FreeMarker inline template (load from database) in Smooks not interpreted - inline

I try to load the FreeMarker template from database in the Smooks configuration file and use the build-ins INTERPRET to parse the string as template. However, the output is exactly the template I stored in the database.
The following is part of the Smooks configuration file:
<resource-config selector="hs:TravelerProfile">
<db:executor executeOnElement="hs:TravelerProfile" datasource="StagingDS">
<db:statement>select freeMarker_template from template_lookup where agencyid='111';
<db:resultSet name="mytemplate" />
<ftl:freemarker applyOnElementNS="" applyOnElement="TravelerProfile">
< !--
<#assign templateSource = r"${mytemplate[0].freeMarker_template}">
<#assign inlineTemplate = [templateSource, "myInlineTemplate"]?interpret>
-- >
The template I stored in the database is like following:
<#ftl ns_prefixes={"D":""}>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<po:PoHeadersInterfaceCollection xmlns:po="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
For some reason, the output is exactly the above template itself. "${TravelerProfile.TravelerOfficeCode}" has not been evaluated! Please help!!!
Thank you!!!

Sine mytemplate[0].freeMarker_template returns the template source code itself (or at least I assume that), and since you are using a raw string literal (r"..."), the source code of your template will be literally ${mytemplate[0].freeMarker_template}, which is then evaluated by ?interpret to the template source code. The corrected template would be:
<#assign inlineTemplate = [mytemplate[0].freeMarker_template, "myInlineTemplate"]?interpret>
which can be also written as:
<#([mytemplate[0].freeMarker_template, "myInlineTemplate"]?interpret) />
or if you don't need the "myInlineTemplate" template name:
<#mytemplate[0].freeMarker_template?interpret />


Azure Logic App outputs XML all in single line

I'm trying to convert a CSV to XML, which works perfectly fine when I test the map file in Visual Studio as I made sure the XSLT1.0 contains indent="yes". But for some reason when I repeat the steps in my Azure Logic App everything gets exported to one line:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><enfinity xsi:schemaLocation=" bc_pricing.xsd" major="6" minor="1" family="enfinity" branch="enterprise" build="build" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:dt=""><product-price-list id="DEMarkdown" priceType="ES_SalePrice" import-mode="UPDATE"><display-name>DE Markdown</display-name><description /><enabled>true</enabled><priority>1</priority><target-groups><customer-segments><customer-segment id="Everyone" repository-id="WhiteStuff-DE-Anonymous" /><customer-segment id="IG_RegisteredUsers" repository-id="WhiteStuff-DE-Anonymous" /></customer-segments></target-groups><product-price-list-entry sku="433493126" import-mode="REPLACE"><price-scale-table type-code="1" currency="EUR"><valid-from>2021-07-06T00:00:00+00:00</valid-from><valid-to>2099-07-13T00:00:00+00:00</valid-to><price-scale-entries><fixed-price-entry quantity="1" unit=""><value>44.95</value></fixed-price-entry></price-scale-entries></price-scale-table><price-scale-table type-code="1" currency="GBP"><valid-from>2021-07-06T00:00:00+00:00</valid-from><valid-to>2099-07-13T00:00:00+00:00</valid-to><price-scale-entries><fixed-price-entry quantity="1" unit=""><value>39.50</value></fixed-price-entry></price-scale-entries></price-scale-table></product-price-list-entry></product-price-list></enfinity>
I have 2 ways for this
You can use the XML Validation connector before the process which parses the content into the right format.
Just for viewing purposes, you can do a request-response method using Postman then use XML format in order to achieve your requirement.
For those interested, I've found a setting within the Logic App, simply select Apply XSLT output attributes and that's it, no validation needed either!

gatling checking if soap response contains node

I use Gatling to test against an API responding with this:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<sam:HentAktiveSamtykkerMedPartrefResponse xmlns:sam="urn:gjensidige:forsikring:samtykke">
How can I script that the response must contain the element:
I guess something in the lines of:
But what should be stated as "whathere"?
The xpath would look something like : /*/SOAP-ENV:Body/descendant::*[name()='sam:navn']/text() this should extract the value from <sam:navn></sam:navn>.

Salesforce Bulk API - "missing a mapping for the external id field" error

I'm starting a bulk API job and passing a spec file. Here is the job.txt file I'm using to create the job:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jobInfo xmlns="">
Then, I'm posting a spec file as follows:
Salesforce Field,Csv Header,Value,Hint
Name,Full Name,,
And I get the error "Transformation specification is missing a mapping for the external id field" but that's very strange because the Unique_Email__c is actually there. What's going on?

How to get right attribute which contain "&" through libxml2

When I try to get the attribute of URL in a test XML:
<Test> <Item URL=""/>
After I call: attr=xmlGetProp(cur, BAD_CAST "URL");
The libxml2 give a message: Entity: line 1: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
and return value of attr is ""
How can I get the completion attribution of URL? Thanks
You cannot get the “correct” URL here because the XML file is not well-formed. the & should have been written as &. You have to ask the creator of the XML file to create a syntactically valid, well-formed XML file.
XML is not created by just putting strings together, they also have to be encoded properly.

ibatis - where to place the <cacheModel> tag?

I have the map config file like this
<sqlMap ..............>
<typeAlias ......../>
<select cacheModel="cache-select-all">....</select>
<cacheModel id="cache-select-all" type="LRU" readOnly="true" serialize="false">
<flushInterval hours="24"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="InsertIOs"/>
<!--<property name="CacheSize" value="1000"/>-->
I am using ibatis (.net, if that matters) and i have one question: where to place the tags? is There a or because placing it like i did, in the statements seems not to work. What am i doing wrong?
You must reference the cacheModel you defined inside a statement tag as shown in the following link:
Before you use it in the select statement. Order does matter here. Otherwise sql map parser wouldn't be able to validate your sql map.
