How to saturate memory bus - c

I want to test a program with various memory bus usage levels. For example, I would like to find out if my program works as expected when other processes use 50% of the memory bus.
How would I simulate this kind of disturbance?
My attempt was to run a process with multiple threads, each thread doing random reads from a big block of memory. This didn't appear to have a big impact on my program. My program has a lot of memory operations, so I would expect that a significant disturbance will be noticeable.
I want to saturate the bus but without using too many CPU cycles, so that any performance degradation will be caused only by bus contention.
I'm using a Xeon E5645 processor, DDR3 memory

The mental model of "processes use 50% of the memory bus" is not a great one. A thread that has acquired a core and accesses memory that's not in the caches uses the memory bus.
Getting a thread to saturate the bus is simple, just use memcpy(). Copy several times the amount that fits in the last cache and warm it up by running it multiple times so there are no page faults to slow the code down.

My first instinct would be to set up a bunch of DMA operations to bounce data around without using the CPU too much. This all depends on what operating system you're running and what hardware. Is this an embedded system? I'd be glad to give more detail in the comments.

I'd use SSE2 movntps instructions to stream data, to avoid cache conflicts for the other thread in the same core. Maybe unroll that loop 16 times to minimize number of instructions per memory transfer. While DMA idea sounds good, the linked manual is old and for 32bit linux and your processor model makes me think you probably have 64bit os, which makes me wonder how much of it is correct still. And bug in your test code may screw your hard drive in worst case.


Is multi-thread memory access faster than single threaded memory access?

Is multi-thread memory access faster than single threaded memory access?
Assume we are in C language. A simple example is as follows. If I have a gigantic array A and I want to copy A to array B with the same size as A. Is using multithreading to do memory copy faster than it with a single thread? How many threads are suitable to do this kind of memory operation?
Let me put the question more narrow. First of all, we do not consider the GPU case. The memory access optimization is very important and effective when we do GPU programming. In my experience, we always need to be careful about the memory operations. On the other hand, it is not always the case when we work on CPU. In addition, let's not consider about the SIMD instructions, such as avx and sse. Those will also show memory performance issues when the program has too many memory access operations as opposed to a lot of computational operations. Assume that we work an x86 architecture with 1-2 CPUs. Each CPU has multiple cores and a quad channel memory interface. The main memory is DDR4, as it is common today.
My array is an array of double precision floating point numbers with the size similar to the size of L3 cache of a CPU, that is roughly 50MB. Now, I have two cases: 1) copy this array to another array with the same size using by doing element-wise copy or by using memcpy. 2) combine a lot of small arrays into this gigantic array. Both are real-time operations, meaning that they need to be done as fast as possible. Does multi-threading give a speedup or a dropdown? What's the factor in this case that affects the performance of memory operations?
Someone said it will mostly depend on DMA performance. I think it is when we do memcpy. What if we do element-wise copy, does the pass through the CPU cache first?
It depends on many factors. One factor is the hardware you use. On modern PC hardware, multithreading will most likely not lead to performance improvement, because CPU time is not the limiting factor of copy operations. The limiting factor is the memory interface. The CPU will most likely use the DMA controller to do the copying, so the CPU will not be too busy when copying data.
Over the years, CPU performance increased greatly, literally exponentiated. RAM performance couldn't catch up. It actually made the cache more important. Especially after celeron.
So you can have increase or decrease in performance:
Depending heavily on
memory fetch and memory store units per core
memory controller modules
pipeline depths of memory modules and enumeration of memory banks
memory accessing patterns of each thread(software)
Alignments of data chunks, instruction blobs
Sharing and its datapaths of common hardware resources
Operating system doing too much preemption for all threads
Simply optimize the code for cache, then the quality of cpu will decide the performance.
FX8150 has weaker cores than a i7-4700:
FX cores can have scaling with extra threads but i7 tops with just single thread (I mean memory-heavy codes)
FX has more L3 but it is slower
FX can work with higher frequency RAM but i7 has better inter-core data bandwidth (incase of 1 thread sending data to another thread)
FX pipeline is too long, too long to recover after a branch
it looks like AMD can share more finer-grained performance to threads while INTEL does give power to a single thread. (council assembly vs monarchy) Maybe thats why AMD is better at GPU and HBM.
If I had to stop speculation, I would care only for cache as it is not alterable in cpu while RAM can have many combinations on a motherboard.
Assuming AMD/Intel64 architecture.
One core is not capable of saturating the memory bandwidth. But this means not that multi-threaded is faster. For that the threads must be on different cores, launching as many threads as there is physical cores should give a speed up as the OS would most likely assign the threads to different cores, but in you threading library there should be a function binding a thread to a specific core, using this is the best for speed. Another thing to think about is NUMA, if you have a multi socket system. For maximum speed you should also think about using AVX instructions.

