#DBCommand and SQL Server - sql-server

I've been using #DBCommand on MySQL db's. Great success. Now I have to switch to SQL Server.
I manage to update the SQL Server database just fine (via Domino).
The problem occur when I try to generate a report for the web user (Domino).
The query works like a charm in SQL Server Management Studio. Running the web page yields:
Data Access Application Layer>Could not execute #db function
The original query worked just fine against MYSQL.
I am in need of some resources/documentation/web page describing hints and tips in order to make it work. Any ideas?
Example query that fails (when using Domino):
SELECT COUNT( bruk_NR ) as [antall], [brukere_Navn], [bruk_NR]
FROM [stat].[dbo].[bruk]
ON bruk.bruk_NR = brukere.brukere_NR AND bruk.bruk_NR = brukere.brukere_NR
GROUP BY bruk.bruk_NR, brukere.brukere_Navn, brukere.brukere_brukerID
ORDER BY [brukere_brukerID] ASC
Thanks in advance


Error in SQL Server when connecting to PowerBI Datamart [Unsupported sql function USER_NAME]

I have connected to a Datamart via SSMS. Behind the Datamart is an Azure SQL database.
I am trying to find out my username. I used the following query:
I get this error:
Unsupported sql function USER_NAME. Line:1, Position:8
I have combed the internet but I have not come across something that works yet.
in MS SQL SERVER you must use
The op wrote in the comment, that he needed to close the open query box and open a new one, after that it works, like a charme.
or to get the windows user mame of the logged in user

Cannot select data on linked SQL Server using SQL authentication

I have created a linked server using SQL authentication and the connection seems to work as I can select from the master database.
However, I cannot select from a specific database to which the SQL account I use in the linked server has access.
I tried following the suggestions in other similar posts in here but to no avail. Any help really appreciated. I am attaching a screenshot of the security settings.
This is a bit of a long shot, but since no one else is answering so we'll give it a go. If you restored the DB from another server, it's possible the ssid's are out of whack. Switch context to the DB on the linked server and run the following.
EXEC sys.sp_change_users_login #Action = 'Report'
If any results show up with the login in question, remove it by running this.
EXEC  sp_change_users_login #Action='update_one', #UserNamePattern='your_user',#LoginName='your_login';

Simple query generates Error 3078 "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query"

Any suggestions how to restructure this simple query?
Hitting a SQL Server Database using DAO via VB6 (updated old code to work with new database) and somehow this query in one of the apps is giving fits.
Select I.sType, Count(I.BarcodeID) AS CountOfID
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT sType, BarcodeID From [Ready]) as I
I've pasted the query into SQL Enterprise Manager and it runs just fine as expected. It worked fine hitting the original Access DB. But somehow the DAO via ODBC hitting the SQL Server is generating:
"The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query"
Things I've tried:
Removing the ()
Removing "as I" and "I." notation.
Brackets around [Ready] and without (thinking it might be reserved
Confirmed that the connection is to the ODBC for Sql Server (this connection is used for other queries too.
Checked SQL profiling tool and the query is making it to the server (edited, I was checking the wrong tool on SQL Express)
EDIT: just to sate everyone's concern that I'm not really hitting SQL Server, I edited the SQL command to an even simpler
SELECT DISTINCT sType, BarcodeID From [Ready]
and it works correctly ON the same connection, so the connection is 100% confirmed to be SQL Server, the error message is in error (reported "Access").
So the problem is with no doubt the query FROM a query.
Definitely confirmed my suspicions that the query, albeit a normal one, is not working with ADO-> ODBC-> Sql Server.
The first step SQL is doing is trying to validate the columns, etc.. of the "from" table (which in this case is not a table, but a query itself).
When I run a basic SELECT DISTINCT sType, BarcodeID From [Ready] SQL checks the columns, keys, indexes, etc of the table called "Ready" (exec sp_special_columns N'Ready',NULL,NULL,N'V',N'T',N'U'), then proceeds to return the results.
When I use a subquery, SQL is firing the same check on the table def, but for a table called SELECT DISTINCT sType, BarcodeID From [Ready] which of course does not exist and it returns an error (exec sp_special_columns N'SELECT DISTINCT sType, BarcodeID From [Ready]',NULL,NULL,N'V',N'T',N'U'). VB6/ADO is reporting correctly that SQL says the table is not found. So apparently this query from a query stumps the capabilities of ADO->ODBC...
since the issue is clearly the Select FROM (Select From) structure of querying a query being incompatible with ADO->ODBC->SQL Server, my solution was simply to make the subquery a view in SQL and alter the query to select from that.

SSMS Object Explorer - Select Top N Rows missing when connected to Azure DB

I just upgraded my SSMS to 2008 R2. I'm missing the option to select the top 1000 rows from a table, like this:
Mine looks like this:
I know how to change the number of rows that are displayed, but the options aren't there at all. I saw that someone submitted a bug for this a few years ago, but there was no workaround, and I'm not sure what to do. Any ideas?
EDIT - Azure Problem?
I just used SSMS to open my local SQL Server, and I get the option to select the top 100 rows. But in my other SSMS instance, the one that is connected to my Azure DB, I don't see it. Is it possibly an Azure limitation?
Based on this answer, I believe it is a limitation of SQL Azure. I have not been able to find any additional information that would allow you to work around the issue.
As of 06/04/2015 MS has published a hotfix to solve this issue.
"An update is available that enables "Select Top 1000 Rows" option for tables and views of SQL Azure database"
You do not have this option in SSMS while working with SQL Azure, you have to exexute the query yourself ... select top 10000 from tablename
There are few other options as well in SSMS which are not displayed in case of SQL Azure.
This is an excpected behaviour for SQL Azure.
It is now available on SqlServer Mgt Studio 2014.
Check that you have correct values in the SQL Server Object Explorer Settings:

SQL Server Management Studio Express not showing recently added data

I recently installed and have been using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 9.00.4035.00 to manage a remote database on my hosts' SQL Server 2005.
Until now I had been using EMS SQL Manager 2011 Lite and that was working fine.
2 new rows where inserted into one of my tables this morning; one by a customer signing up for a service and the other as a test signup by me.
When I run a typical select query:
[Select top 20 * From tblNotary Order By ID Desc]
I don't see the the 2 most recent rows. But when I run the same query from EMS SQL Manager Lite I see the records.
I also verified when connecting using MS Access 2010 I see the 2 new rows in the table. I have checked and double-checked the connection settings and they match EMS.
Is there a setting or something obvious I am missing? Why can't I see the most recent record insertions? I am on a Windows 7 desktop machine.
The most likely reason is you are connecting to a different database than you expected. You can select ##servername to verify both queries are running against the same server.
If the records are stil being inserted as part of an open transaction and have not been committed, they are called "phantom" rows. You will not see phantom rows if your query runs at transaction isolation level read committed or higher. It may be that EMS SQL Manager Lite is running at read uncommitted, in which case it will include phantom rows in the query.
Sometimes connection strings are a tricky thing. Run this to double check:
select ##servername servername, name, crdate
from sys.sysdatabases
where name = db_name()
if you have an issue running that, just do a simpler version:
select ##servername, db_name(), ##version
Select top 20 * From tblNotary Order By ID Desc
