Setting parameters on collection methods using Backbone.Rpc - backbone.js

Using the Backbone.Rpc plugin [ ] I am attempting to send parameters on the read method when fetching a collection. When working with a single model instance you can add parameters to a method call by setting the value of a model attribute.
var deviceModel = Backbone.model.extend({
url: 'path/to/rpc/handler',
rpc: new Backbone.Rpc(),
methods: {
read: ['getModelData', 'id']
deviceModel.set({id: 14});
deviceModel.fetch(); // Calls 'read'
// Request created by the 'read' call
There is no corresponding way that I am aware of, to do a similar thing prior to fetching a collection as there is no 'set' method available to backbone collections.
var deviceCollection = Backbone.collection.extend({
model: deviceModel,
url: 'path/to/rpc/handler',
rpc: new Backbone.Rpc(),
methods: {
read: ['getDevices', 'deviceTypeId']
// This is not allowed, possible work arounds?
deviceCollection.set('deviceTypeId', 2);
// Request created by the 'read' call
Is it possible to pass parameters to collection methods using Backbone.Rpc? Or do I need to pass collection filters in the data object of the fetch method?

I updated Backbone.Rpc (v 0.1.2) & now you can use the following syntax to add "dynamic"
arguments to your calls.
var Devices = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: 'path/to/my/rpc/handler',
namespace: 'MeNotJava',
rpc: new Backbone.Rpc(),
model: Device,
arg1: 'hello',
arg2: function () { return 'world' },
methods: {
read : ['getDevices', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']
var devices = new Devices();
This call results in the following RPC request:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"MeNotJava/getDevices","id":"1331724850010","params":["hello", "world", "arg3"]}

okay, this is not included at the moment, but i can understand the issue here.
I should be able to add a workaround for collections which allows the RPC plugin to read
collection properties.
var deviceCollection = Backbone.collection.extend({
model: deviceModel,
url: 'path/to/rpc/handler',
rpc: new Backbone.Rpc(),
deviceTypeId: 2,
methods: {
read: ['getDevices', 'deviceTypeId']
Which will then create this response:
I will take a look this evening.


Backbonejs - Avoid parse after save

Backbone documentation says,
parse is called whenever a model's data is returned by the server, in
fetch, and save. The function is passed the raw response object, and
should return the attributes hash to be set on the model.
But i have customized parse function for my model. I want to execute it only when i fetch data not when i save data.
Is there a way to do it? I can check my response inside parse function. But is there any built-in option to do it?
This is from the backbone source file regarding saving a model:
var model = this;
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(resp) {
model.attributes = attributes;
var serverAttrs = model.parse(resp, options);
if (options.wait) serverAttrs = _.extend(attrs || {}, serverAttrs);
if (_.isObject(serverAttrs) && !model.set(serverAttrs, options)) {
return false;
if (success) success(model, resp, options);
model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
You could pass a custom option on your save like:, { saved: true }), then in your custom parse:
parse: function(response, options) {
if ( options.saved ) return this.attributes;
// do what you're already doing
I haven't tested this at all, but it should at least get you started.
Just pass a parse:false into the save method as an option.
m = new MyModel(), {parse: false})

Backbone collection export issues

I have a collection of users (model user)
model has a boolean value: isExport
i have a button that on click supposed to post to the server all the users that isExport=true
Can anyone suggest a suitable solution for this problem?
I know it's possible to wrap the collection as a model and overwrite the toJSON function
but couldn't manage it so far (can someone please give a code example?)
App.User = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: {isExport: false}...});
App.Users = Backbone.Collections.extend({model: App.User...});
Backbone collections by default don't have any write operations to the server, so you'll need to add a new method to your Collection subclass such as doExport, use .where to get the models with isExport=true and their toJSON() to get an array of objects which you can then send to the server with Backbone.sync or $.post.
Backbone comes with RESTful support.
So, if you give each collection a url pointing to the collection rest service, then with a few functions (create,save) you can handle server requests.
App.Models.User = Backbone.Model.extend();
App.Collections.Users = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: 'users',
model: App.Models.User
So, this way, you can:
var users = new App.Collections.Users();
users.fetch(); // This will call
// Expecting a json request
And then you can:
users.create({ name: 'John', isExport: true });
This will send a post request to the server, in order to create a new record.
And you can check on server side if it has the flag you want.
App.Views.ExportAll = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#exportAll',
events: {
'click': 'exportAll'
exportAll: function(e){
console.log('exporting all');
var exportModel = new App.Models.Export;
exportModel.set("data", this.collection.toJSON());
I think this is the best solution for the problem

