time() and context switching - c

I am more or less wondering how time() is implemented in the C standard library and what would happen in the situation described below. Although this time is most-likely negligible, consider a situation where you have a hard-limit on time and no control over the CPU scheduler (assume that it is a "good" scheduler for a general-purpose CPU).
Now, if I use time() to calculate my execution time of a particular section of code and use this time subtracted from some maximum bound to determine some other time-dependent variable, how would this variable be skewed based on context-switches? I know we could use nice and other tools (i.e. custom scheduler, etc.) to be certain we get full CPU usage when we need it, however, I am wondering how this works in general for similar situations as this and what side-effects exist due to the system's choices.

time is supposed to measure wall-time. I.e., it gives the current time, regardless of how much or little your process has run.
If you want to measure cpu time, you should use clock instead (though some vendors such as MS implement it wrong, so it does wall time also).
Of course, there are also other tools to retrieve CPU usage, such as times on Unix-like systems or GetProcessTimes on Windows. Most people find these more useful despite the reduced portability.


Are two successive calls to getrusage guaranteed to produce increasing results?

In a program that calls getrusage() twice in order to obtain the time of a task by subtraction, I have once seen an assertion, saying that the time of the task should be nonnegative, fail. This, of course, cannot easily be reproduced, although I could write a specialized program that might reproduce it more easily.
I have tried to find a guarantee that getrusage() increased along execution, but neither the man page on my system(Linux on x86-64) nor this system-independant description say so explicitly.
The behavior was observed on a physical computer, with several cores, and NTP running.
Should I report a bug against the OS I am using? Am I asking too much when I expect getrusage() to increase with time?
On many systems rusage (I presume you mean ru_utime and ru_stime) is not calculated accurately, it's just sampled once per clock tick which is usually as slow as 100Hz and sometimes even slower.
Primary reason for that is that many machines have clocks that are incredibly expensive to read and you don't want to do this accounting (you'd have to read the clock twice for every system call). You could easily end up spending more time reading clocks than doing anything else in programs that do many system calls.
The counters should never go backwards though. I've seen that many years ago where the total running time of the process was tracked on context switches (which was relatively cheap and getrusge could calculate utime by using samples for stime, and subtracting that from the total running time). The clock used in that case was the wall clock instead of a monotonic clock and when you changed the time on the machine, the running time of processes could go back. But that was of course a bug.

Is there a way to suspend OS scheduling for the duration of a program?

I have an assignment where I am analyzing the runtime of various sorting algorithms. I have written the code but I think it's an unfair comparison.
My code basically grabs the the clock time before and after the sorting is finished to compute the elapsed time. However, what if the OS decides to interrupt more frequently during the runtime of a specific sorting algorithm, or if it rather decides that some other background application should be given more of the time domain when it's thread comes back up?
I am not a CS major so I may not be entirely correct here, but from what I've read previously I was concerned this might have an impact on the results.
I also realize that if OS scheduling is suspended and the program hangs then there might be a serious problem; I am just wondering if it possible.
Normally, there's no real reason for it. The scheduler will slightly increase the execution time, but if the code runs for a few seconds, the change will be tiny.
So unless you're running heavy applications on the same computer, the amount of noise this will add to your tests is negligible.
In Linux, you can use isolcpus parameter to mark CPUs that won't be used by the scheduler. You can find information here. I'm not sure what's the minimal kernel version.
If you use it, you'll need to use sched_setaffinity, to put your theread on an isolated CPU, because the scheduler won't put it there.
It is not possible, not in user space code. Otherwise, any malicious process could steal the CPU from others.
If you want precise time counting for your process only, I suggest using time command. You can read about it here: What do 'real', 'user' and 'sys' mean in the output of time(1)?
Quick answer: you are most likely interested in user time, assuming your code doesn't make a heavy use of syscalls (which would be rather strange for a sorting algorithm)
On an up-to-date POSIX system (basically Linux) you can use clock_gettime with CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID or CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID if you make sure the process doesn't migrate between CPUs (you can set its affinity for example).
The difference in times returned by clock_gettime with those arguments results in exact time the process/thread spent executing. Only pitfall as I mentioned is process migration as the man page says:
The CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID and CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID clocks are realized on many platforms using timers from the CPUs (TSC on i386, AR.ITC on Itanium). These registers may differ between CPUs and as a consequence these clocks may return bogus results if a process is migrated to another CPU.
This means that you don't really need to suspend all other processes just to measure the execution time of your program.

How to retrieve the current processor time in Linux?

I am using C language and Linux as my programming platform in embedded device.
My question is, how to correctly retrieve the current processor time(tick). I am using clock() function in time.h and it seems I am getting inconsistent value.
The clock() function measures the CPU time consumed by your process. It doesn't increment while your process is sleeping or blocked.
If you want a high resolution clock that advances continually, use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ..).
I am not real clear on what, specifically, you are asking. If you want another method to get the time your process is using, I often use getitimer() / setitimer() with ITIMER_PROF versus ITIMER_REAL. I find that can be a bit quirky, however.
You may be interested in the LWN article "The trouble with TSC", and the attached comments. While gettimeofday and clock_gettime seem to be the correct thing to go to, there's a lot to consider: performance may vary, there may be consistency issues between different CPUs in multithreaded or multiprocess programs, and the presence of e.g. NTP can mutate the clock value (CLOCK_MONOTONIC will not be affected by NTP, but others may).
Be careful, and make sure you read up on whatever you pursue to make sure it fits your requirements. If you're lucky you're on a fixed hardware and library platform, or you can afford some kinds of inaccuracy or imprecision.

