Service Broker configuration - sql-server

I have configured Service Broker communication between two SQL Server 2008 instances using Windows authentication. I am sending a message from Initiator Service to Target Service and then ending the conversation in the target. Since target is not sending a reply message back to initiator, does the Target Instance need to have any Route configured for sending system generated acknowledgement messages to Initiator? Can I only rely on conversation handle in Target instance to communicate back to Initiator?
Thanks in advance.

A route is always needed in both directions. Even if you never send messages explicitly from the target, the target still needs to send implicit acknowledgements for each message received.
But in your case you are sending an explicit message: END CONVERSATION sends an message.


SQL Server Service Broker not sending messages, unable to start endpoint

I had a perfectly working SQL Server Service Broker this morning, until I tested how it recovers from crashing.
I forced a system shutdown on the sender during a messaging session between servers over a network. I was sending binary messages of about 5mb size. There are automatic procedures for sending, replying and receiving messages and ending conversations from both sides in place and my setup uses certificates for security.
I am now unable to send any messages from the server side.
Both sides of the messaging chain have queues on and it does not seem like poison message handling would be causing this. The sender side accepts new messages but is not sending them.
The sender side transmission queue has messages with transmission_status
The Service Broker endpoint cannot listen for connections due to the following error: '10013(An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.)'.
Running ALTER ENDPOINT myendpoint STATE = STARTED returns the same error as above.
Running select * from sys.endpoints shows the endpoint with state_desc = STARTED anyhow..
Running select state_desc from [sender_database].sys.conversation_endpoints shows state_desc = CONVERSING for all results.
Running SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.sender_queue returns 0.
There is no other traffic to the port my endpoint is using, at least not any that is visible with netstat or the TCPView tool. The ports have rules to allow traffic from the firewall and sqlagent and sqlsrvr processes also have extra rules to be allowed.
Using ssbdiagnose tool with ssbdiagnose -level info configuration from service... from the sender side shows a (not new) error
The route for service sender_service is classified as REMOTE. This will result in the message being forwarded.
along with some other errors about certificates that have always been there even when messaging was working. Ssbdiagnose with RUNTIME flag shows nothing at all.
Ssbdiagnose from the target side now says an exception occurs during connection. The target database also has a couple of reply messages stuck in the transmission queue with an empty transmission_status.
Edit: Seems that occasionally the status on the target side changes to the error 10060 connection failed...
What more can I do to diagnose the problem and fix it?
Edit: I tried changing the port the endpoint uses but the same error is thrown.
Edit: I am able to ping the servers from each other. Ssbdiagnose with RUNTIME option on target side says it cannot find the connection to the SQL Server that corresponds to the routing address of my sender endpoint/database.
The Service Broker endpoint cannot listen for connections due to the following error: '10013(An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.)'
WSAEACCESS (10013) is a rather unusual socket listen error. I never encountered it before. A quick search reveals KB3039044: Error 10013 (WSAEACCES) is returned when a second bind to a excluded port fails in Windows which is an acknowledged bug in Windows Server 2008R2, 2012 and 2012R2 when excluding a range of ports (netsh ... add excludedportrange ...). So my first question is, are you on one of the affected server OSes and are you actually using a network port exclusion range?
I strongly urge you to open a Microsoft support case for this issue and follow up with them, making sure networking guys are involved (again, WSAEACCESS is rather unusual symptom). This is not one of the usual issues and it is difficult to diagnose over forums discussion.

The server DISCONNECT and I receive LWT message?

Isn't if the server did not receive any messages from the client within the (1.5) * KeepAlivetime and the client did not send any PINGREQ within the aforementioned period, the server should DISCONNECT?
If yes, why I am receiving LWT message which is should not be received as DISCONNECT occures?
Last will and Testement will be sent if the client does not explicitly disconnect it's self.
If the broker disconnects the client due to a ping time out then the LWT will be sent, this is the specific reason why the LWT feature exists.
Or do you mean your now disconnected client is receiving it's own LWT?

