AngularJS style programming in Dart? - angularjs

Does anybody know a library or project that allows for an AngularJS style of programming in Dart?
I'd like to be able to create annotated HTML files for declaring my UI instead of imperatively instantiating everything like in SWT. Also, features like data binding would be helpful. Can I use Dart for that instead of JS?

angular.dart - official port of Angular to Dart.
Old answer:
Another option: Web UI. There's a new article on it here.

The angularjs team announced a port for Dart a couple of days ago
Here you go the link

You should check out Buckshot from John Evans. Buckshot gives you declarative UI and data binding.

There are a bunch of UI frameworks being created for Dart right now. I know about PureMVC, Buckshot, and HipsterMVC, but there are probably others. I don't know which of these are like AngularJS.
Google also just released an article on using Web Components in Dart.

AngularJS uses the new methodology of MVC (Model-View-Controller) to separate information from the user interface. Many web frameworks, most notably Ruby on Rails and ASP.NET MVC 3 and MVC 4, use this methodology to make programming web apps easier, in my opinion. JavaScript libraries, like AngularJS and Backbone are beginning to use this style of programming on the client-side as well. For Dart, I would take a look at Hipster MVC. Its still being developed, but it looks very promising and should be completed soon. Hope this helps!


Alternative to Single-spa

We have huge enterprise application written in angularjs.
Now we have to migrate to angular, so we have ruled out an option of hybrid approach angular suggests using "ngUpgrade".
So now we are creating a new application in angular, which means we have 2 applications "angularjs(old)" and angular(new).
So to switch between these two applications can be done without refresh using angular-spa.
I was trying to find if there is another framework, where navigating between two apps happens without refreshing(without refreshing entire page by navigating to new html).
Possible solution:
Use a new Angular application as a wrapper, then just use iframe to show the application you want depends on the context - old or new. The issue you might face is changing the iframe, but I guess you can use postMessage to communicate between the apps.
A bit more sophisticated:
Use Angular Elements to create your hybrid app.
I really recommend you to watch Erin talks from the last Angular connect about how Google made the migration from js to Angular.
I've recently tried the micro-frontend architecture described here:
Each app on different code repository, runtime build and quite easy to implement. Take a look :)

Spring MVC with AngularJS a good combination?

I had now two little projects with Spring MVC, Thymleaf, HTML, Bootstrap and vanilla JS/JQuery.
So I far I don't have much skills with AngularJS.
So I am curious about your oppinion if it makes sense to try to build up another project with Spring MVC and AngularJS combined or if these two doesn't fit that well together?
My Recommendation would be Spring boot + Angular as this is the combination of two best frameworks available in the market.
Please have a look at JHIPSTER as it is project generating tool to create awesome project with so many already built in functionality and wide community support.
AngularJS is one thing. Is a front end framework.
Spring MVC is another thing. Is a back end framework.
Then everything is good with AngularJS. And everything is good with Spring MVC.
AngularJS is old. Try to get a Angular4 experience for example. My opinion.

Angular.js vs React.js with php mvc (Laravel)

I know what angular.js is and I even had a question about it #Why use AngularJs in frontend if Laravel is already used as backend?.
but recently I started to read about React.js and from its site (its the V in the MVC) which is exactly what am after "handling the view and nothing else".
for me, I think Angular.js as an MVC framework was made to be used with something that is built with JavaScript from start to end like Node.js
and it seems like an overkill when used with something like Larval, where I simply need something to handle the frontend and nothing else + Angular have 2 main drawbacks
with the latest news about a new version that won't have back compatibility with the current version makes me even feared to start learning it just to find that more or less every project out there is using the old version which mostly is true.
angular renders the whole dom if anything got changed which again is an issue for big projects.
so based on the above, plz note that I want to learn/use JS solely to enhance the user experience not to build another Gmail or Facebook and so my question is,
could React.js be used with Laravel to handle the view and do everything Angular was going to give, or I have to use Angular liked or not?
could React.js be used with Laravel to handle the view and do everything Angular was going to give?
React is just for views. React components are stateful components with some really clever rendering stuff happening behind the scenes. To build a fully functional front-end app, you'd need to tie in some other code (or write it yourself).
React works well with Facebook's Flux architecture. I would suggest looking into that to learn how to manage the state of your react components.
What's key to understand here is that Flux and React are not parts of a large front-end framework. React is a library and Flux (as provided by Facebook) only provides a Dispatcher. The rest is up to you to implement. There are some pre-existing implementations you can look at if you need some help to get started.
What I like about flux is that it allows me implement things the way that fits my application best. React takes care of the heavy DOM lifting and is very easy to learn. Compared to Angular, I don't have to learn arbitrary conventions and gigantic APIs of a huge framework.

How to integrate AngularJS with Lithium?

I need to add new features to an already existing application. The application is built using Lithium and jQuery. The features that needs to be included have a complex view which allow users to analyze data and perform CRUD functionality. I won't go into details about the features here, but after working on a few simple Angular tutorials and side projects, I know that using AngularJS to create this view will make my life a lot more easier than creating the view using jQuery.
Over the course of the next few months we may convert the entire app to AngularJS.
I am uncertain about where I should place the Angular files and how to setup routing. How can I integrate AngularJS to Lithium so that part of the Lithium routing works and part of it is handled by AngularJS.
I also found this answer on stackoverflow but it doesn't mention folder structures or how to integrate Angular with Lithium. I think this link mentioned in the answers is supposed to have what I am looking for but it doesn't seem to exist anymore.
The link is down, but you can clone the source repository and run it yourself here:
Regarding organization, the simplest way would be to place the directory structure for your Angular components inside of /webroot. The more advanced (and in my opinion better) way would be to make them two separate applications: an AngularJS UI app, and a backend API in Li3 that it talks to.

AngularJS vs multiple forms in ASP.NET MVC

I'm building a complex job application. And I want it to be a SPA. I'm using AngularJS with MVC (not web API). Everything is working so far, but I realized that I can no longer take advantage of a lot of features that ASP.NET MVC provides. So far I know I have to write my own code for these features:
all validation have to be on client side. I can't reuse some attributes I wrote in C#.
[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute no longer work.
I can't use classes that generated by entity framework directly. It will give "circular reference" error for that.
I almost regret to take this approach. It's nice to have 2-way binding, but I have to write a lot of extra code that I could have avoided if I don't use angularJS. I can write multiple forms in one page and achieve the same result like shown here:
Multiple Forms in same page MVC.
Can you tell what other MVC features I still have to write code for? when should I use angularJS and when should I use ASP.NET multiple forms on the same page?
You can ease the pain of those listed points, but still, it might be better to decide what's better for you from the beginning - rendering views client-side (angular) or server-side (mvc).
Anyways, there are known solutions for some of the listed issues. Angular directive for MVC validation attributes:
For the [ValidationAntiForgeryToken] here is also a solution:
I have not understood the thing regarding multiple forms (I believe it's unrelated to angular), so skipped on this..
