Select query optimisation - database

I have a large table with ID, date, and some other columns. ID is indexed and sequential.
I want to select all rows after a certain date. Given that the IDs are sequential, if the rows are ordered by ID in decreasing order, once the first row that fails the date test there's no need to carry on checking. How can I make use of the index to optimise this?

You could do something like this:
With FirstFailDate AS
-- You start by selecting the first fail date
-- Then, you join your table with the first fail date, and get all the records
-- that are before this date (by ID)
JOIN FirstFailDate f
ON f.ID > t.ID

I don't think there is a good "legal" way to do this without actually indexing date.
However, you could try something like this:
Issue the following query to the DBMS: SELECT * FROM YOUR_TABLE ORDER BY ID DESC.
Start fetching the rows in your client application.
As you fetch, check the date.
Stop fetching (and close the cursor) when the date passes the limit.
The idea is that DBMS sometimes doesn't have to finish the whole query before starting to send the partial results to the client. In this case, the hope is that the DBMS will perform an index scan on ID (due to the ORDER BY ID DESC), and you'll be able get the results as it happens and then stop it before it has even finished.
NOTE: If your DBMS gives you an option to balance between getting the first row fast, versus getting the whole result fast, pick the first option (such as /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ hint under Oracle).
Of course, perform measurements on realistic amounts of data, to make sure this actually works in your particular situation.


SQL Server: Slowly Changing Dimension Type 2 on historical records

I am trying to set up a SCD of Type 2 for historical records within my Customer table. Attached is how the Customer table is set up alongside the expected outcome. Note that the Customer table in practice has 2 million distinct Customer IDs. I tried to use the query below, but the Start_Date and End_Date are repeating for each row.
SELECT t.Customer_ID, t.Lifecyle_ID, t.Date As Start_Date,
LEAD(t.Date) OVER (ORDER BY t.Date) AS End_Date
FROM Customer AS t
I think a three step query is likely needed.
Use LEAD and LAG, partitioned by Customer and ordered by date, to peek at the next row's values for both Date and Lifecycle.
Use a CASE statement to emit a value for End Date when the current row's Lifecycle <> the next row's lifecycle (otherwise emit NULL). Now do the same using LAG for the Effective Date.
Group By or Distinct on the output from Step #2.
Hopefully that makes sense. I'll try to post a code example later today, but hopefully that's enough to get you started.

how to select first rows distinct by a column name in a sub-query in sql-server?

Actually I am building a Skype like tool wherein I have to show last 10 distinct users who have logged in my web application.
I have maintained a table in sql-server where there is one field called last_active_time. So, my requirement is to sort the table by last_active_time and show all the columns of last 10 distinct users.
There is another field called WWID which uniquely identifies a user.
I am able to find the distinct WWID but not able to select the all the columns of those rows.
I am using below query for finding the distinct wwid :
select distinct(wwid) from(select top 100 * from dbo.rvpvisitors where last_active_time!='' order by last_active_time DESC) as newView;
But how do I find those distinct rows. I want to show how much time they are away fromm web apps using the diff between curr time and last active time.
I am new to sql, may be the question is naive, but struggling to get it right.
If you are using proper data types for your columns you won't need a subquery to get that result, the following query should do the trick
,MAX([last_active_time]) AS [last_active_time]
FROM [dbo].[rvpvisitors]
[last_active_time] != ''
[last_active_time] DESC
If the column [last_active_time] is of type varchar/nvarchar (which probably is the case since you check for empty strings in the WHERE statement) you might need to use CAST or CONVERT to treat it as an actual date, and be able to use function like MIN/MAX on it.
In general I would suggest you to use proper data types for your column, if you have dates or timestamps data use the "date" or "datetime2" data types
The query aggregates the data based on the column [wwid], and for each returns the maximum [last_active_time].
The result is then sorted and filtered.
In order to add more columns "as-is" (without aggregating them) just add them in the SELECT and GROUP BY sections.
If you need more aggregated columns add them in the SELECT with the appropriate aggregation function (MIN/MAX/SUM/etc)
I suggest you have a look at GROUP BY on W3
To know more about the "execution order" of the instruction you can have a look here
You can solve problem like this by rank ordering the results by a key and finding the last x of those items, this removes duplicates while preserving the key order.
WITH RankOrdered AS
wwidRank = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY wwid ORDER BY last_active_time DESC )
SELECT TOP(10) * FROM RankOrdered WHERE wwidRank = 1
If my understanding is right, below query will give the desired output.
You can have conditions according to your need.
select top 10 distinct wwid from dbo.rvpvisitors order by last_active_time desc

