Screenshot of usercontrol immediately prior to being unloaded - wpf

I'm building a pos system that has a main ContentControl to display different screens of the application. I use DataTemplates to map my viewmodels to views. To navigate between the different views displayed in the ContentControl I'd like to store a screenshot of the UserControl in the viewmodel when the UserControl is unloaded (or the ContentControl changes).
I posted a related question here WPF Binding FrameworkElement event to command in which I attempted to bind a command to FrameworkElement.Unloaded but that doesn't work (see answer at that link)
Is this possible without breaking the MVVM pattern?

here is a nice link to how to do a screenshot in wpf.
here is what i would do:
my mainviewmodel which handle the navigation should expose an event and raise this event before you set the new contentviewmodel. the old contentviewmodel should be in the eventargs. in your mainwindow codebehind you subscribe to the event(not breaking mvvm here). when ever this event is raise you can call the screenshot method and put the result to the oldviewmodel.
mainwindow codebehind
void NavigationChangingEvent(object sender, NavChangingArgs args)
var oldvm = args.ChangingViewmodel;
oldvm.Screenshoot = this.mycontentcontrolwheremyviewmodelareshown.GetJpgImage(1, 90);


WPF best practice to get current MainWindow instance?

I got a warning that this may be a subjective question and might be closed, but I'm going to ask anyway.
I'm basically trying to access a button on my MainWindow in a WPF application from a UserControl that gets loaded up from within the MainWindow.
I'm currently accessing it like this from the UserControl's code behind:
But it does look messy, and from what I've read is not considered a best practice. Anyone able to provide an answer that constitutes a best practice for Accessing controls / properties from the current instance of a MainWindow - or any other active windows / views for that matter?
You can get a reference to the parent window of the UserControl using the Window.GetWindow method. Call this once the UserControl has been loaded:
public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl
public UserControl1()
this.Loaded += (s, e) =>
MainWindow parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this) as MainWindow;
if (parentWindow != null)
You could also access all open windows using the Application.Current.Windows property:
MainWindow mainWindow = Application.Current.Windows.OfType<MainWindow>().FirstOrDefault();
Which one to use depends on your requirements. If you want a reference to the application's main window for some reason, you could stick with your current approach. If you want a reference to the parent window of the UserControl, using the Window.GetWindow method would be better.
The best practice is generally to use the MVVM design pattern and bind UI controls to source properties of a view model that may be shared by several views. But that's another story. You could refer to the following link for more information about the MVVM pattern:

WPF & MVVM, right way to do it

So I am doing my first WPF MVVM app. Just learning the right principle of MVVM, but there are some things that I don't understand ...
I already have several user controls defined.
First question is what is better to use, UserControl or DataTemplates to change content of the MainWindow?
And how to make "Binding" in the "MainWindow.xaml" to change UserControl/DataTemplates when button is pressed?
For example, When "next" button is pressed then contents of main window disappear and content of user control comes on the screen of "MainWindow.xaml".
Maybe with "" binding, to disable it and enable it?
I found some example which function on DataTemplate A Simple MVVM Example. It helped me to implement some things, but I see some discussions over "UserControl" vs. "DataTemplate" and how to do it? So now I am confused :)
I recently made a WPF application with the MVVM pattern, and I did the following:
I have one 'Window', the mainwindow, and in this window all UserControls are loaded.
Every UserControl has a different Viewmodel, for examples a "GeneralSettingsUserControl" has a GeneralSettingsViewModel for validation and databinding.
Every UserControl has its own codebehind where data is bound to its ViewModel
The following code I found on the internet (I don't know the url anymore) but for me it did the trick to change de ContentControl in the mainwindow.
public static mainWindow mainWindow;
public static void switchPage(UserControl p_objNewPage)
public void navigate(UserControl nextPage)
PageContent.LastChildFill = true;
PageContent is the name of the Grid where the main content is located. In every UserControl you can call the Switcher.switchPage(new UserControl) to change the content of the window. So when you click a button you can call this method.
Hope it helps and good luck.

