Measuring the maximum and minimum execution time of a specific function - c

I am doing some trivial benchmarking of writing x lines of the same text into a file using two methods:
Direct fwrite.
Make a new thread and communication is done via asynchronous queue (main thread is inserting on one side and the other thread is reading from the other). This method is used to try to minimize slowest writing (due to flushing)
This is a snippet of the code which should give a basic idea of the program:
int i;
char * buf;
int buf_size;
double local_start, local_end, global_start, global_end;
double slowest, fastest;
double local_time_difference;
buf = "A string to be printed to a file \n";
buf_size = strlen(buf);
fastest = MAX_WRITE_TIME;
slowest = 0;
global_start = get_time();
for(i = 0 ; i < 100000000 ; i++)
local_start = get_time();
logger_write(buf, buf_size);
local_end = get_time();
local_time_difference = local_end-local_start;
if(local_time_difference < fastest && local_time_difference != 0)
fastest = local_time_difference;
if(local_time_difference > slowest)
slowest = local_time_difference;
if(i % 10000 == 0)
global_end = get_time();
printf("Fastest: %1.9f\nSlowest: %1.9f\nTotal Time: %1.9f\n", fastest, slowest, global_end-global_start);
Get time procedure returns time in microseconds
double get_time()
struct timeval t;
struct timezone tzp;
gettimeofday(&t, &tzp);
return t.tv_sec + t.tv_usec*1e-6;
Depending on the argument passed to logger_init, logger_write will either directly write to the file or insert it in the queue (size of the queue must not exceed some particular limit). GAsyncQueue is being used
The method I'm currently using to calculate fastest and slowest write certainly works but my question is: is there a tool or profiler that would do this for me? i.e. give me statistics about each function (maximum, minimum and average call)
Tools that I've tried so far but had no luck with:
I am looking for a tool to give me min, max and average execution time of a particular function, not the overall time taken.

Use the correct high resolution OS API functions for benchmarking.
Don't calculate execution times from inside the measurement itself, especially not if you are using float numbers.
Why are you calling a sleep function? Are you trying to force a context switch or some oddity like that? The OS will likely handle such better and more efficient than your program.


Simple <Time.h> program takes large amount CPU

I was trying to familiarize myself with the C time.h library by writing something simple in VS. The following code simply prints the value of x added to itself every two seconds:
int main() {
time_t start = time(NULL);
time_t clock = time(NULL);
time_t clockTemp = time(NULL); //temporary clock
int x = 1;
//program will continue for a minute (60 sec)
while (clock <= start + 58) {
clockTemp = time(NULL);
if (clockTemp >= clock + 2) { //if 2 seconds has passed
clock = clockTemp;
x = ADD(x);
printf("%d at %d\n", x, timeDiff(start, clock));
int timeDiff(int start, int at) {
return at - start;
My concern is with the amount of CPU that this program takes, about 22%. I figure this problem stems from the constant updating of the clockTemp (just below the while statement), but I'm not sure how to fix this issue. Is it possible that this is a visual studio problem, or is there a special way to check for time?
the code needed the sleep function so that it wouldn't need to run constantly.
I added sleep with #include <windows.h> and put Sleep (2000) //2 second sleep at the end of the while
while (clock <= start + 58) {
Sleep(2000); }
The problem is not in the way you are checking the current time. The problem is that there is nothing to limit the frequency with which the loop runs. Your program continues to execute statements as quickly as it can, and eats up a ton of processor time. (In the absence of other programs, on a single-threaded CPU, it would use 100% of your processor time.)
You need to add a "sleep" method inside your loop, which will indicate to the processor that it can stop processing your program for a short period of time. There are many ways to do this; this question has some examples.

