GBA programming with Visual HAM in C - c

I am interested in programming for the Game Boy Advance using the Visual HAM IDE in C. However, every time I build a project I get a message stating:
'make.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I downloaded GnuWin32 and make. Then, inside the ham visual editor I clicked advanced, options and set the directory of the MAKE_MODE (I guess some kind of environment variable) to the directory where the make program is.
Any suggestions on how to get this to work?

I had the same problem. Reinstall the hole vham package to the desired destination from the get-go. You can find it here:
You can't move the folders around. Even if you change the PATH variables this problem will persist.

Find where on your system the make program is in. Probably in cygwin's /usr/bin. Add that path to your system dos path.
Windows with cygwin is a screwed up hybrid system. You probably have three paths going on at once. You have the cygwin one. If you open a cygwin shell and type make I bet it finds the make program. Then if you open a dos shell ( in accessories/command prompts ) I bet it won't find the make program.
You will need to add it. Every version of windows does this differently but it is generally under right click on my computer/properties/advanced/environment variables. You will need to add it there.
And finnally there is the path known to your ide (probably). I don't know HAM, but it looks like you already did whatever they told you.
When you are done you should be able to invoke "make" from the windows/dos command prompt.


Using Visual Studio 2008 with Code Warrior compiler

New to the site. I am hoping you can help me as I've been beating my head against the wall on this one for a month now.
This is for work, and we are kind of proprietary but I will try to share as much information as possible. We have MPC5674F microcontroller on our main development board. To write code before, we used Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 along with a makefile and gcc compiler to create a .s19 file that is then flashed onto the board. Before, Visual Studio would not recognize make command. I went into C:\MinGW folder and found 3 different make.exe type files. There is gnatmake.exe, mingw32-make.exe and regular make.exe in C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin. I also found a regular make.exe in an NXP folder from the S32Design Studio. All of those make commands give me different result. If I change one that is by MinGW, then it gets stuck in the makefile saying The system cannot find the path specified to an echo.exe command, even though I can once again go into command window and type echo and it outputs ECHO is on. If I use just make.exe from either NXP of the other folder from MinGW, it compiles without errors but there is no file output, or even the process of how it compiled. In our makefile we specify to output each file that it compiles and nothing happens. If I use gnatmake.exe It gets stuck at command gcc -c -Ietc\ -I- -x ada etc\makefile where it says there is illegal character and target_name is an Ada 2020 feature. Not sure what any of those mean.
I managed to somehow previously get this to compile before, but since then the PC (Windows 10) had to be wiped and reinstalled. Guys that have set this up are long since retired (before I started) so I am hoping you guys can help me out.
Okay so I managed to get it to work. How, I am not entirely sure. I did wind up editing my commands for linux inside the makefile to have quotes around them because Windows kept removing slashes from the path written in the makefile. Also I provided a path to the Unix utilities and the make.exe to C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin instead of C:\MinGW\bin. I also had to add the same path to the $Path variable in Environmental Variable The code compiles now and seems to work after flashing it onto our system. My hope now is the instructions I wrote for anyone else to do this will work and I didn't forget something.

How to fix function (that validates input) from not reading a text file? [duplicate]

Trying out the Clion EAP on the Mac. How does one change the current working directory for a launched program? It appears to be set to the output directory of the binaries.
This can be changed via the Run -> Edit Configurations... dialog, just like Idea.
The mix of needing to make changes to CMakeLists.txt for so much of the configuration just threw me, and I've been hunting for a way to change it there, but this bit at least is consistent with the other IDEs, which is good.
Hopefully they'll improve the rest of the Project Settings in a similar fashion.
The "Working Directory" is where the executable starts. Modifying the "Working Directory" in the Configurations setting tells Clion to change to the "Working Directory" after the executable starts execution.
If you want to change where the executable starts execution you will need to add a line to the CMakesLists.txt file.
add_executable(TimeServer ${SOURCE_FILES})
Position in the cmakes file is important. If you add the set command after the add_executable it will not work. It must come before.
These answers are relatively old. Not sure when the feature was added but there's a very nice UI way to set the current working directory now.
I made a YouTube tutorial for my COSC1030 (Beginning C++) students but the solution is the same for everyone:
If you know your CLion fairly well and don't need a demo, here's a short-hand version: Edit Configurations (from drop-down menu at top right of screen), enter the directory you want to use in Working Directory or select via "..." pop-up.

