Export data from Excel to Access - Error: Argument not Optional - database

I'm trying to export data from Excel 2010 to Access 2010 with a VBA code on my excel file when I press a button. I just want to export the data from "Water Quality" sheet to the "Water Quality" table on my database (In the excel file and access file are other sheets and tables).
My actual code is:
Sub Button14_Click()
' Exports data from the active worksheet to a table in an Access database
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim r As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
' Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
'cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; " & _
"Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Mis documentos\MonEAU\modelEAU Database V.2.accdb; " & _
"Persist Security Info=False;"
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; " & _
"Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Mis documentos\MonEAU\modelEAU Database V.2.accdb"
' Late binding, so no reference is needed
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open strCon
' Find LastRow in Col A into the Sheet1
LastRow = Sheet1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
' Insert unto a table called Water_Quality
scn = "[Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;DATABASE=" & ActiveWorkbook.FullName & "]"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Water_Quality " _
& "SELECT * FROM " & scn & ".[Sheet1$A5:L" & LastRow & "]"
' Execute the statement
cn.Execute strSQL
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub
I can debug without any problem the code but when I run it, a run error appears: "The Microsoft Office Access database engine could not find the object 'Sheet1$A5:L10'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly." It seems that there's a problem with the line cn.Execute strSQL.
I've checked the names and the path name as well, and I can't find where the problem is.
Any help to solve it would be greatly appreciated.

Here are a few examples for inserting all the data at once:
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=z:\docs\test.accdb"
''Late binding, so no reference is needed
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open strCon
''Create a table called ATable
scn = "[Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;DATABASE=" & ActiveWorkbook.FullName & "]"
strSQL = "SELECT * INTO ATable " _
& "FROM " & scn & ".[Sheet7$A1:C4]"
''Execute the statement
cn.Execute strSQL
''Insert into a table called ATable
scn = "[Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;DATABASE=" & ActiveWorkbook.FullName & "]"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO ATable " _
& "SELECT * FROM " & scn & ".[Sheet7$A1:C4]"
''Execute the statement
cn.Execute strSQL
''Insert into a table with no column header in Excel,
''the fields are [afield],[atext],[another]
scn = "[Excel 8.0;HDR=NO;DATABASE=" & ActiveWorkbook.FullName & "]"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO ATable ([afield],[atext],[another]) " _
& "SELECT F1 As afield, F2 As AText, F3 As another FROM " _
& scn & ".[Sheet7$A1:C4]"
''Execute the statement
cn.Execute strSQL


Form Button will not run OpenRecordSet VBA

I am trying to use the following VBA code to run a select query in MS Access.
Private Sub ManuReport_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rsSQL As DAO.Recordset
Dim StrSQL As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT " & _
"dbo_VENDOR1.ITEM_NO," & _
"dbo_VENDOR2.ITEM_NO," & _
"dbo_VENDOR1.ITEM_NAME " & _
"From dbo_VENDOR2 " & _
Set rsSQL = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
End Sub
I have added this to a button in MSACCES to pull this information from a linked SQL database. I have also been having issues with adding references to form text boxes but I may submit that as a separate question. Whenever I press the button, nothing happens. I don't even get an error screen. I have seen other answers where the issue seems to be how the OpenRecordSet is being used but I am having trouble understanding how I can apply it to this code.
The query itself does work when I create a separate query in Access so I am not sure where the problem is. I reformatted the SQL portion of the code to make it easier to read here, but I have it formatted as a single line in the actual VBA code.
It looks like you want to open a query in Access for display based on a SQL string
The following function will create a query based on the SQL string
Function createQry(qryName As String, sSQL As String)
Dim qdf As QueryDef
' Delete existing query
On Error Resume Next
CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Delete (qryName)
On Error GoTo 0
Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(qryName, sSQL)
End Function
If you use this code in your posted code like that
Private Sub ManuReport_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rsSQL As DAO.Recordset
Dim StrSQL As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
StrSQL = "SELECT " & _
"dbo_VENDOR1.ITEM_NO," & _
"dbo_VENDOR2.ITEM_NO," & _
"dbo_VENDOR1.ITEM_NAME " & _
"From dbo_VENDOR2 " & _
'Set rsSQL = dbs.OpenRecordset(StrSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
Dim qryName As String
qryName = "qryTest"
' close the query in case it is open in Access
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.Close acQuery, qryName
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
' Create the query based on the SQL string
createQry qryName, StrSQL
' Open the query in Access for display
DoCmd.OpenQuery qryName, acNormal, acReadOnly
End Sub

