i am using drupal 7.
I want to add forums in OG groups so that forums added in OG groups can only be accessible by members of the OG groups.
Is there any other option to grant access restriction on forms except using Form Access, because it will not integrate groups with forums?
Not currently. There was the OG Forum module for Drupal 6, but it is no longer maintained. There is an open issue about porting it to Drupal 7, but I'm not sure how likely that is at the moment: http://drupal.org/node/1007700
Your best bet might as well be to create your own custom content type and simulate forum behavior through comments or something like that....
================== ADDITION =====================
There is currently this effort for Drupal 7: http://drupal.org/project/og_forum_D7
I want to build booking system for spa related website using drupal. Which are the good contributed modules please suggest.
Customer can book the spa with his details
Customer can cancel booked his spa
All records should be update in the system.
Most of that could be achieved in a default Drupal 7 installation I believe since the requirements/conditions are relatively basic.
Views goes without saying.
Date is pretty much essential for your purposes as it provides a nice date picking interface.
Link is useful if you have fields that need to link to nodes.
Panel for configuring layouts of pages.
Webform is great for making forms, definitely useful for a booking system.
Some more examples can be found here.
I posted a question on the Drupal forum about whether I should build my database in Drupal using content-types or the database abstraction layer and schema module: [here][1]
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
[1]: https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/98020/should-i-use-content-types-or-database-abstraction-layer
I'd recommend using content types.
For a PHP coder, sometimes using the Drupal User Interface to build things feels non-intuitive, but in the long run you're going to benefit a lot from doing things "the drupal way.
Once you reverse engineer your need into a content type and all it's associated fields, install the modules that provide those field types and set things up, you'll start to see the benefits.
Validation on all the data-entry froms will already be done for you.
Multiple display modes are available for your data (email addresses can be shown with or without mailto: links, images can be shown using any of Drupal's image styles)
Integration with other Drupal modules already exists, and will be supported (almost anything built with fields is available to views)
By writing your own schema you'll need to handle all these things yourself (and more), and not just once, but you'll need to maintain all that custom code over time.
Learn to leverage the community and all the great work that's been done already, you'll save yourself time in the long run :)
What i see you are going to have shop site.
You may tray this:
, i've found it usefull once. It's drupal distribution with nice themed shop rady to use straight forward.
And of course do it with content type + views + entity reference modules.
Here is a link to a comment that answers the question I asked. It backs up what arpitr outlined in their answer on the orignal post on the drupal forum, whose answer is also in agreement with jenlampton's suggestion above.
I will implement my system using node entities until the need arises to build a custom entity (if it ever does).
The top answer in this forum give a good way to evaluate whether to use nodes or custom build an entity:
I am currently using Community DNN Version 7.I wanted to add a new custom journal type to the existing journal.Is there any way I can do this?If yes please provide me with some links so that i can refer on it.
Many thanks!
In 6.2 it really wasn't advised on adding custom journal types, that's why they added 32 to begin with.
There doesn't appear to be any methods that I can find in the API to directly add, so you might be stuck inserting directly into the database or create your own method to do so.
The table you want to add them is Journal_Types.
More information can be found here:
I'm new to learning Drupal and I'm hoping someone can explain something to me. I'm trying to figure out how to change certain pages to have different template designs, for example one page can have a two column layout and one page can have a three column layout or one page can be a gallery.
Similar to this template from template monster.
So far all I have seen in terms of tutorials is just installing and setting up a theme and arranging the blocks around the site but nothing about changing templates.
I'm use to the way Wordpress does everything where with just one click in the dashboard you can change the template design of the page. If someone can explain how they differ and how they are similar that would be great!
Also if their is a good book on Drupal 7 please let me know.
Congratulations on beginning your trek into learning Drupal. It is, in my opinion, the best of the CMS's available today.
Drupal templates are controlled when logged in as a user with site administration in the 'Appearance' section. There, you can add a new theme or switch between those themes already installed on your site.
As for site themes displaying different page layouts depending on the which page you browse, as a general rule Drupal treats your home page differently than internal pages. Using modules such as the Pages module, you can control the appearance, layout and functionality of specific pages of your site.
There are a number of excellent books on Drupal 7 that cover basic as well as intermediate topics. My favorite is Drupal 7 Manual by David Ipswich.
Best of luck!
I'm looking for a solution to a simple (or simple at first sight) problem - I'm using Enterprise Forum with the Forum Access module on Drupal 7 and I need to make a list of moderators under each forum on the forum list page.
One similar solution can be found here: http://drupal.org/node/319232 but wherever I look, I only find solutions for Drupal 6. Is there a way to write a similar piece of code that would work in Drupal 7?
Thanks beforehand.
You have to use organic groups for this .
The process goes like this:-
1. Create a forum content type and make this a group type.
2. Add content , discussions making it group content type.
3. Finally use Views module and Panels to align the layout of things.
4. Use Og group members node and attach to the view.
Og group members is used to see who have joined your forum plus one more thing it has group membership that shows the moderator of the page/forum/group depending on the content type used.
You can also follow Organic Groups tutorial from ModulesUnraveled.com
They have a complete tutorial for Organic Groups very neatly explained.
Hope this might solve your issue.
You should be able to achieve this with the Views module. http://drupal.org/project/views