how do you create a .c file in Visual Studio 2017 Professional

I am extremely new to programming and have found that a good majority of my mentors use Visual Studio to code in C.
I would like to get an early start using SAMS C Programming.
Can anyone please tell me how to create a .c file in VS 2017? I am only able to create a .cpp file at this time.
What you most likely actually want to do is create a project. Go to File-> New-> Project. Most likely, the first programs you will write are console applications (meaning they appear on that screen that resembles an old computer monitor, or what some computer screens look like when booting). If you want to create a console application, go from Project to Visual C++-> Windows Desktop-> Windows Console Application. Ignore any additional pop-up windows and just keep clicking continue. A file called main.cpp will automatically be generated. This is the file you will want to use for your code examples (but DO NOT DELETE the #include "stdafx.h" line, even if your example code does not have it).
Visual Studio compiles both .c and .cpp files as C++ by default. C++ has nearly everything that C has, but may take longer to compile when dealing with huge projects. If you want to use strictly C with no C++, then go to Project (a separate project tab on the same toolbar as the file tab -- it isn't within the file tab)-> ProjectName(Your Project Name) Properties-> Configuration Properties-> C/C++-> Advanced and select "Compile As". You should see a square with a upside-down "^" in it. Click that and select "Compile as C Code (/TC)". The "/TC" is just what you would type in if you were using command-line arguments instead of the convenient window that appears for you to modify everything. Finally, rename main.cpp to main.c.
Since you're learning C, I would also like to mention that I started making a C tutorial on my web site (and if anybody else also happens to see this post and the tutorial, criticize the tutorial as harshly as you can in the comments below).
Click on File, Choose Project --> Visual C++ --> Windows Desktop and under Windows desktop Choose Windows desktop wizard and give project name in the bottom then click on OK. a pop of Windows Desktop Project will come, check empty project and uncheck all options.then click on OK after that in the right side along with your project name more options will come..right lick on source file-> add -> new items -> choose c++ plus file but in bottom give file with extension .c..and you are done .enjoy coding
If you are truly interested in learning to program in C, then leave the VS Code IDE for later and learn to Build C/C++ code on the command line. VS provides a reasonably good compiler (cl.exe) and pre-configured command line (command prompt) windows to build both 32 and 64 bit applications.
The benefit to using the command line is learning what the compiler options are and what they actually do. Simply open a VS command line window and type cl /help. The compiler will list all options along with a short description. There are a great number of resource for command line building that can be accessed through the link above.
A second benefit is you can rapidly compile all your beginning C examples without worrying about projects, etc.. Just cl /nologo /Wall /Ox /Foname.o /Fename.exe /Tc name.c and you are done. (you will want to suppress unneeded warning with individual /wdXXXX options where XXXX is the warning to suppress) 50 Times faster than using the IDE.
Once you are proficient in using the command line, you will have a much easier time transitioning to the IDE -- because you can properly configure the IDE with the appropriate options for your build and you will know what the IDE is doing under the hood (or should be doing under the hood)

Execute a program with a custom .ini path

I make a fair amount portable Apps for personal use and they work perfectly for the most part. I do, however, find it quite frustrating that if I run them on another computer none of my preferences are retained, as a program always looks in appData for the configuration files (which obviously don't exist on another system), so I'm wondering whether there is some kind of command line to launch an .exe with a custom .ini location.
I'm asking this firstly because Google has proved fruitless (once again) and secondly because I know it's possible - I've actually done this before, but with only one of my Apps. I accomplished this by launching the App via the command programFile.exe -f configFile.ini /s (I have also seen programFile.exe -d -f configFile.ini /s elsewhere). Naturally, I thought I would try to apply this to some other Apps but it seems it only works for that particular App.
So, is there a command/switch that I am unaware of that will do this for an .exe file?
It really depends on each executable file you are using. Some have support for what you are looking for, and some don't. Some programs don't even use .ini files. What you should look for is if each and every program you use have support for user data custom location.
The only case where generic arguments would be avaialble for a group of EXE files is if they are generated with the same tool, which automatically provides these arguments for you. InstallShield and MSI install programs have that kind of feature (with the silent install and automated installation for instance).
I suggest you look into the tool you are using to generate your portable Apps, and see if it does provide those generic arguments for you, and how they work. If it does not have that feature, then look into the Apps you were able to specify a custom location for your INI file. Somewhere into the code, there must be a piece of code that handles the arguments you specify to the EXE file and handles them. You should share that piece of code with your other Apps, to make sure they provide the same arguments list.

Adding icon to gcc executable and opening in terminal

I made a program to connect to a device via Bluetooth and send the data to the web using pure C in gcc. I won't be able to implement any GUI portion in the code right now but I need to deploy it to test users for testing. I want to have the executable with an icon so that a user can click on the executable and the program starts in the terminal. How do I add an icon to the executable and start the program in the terminal?
Sorry I failed to mention before that its in Ubuntu Linux
This document explains how to add your program to the programs menu:
If this is a Windows executable you're making, what you need to do is to use a resource compiler to make an object file that includes the resources you want (an icon in this case) which you can then link into your program as normal. The resource compiler I've used when building programs on Windows with gcc was called windres.
I found it to be very finicky when dealing with directories with spaces in the name. Beware!
