How to add usercontrols from a static method (in winforms)? - winforms

I'm trying to create a function that adds usercontrols to my mainform. I want this function to be available from the usercontrols themselves as well, so I'm making it static.
My problem is that when it's static I can't use this.Controls.Add(ucontrol);, I tried to change it to ActiveForm.Controls.Add(ucontrol); but then ActiveForm is NULL and has no Controls property (throws an exception).
UPDATE #1: I ended up doing something like this inside the usercontrol:
MainForm ref_to_mainform_to_gain_access_to_functions = (MainForm)Parent;
maybe it's even better, but I still assume it's possible to have access to the mainform from a static method?
worked from static method.
I still try to find out if that usercontrol entire purpose is serve as a menu with buttons that shows other usercontrols onclick, is it still a 'design-crime' to call a function on mainform (a function that shows usercontrols) from a user control? (like I did in 'update #1')

By adding controls from a user control to its parent you are breaking the separation of concerns principle and you are tightly coupling both controls/forms. As suggested by Hans Passant you should use events. Please refer to:
best practices to call methods in the parent form and access gui elements in parent form in c#


How to initialize a view model with properties from another view Model

My question is what is the ideal way to initialize child window in WPF, MVVM way?
I have a WPF window , let's call it as ParentWindow having its view Model class - ParentWindowViewModel. On click of a button on the ParentWindow UI , I launch a new WPF window - ChildWindow like below
ChildWindow r = new ChildWindow ();
r.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;
Now, the ChildWindow has its own viewModel like - ChildWindowViewModel. The Child Window has the datacontext set in its xaml as
On Click of button in the ParentWindow, When i Launch the Child Window, I need to pass certain values to the Child Window, which will be used to initialize the Child Window. Without these values the child window cannot be initialized.Every time I click the button to Launch the child window, the values being passed to child window will differ based on some other selected items in the Parent Window.
I would do something like this (without error checking):
in ParentWindow.xaml.cs
private void Some_Event_In_Parent_Window()
ParentWindowViewModel pvm = DataContext as ParentWindowViewModel;
ChildWindow cw = new ChildWindow(pvm.Element1, pvm.Element2);
int ChildWindow.xaml.cs
public ChildWindow(bool elem1, string elem2)
DataContext = new ChildWindowViewModel(elem1, elem2);
If you are dealing with minimal elements that need to be transferred between windows/VM's, and it is mainly about sending some form of "state" or "value", then there isnt too much issue with initializing the Viewmodel in the code behind. Remember that the <viewmodel:ChildWindowViewModel/> is equivalent to DataContext = new ChildWindowViewModel() in your code behind. While yes, you can create spaghetti code, or confusing dependencies by not adhering to patterns; you can also over engineer the crap of something that did not require the effort and can be just as confusing.
I find that there is an obsession with keeping your code behind empty (i have the same obsession). Remember, that the Code behind is there for a reason, and you CAN use it. Sometimes it isnt worth over-complicating your code base by implementing some big pattern if you have a single one off requirement that can be handled in code behind with some added comments.
Aside from Event Handlers, I utilize the Code Behind for these main use cases:
There is an adjustment needed to the UI that is too complicated to handle in the XAML alone. Example: I need a weird string concatenation and logic of some inputted text fields.
There is some minimal state or data needed to be transferred between Views. (Like your requirement)
There is some sort of logic that needs to happen that is UI specific and not related to the underlying data or ViewModel. (This is rare, and almost always a small one off).
In terms of "is this ideal" for MVVM; it depends on your definition of ideal.
Can this be handled by some other design pattern? Probably...? But is it worth it.
Does implementing said pattern add bloat or overhead that only solves a small problem? Maybe. That is for you to decide.
Are you going to be repeating this implementation more than once? If so you may have some bad design to rethink.
Does implementing this solution of using Code behind solve your issue in a speedy way, that is moderately maintainable and readable? If so, then I wouldnt see a problem.
Ideal is not always defined by rules. It is also specific to your needs and requirements.
It isnt always easy to determine where your use case should be handled. View, ViewModel, maybe a Service, or a Singleton state class.
If your use case is this one window, Code behind is fine (In my opinion). If you are doing this for 20 windows, you may want a Service to maintain the state somehow. Think of it more - if your code is SOLID and DRY

