Integrating CakePHP plugin with my Application - cakephp

I'm struggling with how to integrate a User plugin with my application data. I'm using CakePhp 2.1.
Scenario: I have existing membership and club lists, where members can belong to multiple clubs and clubs have multiple members. I've created all the MVC and CRUD for members and clubs and they work fine. And the associations work fine.
I've installed a User management plugin, which allows people to register, confirm, reset their passwords etc. All that works fine.
Where I'm stuck is matching the new "user" with the existing "member" profile information.
When a person creates a login userid, we ask for the membership number and their name so that we can link the new login id with the membership number.
This is where I get stuck.
I've extended the plugin user registration form to include the membership no and I've added user_id to the members table.
Now how do I update the members table with the user_id?
Once the person has logged in using their "user_id" -- the rest of the application features will just be based on their "membership" data.
So, I think my relationships are:
1 user has 1 member
1 member has 1 user, 1 member has multiple clubs, 1 member has multiple positions, 1 member has multiple orders
I think the Plugin for Users is confusing me.

How were the User model and Membership model associated in the first place? You should have already had a Membership.user_id field.
If they're somehow connected already (I assume they are, since you said associations were working correctly), just write a quick MySQL query or repeating PHP script to run through and populate the Membership.user_id fields. You'll only have to do it once now that you have the database and associations setup correctly.


Dynamics CRM - Add companies that not exists when importing contacts

I'm migrating a customer CRM database to Dynamics CRM. It's about accounts, contacts, and activities. Unfortunately, the previous CRM was not really well used so the data are a bit confused:
While creating a contact, you have a field "Company" that is a "look up" field as we can find in Dynamics. But, if you write something in there and you don't look up for the company entity, the value entered becomes just a value of the field "COMPANY" in the "CONTACT" record.
That's why I have some contacts that are not really associated with companies.
In Dynamics, I'm using the Import Wizard to imports those entities. Is there a way to add the contact's company if it not already exists while importing contacts?
You need to handle this during the Create – by a plugin with a step, or by a workflow. Both works similarly to DB trigger. Plugin is basically .dll written in C#, running in a sandbox, using some of MS libraries. It is registered by external utility. Workflow is something you can do without programming right in the CRM UI. It is easier do deploy, but it has less possibilities. You can find enough information about both online.
I would recommend following process:
Create temporary custom text field on a Contact entity to store account name as a text.
Before the import, in the import file, create a copy of account column with another name.
One account column should be linked to account lookup (parent customer). This is for automatic joining contact and account. The other column is linked to the created field.
Your routine (workflow or plugin) to process this will have following condition to proceed: If account lookup is empty. Then you will create a new account by using information from Contact (mainly account name) and then associate the account and contact (update of the contact record). Optionally erase account text field on the Contact.
At the end, you should deactivate or remove the routine. If you’d use it more often, you need some condition to recognize records are created by import.

Django change user group to oneToOne Field

I want to create multiple levels of users in my application developed using django1.6 and python 3.2. I inserted the levels in auth_group table. but in the add user page of Django Admin I can assign one user to more than one group(multiselect Group values). Actually I want is one user to one Group only.
Please reply me.
Definitely change the django core is not an option. You shouldn't never do it because in the future you will have problems to update your system to the new django versions,
I can't see clearly why you want to do it but if you really think is a good implementation you should extend your Authentication model to implement what you need:

CakePHP filter queries by user's business accounts

I'm new to CakePHP 2.4 and trying to understand conceptually if I'm on the right track before I start building the following.
By default, when a User first logs in to his online account, he sees Orders, Invoices, and Documents for ALL ACCOUNTS that he has access to. Using an Account dropdown and the button "Go", he can filter Orders, Invoices, and Documents for only ONE ACCOUNT.
Currently, pre-CakePHP, this is all handled in query logic. The User-Account (N:N) relationship is in the database. Any active Account_Id is stored in the SESSION. What is the CakePHP to do this?
The Model looks like:
User hasAndBelongsToMany Accounts
Account hasMany Orders
Account hasMany Invoices
Account hasMany Documents
1.) Should I code the relationship between Users and Accounts in a Model (hasAndBelongsToMany) or in the ACL/Auth component (User is ARO, Account is ACO)?
2.) To show ALL ACCOUNTS, what is the best way to "query for" this filter and apply it to each Model. Or is that done automatically by the Model?... or by ACL/Auth?
3.) To show ONE ACCOUNT, is storing an Id in the Session still the best approach? ...or should I be thinking about a new set of actions in each of the Orders, Invoices, and Documents Controllers?
I will support you with set of links to CakePHP cookbook which clarifies all your queries:
First of all you should read about linking models.
Next thing is creating correct database and tables in there following CakePHP conventions
Another step is "baking" your models/controllers/ views
After that step all you need to do is just play arround with data you get from your models
To be honest you dont have to code any relations at all if you just correctly create your database with corect foreing key names which Cake will detect and build relations through interactive shell (you will be asked if you want console to create relation for you through cake bake ).
will give you all data of given ModelName and also all related data,
will make your model to retrive only data from ModelName without any related data.
In practice some things will probably work for you out of the box but some of things you will have to simply implement. Hope that helps.

Users Vs Members

This is more like a question for an advice rather than a precise answer...
In my CakePHP app, I will have backend users and frontend members. They have completely different roles and permissions (users are application managers, members are visitors that register on the website without any access to the application backend). Should I use different tables for these two authorization types, or should I just manage them with a role parameter and bind tables to their profiles depending on it, and why is one solution better than the other?
Use the same table and role or type field. You will have only one login and it will be easy to manage the accounts.
Use ACL or a custom permission system to allow them to different controllers/actions.
For permissions, I have 3 ways to do it :
The strict-role way :
Every role of your application has access to functions with their prefix, but not any other prefix.
Ex : admin has access to admin_edit, but not customer_edit
You add a role varchar or enum in your users table, the routing prefixes in Config/core.php and you allow the access in a AppController::beforeFilter : each role is allowed to access to his prefix only.
The hierarchical way:
Your application's roles are ordered in a hierarchical way, where a role has access to his prefix and every prefixes under him.
Ex : admin has access to admin_edit and customer_edit, but
customer has not access to admin_edit
You add a role varchar or enum in your users table, the routing prefixes in Config/core.php and you allow the access in a AppController::beforeFilter by checking for each $this->request->params['prefix'] which roles can has access to it.
The custom way:
You need your admin to access to some functions, but not all. You need another role to access some functions admin can access, and some functions admin cannot.
Ex : admin can access to admin_edit and customer_edit, but not
customer_create or user_stat. customer can have access to
customer_edit, customer_create and user_stat, but not admin_edit or
Use ACL. It's not the easiest way to manage permissions into your application, but if you want specific permissions, it's the best way. So remember this : only use ACL if you really need it.
I agree with cornelb: one table only. Here are some additional reasons:
If you add foreign key constraints, it might be messy to make them refer to both the app managers table, and the visitors table. Always when you want to point to a user, you'd need 2 fields, instead of 1 (a field pointing to the managers table, and one to the visitors table — and exactly one of them has to be null). And what if you need 2 user id fields in a row, with foreign keys? Then you'd suddenly need 4 fields. Simper with all keys pointing to just one table (and user type decided by the above-mentioned field).
Sometimes you might want the user id be part of a primary key — but that's more complicated, if you have two different user id fields, one in each table. Because then the database cannot guarantee that each user id is unique — you'd have to do it yourself at the application level.

CakePHP confusion over ACL

On the CakePHP website it shows that you would create a users table and a groups table for users and user groups using ACL:
However most other tutorials e.g. NetTuts shows creating three tables (in addition to the users table) to use ACL:
What is the difference between the two? Thanls
if you are asking about the extra tables named Acos,Aros and aros_acos
In both tutorial we need to use these tables.In the there is a section called Initialize the Db Acl tables where they running a command to create those tables. where as in nettuts they showing us creating it manually.
Any way cakePHP need 5 tables to run the ACL perfectly.In that Acos,Aros and aros_acos are cakePHP defined tables and Users and Groups are user defined tables.
CakePHP is storing the User permissions as a Tree with Aros(Access Request Objects means users) hasAndBeongsToMany relation with Acos (Access Control Objects means actions)