Measuring CPU clocks consumed by a process

I have written a program in C. Its a program created as result of a research. I want to compute exact CPU cycles which program consumes. Exact number of cycles.
Any idea how can I find that?
The valgrind tool cachegrind (valgrind --tool=cachegrind) will give you a detailed output including the number of instructions executed, cache misses and branch prediction misses. These can be accounted down to individual lines of assembler, so in principle (with knowledge of your exact architecture) you could derive precise cycle counts from this output.
Know that it will change from execution to execution, due to cache effects.
The documentation for the cachegrind tool is here.
No you can't. The concept of a 'CPU cycle' is not well defined. Modern chips can run at multiple clock rates, and different parts of them can be doing different things at different times.
The question of 'how many total pipeline steps' might in some cases be meaningful, but there is not likely to be a way to get it.
Try OProfile. It use various hardware counters on the CPU to measure the number of instructions executed and how many cycles have passed. You can see an example of it's use in the article, Memory part 7: Memory performance tools.
I am not entirely sure that I know exactly what you're trying to do, but what can be done on modern x86 processors is to read the time stamp counter (TSC) before and after the block of code you're interested in. On the assembly level, this is done using the RDTSC instruction, which gives you the value of the TSC in the edx:eax register pair.
Note however that there are certain caveats to this approach, e.g. if your process starts out on CPU0 and ends up on CPU1, the result you get from RDTSC will refer to the specific processor core that executed the instruction and hence may not be comparable. (There's also the lack of instruction serialisation with RDTSC, but in this context here, I don't think that's so much of an issue.)
Sorry, but no, at least not for most practical purposes -- it's simply not possible with most normal OSes. Just for example, quite a few OSes don't do a full context switch to handle an interrupt, so the time spent servicing a interrupt can and often will appear to be time spent in whatever process was executing when the interrupt occurred.
The "not for practical purposes" would indicate the possibility of running your program under a cycle accurate simulator. These are available, but mostly for CPUs used primarily in real-time embedded systems, NOT for anything like a full-blown PC. Worse, they (generally) aren't for running anything like a full-blown OS, but for code that runs on the "bare metal."
In theory, you might be able to do something with a virtual machine running something like Windows or Linux -- but I don't know of any existing virtual machine that attempts to, and it would be decidedly non-trivial and probably have pretty serious consequences in performance as well (to put it mildly).

Are high resolution calls to get the system time wrong by the time the function returns?

Given a C process that runs at the highest priority that requests the current time, Is the time returned adjusted for the amount of time the code takes to return to the user process space? Is it out of date when you get it? As a measurement taking the execution time of known number of assembly instructions in a loop and asking for the time before and after it could give you an approximation of the error. I know this must be an issue in scientific applications? I don't plan to write software involving any super colliders any time in the near future. I have read a few articles on the subject but they do not indicate that any correction is made to make the time given to you be slightly ahead of the time the system read in. Should I lose sleep over other things?
Yes, they are almost definitely "wrong".
For Windows, the timing functions do not take into account the time it takes to transition back to user mode. Even if this were taken into account, it can't correct if the function returns, and your code hits a page fault/gets swapped out/etc., before capturing the return value.
In general, when timing things you should snap a start and an end time around a large number of iterations to weed out these sort of uncertainties.
No, you should not lose sleep over this. No amount of adjustment or other software trickery will yield perfect results on a system with a pipelined processor with multi-layered memory access running a multi-tasking operating system with memory management, devices, interrupt handlers... Not even if your process has the highest priority.
Plus, taking the difference of two such times will cancel out the constant overhead, anyway.
Edit: I mean yes, you should lose sleep over other things :).
Yes, the answer you get will be off by a certain (smallish) amount; I have never heard of a timer function compensating for the average return time, because such a thing is nearly impossible to predict well. Such things are usually implemented by simply reading a register in the hardware and returning the value, or a version of it scaled to the appropriate timescale.
That said, I wouldn't lose sleep over this. The accepted way of keeping this overhead from affecting your measurements in any significant way is not to use these timers for short events. Usually, you will time several hundred, thousand, or million executions of the same thing, and divide by the number of executions to estimate the average time. Such a thing is usually more useful than timing a single instance, as it takes into account average cache behavior, OS effects, and so forth.
Most of the real world problems involving high resolution timers are used for profiling, in which the time is read once during START, and once more during FINISH. So most of the times ~almost~ the same amount of delay in involved in both START and FINISH. And hence it works fine.
Now, for nuclear reactors, WINDOWS or for that many other operating system with generic functions may not be suitable. I guess they use REAL TIME operating systems which might give a better accurate time values than desktop operating systems.
