How to add full curl effect in Modal Segue's transition? - segue

I want curly effects like iBook pages.
How to do it using Segue with storyboard?

you should make use of the UIPageViewController.
This allows you exactly to utilize the iBook-like curl effects, however IMHO it has to be done programmatically.
You could use this tutorial for a good start:


How can I get the equivalent of Svelte's #debug in React?
Occasionally, it's useful to inspect a piece of data as it flows through your app.
One approach is to use console.log(...) inside your markup. If you want to pause execution, though, you can use the {#debug ...} tag with a comma-separated list of values you want to inspect
I've been messing around with the React dev tools to find out where a state change is coming from but I can't find it. Instead of putting debugger after every thing that even looks sideways at the state I'd like to find a better solution.
Is there some sort of "stop on all changes to this variable" in React Devtools?
We are using hooks, not redux.

Hidden time for angular-bootstrap-calendar

Here is a pretty clean and easy to use calendar made in Angularjs.
For now, the events always have time, but I don't want to use it. How to hidden it?
I think you can custom it via:

Cakephp custom URL using Route

I would like to format my URL like so:
I would like to achieve this result by using as less code as possible (perhaps only from routes.php?), without modifying how the PaginatorHelper behaves.
Thank you for your help!
You can accomplish this with:
form posts instead of gets (requires altering the pagination
But I would advise against it. This is designed for good usability. If you change it, It will make your site less user friendly than you may want it to be. I know I would be frustrated trying to jump to a specific page only to find out I have to click my way to page 35. Yuck!

extjs - dot notation to bracket {} notation?

not sure that that is a good title ...
I can get code behind a button to:
TabBar.activeTab.setTitle("New Tab");
but I need to do something like:
TabBar.activeTab.items = { title: "New Tab"
so I can eventually automate several tab properties in a loop:
TabBar.activeTab.items = { [key]: [value]
Am I correct in thinking config and items can only be used on construct()? Is there a way of doing the above? tia.
It depends on the implementation of the component and config property in question whether it can simply be set or requires a method call to be applied.
You are correct that in ExtJs many config properties are interpreted at construction time. Some are interpreted at render time. Once an Ext.Component is rendered almost all properties require an explicit method call to be applied correctly.
In general, I recommend to always use a method call to change a property after construction time if available in order to not break the inner workings of the component. If you look at the implementation of Ext.panel.Panel#setTitle you can see that there is a lot of stuff going on under the hood, e.g. event firing, etc.
ExtJs 4 configuration
Ext 4 introduced an explicit 'config' mechanism that might serve your purpose. However, my understanding is that most ExtJs components are not (yet?) using it.
Check out '2. Configuration' in the ExtJs Class System Guide
Create objects from xtype/config literals
If you want to add new components to a container (e.g. tabs to a tab panel) it would be rather easy to accomplish.
Use Ext.ComponentManager#create (see [docs][2]) to create an actual component object/instance from your config literal.
Ext.container.Container#add actually calls this method internally, so you can simply pass config objects to the add method.
If you want to remove or add tabs to a panel, there is now way around calling the proper methods.
Of course you could always implement your own applyConfig method that supports changing certain component configuration properties at runtime by 'translating' the config into the proper method calls.

Preferred way of creating links with backbone.js

I'm trying to wrap my head around backbone.js but I'm finding it hard due to the lack of (IMO) good examples.
First of all, what is the best way of getting a link to an object.
If I want to get the edit url of an Album model I could do album.url() + '/edit', is this really the best way?
Also, I'm trying to make my application work 100% without javascript so I don't want my URLs/links to say /albums/#1/edit, I want it to be /albums/1/edit and override this in JS.
I'm thinking I create normal URLs and use to call router.navigate in backbone.js
I never got this to work however, when I call router.navigate('/albums/2', true) the URL changes but my show action is never called. If I refresh it's called so the route is matched.
What am I missing?
The basic answer, which is kind of frustrating, is "there is no preferred way!". Backbone.js doesn't tell you how to set up links, you can do it any way you like. I found this flexibility just as annoying as you do, at least at first.
So here's the way I'm approaching this on my current project, with the (big) caveat that this is just one of many ways to do things in Backbone:
For the most part, I don't use actual links. There's no explicit reason not to, but it means you have to keep track of a bunch of URL strings that have to be consistent. I would rather stick all the URL formatting in my routers and not deal with it elsewhere.
To open a new "top-level" view, like an editing screen, I set something that fires an event. In the application I'm currently working on, I have a global State model, and to open a new view I call state.set({ topview: MyTopView }). This causes the state object to trigger change:topview.
Any piece of the UI that needs to change when the top-level view changes has an update method bound to change:topview. When the event fires, they look at state.get('topview') and update as necessary.
I treat my routers as only marginally specialized parts of the UI - they're essentially views that render in the browser address bar, rather than the window. Like other views, they update the state object on UI events (i.e. a new URL), and like other views, they listen to the state object for changes that cause them to update. The logic that the editing screen has the URL albums/<albumid>/edit is fully encapsulated in the router, and I don't refer to it anywhere else.
This works well for me, but it adds an entirely new pattern, the global State object, to the Backbone structure, so I can hardly call this the "preferred" approach.
Update: Also note that .url(), in the Backbone idiom, refers to the model's URL in the back-end API, not the front-end URL (it's not like Django's get_absolute_url). There is no method in the default Backbone setup that gives you a user-facing URL for your model - you'd have to write this yourself.
Also, I'm trying to make my application work 100% without javascript; so I don't want my URLs/links to say /albums/#1/edit, I want it to be /albums/1/edit and override this in JS.
you can do exactly this w/ pushState. just enable it in your Backbone.history.start call:
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true})
this tells Backbone to use the HTML5 History API (a.k.a. "PushState"), which uses full URLs exactly like you're wanting.
read up on the history api here:
and I wrote up a 2 part series on using pushstate w/ the second part focusing on progressive enhancement in backbone, to do what you're needing:
hope that helps :)