Measuring processor ticks in C

I wanted to calculate the difference in execution time when executing the same code inside a function. To my surprise, however, sometimes the clock difference is 0 when I use clock()/clock_t for the start and stop timer. Does this mean that clock()/clock_t does not actually return the number of clicks the processor spent on the task?
After a bit of searching, it seemed to me that clock_gettime() would return more fine grained results. And indeed it does, but I instead end up with an abitrary number of nano(?)seconds. It gives a hint of the difference in execution time, but it's hardly accurate as to exactly how many clicks difference it amounts to. What would I have to do to find this out?
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#define M_PI_DOUBLE (M_PI * 2)
void rotatetest(const float *x, const float *c, float *result) {
float rotationfraction = *x / *c;
*result = M_PI_DOUBLE * rotationfraction;
int main() {
int i;
long test_total = 0;
int test_count = 1000000;
struct timespec test_time_begin;
struct timespec test_time_end;
float r = 50.f;
float c = 2 * M_PI * r;
float x = 3.f;
float result_inline = 0.f;
float result_function = 0.f;
for (i = 0; i < test_count; i++) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &test_time_begin);
float rotationfraction = x / c;
result_inline = M_PI_DOUBLE * rotationfraction;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &test_time_end);
test_total += test_time_end.tv_nsec - test_time_begin.tv_nsec;
printf("Inline clocks %li, avg %f (result is %f)\n", test_total, test_total / (float)test_count,result_inline);
for (i = 0; i < test_count; i++) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &test_time_begin);
rotatetest(&x, &c, &result_function);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &test_time_end);
test_total += test_time_end.tv_nsec - test_time_begin.tv_nsec;
printf("Function clocks %li, avg %f (result is %f)\n", test_total, test_total / (float)test_count, result_inline);
return 0;
I am using gcc version 4.8.4 on Linux 3.13.0-37-generic (Linux Mint 16)
First of all: As already mentioned in the comments, clocking a single run of execution one by the other will probably do you no good. If all goes down the hill, the call for getting the time might actually take longer than the actual execution of the operation.
Please clock multiple runs of the operation (including a warm up phase so everything is swapped in) and calculate the average running times.
clock() isn't guaranteed to be monotonic. It also isn't the number of processor clicks (whatever you define this to be) the program has run. The best way to describe the result from clock() is probably "a best effort estimation of the time any one of the CPUs has spent on calculation for the current process". For benchmarking purposes clock() is thus mostly useless.
As per specification:
The clock() function returns the implementation's best approximation to the processor time used by the process since the beginning of an implementation-dependent time related only to the process invocation.
And additionally
To determine the time in seconds, the value returned by clock() should be divided by the value of the macro CLOCKS_PER_SEC.
So, if you call clock() more often than the resolution, you are out of luck.
For profiling/benchmarking, you should --if possible-- use one of the performance clocks that are available on modern hardware. The prime candidates are probably
Edit: The question now references CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, which is Linux' way of exposing the TSC.
If any (or both) are available depends on the hardware in is also operating system specific.
After googling a little bit I can see that clock() function can be used as a standard mechanism to find the tome taken for execution , but be aware that the time will be varying at different time depending upon the load of your processor,
You can just use the below code for calculation
clock_t begin, end;
double time_spent;
begin = clock();
/* here, do your time-consuming job */
end = clock();
time_spent = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

Run code for exactly one second

I would like to know how I can program something so that my program runs as long as a second lasts.
I would like to evaluate parts of my code and see where the time is spend most so I am analyzing parts of it.
Here's the interesting part of my code :
int size = 256
clock_t start_benching = clock();
for (uint32_t i = 0;i < size; i+=4)
clock_t stop_benching = clock();
This just gives me how long the function needed to perform all the operations.
I want to run the code for one second and see how many operations have been done.
This is the line to print the time measurement:
printf("Walking through buffer took %f seconds\n", (double)(stop_benching - start_benching) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
A better approach to benchmarking is to know the % of time spent on each section of the code.
Instead of making your code run for exactly 1 second, make stop_benchmarking - start_benchmarking the total run time - Take the time spent on any part of the code and divide by the total runtime to get a value between 0 and 1. Multiply this value by 100 and you have the % of time consumed at that specific section.
Non-answer advice: Use an actual profiler to profile the performance of code sections.
On *nix you can set an alarm(2) with a signal handler that sets a global flag to indicate the elapsed time. The Windows API provides something similar with SetTimer.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
int time_elapsed = 0;
void alarm_handler(int signal) {
time_elapsed = 1;
int main() {
signal(SIGALRM, &alarm_handler);
alarm(1); // set alarm time-out to 1 second
do {
// stuff...
} while (!time_elapsed);
return 0;
In more complicated cases you can use setitimer(2) instead of alarm(2), which lets you
use microsecond precision and
choose between counting
wall clock time,
user CPU time, or
user and system CPU time.