Is there a way to avoid cache misses _completely_?

I read the very basics on how the cache works here: How and when to align to cache line size? and here: What is "cache-friendly" code? , but none of these posts answered my question: is there a way to execute some code entirely within the cache, i.e., without using any access to RAM (beyond perhaps during the initial process of reading the file from the HDD)? As far as I understand the bottleneck in computation nowadays is mostly memory bandwidth, and "as long as you are within the CPU, you are just fine".
Is there a way to load a program into the cache, and keep it there until it terminates? So let's say I have a 1MB compiled C program, which does some scientific computation with a memory requirement of another 1MB, and runs for 5 days. Is there a way to flag this code, so that it does not get out from the cache during evaluation? I am thinking of giving this code higher priority, or alike during execution.
In other words, how much cache is used by an idling computer, which loads its OS (say Ubuntu), and then does nothing? Is there excessive cache use during idling? Should I expect my small program to be always in the cache if the OS does not do anything besides executing it? Let's say after 5 minutes the screensaver starts. Does this lead to massive cache misses (and hence, drastic reduction in performance), since now it competes with my program for the cache space? My experience says that running several non-demanding programs (like the screensaver, or a simple audio player, pdf reader, etc.) at the same time does not significantly decrease the performance of my scientific program, even though I would expect that it would go in-and-out from the cache all the time. The question is: why does not it get its speed affected? Would it make sense to use an absolute minimalistic OS (if so, then which one?) to improve (or rather: maintain) the speed of the computation?
Just for clarity, we can assume that the code is something very simple, say it is a bunch of nested for loops where the innermost part sums up all the increment variables modulo 97. The point is that it is small enough to be put and executed in the cache.
There are different types of CPU cache misses: compulsory, conflict, capacity, coherence.
Compulsory misses can't be avoided, as they happen on the first reference to a location in memory. So no, you definitely can't avoid cache misses completely.
Besides that, typical L1 cache sizes today are 32KB/64KB per core, and L2 cache sizes are 256KB per core. So 1MB of data would also create either capacity or conflict misses, depending on cache's associativity.
No, on most standard architectures, CPU cache is not addressable.*
And even if you could, what kind of performance improvement are you anticipating here? What percentage of your program's execution time do you believe is being spent loading from main memory into (L3) cache? You should profile your program to determine where it's actually spending its time, rather than dreaming up solutions to problems that don't exist!
* I think x86 CPUs might have a hardware configuration which allows them to operate without attached RAM, but that's basically irrelevant.
Short answer: NO. Cache is being maintained by the OS/CPU and it is a bad idea to allow programs to force itself to stay in cache. Lets say you got 2 programs running at the same time, and both are trying to force to stay in the cache, chaos would happen isn't it?
Newer Intel CPUs have added "Cache Allocation Technology" (CAT) under the general rubric of their Resource Director Technology. This allows software directives to reserve certain cache (and other) resources for particular computational units (application, container, VM, etc). So, if the process in question has enough cache space set aside for it under CAT, it should experience only its initial compulsory misses (to bring its code and data into cache) and self-induced conflict misses, avoiding capacity misses and conflict misses created by other processes.
I am not sure whether it will satisfy your questions.
is there a way to execute some code entirely within the cache, i.e., without using any access to RAM?
Is there a way to load a program into the cache, and keep it there until it terminates?
It is possible to use fully associative cache( for eg Tightly coupled memories), which has single cycle access times.(This is realistic only in very small embedded systems).it is a general practise to use TCM's in embedded systems for time critical code as it provides predictability.
In case of partially associative caches it is possible to lock up cache lines or ways (for eg using CP15 in ARM ), so that the eviction algorithm doesn't consider them as a victim for cache fill.
as a side note it is also useful sometimes to use Cache as Ram for Bringup of non booting boards when the caches are in debug mode.