MVVM pattern - executing view operations

I'm using MVVM Pattern (with MVVM Light) to build my XAML app (win8). I have a ListView, which is bound to a property of my ViewModel. I also have a button that triggers an operation on that ViewModel, which updates that property (which results in updating the ListView). The button uses commanding to execute the operation on the ViewModel. So far so good.
The problem is that after the list is refreshed I need to perform an operation that strictly belongs to my View, not to the ViewModel. It should scroll the list to a specific item. How to trigger that operation? Should I use a specific ListView event?
Using an EventHandler and the ScrollIntoView(Object) method you can achieve what you want without using references of the View inside the ViewMovel and respecting MVVM pattern.
Create an event in your ViewModel like this:
public event EventHandler ScrollListView;
In your View add a callback to scroll the ListView when the property is updated:
ViewModel vm;
vm.ScrollListView += (sender, e) =>
var specificItem = **some item**;
MyListView.SelectedItem = specificItem;
Then in your ViewModel when you update that property and want to scroll the ListView:
if (this.ScrollListView != null)
this.ScrollListView(this, EventArgs.Empty);
This is how I usually do with some tweaks for each case of course.
The ViewModel is there to decouple the UI Code from the UI Design (E.g. XAML). [Separation of Concerns of Designer and Developer, Automated testing of UI Code, etc]
Ideally the code-behind file of the View will be empty (except the call to InitializeComponent) and all UI logic and state will be handled by the ViewModel. However, in practice there might be some specific UI manipulation that cannot be handled by data-binding alone and you will need to resort to code. Such code should be placed in the code-behind.
In your case, the logic for (a) when and (b) which item to scroll to must be in the ViewModel (not in the View). Only any additional logic required to perform the actual scrolling in the ListView will be in the View code-behind.
Yes, an event would be the ideal way to do this, to avoid having any references to the View inside the ViewModel. I would recommend however to create a custom event in the ViewModel (e.g. OnFirstItemInViewChanged with arguments the item to scroll to) and in the View code-behind register to this event and just call ListView.ScrollIntoView(item).
WinForms DataGridView had a property FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex. If there was something similar in WPF ListView, you could solve this by binding this property to a ViewModel property, therefore leaving the code-behind completely clean.

WPF routed events handling in UserControl

I have a WPF UserControl that contains a button. I also have a WPF Window that contains a button.
In both the UserControl and the Window I place the following line in XAML:
and in 'OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown' I've place a debug print that displays args.Source.
When I click on the button that is inside the window, I get the button as the EventArgs source. However, when I click the button that inside the UserControl (which is also inside a window, so I could test it, but not the same window) I get the UserControl as the EventArgs source.
I tired to see if there is some decorator around the UserControl (using snoop) but it seems straight forward.
I can't understand what is so special about UserControl in WPF that I don't get the right sender. Can someone please explain to me what am I missing?
While the question is old, I recently ran into a similar problem myself, involving the ContextMenuOpening event. Some amount of searching yielded the source code to UserControl here, which contains the following section:
// Set the EventArgs' source to be this UserControl
internal override void AdjustBranchSource(RoutedEventArgs e)
So, apparently UserControl sets the Source of ANY routed event to itself. I have no idea why it does this, though...
Use e.OriginalSource as mentioned above. If you need to find the button, then you can use VisualTreeHelper.GetParent to find the actual Button control.

How To access commands on usercontrol from viewmodel

I have legacy windows forms user control that exposses several public methods. I wrapped this control on a wpf user control and encapsulated the Methods with a relaycommand on the new wpf usercontrol.
Now my problem is how to use the mvvm pattern to execute the commands on my user control form the viewmodel that is used with the view hosting the new wpf usercontrol.
In viewmodel you have to add a field say
Public ICommand CommandOne
Now this command will create a new RelayCommand object depending upon your requirements/conditions.
Now, you can bind this 'CommandOne' command with any object say button on your control form.
So, whenever the button is clicked then the RelayCommand object will be created and it will execute the action given to it as a parameter.
Hope it works for you.
I Fond out how to get this to work with bindings. Need to set the mode to OneWayToSource to get the command from the user control. The tricky part is that the initialization of the command has to be done inside the loaded event of the usercontrol. If you try to do it inside of the constructor, you will end up with the default initialization from the binding which could be null.
Use PRISM EventAggregator? You can fireoff an event from ViewModel, from your Usercontrol subscribe to it.