Join Excel-Table with SQL Server

My excel-sheet is connected with the data of the sql-server. My clients shall be able to write some columns back to the sql server. The excel-filenames are variable, but the sheeetname and the columns are always static. I tried it with a button and vba but it ends up in error:
Syntaxerror (missing operator) in queryexpression 'UPDATE hbs SET lieferinfo_prio_neu = xlsx.liefer_prio_neu FROM [Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=myserver;Database=mydb;UID=myuser;PWD=mypass;].[tbl_haka_base_size] hbs JOIN [Tabelle3$] xlsx ON xlsx.Artikelnummer'
The internal excel-sheetname is 'Tabelle3', the custom-name is 'Hakabase':
I tried both names without any result.
My code:
Dim excelConn As String
Dim sqlServerConn As String
Dim sqlCommand As String
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
excelConn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" _
& ThisWorkbook.FullName _
& ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"";"
sqlServerConn = "[Provider=SQLOLEDB;" _
& "Data Source=myserver;" _
& "Database=mydb;" _
& "UID=ymuser;PWD=mypass;]"
sqlCommand = "UPDATE hbs " _
& " SET lieferinfo_prio_neu = xlsx.liefer_prio_neu " _
& " FROM " & sqlServerConn & ".[tbl_haka_base_size] hbs " _
& " JOIN [Tabelle3$] xlsx " _
& " ON xlsx.Artikelnummer=hbs.artikelnummer"
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.Open excelConn
conn.Execute sqlCommand
I've also tried to connect to the sqlserver + join the excel-data via openrowset but the server disallowed that:
& " 'Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=" _
& ThisWorkbook.FullName & "', 'SELECT * FROM [Tabelle3$]') xlsx" _
Installable ISAM not found
I think I have to create a linked server for each file and enable 'InProcess' for those files. This is not possible because the files are variable.
I've found an alternative solution which is a little bit slow so I still hope someone else is able to answer my question.
The alternative solution is to iterate through each row.. The file got about 150.000 rows and just for 10.000 rows I am waiting about 10 minutes..
Here is the part of iterating
For Each range In sheet.rows: Do
'Continue on headline
If range.Row = 1 Or range.EntireRow.Hidden = True Then
Exit Do
End If
If Len(sheet.Cells(range.Row, lieferInfoColumnIndex)) > 0 Then
articleNumber = sheet.Cells(range.Row, artNoColumnIndex)
UpdateDatabase (articleNumber)
savings = savings + 1
End If
Loop While False: Next range
Here is the slow update function for each row:
Private Sub UpdateDatabase(articleNumber As String)
Dim sqlServerConn As String
Dim sqlCommand As String
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
sqlServerConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" _
& "Data Source=myserver;" _
& "Database=mydb;" _
& "UID=myuser;PWD=mypass;"
sqlCommand = "UPDATE hbs " _
& "SET lieferinfo_prio_neu=NULL " _
& "FROM [TBL_HAKA_BASE] hbs " _
& "WHERE Artikelnummer=" + articleNumber
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.Open sqlServerConn
conn.Execute sqlCommand
End Sub

Insert into SQL table using VBA

I have the table and fields created on the SQL end. The debugger points to the cnn.Execute uSQL being the issue. I am trying to write the user and computer name of who is accessing the sheet to SQL.
Sub UpdateTable()
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim uSQL As String
Dim strText As String
Dim strDate As Date
Dim strUsername As String
Dim strComputerName As String
strUsername = Environ("username")
strComputerName = Environ("Computername")
Set cnn = New Connection
cnnstr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; " & _
"Data Source=icl-analive; " & _
"Initial Catalog=DW_ALL;" & _
"User ID=dw_all_readonlyuser;" & _
cnn.Open cnnstr
uSQL = "INSERT INTO Audit (UN,CN) VALUES StrUsername , strComputer"
Debug.Print uSQL
cnn.Execute uSQL
Set cnn = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub
Your uSQL should be like this:
uSQL = "INSERT INTO Audit (UN,CN) VALUES " & StrUsername & "," & strComputer
Actually like this:
INSERT INTO Audit (UN,CN) VALUES '" & StrUsername & "','" & strComputer & "'"
The difference is that we should set the strings in inverted commas for the SQL. Thanks #Tony Dong in the comments.
This answer is a classic example of a vulnerable code for SQL injection.In order to prevent it, consider using parameterized queries as in this example:
VBA, ADO.Connection and query parameters

Missing semicolon (;) at the end of SQL statement when insert data to ms access table

