Drupal 7 Book Module navigation - drupal-7

Normally book module automatically generated book navigation but i want display only 2 book from 4 how can i do it?
Thank you for all the replies.

You can create a new book, then add the two books you wish to display into this book. Such as:
Then display newbook. I hope this helped.

To properly be able to show/hide different books or sections you can install Book Helper (https://drupal.org/project/book_helper) which is great for allowing this type of customization that you are looking for.


Read data for Inteliprompts in RadSyntaxEditor from dll or xml

RadSyntaxControl is newly created control from Telerik and has a feature for InteliPrompts but in every sample, I found out the user must manually populate CompletionInfoCollection, as you can see in this example.
CompletionInfoCollection completionList = new CompletionInfoCollection()
new CompletionInfo("Achitect", "A software developer expert.", Image.FromFile(#"../../SyntaxEditor/ Achitect.png")),
this.radSyntaxEditor1.SyntaxEditorElement.IntelliPrompts.CompletionListWindow.Presenter.CompletionListItems = completionList;
It is ok if there are just a few items for autocomplete but what in a case if I want to autocomplete for language like C#. Telerik has a syntax highlight for C#, but I cannot find a way to populate IntelliPromts with data in that manner.
The sample code is from Telerik Blogs
Thank you :)
As you have already found out, RadSyntaxEditor uses a CompletionInfoCollection to define intelliprompts which aim to speed up coding by reducing typos and other common mistakes. It is just necessary to define a separate CompletionInfo for each item that you want in the completion list window. It is up to you what list to be displayed and how you will get this information. This job is not intended to be done by the RadSyntaxEditor control. Additional information is available in the following help article: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/winforms/controls/syntax-editor/features/intelliprompts
I have researched in the forums and since the English version of IntelliSense files are embedded in Visual Studio, I have found the following MSDN article which offers different language packs for the IntelliSense. Hence, you can at least use it to investigate what are the keywords and replace the translation according to your needs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/localized-intellisense
I hope this information helps.

How to customize pull to refresh in codename one?

I would like to change the language of the pull to refresh. I've already added a locale file and added two properties which I read in a post:
pull.down <---- Working OK
pull.release <---- Still showing English (should be in Spanish)
I don't know the property which shows "Updating" but I also need it to know.
Please could you help me to know where I can see the properties?
In the initVars method I used:
Hashtable h = res.getL10N("Localization (L10N) 1", "es");
Thank you in advance for your help.
To change the Updating text, do this:
Note that you have to enter the english and spanish version of the texts.
Change your localization code to the following:
Hashtable h = res.getL10N("1", "es");
Follow #Shai Almog's tutorial in this video for localization.

List style article in drupal 7

I'm trying to create a content type that allows me to post multiple images from an external database in this sort of style: http://www.newageman.co.uk/14-time-travelling-celebrities
In an ideal world this is what I would like my group of fields to look like in the article creation screen.
Any idea how I would achieve this using best practices? To post articles like this I'm currently using a piece of php code but it's confusing for my contributors, so would like to use fields. I've never made a module or custom field before.
Thank you!
I have done something similar using the Field Group module, you may give it a try.

How can i pick a template in drupal 7 while page creation

I want my Drupal 7 to pick my cutomized template while the time creating the page only, how can I do this, Can some one please...
thanks in advance
If I understand you correctly the following tpl.php naming syntax maybe what you are looking for:
base template: node.tpl.php
Theme hook suggestions are made based on these factors,
listed from the most specific template to the least.
Drupal will use the most specific template it finds:
...or you may want to check out the "Display suite" or "Panels" module for a GUI interface for what I suspect you are trying to do.

Dropdown dependents agile toolkit

Hello friends a pleasure to be around here, I'm new to this framework and I have a few doubts about how to make dependent dropdown, for example, I have a list of countries and select a country to show me their states hope I can help from already thank you very much.
Here is a demo of what you're looking for:
Could it be that above example (http://demo39.agiletoolkit.org/demo.html?t=20)
only works when the arrays have numbers for their dropdown values? ie:
$country_list=array(1=>'Country1', 2=>'Country2')
night it be the demo will not work when using:
with the second setup I get an error at form submit time saying:
Value 'ST3' is not one of the offered values
or am I doing something else wrong? should I (not) use stickyGET for instance?