User control, custom control, inheritance and override

I know this question is probably going to get alot of "Duplicate question" comments but i have yet to see one with an answer that works or isn't simply "Avoid it at all cost". But here goes, i have created a control lets call it "ControlA" in a project called "ControlA_Project" and i was intending to override some of its virtual methods in a control called "ControlB" that inherites "ControlA" in another project called "ControlB_Project" . The idea being that "ControlA" has save and load methods that i wish to change from saving and loading to file, too saving and loading to database ( and if later on another save and load type is required i can just override those methods again ).
The problem i have is i originally had "ControlA" as a usercontrol and when i tried adding the new control with the overrides ("ControlB") into a window i would get this error:
The component 'ControlB_Project.ControlB' does not have a resource identified by the URI '/ControlA_Project;component/usercontrols/ControlA.xaml'.
Googling the error i came to the conclusion you could not inherit from a user control ( or for the sake of arguement it wasn't a good idea ). So i then changed the control from a user control to a custom control. this however then leads me to another problem, a template for a control doesnt link to the code behind (i.e On_Click) like it does in a user control and there is no easy way to simply override the behavier (as far as i am aware). I know i can retemplate ControlB by copy and pasting ControlAs template and changing a few lines but controlA has a large template as it is and making mutliple copies seems a waste of space.
So put simply is there a correct way to change the behavier of a control in wpf?
First, remember that the ControlTemplate can be changed by the user alot so you need to make sure that important fields are clearly marked.
So if you want an OnClick event. First mark your button as "important"
<Button x:Name="PART_MyButton"/>
Its also a good idea to mark this aswell on your control class
[TemplatePart(Name = "PART_MyButton", Type = typeof(Button))]
public class MyCustomControl : Control
Now you want to attach to the on click event of that button to do that, override the OnApplyTemplate method.
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
mButton = Template.FindName("PART_MyButton", this) as Button;
mButton.Click += MyEventHandler;
Depending on how well your control can work without the control, you should gracefully handle a not found control or throw an exception.
One final thing is. If you override a control which has a default style, it might be a good idea to provide a new default style.
static MyCustomControl()
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(MyCustomControl), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(MyCustomControl)));
and placing an implicit style in your generic.xaml

WPF/Prism: Nested views and toolbar

I have a WPF/prism application similar to the mockup shown below:
Both TabControls contain a separate Prism region, the second one being nested into the first one. Now the toolbar should activate/deactive items depending on which view is currently active.
The toolbar is currently defined in the shell.
I tried using some sort of registry, where each ViewModel could register the toolbar commands it supports. However I then realized that the toolbar cannot know which view (and therefore which viewmodel) is active.
The problem is in the nesting, without that I could probably achieve what I wanted by binding the TabControl.SelectedItem property to the toolbar and use my registry from above.
Maybe there is a better way to do this? Or a way to let the toolbar find out which view is active?
edit: I now tried to use ActiveAware ViewModels as descriped in this article:, however I now have the problem that when I switch from Tab "One" to Tab "Two" and back, the nested tab's "First Tab" GotFocus event is not fired, meaning the toolbar will represent the wrong view.
Maybe this is the way to go?
edit 2: The problem seems to be that the second tabcontrol is not inside it's own scoped region. I'm using the ViewDiscovery approach to add views to my regions, so I'm not explicity creating the regionmanager in a scope. SyncActiveState seems to work only with scoped regions, as the first tabcontrol viewmodels correctly get updated when switching views.
Is there a way to use XAML to create a scoped region instead of a normal one?
The problem here is that the toolbar does not know anything about the active region; they are deliberately decoupled.
I would (personally) use the Event Aggregator to publish messages from the active ViewModel to say "I am currently active" and have the toolbar subscribe to those messages and update the buttons as appropriate.
If I were attempting to do this, I would probably create an IToolbarManager which has bool properties for each of the available toolbar actions, and an ICommand for the actions themselves.
Then, implement this interface in a concrete type where the bool properties change the CanExecute values of the commands, and call CommandManager.InvalidRequerySuggested. Register this type as a singleton with the container, then use DI to inject it into each of the views and into the shell. The Shell can then databind the Toolbar buttons to the Commands in the IToolbarManager, and the views can then set whether or not the actions are enabled as they get initialized.
I don't have a code sample because I'm just thinking through how I'd solve this, but hopefully you can follow what I'm suggesting, and it proves helpful.
I now ended up with creating an extended TabControl that uses the SelectionChanged event to set IsActive on all items implementing a specific interface. Also it walks down the VisualTree and finds any extended TabControl and does the same for the items of these and so on.
Work pretty well here, we only use TabControls so far, so this solution works for me.