pthread offer no performance increase when using virtual cores

I am playing around with pthreads for the first time and have noticed something strange when running on my machine.
I have an Intel i5 with 2 physical cores and 4 virtual cores.
When running my program with 2 threads, I get roughly double the performance, yet when running with 4 threads, I get the same performance as two threads. Why is this the case?
Results with 2 threads:
real 0m9.335s
user 0m18.233s
sys 0m0.132s
Results with 4 threads:
real 0m9.427s
user 0m34.130s
sys 0m0.180s
Edit: The code is fully parallelizable and the threads are running independently without any shared resources.
Because you only really have 2 cores. Hyper-threading will not magically create 2 more cores for you. Hyper-threading makes it possible to run 4 threads on the CPU but not simultaneously. It will still allocate the threads on the two physical cores and switch the threads back and forth in the execution pipeline.
The performance increase you may expect is at BEST 30%.
Keep in mind that hyperthreading is basically a way of reusing spare execution units on the CPU for a separate thread of execution. You're still working with the horsepower of two cores, it's just split four ways.
If your code is optimized such that it fully utilizes most of the available EUs, there's no spare resources left once it's running on both physical cores, so the hyperthreaded cores can't do any better.
This old article from when HyperThreading (HT) was first introduced provides a lot of details on how it works (though I'm sure many improvements have been made over the last 10 years).
Each logical processor maintains a complete set of the architecture state. The architecture state consists of registers including the general-purpose registers, the control registers, the advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC) registers, and some machine state registers. From a software perspective, once the architecture state is duplicated, the processor appears to be two processors. The number of transistors to store the architecture state is an extremely small fraction of the total.
However, the following sentence shows where HT can bottleneck:
Logical processors share nearly all other resources on the physical processor, such as caches, execution units, branch predictors, control logic, and buses.
If the threads execution are each keeping one or more of those shared resources (such as the execution unit or buses) 100% busy, then the hyperthreading will not improve throughput. Since benchmarks often exercise one aspect of a system (intentionally or not), it's not surprising that one of these shared processor resources would end up being a bottleneck and prevent HT from showing a benefit.
The performance gain when using multiple threads is very difficult to determine. Hyperthreading is also "less than one extra core" in performance for sure.
Besides from that, you may run into memory throughput issues, or your code is contending over locks or some such now that you have more of them - even if your own code is lock-less doesn't mean that for example I/O or some functions you call are completely able to run in parallel - there are sometimes "hidden" shared resources.
But most likely, your processor just can't go any faster.

Multiple threads and CPU cache

I am implementing an image filtering operation in C using multiple threads and making it as optimized as possible. I have one question though: If a memory is accessed by thread-0, and concurrently if the same memory is accessed by thread-1, will it get it from the cache ? This question stems from the possibility that these two threads could be running into two different cores of the CPU. So another way of putting this is: do all the cores share the same common cache memory ?
Suppose i have a memory layout like the following
int output[100];
Assume there are 2 CPU cores and hence I spawn two threads to work concurrently. One scheme could be to divide the memory into two chunks, 0-49 and 50-99 and let each thread work on each chunk. Another way could be to let thread-0 work on even indices, like 0 2 4 and so on.. while the other thread work on odd indices like 1 3 5 .... This later technique is easier to implement (specially for 3D data) but I am not sure if I could use the cache efficiently this way.
The answer to this question strongly depends upon the architecture and the cache level, along with where the threads are actually running.
For example, recent Intel multi core CPUs have a L1 caches that are per-core, and an L2 cache that is shared among cores that are in the same CPU package; however different CPU packages will have their own L2 caches.
Even in the case when your threads are running on two cores within the one package though, if both threads access data within the same cacheline you will have that cacheline bouncing between the two L1 caches. This is very inefficient, and you should design your algorithm to avoid this situation.
A few comments have asked about how to go about avoiding this problem.
At heart, it's really not particularly complicated - you just want to avoid two threads from simultaneously trying to access data that is located on the same cache line, where at least one thread is writing to the data. (As long as all the threads are only reading the data, there's no problem - on most architectures, read-only data can be present in multiple caches).
To do this, you need to know the cache line size - this varies by architecture, but currently most x86 and x86-64 family chips use a 64 byte cache line (consult your architecture manual for other architectures). You will also need to know the size of your data structures.
If you ask your compiler to align the shared data structure of interest to a 64 byte boundary (for example, your array output), then you know that it will start at the start of a cache line, and you can also calculate where the subsequent cache line boundaries are. If your int is 4 bytes, then each cacheline will contain exactly 8 int values. As long as the array starts on a cacheline boundary, then output[0] through output[7] will be on one cache line, and output[8] through output[15] on the next. In this case, you would design your algorithm such that each thread works on a block of adjacent int values that is a multiple of 8.
If you are storing complicated struct types rather than plain int, the pahole utility will be of use. It will analyse the struct types in your compiled binary, and show you the layout (including padding) and total size. You can then adjust your structs using this output - for example, you may want to manually add some padding so that your struct is a multiple of the cache line size.
On POSIX systems, the posix_memalign() function is useful for allocating a block of memory with a specified alignment.
In general it is a bad idea to share overlapping memory regions like if one thread processes 0,2,4... and the other processes 1,3,5... Although some architectures may support this, most architectures will not, and you probably can not specify on which machines your code will run on. Also the OS is free to assign your code to any core it likes (a single one, two on the same physical processor, or two cores on separate processors). Also each CPU usually has a separate first level cache, even if its on the same processor.
In most situations 0,2,4.../1,3,5... will slow down performance extremely up to possibly being slower than a single CPU.
Herb Sutters "Eliminate False Sharing" demonstrates this very well.
Using the scheme [...n/2-1] and [n/2...n] will scale much better on most systems. It even may lead to super linear performance as the cache size of all CPUs in sum can be possibly used. The number of threads used should be always configurable and should default to the number of processor cores found.
I might be mistaking, but whether the core's cache is shared or not depends on the implementation of the CPU. You'd have to look up the technical sheets on the manufacturer's page to check whether each core in your CPU has their own cache or whether the cache was shared.
I was working on image manipulation as well for a security company and sometimes we got corrupted images after running batch operations on threads. After long investigations we came to the conclusion that the cache was shared between CPU Core's and that in rare cases the data was beeing overwritten or replaced with incorrect data.
Whether this is something to keep into account or is rather a rare event I cannot anwser.
Intel documentation
Intel publishes per-generation datasheets which may contain this kind of information.
For example, for the processor i5-3210M which I had on my older computer, I look up the 3rd generation - Datasheet Volume 1 3.3 "Intel Hyper-Threading Technology (Intel HT Technology)" says:
The processor supports Intel Hyper-Threading Technology (Intel HT Technology)
that allows an execution core to function as two logical processors. While some
execution resources such as caches, execution units, and buses are shared, each
logical processor has its own architectural state with its own set of general-purpose registers and control registers.
which confirms that caches are shared in a given hyperthread for that generation of CPUs.
See also:
similar question for cache sharing across cores: How are cache memories shared in multicore Intel CPUs?
further analysis of threads vs cores:
the architecture spec itself also has a section about the sharing of certain resources that must be valid across all implementations, although it does not mention caches: What does multicore assembly language look like?

