How do I view a report in WPF? [closed] - wpf

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Closed 10 years ago.
How do I view a report in WPF without a third party app?
VB.NET, Visual Studio 2010.

You can use dynamic reports without a 3rd party add-on, though if you are looking for rich features like PDF, excel export or just a good zoom or pagination engine you should use a third party solution.

Edit: My answer is a bit simplistic but without knowing the source of your data and the format you want to view it in, it is hard to be more specific.
I would start by looking into using a FlowDocument, see this MSDN Magazine article with some samples.


Server design for social app [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am currently designing an app to upload and download files from a server. I want to know what type of server to implement that would be robust enough to handle a lot of data per user and a lot of users.
I realise this is probably a very broad and slightly naive question.
I have done some research I think I have to get a SQL server and create a web service for the database and implement a REST system for interfacing with the service on the device side.
Regards, J
It's not a naive question per se, but you need to provide way more information than that.
If you just like to transfer files: Why not go with the simple, but effective FTP-protocol?

How to create circular Slider WPF [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I was wondering how to create a scroll that looks something similar to this:
I'm really interested on being able to build one like this, and I'm not sure on what elemnt is this one and how to implement it. I've been searching, but I can't find any information... So any tutorial, guide or clue will be really appreciated.
Take a look at "A Knob Slider Control". It doesn't look as nice as your example, but that's just a matter of styling. Maybe you could use it as a starting point?
See the tutorial of Charles Petzold. It gives a nice introduction how to create curved sliders and scrollbars.

Is it possible to create a program like Photoshop with C# WinForms? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
So I am wondering if, in term of performance, it's possible to create a graphic editor like Photoshop capable of handling bitmap graphics on layers (at least 25 layers). It also need to handle various type of brushes, copy paste graphics blocks, etc. Well, what Photoshop can do at the basic level.
Are WinForms capable of this without being slow? Or is WPF the only good alternative?
As Paint.Net uses Winforms it is possible. You can check out the source code from this fork of 3.36.7 (the last version where the source was released)

MVVM in Silverlight [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I know I'm MVVM in WPF I do not know how this Silverlight implementation layered on top tips to help me (I'd Entity Framwork for the model I use)
You will do MVVM same way as you do it in WPF. But since Silverlight runs on client - you can't use EF there. Your choices will be to use RIA Services OR buy something like DevForce. I'm using DevForce and it allows you to write pretty much same LINQ queries on a client.
The MVVM Light Toolkit is a great framework for implementing MVVM in WPF or Silverlight.

Custom Silverlight splash screen [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Has anyone created a custom Silverlight Splash screen to replace the blue balls circular progress?
Does anyone have a sample or the best way to do this?
Take a look at this how to:-
How to: Define a Simple Silverlight Splash Screen
This looks quite useful too
Pro Silverlight 2 in C# 2008 (Google Book preview)
Have a look at this project on CodePlex link text
