists returns true, despite the fact that the database file is gone. This behavior seems to be persistent: Once ObjectContext.CreateDatabase has been called, some magic seems to remember that the database "exists", even if the physical file is gone and even if I restart the PC.
Ok, so I assume that something in SQL Server is remembering the existence of the database. So I've installed and run SQL Server Management Studio. But the only thing that appears under the Databases folder under the \SQLEXPRESS node is the System Databases folder. I see no sign of my database file connection.
What's this all about? Why does context.Database.Exist return true, and how can I convince it to return false if the database file is gone? And why don't I see some evidence of the database connection in SQL Server Management Studio?
You can remove the database by deleting it from your LocalDb instance. Using SQL Managment Studio connect to "(LocalDb)\v11.0".

Can't gain access to my database created though Visual Studio?

I have created a database emailDatabase, its stored in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA
In Visual Studio, I use the Server Explorer, click the add new connection button.
The add connection dialog box appears.
Under server name I use the dropdown box and select DEV-5\SQLEXPRESS. I use Windows authentication.
In the Connect to section at the bottom, the dropdown displays: Master, Model, msdb and tempdb and does not display my emailDatabase.
So I select Attach Database File and click browse and follow
local C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA
and select my email database.
The following error occurs :
You don not have permission to open this file.
Contact file owner or an administrator to obtain permission.
I think my problem is i saved my database wrong, I need to make a back up or something like that. if that's the case please tel me how to make a backup and so on. I really need to move forward from this problem.
When I created my database I right-clicked on databases in SQL Server Management Studio and said new database, then I added columns with a query. then file save all.
How can I get a copy of my database file with all the permissions I need to use it in visual Studio??
When you create a database on the server (using SQL Server Management Studio), you don't have to (and should not!) fiddle around with the database file(s) anymore - let the server handle that for you.
Instead: do a Add Connection in Visual Studio and then specify the server instance (DEV-5\SQLEXPRESS) and the database name (emailDatabase) in your connection dialog.
With this, you're connecting and using a SQL Server database the way it's intended to be used - on the SQL Server instance itself. This is much easier, and much less hassle, than having to struggle with "free-floating" .mdf files and attaching them to your solutions and stuff like that....
So here - fill in DEV-5\SQLEXPRESS into your "Server name" dropdown, and then use the "Select or enter database name" option and enter your database name (or pick it from the dropdown) - it should be there!
DO NOT use the "Attach a database file" option - this is the free-floating .mdf "feature" which is rather clumsy and hard to use and error-prone - again: I recommend not using that...
Had the same problem and I realised the problem was not in VS2010 but my SQLserver.My instance name is OMAFANO ,and that's what my MSSQL connected to under Server Name. Now here's the catch,click on that and connect to OMAFANO\SQLEXPRESS and create all your databases and tables there if you want them to show up in VS2010 the way u stated up there. So under server name in VS2010 also write INSTANCENAME\SQLEXPRESS if you want to see your newly created databases etc. Take a look at the picture:
I thought I had it figured out but problems continue to pop up. So ...
After hours of tinkering I finally figured out how to use SSMS to connect to a SQLServer 2008 database that was created in VS2010, and it is relatively simple. But from the number of unanswered questions all over the place not well documented. Here's how to do it:
In VS right click the project in SolutionExplorer and select Add new item then select Data then SQLServer database. It will prompt you to save it in the app_data folder and create the folder for you if it doesn't exist.
Find the Ssms.exe file (on my system it's in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE
Right click Ssms.exe and select Run as administrator.
After SSMS opens you can attach the project MDF. It will now be on your list of databases. The database name is a GUID.
You can even run aspnet_regsql against the database to add the Membership tables and sprocs.
IMPORTANT! You can manage this database with EITHER SMSS OR VS but not both at the same time. If you mess with the database from within VS using ServerExplorer you will break the SSMS connection. To fix that you will need to detach and reattach the database.
Run Your Visual studio As Administrator
Go to Visual Studio instance i.e C#,C++ etc
Right click > Run as Administrator
Then now It may work
To connect to a ssms2014 database from visual studio 2013, in the new connection wizard I had to change 'data source' from 'ms sql server database file' to '.net framework data provider for sql server..'. Then I was able to enter [computer name][username] for windows authentication.
I had the same issue, you just type your local server name "sara-PC" instead of
Now you can access your database easily, you can see it in your dropdownlist.
And also please dont use file access method to attatch database, thats not good way.
Also you can put ~....\Data and ~...\log file wherever you want by setting default location using server->rightclick->properties->Database settings.
Definitely this solves your issue.
