Seeding If Else Conditionals in C - c

Im writing this program in C and Im having a big problem when I compile it, once I get to the part were I ask the user if hes under 21, if the answer is yes, I ask more questions about that, but when I compile it, the program basicly answers its self. how can I fix this plz?
heres a screenshot, the orange box, i did not answer any of those questions.

You have forgotten to ask the user for input after each question except the first one. Just do scanf("%c", &a); after each question.

In the branch you're having trouble with, you're forgetting to prompt the user for input. Hence, it's reusing whichever answer was last given by the user.

You are reusing the same variable,a, without actually asking for the user input to put into a.

You only read information from the user once. You need to do a scanf before each
if (a == 'y')

only one scanf() function was using which means only once input is acceptable from the stdin stream. for scanf(), when press "enter", the stream stack to 'a'. then stdin stream is NULL. so before each question, should use scanf() once.


NULL character and new line

Does the scanf function automatically add the NULL character at the end of the user's input? And if so, does it also "consume" the character of new line or tab as you click on enter or space? I was wondering about that because as far as I know, gets reads the input, until the user presses enter and then adds the NULL character and throws away the character of new line caused by enter. So what led me to ask this question were programs that include something like this:
This is not a complete program.
scanf("%s", array1);
Now in this case, gets will read the character of new line and stop there, terminating the program without the user actually giving any input. So basically what I am asking, is what's the difference between scanf and gets as for the details mentioned above.
Note: I've recently learnt that using gets should be completely avoided but since my book and my teachers use it constantly, I'll have to stick to it for now.

inability to input sentences with white space

I'm trying to make the 20 questions game using c. The following is the code excerpt of one of the functions.
int question_input(void)
char q[100];
int i=0;
printf("Enter the question or say if you want to guess\n");
printf("Say yes or no\n");
return i;
I get a general protection fault when I execute and on debugging, I found that the problem is with the
If the same statement is changed to "%s", then, I get no segmentation fault. Functions like gets (general protection fault) and fgets(doesn't ask for input at all) also fail to take inputs.
The thing which is more curious is that when I execute these statements in a seperate file, without the rest of the code, they execute properly.
Even if I try "%99[^\r\n]", it shows the same.
Please help
Well, I found an answer to my question by myself. One of my previous functions in my code had
It is a known fact that after we enter our input we press the enter key. This is taken as a '\n' by the compiler and is stored in the buffer. My next scanf statement( the one which I got error in)(scanf("%[^\n]",q) straight away took the '\n' from the buffer. Hence it could not take any input, since \n terminates input. The compiler I use is turbo C++. In some cases of empty strings, it reports an error. Hence I got the error message. To solve this problem, I had to use
statement before the scanf("%[^\n]",q) statement, so that the '\n' is removed from the buffer and taken as an input for the getchar statement.

Appcode can't get scanf right

I'm really new to AppCode, I've started taking C classes and wanted to use our school license for AppCode.
Most of the others are using CodeLite and make gcc projects, when they build and run it they get a terminal window, is this possible for AppCode?
Also it requires me to input my scanf values first before any other code will be executed (see example below). This way if I have multiple scanf's it requires me to input them all at once which gets really hard to memorize if you have 10's of them.
I've searched a lot on the internet but couldn't find the answers I'm looking for, thanks a lot!
EDIT: Better example
puts("Give a value");
int value;
scanf("%d", &value);
Requires the scanf input before it prints out "Give a value", while in CodeLite it prints out "Give a value" first and afterwards it awaits the scanf input.

Is it possible to capture Enter keypresses in C?

I want to write a C program that tokenizes a string and prints it out word by word, slowly, and I want it to simultaneously listen for the user pressing Enter, at which point they will be able to input data. Is this possible?
Update: see #modifiable-lvalue 's comment below for additional helpful information, e.g., using getchar() instead of getch(), if you go that route.
Definitely possible. Just be aware that gets() may not be entirely helpful for this purpose, since gets() interprets enter not as enter per se, but as "now, I the user, have entered as much string as I want to". So the input gathered by gets() from pressing just an enter will appear as an empty string (which might be workable for you).
But there are other reasons not to use gets()--it does not let you specify a maximum to read in, so it's easy to overflow whatever buffer you are using. A security and bug nightmare waiting to happen. So you want fgets(), which allows you to specify a maximum size to read in. fgets() will place a newline in the string when an enter is pressed. (BTW, props to #jazzbassrob on fgets()).
You could also consider something like getch()--which really deals with individual key-presses (but it gets a bit complicated handling keys that have non-straightforward scan-codes). You may find this example helpful: But because of the scancodes issues, getch() is subject to platform details.
So if you want a more portable approach, you may need to use something heavier weight, but fairly portable, such as ncurses.
I suspect you can do what you want with either fgets(), keeping in mind that enter will give you a string with just a newline in it, or getch().
I just wanted you to be aware of some of the implementation/platform issues that can arise.
C can absolutely do this, but it's a little more complicated than one might guess at first attempt. That's because terminal input is, historically, very platform dependent.
Check out the conio.h library and its use in game making. You can compile with Borland. That was my first experience in unbuffered input and listening for keypresses in real time. There are certainly other ways though.

Using scanf for question, allow user to skip question

I'm working on a final project for a C programming course. The project is to create a database to store drug information. I've completed all of the elements and now it's down to fine tuning everything.
There's a requirement in the project in the function where the user can change the drugs information. In the requirement, the user should be able to skip a field by hitting enter. For example, the user can change the producer of the drug and the quantity. If the user didn't want to change the producer, they'd hit enter and move onto the quantity.
I've looked around the internet and was able to let the user skip entering a string for the producer. However, I cannot get it work with an integer.
This is what I used so that the user can skip entering a string:
scanf("%30[^\n]", fentry[found].producer);
For clarity sake, fentry.producer is a string with 30 characters and found is an integer variable.
I've tried doing something similar with the integer input (EDIT: By integer input, I meant the one to enter the quantity, not the 'found' varible). It will let you skip entering something, but if you do enter something, it stores a random value.
Anyone know how to go about this?
Rather than using scanf(), a better way to get interactive input from a user is to use fgets(). This function gets a complete line of input up to where the user presses Enter, and returns it so you can parse it.
You can then use sscanf() to read the information out of the line, if you like. sscanf() works almost exactly like scanf() except it reads data from a string rather than from standard input.
Have you initialized the integer to 0 before the scanf?
What about this?
char s[50];
fgets(s, 50, stdin);
if(s[0] != '\n') {
fentry[found].producer = atoi(s);
You have to remove all spaces from s though.
scanf("%29s", fentry[found].producer); while('\n'!=getchar());
This works at all, is strictly ANSI C conform, max. portable.
Input buffer is cleared, chararray-length is supported, chararray contains ever a (terminating) '\0' (no initialization needed) and your array contains never the '\n' from user input.
I suspect the keyboard buffer is causing the problems in your code. The first time you call the code, it will read a maximum of 30 characters - so long as they are not the NEWLINE character. They will terminate when they read the NEWLINE. The NEWLINE will remain in the buffer.
However... if you call scanf in the same way again, the NEWLINE from the previous call will still be in the keyboard buffer. This will be read before requesting more input from the keyboard. The NEWLINE will immediately fail the scanf pattern, the char array will not be updated, and you will be left to a char pointer that points to an uninitialized area of memory.
