Extjs grid header is draw on top of other controls - extjs

See the image above, the grid header is always on top.
Here's the image:
This images is like a Menu. When I click the first one, open the menu in horizontal line. WHen I click the second (from top to botton) open the menu for this ˜group˜.
This is an iconic menu.
For the first time, its only shown the first column of icons (in this case "bar" and "favorites", and the grid is displayed correctly.
But once the "bar" button is clicked, the rest of line appears, but the grid header is on top.
This appears to be an absolute layout problem.

I recommend not change extjs classes.
If you do that, will get problems in a future update.

I found that the problem is in the ext-all.css file.
the z-index property in the class:
seems to be the problem.
If I change to zero, it works.


Tab panel with items that don't fit the width of the panel

I am facing an issue where the tabs don't fit the entire width of the panel, and the user has to scroll to the right to view the rightmost tabs.
To see what I mean, please can go to this Sencha example, add enough tabs to enable the scrolling in the tab header.
My questions:
Is there a way to make the tabs wrap rather than having the scrolling effect?
Is there a plugin that can be used to create a dropdown menu/list with all the tabs or perhaps with the tabs that are not visible on the top right corner?
Is there a way to configure the table panel such that when I click on the > button on the right side to scroll the tab items, they scroll enough to make the next item visible instead of scrolling in small increments?
Ultimately, I could simulate the tab panel by adding a toolbar and buttons, and using the cardlayout. That would be my plan B.
Thank you
Update: I can set the flex: 1 property for each tab (inside tabConfig). I still have to figure out tooltips and enable the elipsis on the longer tabs that get chopped off.
There is a tabBar config for tabpanels, see here. Within this you can set layout properties, including overflowHandler, and one possible value is menu. This will do what you asked for in question 2. Add this config to tabpanel definition:
tabBar: {
layout: {
overflowHandler: 'menu'

Apply style regardless of content length of button

I have 2 buttons. say for example a "Browse" button and a "Start Data Backup" Button. I have applied a common style to these buttons. find the buttons below.
As you can see, the content of the browse button aligned properly to the center. But the another one doesn't have any borders. it occupied the button completely. I know it is due to the length of the text and we can fix it by setting the width of the button, but unfortunately i cannot set my button width .because i need my button should give same look with different screen resolution.
What i need now is, the content should be aligned as like in browse button regardless of content length. How to achieve this?
If you have limitation on changing the width of Button for different screen resolutions, instead of changing the width of button try overwriting the font size of the content in button. Also make use of content wrapping to get extra text in new line.

Follow up on: Rebuild list of containers without scrolling the list

Referring to this question and answer by Shai Almog:
Rebuild list of containers without scrolling the list
I have a form with one container (TableLayout), which contains several rows with labels and buttons. Clicking a button changes the order of the rows and rebuilds the whole form (after myForm.removeAll() ). After myForm.revalidate() the form jumps to the top.
I am trying to implement this exact behaviour, to return to the same point (scroll position Y) after revalidating/changing the container contents.
I subclassed the Container-class to make setScrollY(int) visible. Using this with an arbitrary value does not scroll to the position, so it seems that the setScrollY method is not changing the scroll position of the content pane overall.
And myContainer.getScrollY() always returns "0". I only get the scroll position by calling getContentPane().getScrollY().
But it is obviously not possible to call the setScrollY()-method on the content pane - as it is not possible to subclass the content pane - to scroll back to the same position after revalidating the form.
Thanks for any advice!
Use border layout which disables the scrolling of the form/content pane.
Place your container (where you exposed setScroll) in the center and make sure to invoke setScrollableY(true) on that Container.

EXTJS: scrolling issue

When Data loads in grid and scrolling appears, I can navigate it through up/down arror key. But when the pointer goes down not able to see the content in grid, i mean the grid does not shift upword automatically.
Looks like your grid is not rendered properly. Judging by your description your grid is bigger then the panel it belongs to. Please post some code and screenshots.

How to bring a menu to front of a navigation frame in silverlight?

I Have a Silverlight page with a header menu, a navigation frame, and a footer. In my header menu I want to put a drop down menu, but when I open the menu, it goes behind the frame.
Is there a way to put it forward? Canvas.ZIndex makes no difference at all.
For me to get this to work, the navigation frame had to be in a grid that was a child of the grid my menu was in.
Like so:
Grid "FullPageGrid"
Menu Stuff
Navigation Frame
Not sure why that works, but it does.
You can use this free opensource menu for this purpose:
It brings the content on top by placing in a Popup control.
If you can place the drop down menu later in the XAML, it will appear above.
So you want to have this hierarchy:
Your navigation frame
The menu