Exiting an App or Closing a Control When Using MVVM

In my WPF application, I am using the ViewModelLocator without IoC. I am calling the static ViewModelLocator.Cleanup() method provided by the MVVM-Light framework from my own button which is tied to a "close window command". This Command calls the static ViewModelLocator.Cleanup(), which calls an instance Cleanup() method on my MainWindowViewModel instance. The instance Cleanup() method then sets the property to which the MainWindow binds its DataContext, to null. The setter on the property raises a PropertyChanged event. Curiously, setting this property to null does not cause the window to close.
I am trying to understand why this is the case? If I set the MainWindow's DataContext to null, should that not be the same as Window.Close()? In my case, the Window and all of its elements remain on the screen. However, if I attempt further actions, I get null pointer exceptions, indicating the DataContext binding Property has indeed been set to null; this has also been confirmed in the debugger.
I have created a workaround by hooking the Application.Exit event and issuing a Window.Close() in the event handler in order to create my own "Close Window" button (ie, to create same functionality for my own Button / Command as clicking the X button in the upper right of a Window). Since calling a UI element (ie, the Window instance) from MVVM directly is not MVVM friendly, I used a ViewService to implement the Window.Close() functionality in order to keep the workaround MVVM friendly. I am a big fan of the ViewService idiom (or pattern), but I just don't think it should be necessary here; except, I could see how exiting the app is a special case that perhaps should tie-in with the application lifecycle, and .Net seems to only allow exiting a WPF app by issuing the Window.Close() method.
Thoughts appreciated.
I believe I have found the answer to my original question, in addition to the one raised in my comments discussion with flq.
First, the answer to the original question is that the proper way to close the Window is along the lines of what I did in my described "workaround". Closing an app is a View-initiated process, as it is the Window control that has the bits for how to do it. You can of course hook the Application.Exit event so that you can perform cleanup on your ViewModels, prompt the user to save data, etc..
The question raised by me after some interesting discussion with flq is, if I don't just set a control's DataContext (ie, ViewModel) to null in order to release the View and ViewModel resources, how should I do it?
An interesting discussion with some nuances can be found here, but the basic answer is that you find the parent control and remove the control you want to close from its Children list. Note, this is a different technique with a different goal than just making the control not visible by setting is Visibility property to Collapsed. In the following example, "this" is the control to be removed (ie, "Closed"):
Panel p = (Panel) this.Parent;
I am not sure if you still need to then set the child (ie, "this") to null to re-claim its resources, or, if just removing it from the visual tree will cause WPF to re-claim the resources; the above linked discussion makes no mention. As mentioned in the original discussion, the above technique can be supplemented by hooking it to certain events, or using other application specific logic.

Main page xaml to manage user control events

I need an elegant solution (I am working on silverlight 4.0) to solve this simple problem(?) using the MVVM pattern:
My mainpage xaml has my two custom user controls like this (say):
Each one has its own view model and both these user controls are independent of each other.
When an asynchronous operation in MyCustomUC1 has completed, I want an ICommand in MyCustomUC2's viewmodel to be invoked thus refreshing data in MyCustomUC2. I want this done by the parent page and all in xaml.
Exposing dependency properties, event handlers etc in the user controls...anything is ok since I own the user control ...whatever makes sense.
Any ideas ?
Use Mvvm Lights messenger, you can register a listener in MyCustomUC2's viewmodel to refresh. Then in MyCustomUC1's async call back, send the message to refresh.
You could use a PropertyObserver, which I believe you can find info on here:
Property Observer.
It'll allow you to check when something has changed in one ViewModel and then take the appropriate action in another. I've used this quite a bit recently in a project and it has worked pretty well.
Apologies if I've picked up the question incorrectly.