Measuring time in millisecond precision

My program is going to race different sorting algorithms against each other, both in time and space. I've got space covered, but measuring time is giving me some trouble. Here is the code that runs the sorts:
void test(short* n, short len) {
short i, j, a[1024];
for(i=0; i<2; i++) { // Loop over each sort algo
memused = 0; // Initialize memory marker
for(j=0; j<len; j++) // Copy scrambled list into fresh array
a[j] = n[j]; // (Sorting algos are in-place)
// ***Point A***
switch(i) { // Pick sorting algo
case 0:
selectionSort(a, len);
case 1:
quicksort(a, len);
// ***Point B***
spc[i][len] = memused; // Record how much mem was used
(I removed some of the sorting algos for simplicity)
Now, I need to measure how much time the sorting algo takes. The most obvious way to do this is to record the time at point (a) and then subtract that from the time at point (b). But none of the C time functions are good enough:
time() gives me time in seconds, but the algos are faster than that, so I need something more accurate.
clock() gives me CPU ticks since the program started, but seems to round to the nearest 10,000; still not small enough
The time shell command works well enough, except that I need to run over 1,000 tests per algorithm, and I need the individual time for each one.
I have no idea what getrusage() returns, but it's also too long.
What I need is time in units (significantly, if possible) smaller than the run time of the sorting functions: about 2ms. So my question is: Where can I get that?
gettimeofday() has microseconds resolution and is easy to use.
A pair of useful timer functions is:
static struct timeval tm1;
static inline void start()
gettimeofday(&tm1, NULL);
static inline void stop()
struct timeval tm2;
gettimeofday(&tm2, NULL);
unsigned long long t = 1000 * (tm2.tv_sec - tm1.tv_sec) + (tm2.tv_usec - tm1.tv_usec) / 1000;
printf("%llu ms\n", t);
For measuring time, use clock_gettime with CLOCK_MONOTONIC (or CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW if it is available). Where possible, avoid using gettimeofday. It is specifically deprecated in favor of clock_gettime, and the time returned from it is subject to adjustments from time servers, which can throw off your measurements.
You can get the total user + kernel time (or choose just one) using getrusage as follows:
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
double get_process_time() {
struct rusage usage;
if( 0 == getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage) ) {
return (double)(usage.ru_utime.tv_sec + usage.ru_stime.tv_sec) +
(double)(usage.ru_utime.tv_usec + usage.ru_stime.tv_usec) / 1.0e6;
return 0;
I elected to create a double containing fractional seconds...
double t_begin, t_end;
t_begin = get_process_time();
// Do some operation...
t_end = get_process_time();
printf( "Elapsed time: %.6f seconds\n", t_end - t_begin );
The Time Stamp Counter could be helpful here:
static unsigned long long rdtsctime() {
unsigned int eax, edx;
unsigned long long val;
__asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc":"=a"(eax), "=d"(edx));
val = edx;
val = val << 32;
val += eax;
return val;
Though there are some caveats to this. The timestamps for different processor cores may be different, and changing clock speeds (due to power saving features and the like) can cause erroneous results.

What could be some possible problems with this use of OpenMP?

