Failed to pull db from Heroku - database

Trying pull the database from Hekoku to local but failed.
heroku db:pull postgres://root:#localhost/db_name
Admittedly, I have no clue how should I construct the url. In the official site it was heroku db:push postgres://postgres:mypass#remotehost/mydb and in this article heroku db:pull postgres://root:#localhost/db_name was used. What the user name and password is for?
Anyway, the error message I got was:
Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError -> TypeError: wrong argument type Sequel::Postgres::Adapter (expected Struct)
Having followed the instructions by update the taps, sequel, and pg and here is my gem list:
rest-client (1.6.7)
sinatra (1.0)
sequel (3.37.0, 3.20.0)
pg (0.14.0)

This question is no longer relevant now as I have switched from the shared sqlite database to the 9.1 development pg database as been suggested here. Consequently, instead of using the simple db pull/push , I will use a more sophiscated pgbackup ,which was actually recommended by Heroku.


How to access the PostgreSQL in Heroku Database as a Service from Windows 10 PC?

I installed the PostgreSQL add-on on the server and then in the Heroku CLI I entered the command heroku pg:psql postgresql-dimensional-16257 --app samar-db for connecting to the database. But it gave the following outcome.
C:\Users\samar>heroku pg:psql postgresql-dimensional-16257 --app samar-db
--> Connecting to postgresql-dimensional-16257
psql (13.2)
WARNING: Console code page (437) differs from Windows code page (1252)
8-bit characters might not work correctly. See psql reference
page "Notes for Windows users" for details.
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
If any further information required for reviewing the problem, I will share them.
After a deep search in the StackOverflow community, I found the answer to my question.
Solution for this question

How to deploy SQL Server Express on Docker Desktop Kubernetes

I've been studying "Kubernetes Up and Running" by Hightower et al (first edition) Chapter 13 where they discussed creating a Reliable MySQL Singleton (Since I just discovered that there is a second edition, I guess I'll be buying it soon).
Using their MySQL reliable singleton example as a model, I've been looking for some sample YAML files to make a similar deployment with Microsoft SQL Server (Express) on Docker Desktop for Kubernetes.
Apparently I need YAML files to deploy
Persistent Volume
Volume claim (should this be NFS?)
SQL Server (Express edition) replica set (in spite of the fact that this is just a singleton).
I've tried this example but I'm confused because it does not contain a persistent volume & claim and it does not work. I get the error
Error: unable to recognize "sqlserver.yml": no matches for kind "Deployment" in version "apps/v1beta1"
Can someone please point me to some sample YAML files that are not Azure specific that will work on Docker Desktop Kubernetes for Windows 10? After debugging my application, I'll want to deploy this to Azure (AKS).
Wed Jul 15 2020 Update
I left out the "-n namespace" for the helm install command (possibly because I'm using Helm and you are using helm v2?).
That install command still did not work. Then I did a
helm repo add stable
Now this command works:
helm install todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
When I do a "k get pods" I see that my todo-app-mssql-linux database is in the pending state. So I did a
kubectl get events
and I see
Warning FailedScheduling pod/todo-app-database-mssql-linux-8668d9b88c-lsh5l 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory.
I've been google searching for "Kubernetes insufficient memory" and can find no match.
I suspect this is a problem specific to "Docker Desktop Kubernetes".
When I look at the output for
helm -n ns-todolistdemo template todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
I see the deployment is asking for 2Gi. (Interesting: when I use the template command, the "-n ns-todolistdemo" does not cause an error like it does with the install command).
So I do
kubectl describe deployment todo-app-database-mssql-linux >todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
I edit the yaml file to change 2Gi to 1Gi.
kubectl apply -f todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
I get this error:
error: error parsing todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 9: mapping values are not allowed in this context
Hmm... that did not work. I try delete:
kubectl delete deployment todo-app-database-mssql-linux
kubectl create -f todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
I get this error:
error: error validating "todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml": error validating data: invalid object to validate; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false
So I try apply:
kubectl apply -f todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
Same error!
Shucks.... Is there a way to adjust the memory allocation for Docker Desktop?
Thank you
Short answer
Detailed Answer
Docker For Desktop comes already with a default StorageClass :
This storage class is responsible for auto-provisioning of PV whenever you create a PVC.
If you have a YAML definition of PVC (persistent volume claim), you just need to keep storageClass empty, so it will use the default.
k get storageclass
hostpath (default) 11d
This is fair enough as Docker-For-Desktop Cluster is a one node cluster. So if your DB crashes and the cluster opens it again , it will not move to another node, because simply, you have a single node :)
Now should write the YAML of PVC from scratch ?
No , you don't need. Because Helm should be your best friend.
( I explained below Why you have to use Helm even without deep learning curve)
Fortunately, the community provides a chart called stable/mssql-linux..
Let's run it together :
helm -n <your-namespace> install todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
# helm -n <namespace> install <release-name> <chart-name-from-community>
If you want to check the YAML (namely PVC) that Helm computed, you can run template instead of install
helm -n <your-namespace> template todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
Why I give you the answer with Helm ?
Writing YAML from scratch lets reinventing the wheel while others do it.
The most efficient way is to reuse what community prepare for you.
However, you may ask: How can i reuse what others doing ?
That's why Helm comes.
Helm comes to be your installer of any application on top of kubernetes regardless how much YAML does your app require.
Install it now and hit the ground choco install kubernetes-helm