PostgreSQL Inserted rows differ from select

I have a problem with an INSERT in PostgreSQL. I have this query:
INSERT INTO track_segments(tid, gdid1, gdid2, distance, speed)
pga.tid as ntid,
pga.gdid as gdid1, pgb.gdid as gdid2,
ST_Distance(pga.geopoint, pgb.geopoint) AS segdist,
(ST_Distance(pga.geopoint, pgb.geopoint) / EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (pgb.timestamp - pga.timestamp + interval '0.1 second'))) as speed
FROM fl_pure_geodata AS pga
LEFT OUTER JOIN fl_pure_geodata AS pgb ON (pga.timestamp < pgb.timestamp AND pga.tid = pgb.tid)
ORDER BY pga.gdid ASC) AS sq
to fill a table with pairwise connected segements of geopoints. When I run the SELECT alone I get the correct pairs, but when I use it in the statement above, then some are paired the wrong way or not at all. Here's what I mean:
result of SELECT alone:
result after INSERT with the same SELECT:
What be the cause of that? It's exactly the same SELECT statement for the INSERT, so why does it give different results?
DISTINCT ON (pga.gdid) can pick any row from a set with equal pga.gdid. You can get different result even by execution the same query for several times. Add additional ordering to get consistent results. something like: pga.gdid ASC, pgb.gdid ASC
BTW You may want to order by pga.gdid ASC, pgb.timestamp - pga.timestamp ASC to get the "next" point.
BTW2 It may be easier to use lead() or lag() window functions to calculate differences between current row and next/previous. This way you wont need a self join and will likely get better performance.
You are ordering your query results only by the column pga.gdid, which is the same in all the rows, so postgres will order the results in a different way each time you do the select query.

Show records where most recent 'x' records meet criteria

Here's a simplified SQLFiddle example of data
Basically, I'm looking to identify records in a login audit table where the most recent records for each user has 'x' (let's say 3, for this example) number of failed logins
I am able to get this data for individual users by doing a SELECT TOP 3 and ordering by the log date in descending order and evaluating those records, but I know there's got to be a better way to do this.
I have tried a few queries using ROW_NUMBER(), partitioning by UserName and Success and ordering by LogDate, but I can't quite get it to do what I want. Essentially, every time a successful login occurs, I want the failed login counter to be reset.
try this code:
select * from (
select distinct a.UserName,
(select sum(cast(Success as int)) from (
SELECT TOP 3 Success --- here 3, change it to your number
FROM tbl as b
WHERE b.UserName=a.UserName
) as q
having count(*) >= 3 --- this string need to remove users who made less then 3 attempts
) as cnts
from tbl as a
) as q2
where q2.cnts=0
it shows users with all last 3 attempts failed, with different modifications, you can use this approach to identify how many success/fail attempts where done during last N rows
NOTE: this query works, but it is not the optimal way, from tbl as a should be changed to table where only users are stored, so you will be able to get rid of distinct, also - store users ID instead of username in tbl

SQL Server 2005 SELECT TOP 1 from VIEW returns LAST row

I have a view that may contain more than one row, looking like this:
[rate] | [vendorID]
8374 1234
6523 4321
5234 9374
In a SPROC, I need to set a param equal to the value of the first column from the first row of the view. something like this:
DECLARE #rate int;
SET #rate = (select top 1 rate from vendor_view where vendorID = 123)
SELECT #rate
But this ALWAYS returns the LAST row of the view.
In fact, if I simply run the subselect by itself, I only get the last row.
With 3 rows in the view, TOP 2 returns the FIRST and THIRD rows in order. With 4 rows, it's returning the top 3 in order. Yet still top 1 is returning the last.
This works..
DECLARE #rate int;
CREATE TABLE #temp (vRate int)
INSERT INTO #temp (vRate) (select rate from vendor_view where vendorID = 123)
SET #rate = (select top 1 vRate from #temp)
SELECT #rate
.. but can someone tell me why the first behaves so fudgely and how to do what I want? As explained in the comments, there is no meaningful column by which I can do an order by. Can I force the order in which rows are inserted to be the order in which they are returned?
[EDIT] I've also noticed that: select top 1 rate from ([view definition select]) also returns the correct values time and again.[/EDIT]
That is by design.
If you don't specify how the query should be sorted, the database is free to return the records in any order that is convenient. There is no natural order for a table that is used as default sort order.
What the order will actually be depends on how the query is planned, so you can't even rely on the same query giving a consistent result over time, as the database will gather statistics about the data and may change how the query is planned based on that.
To get the record that you expect, you simply have to specify how you want them sorted, for example:
select top 1 rate
from vendor_view
where vendorID = 123
order by rate
I ran into this problem on a query that had worked for years. We upgraded SQL Server and all of a sudden, an unordered select top 1 was not returning the final record in a table. We simply added an order by to the select.
My understanding is that SQL Server normally will generally provide you the results based on the clustered index if no order by is provided OR off of whatever index is picked by the engine. But, this is not a guarantee of a certain order.
If you don't have something to order off of, you need to add it. Either add a date inserted column and default it to GETDATE() or add an identity column. It won't help you historically, but it addresses the issue going forward.
While it doesn't necessarily make sense that the results of the query should be consistent, in this particular instance they are so we decided to leave it 'as is'. Ultimately it would be best to add a column, but this was not an option. The application this belongs to is slated to be discontinued sometime soon and the database server will not be upgraded from SQL 2005. I don't necessarily like this outcome, but it is what it is: until it breaks it shall not be fixed. :-x