I was trying to figure out how to parallelize a segment of code in OpenMP, where the inside of the for loop is independent from the rest of it.
Basically the project is dealing with particle systems, but I don't think that should relevant to the parallelization of the code. Is it a caching problem where the for loop divides the threads in a way such that the particles are not cached in each core in an efficient manner?
Edit: As mentioned by an answer below, I'm wondering why I'm not getting speedup.
#pragma omp parallel for
for (unsigned i = 0; i < psize-n_dead; ++i)
s->particles[i].pos = s->particles[i].pos + dt * s->particles[i].vel;
s->particles[i].vel = (1 - dt*.1) * s->particles[i].vel + dt*s->force;
// printf("%d", omp_get_thread_num());
If you're asking whether it's parallelized correctly, it looks fine. I don't see any data-races or loop-dependencies that could break it.
But I think you're wondering on why you aren't getting any speedup with parallelism.
Since you mentioned that the trip count, psize-n_dead will be on the order of 4000. I'd say that's actually pretty small given the amount of work in the loop.
In other words, you don't have much total work to be worth parallelizing. So threading overhead is probably eating up any speedup that you should be gaining. If possible, you should try parallelizing at a higher level.
EDIT: You updated your comment to include up to 200000.
For larger values, it's likely that you'll be memory bound in some way. Your loop merely iterates through all the data doing very little work. So using more threads probably won't help much (if at all).
There is no correctness issues such as data races in this piece of code.
Assuming that the number of particles to process is big enough to warrant parallelism, I do not see OpenMP related performance issues in this code. By default, OpenMP will split the loop iterations statically in equal portions across all threads, so any cache conflicts may only occur at the boundaries of these portions, i.e. just in a few iterations of the loop.
Unrelated to OpenMP (and so to the parallel speedup problem), possibly performance improvement can be achieved by switching from array-of-structs to struct-of-arrays, as this might help compiler to vectorize the code (i.e. use SIMD instructions of a target processor):
#pragma omp parallel for
for (unsigned i = 0; i < psize-n_dead; ++i)
s->particles.pos[i] = s->particles.pos[i] + dt * s->particles.vel[i];
s->particles.vel[i] = (1 - dt*.1) * s->particles.vel[i] + dt*s->force;
Such reorganization assumes that most time all particles are processed in a loop like this one. Working with an individual particle requires more cache lines to be loaded, but if you process them all in a loop, the net amount of cache lines loaded is nearly the same.
How sure are you that you're not getting speedup?
Trying it both ways - array of structs and struct of arrays, compiled with gcc -O3 (gcc 4.6), on a dual quad-core nehalem, I get for psize-n_dead = 200000, running 100 iterations for better timer accuracy:
Struct of arrays (reported time are in milliseconds)
$ for t in 1 2 4 8; do export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$t; time ./foo; done
Took time 90.984000
Took time 45.992000
Took time 22.996000
Took time 11.998000
Array of structs:
$ for t in 1 2 4 8; do export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$t; time ./foo; done
Took time 58.989000
Took time 28.995000
Took time 14.997000
Took time 8.999000
However, I because the operation is so short (sub-ms) I didn't see any speedup without doing 100 iterations because of timer accuracy. Also, you'd have to have a machine with good memory bandwidth to to get this sort of behaviour; you're only doing ~3 FMAs and another multiplication for every two pieces of data you read in.
Code for array-of-structs follows.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
typedef struct particle_struct {
double pos;
double vel;
} particle;
typedef struct simulation_struct {
particle *particles;
double force;
} simulation;
void tick(struct timeval *t) {
gettimeofday(t, NULL);
/* returns time in seconds from now to time described by t */
double tock(struct timeval *t) {
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
return (double)(now.tv_sec - t->tv_sec) + ((double)(now.tv_usec - t->tv_usec)/1000000.);
void update(simulation *s, unsigned psize, double dt) {
#pragma omp parallel for
for (unsigned i = 0; i < psize; ++i)
s->particles[i].pos = s->particles[i].pos+ dt * s->particles[i].vel;
s->particles[i].vel = (1 - dt*.1) * s->particles[i].vel + dt*s->force;
void init(simulation *s, unsigned np) {
s->force = 1.;
s->particles = malloc(np*sizeof(particle));
for (unsigned i=0; i<np; i++) {
s->particles[i].pos = 1.;
s->particles[i].vel = 1.;
int main(void)
const unsigned np=200000;
simulation s;
struct timeval clock;
init(&s, np);
for (int iter=0;iter< 100; iter++)
update(&s, np, 0.75);
double elapsed=tock(&clock)*1000.;
printf("Took time %lf\n", elapsed);