Configuring a Postgresql connection with Play 2 and Slick-Play

I'm learning how to build an application using Scala and the Play 2 Framemork. I`ve created a new project using the activator tool, based on "play-scala-intro" current template.
The template have a sample app using the Play-Slick 1.0 for managing dependencies and is configured with a H2 DB, that worked without problems.
When I tried to change to a Postgres DB, I'm running in trouble. I get an error 500, telling me:
"Cannot connect to database [default]".
In the stack trace, the exception is:
"Configured Slick driver org.postgresql.Driver is not an instance of
requested profile slick.profile.BasicProfile"
So... What I already did:
I added to my build.sbt file the dependency:
"org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.4-1201-jdbc41"
In my configuration file (application.conf), the DB connection is configured as:
slick.dbs.default.db.user="postgres" slick.dbs.default.db.password=""
PS: I've tried with slick.dbs.default.driver="org.postgresql.Driver" too...
PS2: My db password is empty. I'm connecting with PgAdmin without problems
slick.dbs.default.driver must be a slick driver, not a JDBC driver. Your db config should look something like this:

Heroku database push operation

To load a database which runs now on the my computer, SQL Server 2012 and Windows, I have installed Git Bash, taps and Heroku.
Now, whenever I wrote the command
heroku db:push --app myapp
it gives the same error
Invalid database ur
I think I miss something, I have not declared which database should be pushed to the Heroku.
Can you help me with this problem ? how can I use heroku db:push, are there any other steps like creating something ? Why I get this error ? Maybe you will say that "have you read documentation or have you searched google?", Yes
EDIT: What I have know is
Local database
Server name Heroku database
Database name application name
username | or windows authentication postgres database
password | username and password
aws address
Should I put/load some file/gem into the Git ?
I have test this command but it gives other error.
heroku db:push postgres://localdbUSERNAME:localdbpassword#localdbDATABASENAME/localdbSERVERNAME --app myapp
Failed to connect to database:
Sequel::AdapterNotFound -> LoadError: cannot load such file -- pg
Heroku db:push does not work with SQL Server, it works with MySQL and/or Postgres. You'll need to switch to running one of these database servers, run your migrations/seeds and then use heroku db:push to push your local database to Herokul

Google App Engine Bulkloader “Authentication Failed”

I'm trying to use the bulkloader to load my data to the App-Engine server. I run the following command using Python 2.5:- upload_data --application=myappname --kind=mykind
--filename=data_archive.csv --url=
But its failing with this Authentication error:-
[INFO ] Connecting to
[ERROR ] Exception during authentication
URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 10061] No connection could
be made because the target machine actively refused it>
[INFO ] Authentication Failed
My idea is to do a bulk download from my development server and then use this dump to do a upload to the app-engine server. The bulk download worked fine. I used this format for this:- download_data --application=myappname --kind=mykind
--url=http://localhost:8888/remote_api --filename=data_archive.csv
But the bulk upoad fails. A couple of things: the bulk download asked me for a userid and password, but the bulk upload does not. Also, I don't currently have a app.yaml file which I see mentioned a lot - do I need one to do this ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
For anyone else struggling with this, the problem was indeed being behind the proxy server, but there was another 'error' with what is above. The app-id needs the "s~" bit added to it. upload_data --application=s~myappname --kind=mykind
--filename=data_archive.csv --url=
This isn't an authentication issue - that message is a red-herring - your machine is unable to contact the App Engine app at all. Do you have a proxy you need to transit through in order to make external connections?
You do not need --application=s~myappname when using bulkloader - Google have mentioned before:
Warning! Do not use the --application= flag to get the application ID
when using the bulk loader. Instead, use --url=.
For more detail take a look here:
app.yaml is how it finds your server. I am not sure how you can try and upload without one.
In addition to having an app.yaml that points to the production server, the production server also needs to have remote_api turned on (in it's app.yaml and in the version you are trying to reach):
- remote_api: on
