HyperlinkButton in Silverlight points to old URI - silverlight

I'm new in Silverlight. A used the SilverLight Business Application template to create an application. I added a HypperlinkButton to the MainPain.xaml that pointed to a view, say ProductListView. Now I created a new view, say DataFormView, and I wanted the HyperlinkButton to point to that new view in order to test it, but when i run the application, it's the old view that's shown (ProductListView), though i have change the NavigateUri property to point to the new view.
I added a new HyperlinkButton to point to the new view, but it seems that it's the old main page that is shown (with one hyperlink button).
Can anyone help?

The easiest way to know navigation in silverlight, Just open new Silverlight Navigation Application project, where you have simple navigation is performed using navigation frame and Hyperlinkbutton.

This is likely a problem with the xap file getting cached. Try rebuilding the application. There are other ways to clear the browser cache as well:
Making the Silverlight XAP file expire from browser cache programmatically


Embed another xaml silverlight object in page

I am totally to Silverlight and am Getting started. I finished the first of the Getting started series here and now seeing into HTML Bridge now over here. Visual Studio created a website for me when it created the new silverlight application. For the HTML bridge tutorial I created another silverlight page(Is this what i should create) and put some code into it.
How do I embed this into a html page? ( I know how to do it using markup as well as javascript, I am confused as to how to get the application out of single xap file inside ClientBin directory)
With Silverlight you are dealing with a single plugin within a HTML page. That plugin is the single XAP file that the HTML page downloads.
Your Silverlight app may also have many pages, but its navigation is not the same as HTML navigation (it uses bookmark URLs to fool the browser into staying on the same page while it changes content). There is only the one HTML page involved.
Initially, just to test your new page, you can change the app.xaml.cs file to create your new Silverlight Page instead of RootVisual = new Main() etc. Long term you need one Silverlight application per separate plugin your require.
Update (from comments):
Pages in Silverlight are changed by substituting a visual element of the single main page with the contents of another Silverlight page.
You cannot simply replace the RootVisual (as that can only be set at startup).
Start with a new Navigation or Business application project to see the basics (navigation adds a lot of complexity, but once you see how it works it is pretty cool).

WP7 WebBrowserTask without url entry textbox

This might not be possible but I thought I'd check with everyone.
Is it possible to load a WebBrowserTask on WP7 but to have the url entry box collapsed? I'd also like to set IsHitVisble to false?
The reason I want to do this is to load a url (through databinding) but ensure that the user can't browse to other links on the page. I also need to keep the phones share control in the tool bar so I can't just use a webbrowser control and set the source to the url.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Not possible. You can use a WebBrowserControl inside your own app, but it's not recommended.
Basically such odd/weird limitations as this, don't belong in any modern day craftsmanship. And thus why it isn't a possibility (thanks Microsoft!)

can we add silverlight application in tool box of asp.net web application

can we add silverlight application to tool box of asp.net web form application so that instead of writing HTML to include silverlight application i can just drag n drop it from tool box.
You can't add a silverlight app directly to the tool box. However its fairly simple to create a WebControl whose Render method writes out the appropriate <object> element with the source param pointing at your applications xap.
You can even add some properties from which that your render code could generate an initparams <param> element.
This WebControl would automatically end up in the ToolBox allowing you to drag it on the design surface.
You might even consider detecting that the control is rendering in the design time and change the output to display a reasonable placemarker for it in the designer.
Some versions ago Silverlight had a Silverlight Server control.
There is still one available here.

Showing the result of a WebClient-postback in an Browser Window from Silverlight 4

I want to show the result of a WebClient-Postback in an new Browser-Popup-Window. As the "Navigate" and "Popup" methods of HtmlPage only support Get-requests, I issued an POST-request to an REST-Service via WebClient. But now I want to show the result (e.g. application/ms-excel or application/pdf) in an new Browser-Window.
Therefore, can I open an new BrowserWindow and set its contents as well as some corresponding http-headers with on-board means of Silverlight 4? Or even better, is an easier way to trigger the browser to do the POST-request to the service?
Best Regards
I tried going this route but the WebBrowser control is not opened to the developer. What I did as a temporary workaround was to open my webpage http://www.xyz.com/default.aspx inside the WebControl and let the page drive the rest.
Mike Taulty had an example for somthing like this, how you can use javascript to communicate back to the silverlight app through InvokeScript:
I hope it helps!

Windows Phone 7 - Using the Application bar and Prism (or MVVM)

I am playing around with the WP7 SDK and the Prism for WP7 beta and have come across a problem I can't figure out (or even a workaround for).
First of all, I'm new into WPF/Silverlight/WP7 and Prism, so I could be overlooking something very obvious.
So I have a Shell page that has my region that is used to hold my content pages, and all of this is working great! Now my problem is that I have a settings control that will allow the users to edit the settings of the application (names, locations, etc). Now I can get this page to work with no problems by having a button on one of my controls that will transition the region manager to the control.
However, I would like to use the application bar on the phone to have the button, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get access to my model object from within the page that is opened by the Application bar click. I can only do a NavigationService.Navigate() to a settings page, but the PhoneApplicationPage objects in WP7 do not allow injection on the constructors (the constructors must be parameterless) so I cannot pass in the object instance in that way.
So my question is, how can I access (or pass) objects between pages or controls?
In the examples they use this technique to set the data context of a form after it is navigated to from another form:
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Page2.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
FrameworkElement root = Application.Current.RootVisual as FrameworkElement;
root.DataContext = some_object;
