winforms textbox Ctrl-Backspace to Delete Whole Word & Spaces - winforms

I found an article here:
Winforms Textbox - Using Ctrl-Backspace to Delete Whole Word
to delete the whole word in a textbox while holding ctrl+backspace, but I noticed that if you don't implement the app.config modifications like so:
<add key="SendKeys" value="SendInput" />
that only the current word will be removed and the process of backspacing will be interrupted. For instance, if I typed in "Tim tom" and then used the ctrl + backspace trick, "tom" would be deleted, interrupting any backspace operation and leaving "Tom ".
If you do use the app.config modification, however, "tom" would successfully be removed and backspace operations would continue, but without continuing to remove whole words, as if you were just holding the backspace button.
Does anyone know what causes this or how to fix it?

Your application is choosing a different behavior of sending keypress equivalents to the application.
The historical exposition why the two protocols exist is explained here:
The SendKeys class has been updated for the .NET Framework 3.0 to
enable its use in applications that run on Windows Vista. The enhanced
security of Windows Vista (known as User Account Control or UAC)
prevents the previous implementation from working as expected. The
SendKeys class is susceptible to timing issues, which some developers
have had to work around. The updated implementation is still
susceptible to timing issues, but is slightly faster and may require
changes to the workarounds. The SendKeys class tries to use the
previous implementation first, and if that fails, uses the new
implementation. As a result, the SendKeys class may behave differently
on different operating systems. Additionally, when the SendKeys class
uses the new implementation, the SendWait method will not wait for
messages to be processed when they are sent to another process.
The timing issues mentioned here concern especially continued control of application by characters, not just one character at a time. They include
difficulty in synchronizing typing rate
making sure that the right window receives the input when the app is opening dialogs
making sure that the right app receives the input even when the user meddles with close buttons
However, the real reason between the SendKeys behavior change was not programmer friendliness (which did not improve significantly), but security.
It is definitely a good idea to set the SendKeys parameter to specify the desired behavior. You don't want your application to mysteriously start behaving differently just because UAC was turned on or off.


Codename One: detect "caps lock" key

In Codename One, is there a way to detect if the "Caps Lock" key is active (and to listen to its activation or deactivation), at the purpose to show a warning in a login Form (to prevent wrong typing of password)?
Of course this question is referred to the contexts in which it makes sense, that means: Simulator, Desktop ports, Javascript ports.
We don't have such an API but I'm guessing it could be added. You can also check if all the letters are upper case and use that as a heuristic.

How do I find the context in which document.write operates. Can you solve the riddle

