How to create a picture? - silverlight

Hi I have a question about a windows phone 7 app.
I would like to create a picture or an area in an app where I can for example, add font or other elements like a circle.
Can anyone show me an example or some code? Or is it not possible?
I would like a silverlight app, not XNA

You can do advanced image creation/manipulation using .NET Image Tools for Silverlight.


create application like simple PowerPoint in c# wpf?

I want to create create application like simple PowerPoint in c# WPF, I meant exactly that I want to create page like slides and can arrange in time line with various speed and transition and can seeing in preview panel.I tries on Microsoft PowerPoint interoperability but as I found It just create PowerPoint file not provide framework to interact!!.
Please show me sample code or sample way to-do or how do it?
One method I have used is to have a WPF WebBrowser control and then navigate to a pptx file. This will open PowerPoint inside the WebBrowser control. You will not be able to interact with the PowerPoint application from your WPF host, but that is about as good as it gets.
Try this control from syncfusion: They now offer a free community version with all if their controls.

Can I use silverlight application in wpf application?

I got a silverlight sample from like the analog clock and the progress bar. I am making a wpf desktop application using microsoft blend 4. My problem is how to put/run/embed the sample in my wpf application using the blend 4.
I choose wpf application because I can add windows/form and the codes are almost the same with the windows application form.
and if silverlight is not possible to run in wpf application, can you suggest how to do layered controls? My plan is to run first the loading bar. and then hide it to show the main menu and the analog clock.
Silverlight is very-very-very compact version of WPF functionality.
You can just rewrite sample to WPF and it will run more efficient.
Silverlight is just like adobe flex which helps in making(running) web browser apps..
If you use silverlight in your wpf application , then you have to use webbrowser control..
For knowledge:
When we want to try to bring wpf for webbrowser apps we use silverlight..
& doing vice versa(like you are doing), don't make much sense..

How can you take a picture using the front camera on a tablet or slate PC?

Is it possible to take a picture from the front camera on a Windows 7/8 slate using WPF?
You can try the VideoCaptureElement control in my WPF MediaKit library. It should have everything you need for showing a webcam in WPF and/or getting snapshots. (copy from here)

Build similar Windows Phone 7 animated buttons

Does anyone know a tutorial an how the buttons from the main screen of the Windows Phone 7 were build in Silverlight ?
Take a look at the HubTile control from the wp7 toolkit. It might be what you are looking for. :)

ANIMATING Page Transition in WP7 in C#

Can anyone tell me how to animate a page transition in windows phone 7 by using C#. I have seen some samples which explain this in xaml. But I need to do it in C#.
you can follow this awesome tutorial:
