Send data in MD5 format - md5

In my project there is a scenario that
user will log in -> browse some pages -> then he will click on the logout link .
to test this scenario in JMeter, I used CSV config so that I can test this scenario for 50 users. during logout, each user unique userid is sent as request in the MD5 format.
How can I sent the userid in MD5 format in JMeter?

You can easily use custom MD5 function from JMeter Plugins set.
This will look like ${__MD5(${username})}.
Here is also demo-script from plugin's author available, attached to conversation.

You can grab the dynamic user/session ID using a regex, then calculate the MD5 using BeanShell preprocessor. Some sample code is available here and there.

Actually MD5 function was removed, use __digest with MD5 as first parameter instead:
${__digest(MD5,Errare humanum est,,,)}
returns c49f00b92667a35c63708933384dad52


How do get the result from REST website that returns only text?

I'm trying to use a REST web service from When I try to manually put in the url with the parameters, it would only return the Country Code. I've tried to search for ways to implement it, but most of what I've seen return JSON text with multiple keys and data. I feel like the answer should be pretty simple, but I'm unsure.
I'm trying to use this for a React project I'm working on.
Here is an example of what the url returns
Just looked into the docs of that API, and it says if you want to receive JSON responses simply add JSON keyword to the endpoint. Like here for given endpoint you have:
so just change countryCode to countryCodeJSON.

LogicApps scenario log on, download, zip

I access a 3rd party website using forms authentication (username and password).
Once logged on I make a call to a HTTP endpoint and receive XML in the body. The XML contains 1000 XML elements. Within each element there is a text value, a code.
For each of these codes I make a further call to a different HTTP endpoint. The response is more XML.
When all 1000 responses have been received I would like to add all the XML responses as files to a zip container and make it available for download.
I would like to see how LogicApps could do this as quickly as possible.
Make the call to the first HTTP endpoint (auth set to basic auth with user/pass inputted)
Use the xpath(xml(<body var here>), '//elementNameHere') expression on the Body of the result from the call to get all the elements of the return value that have the code in it
Foreach over this return value and
make the HTTP call
append the result to an array variable, or concat on to a string variable.
Submit this value to blob storage
Because you're messing w/ vars in the foreach loop, though, you'll have to do it sequentially (set concurrency control on the Foreach Loop to 'on' and '1') else you could end up with a bad result.
I don't know of a way to "zip contents" here so you may have to send the result to an Azure Function that uses a .Net zip lib to do the work (or js zip lib, whatever your flavor) and does the put to blob storage for you.
This would also all be much easier in Durable Functions land, I encourage you to look in to that if you're so inclined.
One mild alternative you might consider is for step 3.2, instead upload that result to a blob storage container, then make the entire container available for download via an Azure Function call which gets the container & zips up the contents (or does the Blob Storage URL for a container do this for you already? not sure)

How secure is str(BlobKey)?

I have implemented a generic blob serving handler as mentioned in the appengine docs. The handler will serve any blob to you, as long as you know that blob's key string. I am using it to easily compose URLs that clients can use to download their files. If client A inspects the URL to download their file and finds their blob key (i.e. 1CX2kh468IDYKGcDUiq5c69u8BRXBtKBYcIaJkmSbSa4QY096gGVaYCZJjGZUpDz == str(BlobKey)), can they somehow reverse-engineer this key and easily construct another key that can be used to download client B's files? Or does the key have a random component added?
For reference, there is this note about str(db.Key), which is what raises my question:
Note: The string representation of a key looks cryptic, but is not
encrypted! It can be converted back to the raw key data, both kind and
identifier. If you don't want to expose this data to your users (and
allow them to easily guess other entities' keys), then encrypt these
strings or use something else.
I am creating the files like this, which does not specify a filename parameter, so I think the question boils down to, how does create() "pick" a filename when one is not specified? I suppose I could generate a random filename and pass it in here to be doubly sure this is secure.
file_name = files.blobstore.create(mime_type='application/octet-stream')
BlobKeys are non guessable. If a user has one key, that in no way enables them to guess another key. Unlike datastore keys, which contain full path information, BlobKeys do not encode any such data. You can share them safely without risk of a user doing an attack as you describe.
(I could not locate docs for these claims - this is based on my recollection.)
Assign a filename when creating a blob:
name = .....
file_name = files.blobstore.create(mime_type='application/octet-stream', _blobinfo_uploaded_filename=name)
And you do not need to use str(BlobKey). The BlobKey can be part of your serving url

Create SOLR index by parsing "content" via GET (URL)

is it possible to create a SOLR index by parsing the "content" to index via GET (URL)?
The examples I found allowed this only by reading the content directly from a file.
Thanks in advance!
Have a look at the Solr Data Import Handler - focusing on the XML/HTTP Datasource. If I understand correctly what you are asking this should be able to meets your needs.
you might be able to use curl to do that. The request should most probably be something like (untested):-
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/update?key1=val1&key2=val2'
and so on where key1 and key2 are the fields and val1 and val2 are their corresponding values. Do note though that you will need to send a commit command also to the above url after sending the above request.
You can also look at the following url :-
Search for the phrases 'Updating via GET' and 'Updating a Data Record via curl'

Receive multi file post with google app engine

I want to receive multi file post from image uploader.(i use this)
Most examples show how to receive one image from post.
I tried many ways but never got the results.
For example
gives only first filename.
What to do when there are multiple files/images in post?
The reason for this is to resize before upload images, that are too big for google app engine
to upload.
[('Filename', 'camila1.jpg'),
('Filedata[]', FieldStorage('Filedata[]', 'camila1.jpg')),
('Upload', 'Submit Query\r\n--negpwjpcenudkacqrxpleuuubfqqftwm----negpwjpcenudkacqrxpleuuubfqqftwm\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="Filename"\r\n\r\nbornToBeWild1.jpg'),
('Filedata[]', FieldStorage('Filedata[]', 'bornToBeWild1.jpg')),
('Upload', 'Submit Query')]}
Your flash uploader is designed to work with PHP and sends multiple Filedata[] fields (php interprets this as an array for easy access)
So you need to iterate and get them all:
def post(self):
for file_data in self.request.POST.getall('Filedata[]'):
data should be file_data.value
Are you using the Django libraries available to you? If so, check this out.
Call self.request.POST.getall('Filename') to get a list of FieldStorage objects; each one contains one file. You can access the file data with .value, the name with .name, and the mimetype with .type.
I have no idea how that multi uploader works, I have made one in the past however and I just added a number on the end of input field name, then hide it. Then add a new file input field to add another file. The reason for this is that they don't let you play around with input file fields to much because you could make it upload files they didn't want you uploading.
Using my conventions, in your example the 2 files in your example would be "Filename0" and "Filename1". You could also use firebug to see what it renaming the input file fields to.
Edit: I had a look, and it's using flash. So i have no idea how it works.
