Where to find documentation for Nintex Workflow web service? - nintex-workflow

Where do I find documentation for Nintex Workflow web service?
The webservice can be found under http://myservername/MyNintexSite/_vti_bin/nintexworkflow/workflow.asmx, but the methods require parameters and I cannot find description, what those parameters are.

Inside of Nintex Workflow 2007 SDK there is a file Nintex Workflow 2007 SDK 1.2.pdf.
At the end of this file (pages 131-186) is the documentation of Web Service


Methode to deploy outlook add in with step by step

So I created an outlook add-in and I am able to sideload in outlook desktop app for development,
But now I want to deploy in an organisation so they will be able to use it I followed the deployment doc of https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/publish/publish#:~:text=Outlook%20add%2Din%20deployment,Outlook%202013%20or%20later
But I am unable to get how to deploy it I am going around and round reading there documentation.
Can anyone suggest me step or tell me which site to follow for clear vision on deploying outlook add-in or which software to use for deployment. Thank you
You need to upload your add-in's manifest to the Exchange admin center, so the add-in will be available for all Exchange users. To assign add-ins to a tenant, you should use the Exchange admin center to upload a manifest, either from a file or a URL, or add an add-in from AppSource.
You may find the following video helpful - How to Deploy Office Add-ins within Your Organization.

Google DataStudio: Reuse existing connectors inside a new connector which I'm currently developing

I need pull data from "Google Sheets" and "Analytics", for which I'm creating a connector, and I would like to know if it's possible re-use existing "Google Analytics" & "Google Sheets" provided by DataStudio.
Re-using native connectors inside a Community Connector is not possible at the moment.
However, you can achieve the same result by using Apps Script Advanced Services. Most of the native connectors in Data Studio have a corresponding Advanced Service in Apps Script.
For your specific use case, you can use the Analytics Services and the Sheets Service. Before using them in your code, make sure that you follow the instructions to enable the advanced services. The Fusion Table Community Connector is an Open Source example that shows how to use an advanced service in a Community Connector.

is there any skype api available to integrate with salesforce [skypedeveloper]

we wanted customize our salesforce application via giving the skype conference link while sending the email from the application itself. the application is completely on visualforce pages and controller so i dont see any appexchange app will help on this.
I have already checked the below links though i could not get any integration apis
There are no integration Apis as of now. Only you have to write your own integration logic using Skype for Web SDK. It is a bit complicated SDK and not properly documented or maintained. It has tight coupling with Azure AD and video streaming doesn't work in Chrome/Firefox.
Some integration use cases/examples can be found here
Other relevant information.

Google Cloud SQL Backend

I've started developing for GAE (Google App Engine) and I want to build a REST API using Google Cloud SQL. I currently have a web app in App Engine that works well with Google Cloud SQL but I need to build an API to provide REST services for Android and iOS or any other technology capable of consume web-services.
I've read many docs in Google about Mobile Backend Starter, Endpoints, etc. I'm not pretty sure how to integrate with my existing Cloud SQL Database. I think I'm almost near to get what I need.
If someone knows a tutorial or documentation to achieve what I need, please share it in here.
I've found what I needed!
If anyone tries to implement Google Cloud Endpoints using Google Cloud SQL, Python with Django, please follow this tutorial You will be able to build a RESTful API with your existing Django Models.
Also, here's a Youtube Video from GDL which explains very well how to use ProtoRPC for Python and build your Google Cloud Enpoints APIs. ProtoRPC is a framework for implementing HTTP-based remote procedure call (RPC) service.

Salesforce's Database.com and Google App Engine via JPA

Currently i try to connect (via JPA/Datanucleus) with an application, hosted by Google App Engine, to the database service of database.com (Salesforce)
After many hours of reading and trying, i could not find any solution.
So, is it even possible??
Some Information....
Database.com provides JPA: http://forcedotcom.github.com/java-sdk/jpa-provider, but i could not found any sdk on this side, but i found a jar-file hosted by grepcode http://grepcode.com/snapshot/repo1.maven.org/maven2/com.force.sdk/force-jpa/22.0.7-BETA/ - Possibly there is currently no official release ...
The problem is that this SDK from Salesforce needs datanucleus 2.0, but Google App Engine includes only datanucleus 1.1.5. So i try to update theses libaries and found this.... code.google.com/p/datanucleus-appengine/ . I tried a few hours to replace the old libaries and to use the newer, but unsuccessfully. The error was that eclipse could not find some libaries, because the newer libaries, provided by the side above, have different package structure -
I am thankful for any help...
The official release of the JPA provider is available on Maven Central:
The external connection restriction won't be a limiting factor because the JPA adapter connects to Database.com over https using a SOAP API.
I can't speak to the challenges around getting DN 2.0 running on GAE. Perhaps GAE support can help with that?
As stated here in the App Engine docs, you cannot make direct connections to external servers from GAE (except over http or https using the app engine specific url APIs). You will need to find some other way to get data out of your remote database.
This link describes how to solve your problem:
How to use Force.com Database SDK on Google APP Engine
(He has updated the Saleforce SDK source code to allow it to work without problem on GAE.)