backbone.js: how to send constraints when doing a list GET

I'm trying to build an application using backbone.js and backbone-relational.js on the frontend, with a RESTful api run by Pyramid/Cornice/SQLAlchmeny on the backend.
At this stage, I have two models, Client (basically businesses) and Asset (the assets that the businesses own) ... and eventually there will be a number of other models, for users, sites, etc. A simplified example of the two models:
Now, my backbone.js code is currently working fine when fetching the data from these models from the server; I have two list views, one that shows a list of all the clients, and another that shows a list of all the assets.
My problem now is that I when I click on one of the Clients, in the list of clients, I want it to then show a list of only the Assets that belong to that particular client. No problem with the server-side part of that, it's just a filter(), my question is, how do I make backbone.js send such a constraint when it requests the list of Assets?
(While I've used RelationalModel in the code below, I'm still learning it and haven't really worked out how to make use of it yet)
window.Asset = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
relations: [{
type: Backbone.HasOne,
type: Backbone.HasOne,
key: 'client_id',
relatedModel: Client
window.AssetCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Asset,
url: "/api/assets"
window.Client = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
window.ClientCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Client,
url: "/api/clients"
I don't think I need to show any of the Views here.
In my router, I currently have a listClients function and a listAssets (see below) function, and I think I'll need to add a listAssetsforClient(clientid) function, but I'm not sure what I'm meant to do with the clientid so that backbone.js will send it to the server as a constraint when GETting the list of Assets. I presume that whatever needs to be done will be in the AssetCollection model, but I can't see anything in the Collection API that looks appropriate. There are methods that will do filtering on an already fetched list, but it seems inefficient to be fetching an entire list of assets (and there may eventually be thousands of them) when I only need a subset of them, and can get the server to filter instead.
listAssets: function() {
$('#header').html(new AssetHeaderView().render().el);
this.assetList = new AssetCollection();
var self = this;
success:function () {
self.assetListView = new AssetListView({model:self.assetList});
if (self.requestedId) self.assetDetails(self.requestedId);
Ok, I have figured it out. The fetch() method has an optional 'data' parameter which can pass the constraint. So, my new function would be:
listAssetsforClient: function(id) {
$('#header').html(new AssetHeaderView().render().el);
this.assetList = new AssetCollection();
var self = this;
data: { clientid: id },
success:function () {
self.assetListView = new AssetListView({model:self.assetList});
if (self.requestedId) self.assetDetails(self.requestedId);

Backbone.js set URL parameters in model & use it with fetch

I would like to fetch model from specific url with parameter:
url: server/somecontroller/id/?type=gift
Simple working way is:
collection.fetch({ data: { type: 'gift'} });
But I want to set it in model:
if(id){ = new AffiliatesApp.Coupon({id: id});
} else { = new AffiliatesApp.Coupon({id: 'somecontroller'}, {type: 'gift'});
How can I achieve it?
The easiest way to achieve this is to override Backbone's url method on the Coupon model with one defined by you. For example you can do :
Affiliates.Coupon = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot : "server/somecontroller/",
url : function(){
var url = this.urlRoot +;
url = url + "/?type=" + this.get("type");
return url;
This solution is easy to implement but has a drawback: the generated URL will be used for every action that syncs to the server (fetch,save,..).
If you need to have a finer control over the generation of the URL depending on what action you are doing you will need to override Backbone's Sync method for your model.
It can be done by overriding the fetch method in model to use some custom data. Using CoffeeScript it could look like this:
class AffiliatesApp.Coupon extends Backbone.Model
fetch: ->
super(data: { type: #get('type') })
Note that this example will ignore any attributes passed to coupon.fetch(), however it can be easily adjusted for any override logic.

extjs4 - is there a non json/xml writer for proxies?

I'm building some models to interact with an existing API from a previous project.
The API relies on standard POST methods to save the data.
I've configured a model and proxy up to the point where it does push the data onto the server but there only seems to be two writer types, json & xml.
proxy: {
/* ... */
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'results'
writer: {
type: '???' // <-- can only see json or xml in the docs
Isn't there a standard POST writer that simply submits data in post fields?
I'm surprised that wouldn't be a standard writer type.
(Parsing the json format wouldn't be too hard to implement but that would mean updating a lot of the old api files.)
Ok, I was able to create that writer quite easily by checking the existing writers' source code.
One thing those existing writers are able to do - and that may be why the dev team only implemented a json and xml version - is that they can push multiple records at once.
That could be implemented in POST but would be a bit more complicated.
This writer will work if you're trying to push a single model to an api using POST:
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
alternateClassName: '',
alias: 'writer.singlepost',
writeRecords: function(request, data) {
request.params = data[0];
return request;
and the use this for the writer in the proxy:
writer: {
type: 'singlepost'
Based on Ben answer I've implemented my own writer that will collect all properties of all models into arrays.
For example if you have model like with some fields:
{name:'id', type:'int'}
{name:'name', type:'string'}
{name:'age', type:'date'}
A request string will be
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
alternateClassName: '',
alias: 'writer.singlepost',
writeRecords: function(request, data) {
if(data && data[0]){
var keys = [];
for(var key in data[0]){
for(var i=0;i<keys.length;i++){
request.params[keys[i]] = [];
for(var j=0;j<data.length;j++){
return request;
For Sencha touch 2.0, change the writeRecords method to:
writeRecords: function (request, data) {
var params = request.getParams() || {};
Ext.apply(params, data[0]);
return request;
Here's my version, adapted from answers above:
// Subclass the original XmlWriter
Ext.define('', {
extend : '',
// give it an alias to use in writer 'type' property
alias : 'writer.xml_in_a_post_parameter',
// override the original method
writeRecords : function(request, data) {
// call the overriden method - it will put the data that I
// want into request.xmlData
// copy the data in request.xmlData. In this case the XML
// data will always be in the parameter called 'XML'
Ext.apply(request.params, {
XML: request.xmlData
// Already copied the request payload and will not send it,
// so we delete it from the request
delete request.xmlData;
// return the modified request object
return request;
Ext.define("MyApp.model.MyModel", {
extend : "",
requires : [
fields : [ 'field_A', 'field_B' ],
proxy : {
type : 'ajax',
api : {
read : '/mymodel/read.whatever',
update : '/mymodel/write.whatever'
reader : {
type : 'xml'
writer : {
// use the alias we registered before
type : 'xml_in_a_post_parameter'