this is my code
dim straccess as string
Do While Not rso.EOF
30 straccess = "INSERT INTO [test] ([nik],[nama]) VALUES ('" & rso.Fields(0)
& "' ,'" & rso.Fields(1) & "' ) where [nama]= '" _
& rso.Fields(0) & "';"
cna.Execute straccess
got error on line 30 when insert data.
im type this code in vb6 n want to insert data from oracle database/table to msaccess database/table. i already hv connection to oracle table n ms access. And now I try to insert data into MS Access table based data in oracle table
my table name in ms access is TEST and my table name in empmasterepms.
this is my all code .
Dim vstr As String
Dim filename As String
Dim straccess As String
Option Explicit
Const ORACLEQUERY As String = "select empcode,empname from empmasterepms order by EMPNAME"
Dim cno As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cna As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rso As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rsa As New ADODB.Recordset
Private Sub btnload_Click()
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
'-----------------Connection to Oracle
cno.Open "Provider=msdaora;Data Source=;User Id=EPMS_TRXI;Password=epmse292014;"
rso.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rso.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rso.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rso.Open ORACLEQUERY, cno, , , adCmdText
Set dg1.DataSource = rso
------- connect to msaccess
cna.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & vstr
Do While Not rso.EOF
30 straccess = "Update test SET [nik] = '" & rso.Fields(0).Value & "' ,[nama] = '" & rso.Fields(1).Value & "' WHERE [nama] = '" & rso.Fields(1).Value & "';"
cna.Execute straccess
MsgBox "Done"
Set cno = Nothing
Set cna = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Erl & ":" & Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description
Debug.Print (straccess)
end sub
Remove the Where statement:
30 straccess = "INSERT INTO [test] ([nik],[nama]) VALUES ('" & rso.Fields(0).Value & "','" & rso.Fields(1).Value & "');"

transfer data from Excel to SQL Server

I have an Excel Spreadsheet that contains all my data that I need to put into an SQL Server database. I am fairly new o ASP.NET and have never had to export from Excel to SQL Server before.
My Excel spreadsheets looks like this
Trade Heading -> ArtID -> BusinessName -> AdStyleCode -> Address -> Suburb
In SQL Server I have created a table named "Listings" which is in this format
intListingID -> intCategoryID -> BusinessName - ArtID -> intAdCode ->Address -> Suburb
What would be the best way to export the data from Excel and then import it into SQLServer 2005.
You can do this easily using SSIS, you can refer to these two links for full details.
Link 1
Link 2
If you have Express then you can try the below commands to setup a linked server and get the data
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver ExcelData,'Jet 4.0','Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','C:\MyData.xls', NULL, 'Excel 5.0;'
Then you can select the data into your tables
INSERT INTO Listings ...
SELECT column1 AS intListingID, <put all columns here> FROM ExcelData...Data
For other options check this link
I tried exporting data from Excel to SQL server through VBA like this:
Const myDB As String = "tenant"
Const myServer As String = "MPAADM"
Const myDB As String = "new"
Const myServer As String = "arjun"
Sub ExportTableToSQL()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cnSQL As ADODB.Connection
Dim strSQL As String
Dim lngRecsAff As Long
Dim sqlTable As String
Dim acell As Range
Dim t1 As Date
Dim t2 As Date
Dim column As String
On Error Resume Next
path = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B1").Value
Kill path & \z_temp\aa.xls"
Kill path & "\z_temp\aa.xls"
On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo 10
column = Cells(1, 1).Value
sqlTable = InputBox("Insert SQL table name")
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:2"))
t1 = Now
Debug.Print t1
If sqlTable = "" Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set acell = ActiveCell
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Then
MsgBox "Select a cell inside a table you want to export to SQL"
Exit Sub
End If
Call NewWorkbook
Cells(1, 1).Select
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set cnSQL = New ADODB.Connection
With cnSQL
.ConnectionString = "provider=sqloledb;Data Source=" & myServer & ";Initial Catalog=" & myDB & ";Trusted_Connection=Yes"
' .ConnectionString = "provider=sqloledb;Data Source=" & myServer & ";Initial Catalog=" & myDB & ";Uid=jayantuser;Pwd=Input#123"
End With
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs path & "\z_temp\aa.xls"
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & path & "\z_temp\aa.xls;" & _
"Extended Properties=Excel 12.0"
strSQL = "drop table " & sqlTable
Debug.Print strSQL
On Error Resume Next
cnSQL.Execute strSQL, lngRecsAff, adExecuteNoRecords
On Error GoTo 10
strSQL = "SELECT * INTO [odbc;Driver={SQL Server};" & _
"Server=" & myServer & ";Database=" & myDB & _
";trusted_connection=yes]." & sqlTable & _
" FROM [sheet1$]"
Debug.Print strSQL
cn.Execute strSQL, lngRecsAff, adExecuteNoRecords
Set cn = Nothing
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
On Error Resume Next
Kill path & "\z_temp\aa.xlx"
On Error GoTo 0
t2 = Now
Debug.Print t2
MsgBox sqlTable & " table was successfully imported into SQL Server" & vbNewLine & "Transfered record number: " & lngRecsAff _
& vbNewLine & "Time:" & Int((t2 - t1) * 86400) & "s"
If MsgBox("Convert data type to bigint?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
strSQL = "ALTER TABLE " & sqlTable & " ALTER COLUMN " & column & " bigint"
cnSQL.Execute strSQL, lngRecsAff, adExecuteNoRecords
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
10: MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub `Sub NewWorkbook()
Application.DefaultSaveFormat = xlOpenXMLWorkbook
End Sub`
`Sub Quit()
End Sub`
