Service Status orders vs sellers and products - amazon-mws

Does any one know if the service status in the orders part of the API is the same as the ones in the Sellers and Products?
Or does it return the status of each section? If this were the case would the Feeds API not also have a service status?

It is the same, I ran into all sorts of API issues as I didn't realize that the Feeds API and the Reports API is the same API for instance, and on more then just service status, so keep an eye on that.

Looks to be the same thing. I can find no info to show otherwise. Oh well.


How to query data from different types of databases in a microservice based architecture?

We are a using a micro-service based pattern for our project where we have Users and their Orders. Users personal information (name, email, mobile) is stored in User table in relational database while we are storing Orders data of users in Orders collection in NoSql database. We want to develop an API to get a paginated list of all the orders placed with order details along with finer details of user associated like - user name, mobile, email along with each order. We are storing userId in Orders collection.
The problem is how do we get User details for each order in this list since both the resources are in different databases. We also thought of storing user name, email and mobile in Orders collection only but what if a user updates their profile, the Orders collection will have stale user data.
What is the best approach to address this issue?
You can use API gateway pattern, UI will call to API gateway endpoint and the Endpoint will call the both the API/services to get the result and aggregate it then returns aggregated response to the UI (caller)
Well it mostly depends on scalability needs in terms of data size and number of requests. You may go with the API gateway if you don't have too much data and you don't get many requests to that service.
Otherwise if you really need something scalable then you should implement your own thought with an event based communication.
I already provided an answer for a similar situation you can take a look
You have two services Orders and Users. You are requesting Orders service to get all Orders. It will return a response data which will contains ID of Users (each Order contains ID of User). Then, you will make a request to a Users service to get an information regarding User by ID which you got before. And finally, you can aggregate those results (if it is needed).
As guys mention, good solution will be to implement API Gateway here. As a client, you will send a request to a single port with endpoint (to a Gateway) and Gateway should create logic which I have described before.

Amazon mws products weight and confirm an order

I am a nodejs developer. My server should ask every x ms and retrieve new orders. Notifications will be sent by the client part of the service to the seller. I need some fields of the order, I use the order api for most fields, the report api to retrieve the telephone number, which is not retrieved by the order api.
What I need now is the list of all the products of the seller, with the properties: SKU, weight
What api should I better use?
I also want to confirm the order shipment by sending to Amazon also a tracking code, but I did not fine this in the apis. Is there this feature?
What I do is periodically download orders into my own system using the reports API. I have the complete order with header information including all SKU's on the order. The Orders API is subject to throttling which may affect you.
To update Amazon that your order has shipped and to send a tracking number, you will use the Feeds API. Look at the Feed Types, specifically:
In the link above, there is a flowchart explaining the process.

Get live Exchange rates with coinbase api

I want to get live lists of all the exchange rates with Coinbase API. I realize that by using this:, I always get the same values, I guess these values change once per day. Is it possible to get live rates?
The simplest way to get nearly realtime data is to use one of the official or unofficial APIs. There exists a function you can use to receive the real time data you want. Coinbase API Reference
Edit 1: As an alternative, you can use the following links for receiving the Buy and Sell prices.
I don't know if this public API is as reliable as an authenticated access.
Edit 2: Even better: The spot price API Endpoint.

PayPals Instant Payments Notifications for WinForms

I am working on a WinForms application that has the ability to create and send invoices. In addition to creating invoices locally, the app uses PayPals Permissions API(and the invoicing API) to allow the application to (optionally)send invoices on the clients behalf.
My question is as follows, what is the best method of keeping track of the current status of invoices sent using PayPal? The application needs to know the status of each invoice so it can update its records locally.
I am aware of PayPals Instant Payments Notifications although I am unsure how this would fit together with a WinForms application(?).
My initial thought was to use the PayPal Invoicing API to query the required information on a as and when need-to-know basis. Additionally, a function that ran on a different thread could be run periodically to retrieve information in the background from the API, updating records locally.
Am I failing to acknowledge a better solution?
IPN will not fit invoice payment in case of creating invoice using permission API as there's no parameter to set the IPN URL in the invoice API. Your idea of calling GetInvoiceDetails API to retrieve invoice status based on need-to-know sounds a good solution for me.

How to get callback after in app purchase in CodenameOne

My application can buy in-app products from Play store and itunes.
However I would like to get notification that the payment was successful.
How can I achieve this? Currently the product is bought and that is all.
I know that there is a PurchaseCallback interface which can be implemented but the paymentSucceeded() method is for manual payments.
Sample scenario:
I buy the product from store, then I listen for success response. Then based on response. Display something or do something.
You get the callback itemPurchased(String s) with the appropriate SKU when the payment succeeds. You can test this in the simulator where you get the appropriate prompts.
