sharepoint silverlight web part does not work on server - silverlight

I've developed a Lync Silverlight application and it is working on my local machine. Then I needed to add this Silverlight to a Sharepoint site, thus i used Silverlight web part. It is OK on my local Sharepoint site but when i install it to server i could not see the Silverlight and not getting error.
I am using web service on my Silverlight application. I check that server can access to web services. My development environment is Visual Studio 2010 and Lync Server 2010. Also I am using Sharepoint 2010.
Here is what i tried for the solution:
Check the whether IIS is configured for xap - OK
I tried to install xap file through Sharepoint module, it did not work.
I tried to use a visual web part, it did not work.
I tried to embed xap file to an HTML page for debugging, there was no error.
Now i am stuck. Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Have you cross-verify with which Silverlight sdk version you have developed your silverlight application.
And server is having that version installed?
if it's working fine with your local server then it also works fine with another server.


Azure Angularjs Website + Nancyfx + SQL Databases deployment strategies

I have deployed an Website built with angularjs and a Web Service Running Nancyfx framework rather than the "suggested" Web Api. I also use 2 SQL Databases.
I did this from Visual Studio where I have my project running. However the app (still in development) was developed locally on my mac and then just copied in visual studio.
Since I would be working with a friend of mine on it (who also uses mac) and we already have it on bitbucket with Git (my local version) I was wondering if it was possible to 'Set up deployment from source control' but only for the "website" part, meaning the angularjs. The web service needs to obviously be deployed from Visual Studio (I'm the only one working on that part).
Is there any way to achieve this? If I set up deployment from source control and then publish to the website from visual studio, would this override the existing version and current deployment last updated from Git? will it get denied publishing since it's set up from Git?
I am not sure how to better approach this.
The dirty way would be to set git for me and my friend on my local "app" folder of my Visual Studio solution so that I get his changes and then it's my job to publish it to azure via Visual Studio.
Turned out that what i needed is exactly this: Publish WebAPI and MVC projects to same Azure Web Site?
I therefore split my webservice (API) project so it's by itself and published that to mywebsite/api while my app resides on mywebsite/app so that I can publish my webservice changes from visual studio without problems, and also publish the changes to my angularjs app via git.
I haven't encountered any downside atm of doing this but it seems this is the best approach.

VSTO application deployment error

I am facing VSTO error when I am trying to install the application using click once installer. I have tried on Windows XP machine and also on Windows 7 machine.
Exact error when opening the application on client machine is
“The following Microsoft solution cannot be loaded because a compatible version of the .NET Framework is not Installed: myApplicationName.vsto”
The application is VSTO app in C# with WPF tab embedded in Excel application (Framework 4).
The framework the application is developed on is already installed on the client machine.
I did not find any solution in this thread; any help would be highly appreciated.
I had the same issue today. I believe this is a problem with the VSTO 2010 installer included with your application.
I went and downloaded the latest version from Microsoft, installed it, retried my installer and then everything worked.

Entity framework code first not creating database in vs2010

I’m new to vs2010 and the entity framework (and ASP.NET MVC as well....I’m from a winforms vs2005 background) as well as the azure platform and am starting a project using these technologies soon.
I’ve installed vs2010 and the windows azure sdk kit for vs2010 and am running through this tutorial, Deploying an ASP.NET Web Application to a Windows Azure Cloud Service and SQL Database.
I’ve got as far as the ‘Add SQL support’ section, followed the instructions and when I compile and run no database is being created.
And I’m using sql server 2008 r2.
Any ideas why this is the case? Nothing at all is being shown in the sql server log. My connection details look fine, am I missing some kind of add on or some permission settings need changing?
I've sorted this myself. If you wish to know the answers I've posted them in the comments on the tutorial page, just follow the link (names Mathew in the comments section).

WCF RIA Service hosted outside IIS

I have a need to host WCF RIA Services outside IIS on a client machine. After reading the following threads:
Can WCF RIA Services be self hosted?
I gave up on that idea due to the "AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsAttribute" that RIA Service uses and started researching alternative solutions.
However, just yesterday I read more about Visual Studio LightSwitch and the fact that uses WCF RIA Services internally. With LightSwitch, you can deploy your appliction in a 2-tier scenario on the desktop that gets installed using ClickOnce and runs as a Silverlight out-of-browser application that can access data without connectiong to IIS.
Does anyone know how this can be accomplished?
Thank you in advance
Lightswitch uses Visual Studio's Cassini server in the 2-tier scenario. I don't know much more about how it's hosted. In summary, it's still an ASP.NET compatible environment but this time with dependencies on Visual Studio.

EPiServer 6 Site Center breaks in Visual Studio Development Server

I've installed an EPiServer 6 site locally and it is running fine in IIS, but when I open it as a solution in Visual Studio 2008 and run it via the built in development server, the site center dashboard page doesn't work, I get a 404 error.
I guess there is some configuration in IIS that needs to be set up in Visual Studio? Has anyone figured this out already?
Do you have ASP.NET MVC 1 installed?
I think the problem was that I used the EPiServer Deployment Centre to create a website in IIS7, which created an web.config file customised for IIS7. So when I tried to run the website from the Visual Studio development server (which behaves like IIS6), the web.config file was not compatible.
I created a new site using the Visual Studio EPiServer Project template, which created a website which worked when run through the Visual Studio development server.
