Ajax-Solr Installation - solr

I am not able to set Ajax-Solr on my system.I did a bit of R&D on Ajax-Solr for the same .
I understood what it tries to do with the tutorial provided at https://github.com/evolvingweb/ajax-solr/ , but unfortunately, I am not able to able to set it up on my system.
I dont know how to integrate it with Solr. Into which directory of Solr instance does Ajax-Solr goes?(I know it doesn't matter where Ajax-Solr folder is kept but still just to to be sure)
I changed my solrURL to "http://localhost:8080/solr/" in reuters.js file.But still when i browse to "http://localhost:8080/solr/", it still shows the same backend Solr UI. (This may sound a kinda noobish)
Can you please suggest me how to get the Ajax-Solr front end UI ??
Please suggest something.

ajax-solr is just HTML, CSS, and JS. You can open the demo index.html from your harddrive in a browser and it will work (i.e. no webserver!). When you deploy, you can use Apache, Nginx, Tomcat, whatever. If you can make your webserver display an HTML file, you can make it display HTML files that include the ajax-solr JS files.

You have to deploy the Ajax-solr web application either on jetty or on some web server or app server.
If you want to deploy this in jetty, you have to create a WAR file out of th. S reuters sample.
If you have Apache on your machine, you can copy this to the htdocs folder, for eg.


Kylo plugin for UI is not working

I would like to extend Kylo user interface. From documentation, i understood that I can use Plugin mechanism to add new features and I am referring to the examples available here.
I have built this example code and deployed the generated jar files to /opt/kylo/kylo-services/plugin folder and restarted the kylo-services.
But I am dont see any changes in the UI. As per my understanding, there should be a new group in left hand navigation pane but there are no UI level changes in the kylo UI.
I am using dladmin userid and logs (kylo-ui and kylo-services) really did not indicate any error.
Where can I see if the plugin is really picked up by kylo? Which logs tell me what is going on with this plugin? Any suggestions will be of great help.
The mistake i did is copying kylo UI into /opt/kylo/kylo-services/plugin folder.
The generated jar files should go into different plugin folders.
Kylo Services plugin should be copied to /opt/kylo/kylo-services/plugin folder.
Kylo UI plugin should be copied to /opt/kylo/kylo-ui/plugin folder.
service kylo-services restart
service kylo-ui restart
And its my bad that i mistakenly copied kylo-ui plugin into kylo-services folder. After I copied into correct folders and service restart, I am able to find the UI changes.
Thanks for your attention.

IntelliJ IDEA run AngularJS project

How can I run my AngularJS Application in the IntelliJ IDEA? I use the last version of the IntelliJ IDEA and I installed the AngularJS support with the IntelliJ IDEA AngularJS Plugin. I wonder, that I cannot define some Server Run/Debug Configuration (like Tomcat) to run my application.
Is there a way to do this?
EDIT: Or there is some other way to deploy the application? I cannot find any suitable Run/Debug Configuration to somehow deploy my project locally.
Well, you need an application server to run the application. I'm using IntelliJ Idea with a local JBoss.
Build your modules and deploy them on the JBoss. You can even use an automated front-end build process with bower and gulp.
If you are only using javascript you don't even need a local server running, js is executed in the the browser. A JBoss, Tomcat or other application server is used for your server logic (e.g. Java code).
A 'lisa p' says:
You need an application server to run it locally on, such as JBoss.
Unless it's a static application (i.e. no dynamic content) in which case, just open your index.html file in a web-browser.
Ideally, if you wanted to continue to develop more pure AngularJS projects, then use Jetbrains' WebStorm IDE instead of their IntelliJ IDEA IDE.
IntelliJ is for Java Development, WebStorm is for Web and JavaScript Development.
To run Angular application without Tomcat/JBoss, we need to create a "JavaScript Debug" configuration. To do this, follow the instructions below.
In intellij menu bar, Choose Run --> Edit Configurations
Click green plus (+) sign and choose "JavaScript Debug"
For the value in URL box, navigate to the index.html file by clicking the little button[...] next to URL field
For the rest of the values in the form, follow the screenshot below

How to find which file is serving ads in my application?

Ok, somehow I am serving ads in my NodeJS / AngularJS application, but I haven't include this myself.
There's some package or included link sending ads to the client, but the ads are not visible, and the adserve url changes with every request. (The url that can be seen in the screenshot below)
How do I find out which place in my application serves these ads?
PS: I am sure this doesn't come from my local dev pc, my other collegues have this issue as well.
A quick trick may be to search for the url in every files of your repository. If you use a cdn to load your librairies, try to look inside also (you can do that directly in chrome dev tool with ctrl/cmd f in the sources tab).
Hope it will help !
The "adserver" in my project turns out to be a tracking / analytics beacon included by the Realtime.co framework.
Thankfully, the author responded to my email very quickly, and they also provide a beacon-free version of their framework. So problem solved :)

Running AngularJS app in WebStorm

Its been about a month since I started using AngularJS. I used to write my codes in SublimeText2 but i wanted to use WebStorm since it claimed to be more AngularJS friendly. I wrote a simple Hello World app and tried to run it but i couldn't get any hint of how to do it. I also don't have any knowledge about Node.js.Do i need Node.js to run app on WebStorm? Is Node.js a server? I tried going through tutorials on WebStorm page and also read few articles on Node.js but couldn't understand it. Can anyone explain it in a simple and understandable way?
You can open your HTML+JS application in the selected browser in WebStorm by clicking on the browser icon on the top right corner of the editor tab with index.html file opened (or any other html file you'd like to open in browser).
The same action could be done from the file context menu: Open in - Browser.
WebStorm will automatically start built-in web server for your convenience.
Note that you still can go to your project folder and execute your particular HTML file from there, the same way you would do it with the text editor.
Read more on working with AngularJS in WebStorm in this blog post.
If you have back-end in Node.js for your app, then you, of course, need Node.js installed. To run your node web app you need to create Node.js run configuration. More on it here.

Custom fonts not getting uploaded in Openshift server

I have developed an application which uses custom CSS3 fonts. But somehow custom fonts are not getting uploaded in the server. My application URL is http://techcurt-kshitiz.rhcloud.com and when I try to access custom font like http://techcurt-kshitiz.rhcloud.com/resources/css/LindenHill-webfont.eot, The requested resource is not available appears. Custom fonts are working fine in my local machine in every browser.
I have recreated my application but still the problem persists. I have been using Openshift since an year but never faced such issue. What can be the possible reason for it? Even .less file is not getting uploaded. I am using tomcat 6 server in Openshift. I am not able to find out any solution in Google.
Do you see the files on disk when you SSH to the gear?
Are the files checked into Git? It's possible that they are being ignored by git, and hence not uploaded. You can check that the file is in git with "git show master:" - if ignored it won't show up.
Otherwise, it could be something in your build - perhaps the files are getting deleted?
Finally my issue is solved by servlet-mapping .ttf and .eot files in my web.xml files. But I am not able to understand how come my application was running in local machine but not in server? How come thats possible?