MQTT recv from a publish and mqtt ping C

i've got this problem, in a test program, where i'm developing a client for MQTT, i'm subscribed on a topic, after that, i wait for "publish" message from the server to my client.
After a good recv (of a publish message) or after a recv timeout i send a mqtt PINGREQ to the server.
After a A PINGREQ i'm going to wait a PINGRESP, then i call a recv as in the case I were waiting for a PUBLISH message.
If the flow is this:
Client -> PINGREQ
Server -> PUBLISH
Server -> PINGRESP
Than the server publish message were lost. How to solve this? I'm using MQTT at QOS 0, it make sense solve this problem on this level of QOS or instead is smart to check this case at QOS1?
I think you've got things a bit confused. PINGREQ/PINGRESP are used when there isn't any other network traffic passing between the client and server, in order to let both the client and server know if the connection drops.
Your client should keep track of the when the last outgoing or incoming communication with the server was, and send a PINGREQ if it is going to exceed the keepalive timer it set with its CONNECT command. The server will disconnect the client at 1.5*keepalive if no communication is received. The client should assume the server has been disconnected if it does not receive a PINGRESP in response to its PINGREQ within keepalive of sending the PINGREQ.
The QoS level isn't that important, you have to ensure the keepalive timeout is maintained regardless.
It also occurs to me that it sounds like you're using blocking network calls - it might be best to move to non-blocking if you can to get more flexibility.

SQL Server Event Notifications & Service Broker - minimum req'd for multiple servers?

I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to send SQL Server Event Notifications to a separate server using service broker. I've built an endpoint on each server, a queue on each server, working on Dialogs and Contracts and activation... but do I need any of that?
CREATE EVENT NOTIFICATION says it can send the notification XML to a "target service" - so could I just create a contract on the "sending" server that points to a queue on a "receiving server", and use activation there?
Or do I need to have it send to a local queue and then forward on to the receiving server's queue? Thanks!
You can target the remote service, but you have to have the ROUTEs defined for bidirectional communication so that you get the Acknowledgement message back. I once had a script for creating a centralized processing server for all Event Notifications, and the other servers targeted it's service. If I can find it I'll post it on my blog and update this with a link.

SQL Server Message Broker - External Activation

I have a Sql Server inside a restricted network. I need to somehow get data from the outside in.
I would like to harness the use of Message Broker. My thinking is the external db places a message on a queue then I require a service that sits inside of the restricted LAN to listen (poll?) for these messages and then act upon them.
I cannot have the external queue initiate the normal broker conversation into the restricted LAN.
My question is should I be looking at the broker external activator to sit inside the restricted LAN and listen for new messages and then act upon them? Has anyone got any experience with this. Documentation / examples for external activator are pretty thin on the ground and monologues are not supported in message broker yet.
Is msmq a better option?
My recommendation would be to allow Service Broker to deliver the message all the way into the SQL Server instance inside the restricted lan. That will require the restricted LAN to allow incomming connection (allow the inside server to listen and accept). MSMQ would be no different, the MSMQ port(s) would have to be open in the restricted LAN.
If you want to use a dedicated process inside the restricted LAN that 'gets' the data inside then you must ensure the transactional consistency between the external server 'get' and the internal server write: the two operation have to be enrolled into a distributed transaction and the DTC protocol itself needs to be allowed to penetrate into the restricted LAN. So some ports still need to be open in the restricted LAN.
What your LAN security designers need to understand is that Service Broker connections are not Transact-SQL connections. Service Broker uses a dedicated protocol that only allows exchange of Service Broker messages. All traffic is encrypted and secured with RC4 or AES encryption. SSB cryptography is FIPS compliant. Allowing for Service Broker traffic to the SQL Server inside is probably the most secure way of allowing data from the external server to reach the secured server. In Service Broker networking there is no concept of 'client' and 'server' and one cannot design the network allowing connections only in one dirrection (eg. unlike say HTTP, which can be designed to connect from inside to outside but not the other way). SSB networking requires both machines involved to be able to connect to each other, because response messages can come after long delays (hours, days, consider the case when a queue is backed up so it takes a long time until the message is processed and a response is sent). IS not feasable to keep connecitons open for days to expect a response, so the receiver of a message must be able to connect back to the sender to deliver a response.
