I can't delete file using SHFileOperation - c

I want to delete a file into recycle bin. I using this code.
FileOp.hwnd = NULL;
FileOp.pFrom= lpFileName; //it's my value \\?\C:\WorkFolder\qweqw.docx
FileOp.pTo = NULL;
int t_res = SHFileOperation(&FileOp); // t_res = 124
return t_res;
What's i doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

What is t_res, it should give the error code and suggest the reason
Note that pFrom takes files, not single file, so you should terminate the buffer with two zeros, see doc excerpt from MSDN:
Although this member is declared as a single null-terminated string,
it is actually a buffer that can hold multiple null-delimited file
names. Each file name is terminated by a single NULL character. The
last file name is terminated with a double NULL character ("\0\0") to
indicate the end of the buffer.

The error code is, according to the documentation:
DE_INVALIDFILES 0x7C The path in the source or destination or both was invalid.
You don't mention any analysis of this, so my suggestion would be to dig into how the filename is represented. Is it the proper encoding?


Getting strange characters from strncpy() function

I am supposed to load a list of names from a file, and then find those names in the second file and load them in a structure with some other data (for the simplicity, I will load them to another array called "test".
The first part is just fine, I am opening a file and loading all the names into a 2dimensional array called namesArr.
The second part is where unexpected characters occur, and I can't understand why. Here is the code of the function:
void loadStructure(void){
char line[MAX_PL_LENGTH], *found;
int i, j=0;
char test[20][20];
FILE *plotPtr=fopen(PLOT_FILE_PATH, "r");
if (plotPtr==NULL){perror("Error 05:\nError opening a file in loadStructure function. Check the file path"); exit(-5);}
while(fgets(line, MAX_PL_LENGTH, plotPtr)!=NULL){ // This will load each line from a file to an array "line" until it reaches the end of file.
for(i=0; i<numOfNames; i++){ // Looping through the "namesArr" array, which contains the list of 20 character names.
if((found=strstr(line, namesArr[i]))!=NULL){ // I use strstr() to find if any of those names appear in the particular line.
printf("** %s", found); // Used of debugging.
strncpy(test[j], found, strlen(namesArr[i])); j++; // Copying the newly found name to test[j] (copying only the name, by defining it's length, which is calculated by strlen function).
printf("%s\n", test[0]);
printf("%s\n", test[1]);
printf("%s\n", test[2]);
This is the output I get:
...20 names were loaded from the "../Les-Mis-Names-20.txt".
** Leblanc, casting
** Fabantou seems to me to be better," went on M. Leblanc, casting
** Jondrette woman, as she stood
Jondretteⁿ  └
Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 0.005 s
Press any key to continue.
The question is, why am I getting characters like "╕&q" and "ⁿ  └" in the newly created array? And also, is there any other more efficient way to achieve what I am trying to do?
The problem is that strncpy does not store a null in the target array if the length specified is less than the source string (as is always the case here). So whatever garbage happpend to be in the test array will remain there.
You can fix this specific problem by zeroing the test array, either when you declare it:
char test[20][20] = { { 0 } };
or as you use it:
memset(test[j], 0, 20);
strncpy(test[j], found, strlen(namesArr[i]));
but in general, it is best to avoid strncpy for this reason.
The length limitation for strncpy should be based on the target size, not the source length: that's the point of using it over strcpy, which uses only the source length. In your code
strncpy(test[j], found, strlen(namesArr[i]));
the length parameter is from the source array, which defeats the purpose of using strncpy. In addition, the nul terminator will not be present if the function copies the full limit of bytes, so the code should be
strncpy(test[j], found, 19); // limit to target size, leaving room for terminator
test[j][19] = '\0'; // add terminator (if copy did not complete)
Whether you loaded namesArr[] from file correctly is another potential issue, since you do not show the code.
Slight modification to a previous answer:
1) Since you are working with C strings, make sure (since strncpy(...) does not do it for you) that you null terminate the buffer.
2) When using strncpy the length argument should represent the target string byte capacity - 1 (space for null terminator), not the source string length.
int len = strlen(found)
memset(test[j], 0, 20);
strncpy(test[j], found, 19);//maximum length (19) matches array size
//of target string -1 ( test[j] ).
if(len > 19) len = 19; //in case length of found is longer than the target string.
test[j][len+1] = 0;
In addition to what Chris Dodd said,, quoted from man strncpy
The strncpy() function is similar [to the strcpy() function], except that at most n bytes of src are copied. Warning: If there is no null byte among the first n bytes of src, the string placed in dest will not be null-terminated.
Since the size parameter in your strncpy call is the length of the string, this will not include the null byte at the end of the string and thus your destination string will not be null-terminated from this call.