Can we optimize code to reduce power consumption?

Are there any techniques to optimize code in order to ensure lesser power consumption.Architecture is ARM.language is C
From the ARM technical reference site:
The features of the ARM11 MPCore
processor that improve energy
efficiency include:
accurate branch and sub-routine return prediction, reducing the number
of incorrect instruction fetch and
decode operations
use of physically addressed caches, which reduces the number of cache
flushes and refills, saving energy in
the system
the use of MicroTLBs reduces the power consumed in translation and
protection lookups each cycle
the caches use sequential access information to reduce the number of
accesses to the tag RAMs and to
unwanted data RAMs.
In the ARM11 MPCore processor
extensive use is also made of gated
clocks and gates to disable inputs to
unused functional blocks. Only the
logic actively in use to perform a
calculation consumes any dynamic
Based on this information, I'd say that the processor does a lot of work for you to save power. Any power wastage would come from poorly written code that does more processing than necessary, which you wouldn't want anyway. If you're looking to save power, the overall design of your application will have more effect. Network access, screen rendering, and other power-hungry operations will be of more concern for power consumption.
Optimizing code to use less power is, effectively, just optimizing code. Regardless of whether your motives are monetary, social, politital or the like, fewer CPU cycles = less energy used. What I'm trying to say is I think you can probably replace "power consumption" with "execution time", as they would, essentially, be directly proportional - and you therefore may have more success when not "scaring" people off with a power-related question. I may, however, stand corrected :)
Yes. Use a profiler and see what routines are using most of the CPU. On ARM you can use some JTAG connectors, if available (I used Lauterbach both for debugging and for profiling). The main problem is generally to put your processor, when in idle, in a low-consumption state (deep sleep). If you cannot reduce the CPU percentage used by much (for example from 80% to 50%) it won't make a big difference. Depending on what operating systems you are running the options may vary.
The July 2010 edition of the Communications of the ACM has an article on energy-efficient algorithms which might interest you. I haven't read it yet so cannot impart any of its wisdom.
Try to stay in on chip memory (cache) for idle loops, keep I/O to a minimum, keep bit flipping to a minimum on busses. NV memory like proms and flash consume more power to store zeros than ones (which is why they erase to ones, it is actually a zero but the transitor(s) invert the bit before you see it, zeros stored as ones, ones stored as zeros, this is also why they degrade to ones when they fail), I dont know about volatile memories, dram uses half as many transistors as sram, but has to be refreshed.
For all of this to matter though you need to start with a lower power system as the above may not be noticeable. dont use anything from intel for example.
If you are not running Windows XP+ or a newer version of Linux, you could run a background thread which does nothing but HLT.
This is how programs like CPUIdle reduce power consumption/heat.
If the processor is tuned to use less power when it needs less cycles, then simply making your code run more efficiently is the solution. Else, there's not much you can do unless the operating system exposes some sort of power management functionality.
Keep IO to a minimum.
On some ARM processors it's possible to reduce power consumption by putting the voltage regulator in standby mode.