Basically i have these two lines of code written right after each other.:
console.log(typeof (noAdsCallback));
document.write('<sc' + 'ript type="text/javascript">console.log(typeof(noAdsCallback));</scr' + 'ipt>');
The first one logs function, the second logs undefined.
Of course it's a bit trickier than that. So here is the set-up in a nutshell:
I have a so called waterfall of ad-providers. That means, I try to load some Ads, by writing (using document.write) some special tags (given to me by my ad-provider).
If the provider doesn't find an ad for me, they send back a javascript-snippet which looks like this:
if (typeof(window.noAdsCallback) === "function") noAdsCallback();
This function essentially writes the tags of the next provider, which does the same as the first one until I reach the end of the list.
This system actually works fine, doing exactly what I want it to do. Both lines given in the beginning log function.
Except if I use Google as an ad-provider. There is one thing Google does differently, which seems to mess everything up.
In Google, I cannot define a fallback-JavaScript-snippet. All I can do is provide a fallback-url. So this fallback-url (since it's loaded inside an iframe inside an iframe inside...) sends a postMessage to the top, which then calls the same noAdsCallback() method. And this too, works just fine. The message is received and the right method executed. However, already the two lines already give different results, i.e. function and undefined respectively
The next provider then fails to find the noAdsCallback() Method, when it returns, because it uses document.write to try to execute it. Somehow, the context was lost.
First hint: It works fine (i.e. both lines log function) in Chrome, but it doesn't work in FF or IE.
Second hint: It works fine, as long as context never switches, but if communication runs at any point through messaging, it get's confused.
Third hint: Using the fantastic postscribe library as mentioned below, actually solves the problem, but introduces new ones somewhere else.
Fourth hint: Debugging the, before using document.write, gives the correct name, so I'm not in a random iFrame.
Finishing thoughts. I know, i know: DON'T USE DOCUMENT WRITE!! I know that. But since Adproviders use it all the time, I am forced to use it to, otherwise I get this:
Failed to execute 'write' on 'Document': It isn't possible to write into a document from an asynchronously-loaded external script unless it is explicitly opened.
In Fact, right now I'm using postscribe ( and it works like a charm, except for one lousey provider. And the workauround solution would be, to use document.write only for this lousy provider and postscribe for all the others. But i would really like to find out what the root of the problem is.
Any Ideas, much appreciated.
I think I understood it now. Long story short: DON'T USE DOCUMENT.WRITE :)
Try postscribe, if you have to.
So in hindsight it is quite obvious, because really, anywhere you read about document.write() it says, that write() clears the whole document. And I just didn't get it, because I never saw it happening and every ad is using it, like the whole time. Plus, it seemed to work fine on Chrome. So what's going on??
Well here is what happens. As long as the document is open, which basically means while it is being written, document.write() just appends to the stream, and doesn't clear the document. And as long as I used document.write(), to append foreign ad-scripts (which may and will contain document.write()), the page does not close, hence the document stays open.
This is the reason, why adding Google to my waterfall, posed a problem: Google puts everything in iframes. So the page containing the waterfall model just sees the iframe and says: "well as far as I'm concerned, I'm done" and closes the document, while in fact, Google is still at it.
Afterwards, Google didn't find an ad, sends a postMessage to the main page, causing the next provider to be used. Who then uses document.write() and clears everything.
Everything? Not everything. Remember, it still used to work when I used Chrome? The reason for that is, Chrome just clears the HTML but leaves the Javascript intact. So on Chrome, my Javascript-waterfall worked fine, because all the JS-objects where still in place. All other browsers cleared it.
So that's it. Probably noone's gonna read it, but if you do, USE POSTSCRIBE! Now that I finally really understood document.write() and and document.close() I'm a big fan.

How to detect when text is replaced in GtkTextBuffer instead of delete followed by insert?

I have worked a great deal with the text system in Objective-C for macOS/iOS (e.g. NSTextView, NSTextStorage, etc.) I am now experimenting with GTK3 to see how well I can translate my project for use on Linux, etc.
I am brand new to using GTK, but after a few days of Google time and experimenting, I have a working text editor prototype with my custom code plugged in.
The problem is this -- I need to be able to detect when a user highlights a section of text, and then replaces it with other text (e.g. a keystroke). This is distinct from highlighting a section of text, hitting the delete key, and then typing the new text. A specific use example would be highlighting a word, then typing a double quote character in order to wrap the word in quotes (e.g. foo becomes "foo").
In Cocoa, one would receive replaceCharactersInRange: that indicates the range originally selected, as well as the new string to replace it with. I can then detect the presumed intent of the user based on the information received.
In GTK, it seems that we receive a delete-range signal, followed by a separate insert-text signal. Because of this separation, the code in the "insert" section has no way of knowing that the user intended to replace text, not insert new text.
I used the following to receive the signals above:
g_signal_connect(buffer, "insert-text", G_CALLBACK(insert_text_cb), NULL);
g_signal_connect(buffer, "delete-range", G_CALLBACK(delete_range_cb), NULL);
Is there something else I can do in order to tell that there is a delete, followed by an insert as part of the same user action?
Thanks for any pointers offered!
Instead of trying to correlate the delete and insert events, I would suggest creating a GAction for your desired action (e.g. toggle quotes around the selected text) and setting its shortcut key to " using gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().
For more information, check out this HowDoI wiki page.
No answers over the last month, so I kept brainstorming and digging around. I finally came up with this, which works, but is not quite as elegant as I had hoped.
Handle delete-range signal as before, but keep track of the the deleted text for later (e.g. in char * deletedText).
Handle the insert-text signal as before, but if we have a string in deletedText then change the behavior to perform a replacement instead of an insertion. In my case, this actually meant inserting the deleted text back in, and then performing the replacement.
Add a callback for the end-user-action signal, which indicates that all delete/inserts associated with a particular action are complete. In this callback, free deletedText from above and set to NULL (to indicate that everything has been handled).
Again -- this works, but feels a bit inelegant. And depending on how complex your delete/insert routines are, it may slow the performance slightly since some steps have to be duplicated. A better solution would be to detect during the delete-range callback that there is a pending insert-text callback and handle both steps at once. I have thus far not been able to do that.