fgets not reading the beginning of a line

I am having trouble reading a few lines of text from a file using fgets. The file is some basic user data that is written to a file within the bundle the first time the plugin is launched. Any subsequent launch of the plugin should result in the user data being read and cross referenced to check the users authenticity.
The data is always 3 lines long and is written with frwite exactly as it should be and is opened with fopen.
My original theory was to just call fgets 3 times reading each line into it's own char array which is part of a data struct. The problem is the first line is read correctly, the second line is read as though the position indicator starts on the next line but offset by the number of characters read from line 1. The third line is then not read at all.
fgets is not returning any errors and is behaving as though it has read the data it should have so i'm obviously missing something.
Anyway here's a portion of my code hopefully someone can some shed some light on my mistakes!
int length;
fgets(var.n, 128, regFile);
length = strlen(var.n);
var.n[length-1] = NULL;
fgets(var.em, 128, regFile);
length = strlen(var.em);
var.em[length-1] = NULL;
fgets(var.k, 128, regFile);
length = strlen(var.k);
var.k[length-1] = NULL;
Setting the last character in each string to NULL is just to remove the /n
This sequence of code outputs the whole of line 1, the second half of line 2 and none of line 3.
Thanks to #alvits for the answer to this one:
fwrite() is not compatible with fgets(). Files created using fwrite() should use fread() to read them ?>back in. Both fwrite() and fread() operates on binary streams unless explicitly converted to and from >strings. fgets() is compatible with fputs(), both operates on strings.
I used fputs() to write my data instead and it read back in perfectly.
In POSIX systems, including Linux, there is no differentiation between binary and text files. When opening a file stream, the b flag is ignored. This is described in fopen().
You might ask "how would you differentiate text from binary files?". The contents differentiate them. How the contents are written makes them a binary or text file.
Look at the signature size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream). You'll notice that it writes the contents of *ptr with size describing the size of each members, nmemb. The written stream is not converted to string. If you were to write 97 it will write the binary 97 which in ascii is A. Binary data does not obey string terminations. Presence of \n and \0 in data is literally written as is.
Now look at the signature int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream). It writes the string content of *s. If you were to write 97, it will have to be a string "97" which is not A. String termination is obeyed. \n is automatically converted to the O/S supported newline (CRLF or LF).
You can coerce fwrite() to behave like fputs() but not the other way around. For example, if you declare ptr as a pointer to string and calculate the size exactly as the length of the content excluding string terminator, you'll be able to write it out as text instead of binary. You will also need to handle \0 and \n and convert them to O/S supported newline. Writing the entire string buffer will write everything including and past the string terminators.

sscanf to get segment of string surrounded by two fixed strings

I'm trying to remove the extension of a file (I know it is .txt) using sscanf(). I've tried with many format strings I think may work, but with no success. The main problem is that I just can't understand sscanf()'s documentation, so I don't get how to use this [=%[*][width][modifiers]type=] I've tried to tell it that end must be ".txt" or to save initial string in a variable and a %4ccorresponding to the extension in another one, but again… can't make it work.
I know this has been asked before here: sscanf: get first and last token in a string but as I said... I don´t understand its solution.
The part of my code that does that:
sscanf(fileName,"the_sender_is_%s%*[.txt]", sender);
The input file name is, for example: "the_sender_is_Monika.txt"
In sender I should have
but whatever I try gives me
When you use
sscanf(fileName,"the_sender_is_%s%*[.txt]", sender);
The function reads as much as it can with %s before it processes %*[.txt].
sscanf(fileName,"the_sender_is_%[^.]", sender);
While sscanf() is powerful, it is not the universal tool. There are limits on what you can do with it, and you're hitting them. A moderate approximation to the task would be:
char body[32];
char tail[5];
if (sscanf("longish-name-without-dots.txt", "%31[^.]%4s", body, tail) != 2)
…oops — can't happen with the constant string, but maybe with a variable one…
This gets you longish-name-without-dots into body and .txt into tail. But it won't work all that well if there are dots in the name part before the extension.
You're probably looking for:
const char *file = "longish-name.with.dots-before.txt";
char *dot = strrchr(file, '.');
if (dot == NULL)
…oops — can't happen with the literal, but maybe with a variable…
strcpy(tail, dot); // Beware buffer overflow
memcpy(body, file, dot - file);
body[dot - file] = '\0';