Radio buttons not selecting in old program

I wrote a large complex C program around 20(!) years go. As far as I can recall it worked fine at the time in all respects - it was probably running on windows 95.
Now I need to use it again. Unfortunately the radio buttons in it do not appear to work properly any more (the ordinary push buttons are all behaving correctly). As I click on the radio buttons, I get some feedback that windows is acknowledging my click in as much as I see a dotted line appear around the button's text and the circle of the button goes grey for as long as my finger is on the button, but when I take my finger off I see that the selected button has not changed.
My suspicion is that I was perhaps getting away with some bad practice at the time which worked with windows 95 but no longer works on newer versions of windows, but I'm struggling work out what I did wrong. Any ideas?
EDIT: Its difficult to extract the relevant code because the message handling in this program was a tangled nightmare. Many buttons were created programatically at runtime and there were different message loops working when the program was in different modes of operation. The program was a customisable environment for running certain types of experiment. It even had its own built-in interpreted language! So I'm not expecting an answer like "you should have a comma instead of a semicolon at line 47", but perhaps something more like "I observed similar symptoms once in my program and it turned out to be ..... " .. or perhaps "the fact that the dotted rectangle is appearing means that process AAA has happened, but maybe step BBB has gone wrong".
EDIT: I've managed to extract some key code which my contain an error...
char *process_messages_one_at_a_time()
MSG msg;
int temp;
temp = PeekMessage(&msg,winh,0,0,PM_NOREMOVE);
if (temp)
GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0);
if (msg.message == WM_LBUTTONUP)
mouse_just_released_somewhere = TRUE;
TranslateMessage (&msg);
DispatchMessage (&msg);
if (button_command_waiting)
button_command_waiting = FALSE;
return (button_command_string);
return (NULL);
There are two simple things to check when using radio buttons. First is to make sure that each has the BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON property set. The second is to make sure that the first button in the tab order and the next control after the set of buttons (typically a group box) have the WS_GROUP property set, while the other buttons have it clear.
A few suggestions:
I'd try to use spy++ to monitor the messages in that dialog box, particularly to and from the radiobutton controls. I wonder if you'll see a BM_SETCHECK that your program is sending (ie, somewhere you're unchecking the button programatically).
Any chance your code ever checks the Windows version number? I've been burned a few times with an == where I should have used a >= to ensure version checking compatibility.
Do you sub-class any controls? I don't remember, but it seems to me there were a few ways sub-classing could go wrong (and the effects weren't immediately noticeable until newer versions of Windows rolled in).
Owner-drawing the control? It's really easy to for the owner-draw to not work with newer Windows GUI styles.
Working with old code like that, the memories come back to me in bits and pieces, rather than a flood, so it usually takes some time before it dawns on me what I was doing back then.
If you just want to get the program running to use it, might I suggest "compatibility mode".
However, if you have a larger, expected useful life of the software, you might want to consider rewriting it. Rewriting it is not anywhere near the complexity or work of the initial write because of a few factors:
Developing the requirements of a program is a substantial part of the required work in making a software package (the requirements are already done)
A lot of the code is already written and only parts may need to be slightly refactored in order to be updated
New library components may be more stable alternatives to parts of the existing codebase
You'll learn how to write current applications with current library facilities
You'll have an opportunity to comment or just generally refactor and cleanup the code (thus making it more maintainable for the anticipated, extended life)
The codebase will be more maintainable/compatible going forward for additional changes in both requirements and operating systems (both because it's updated and because you've had the opportunity to re-understand the entire codebase)
Hope that helps...

What are the exit codes used by RASPHONE.exe?

Due to a major time constraint, need to stick with invoking rasphone.exe from my c program, rather than best approach of using RAS API's. From my code, when the rasphone pop's up a dialler window to the user, if the user click's on cancel button, i have to stop blocking another set of code.
Ultimately, i need to handle the rasphone returns to control my code flow based on the Success/Failure-Cancel. How to do this? Also, is there any other possibility for silent dialling without any popup?I hope no, as its discussed.