Reading CR terminated keyword text file

I want to read a list of keywords from a (text) file and then add those in a CString array in C. The trouble is that, I am reading the file line by line, and the file contains one word in every line. I can successfully populate the array, but when I try to look up these keywords in another string, it returns false because I am guessing the keyword has \n at the end.
Another way I could read the file could be, to make the text file a comma separated file, and read one line and tokenize it. But then, I won't know how to read a line whose size can be VERY large, as the list of keyword is ever expanding.
Saad Rehman
If your problem is that a string may have a rogue newline at the end, you can use:
size_t len = strlen (mystring);
if (len > 0)
if (mystring[len-1] == '\n')
mystring[--len] = '\0';
Do this to mystring after you've read it in but before you use it.
It simply checks if the last character is a newline and, if so, replaces it with a string terminator.
The first check is to ensure you don't try this on an empty string where mystring[-1] would invoke the dreaded undefined behaviour.

Remove redundant whitespace from string (in-place)

Ok so i posted earlier about trying to (without any prebuilt functions) remove additional spaces so
"this is <insert many spaces!> a test" would return
"this is a test"
Remove spaces from a string, but not at the beginning or end
As it was homework i asked for no full solutions and some kind people provided me with the following
"If you need to do it in place, then create two pointers. One pointing to the character being read and one to the character being copied. When you meet an extra space, then adapt the 'write' pointer to point to the next non space character. Copy to the read position the character pointed by the write character. Then advance the read and write pointers to the character after the character being copied."
The problem is i now want to fully smash my computer in to pieces as i am sooooo irritated by it. I didnt realise at the time i couldnt utilise the char array so was using array indexes to do it, i thought i could suss how to get it to work but now i am just using pointers i am finding it very hard. I really need some help, not full solutions. So far this is what i am doing;
1)create a pointer called write, so i no where to write to
2)create a pointer called read so i no where to read from
(both of these pointers will now point to the first element of the char array)
while (read != '\0')
if read == a space
add one to read
if read equals a space now
add one to write
while read != a space {
set write to = read
add one to both read and write
add one to read and write
write = read
Try just doing this yourself character by character on a piece of paper and work out what it is you are doing first, then translate that into code.
If you are still having trouble, try doing something simpler first, for example just copying a string character for character without worrying about the "remove duplicate spaces" part of it - just to make sure that you haven't made a silly mistake elsewhere.
The advice of trying to do it with pen and paper first is good. And it really doesn't matter if you do it with pointers or array indexing; you can either use a reader and a writer pointer, or a reader and a writer index.
Think about when you want to move the indices forward. You always move the write index forward after you write a character. You move the read index forward when you've read a character.
Perhaps you could start with some code that just moves over the string, but actually doesn't change it. And then you add the logic that skips additional spaces.
char p[] = "this is a test";
char *readptr = &p[0];
char *writeptr = &p[0];
int inspaces = 0;
while(*readptr) {
if(isspace(*readptr)) {
inspaces ++;
} else {
inspaces = 0;
if(inspaces <= 1) {
*writeptr = *readptr;
*writeptr = 0;
Here's a solution that only has a single loop (no inner loop to skip spaces) and no state data:
The above is Base64 encoded as this is a homework question. To decode, copy the above block and paste into this website to decode it (you'll need to check the "Decode" radio button).
assuming you're trying to write a function like:
void removeSpaces(char * str){
/* ... stuff that changes the contents of str[] */
You want to scan the string for consecutive spaces, so that your write pointer is always trailing your read pointer. Advance your read pointer to a place where you are pointing at a space, but the next character is not a space. If your read and write pointers are not the same, then your write pointer ought to be pointing at the beginning of a sequence of spaces. The difference between your write and read pointer (i.e. read_pointer - write_pointer) will tell you the number of consecutive spaces that need to be overwritten to close the gap. When there is a difference of greater than zero, (prefix) advance both pointers along by that many positions, copying characters as you go. When you're read pointer is at the end of the string ('\0'), you should be done.
Can you use regular expressions? If so, it might be really easy. Use a regex to replace \s{2,}? with a single space. The \s means any white space (tabs, spaces, carriage feeds...); {2,} means 2 or more; ? means non-greedy. (Disclaimer: my regex might not be the best one you could write, since I'm no regex pro. Also, it's .net syntax, so the regex library for C might have slightly different syntax.)
Why don't you do something like this:
make a second char** that is the same length as the first. As you run through the first array with your pointers keep an extra pointer on the last space you've seen. If the last space you saw was the previous element then you don't copy that char to the second array.
But I would start with something that runs through the char** by each character and prints out each char. If you can make that happen then you can work on actually copying them into a second char**.
