Need recommendations on pushing the envelope with SqlBulkCopy on SQL Server - sql-server

I am designing an application, one aspect of which is that it is supposed to be able to receive massive amounts of data into SQL database. I designed the database stricture as a single table with bigint identity, something like this one:
field1, field2, ...
I will omit how am I intending to perform queries, since it is irrelevant to the question I have.
I have written a prototype, which inserts data into this table using SqlBulkCopy. It seemed to work very well in the lab. I was able to insert tens of millions records at a rate of ~3K records/sec (full record itself is rather large, ~4K). Since the only index on this table is autoincrementing bigint, I have not seen a slowdown even after significant amount of rows was pushed.
Considering that the lab SQL server was a virtual machine with relatively weak configuration (4Gb RAM, shared with other VMs disk sybsystem), I was expecting to get significantly better throughput on the physical machine, but it didn't happen, or lets say the performance increase was negligible. I could, maybe get 25% faster inserts on physical machine. Even after I configured 3-drive RAID0, which performed 3 times faster than a single drive (measured by a benchmarking software), I got no improvement. Basically: faster drive subsystem, dedicated physical CPU and double RAM almost didn't translate into any performance gain.
I then repeated the test using biggest instance on Azure (8 cores, 16Gb), and I got the same result. So, adding more cores did not change insert speed.
At this time I have played around with following software parameters without any significant performance gain:
Modifying SqlBulkInsert.BatchSize parameter
Inserting from multiple threads simultaneously, and adjusting # of threads
Using table lock option on SqlBulkInsert
Eliminating network latency by inserting from a local process using shared memory driver
I am trying to increase performance at least 2-3 times, and my original idea was that throwing more hardware would get tings done, but so far it doesn't.
So, can someone recommend me:
What resource could be suspected a bottleneck here? How to confirm?
Is there a methodology I could try to get reliably scalable bulk insert improvement considering there is a single SQL server system?
UPDATE I am certain that load app is not a problem. It creates record in a temporary queue in a separate thread, so when there is an insert it goes like this (simplified):
===>start logging time
int batchCount = (queue.Count - 1) / targetBatchSize + 1;
Enumerable.Range(0, batchCount).AsParallel().
WithDegreeOfParallelism(MAX_DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISM).ForAll(i =>
var batch = queue.Skip(i * targetBatchSize).Take(targetBatchSize);
var data = MYRECORDTYPE.MakeDataTable(batch);
var bcp = GetBulkCopy();
====> end loging time
timings are logged, and the part that creates a queue never takes any significant chunk
UPDATE2 I have implemented collecting how long each operation in that cycle takes and the layout is as follows:
queue.Skip().Take() - negligible
MakeDataTable(batch) - 10%
GetBulkCopy() - negligible
WriteToServer(data) - 90%
UPDATE3 I am designing for standard version of SQL, so I cannot rely on partitioning, since it's only available in Enterprise version. But I tried a variant of partitioning scheme:
created 16 filegroups (G0 to G15),
made 16 tables for insertion only (T0 to T15) each bound to its individual group. Tables are with no indexes at all, not even clustered int identity.
threads that insert data will cycle through all 16 tables each. This makes it almost a guarantee that each bulk insert operation uses its own table
That did yield ~20% improvement in bulk insert. CPU cores, LAN interface, Drive I/O were not maximized, and used at around 25% of max capacity.
UPDATE4 I think it is now as good as it gets. I was able to push inserts to a reasonable speeds using following techniques:
Each bulk insert goes into its own table, then results are merged into main one
Tables are recreated fresh for every bulk insert, table locks are used
Used IDataReader implementation from here instead of DataTable.
Bulk inserts done from multiple clients
Each client is accessing SQL using individual gigabit VLAN
Side processes accessing the main table use NOLOCK option
I examined sys.dm_os_wait_stats, and sys.dm_os_latch_stats to eliminate contentions
I have a hard time to decide at this point who gets a credit for answered question. Those of you who don't get an "answered", I apologize, it was a really tough decision, and I thank you all.
UPDATE5: Following item could use some optimization:
Used IDataReader implementation from here instead of DataTable.
Unless you run your program on machine with massive CPU core count, it could use some re-factoring. Since it is using reflection to generate get/set methods, that becomes a major load on CPUs. If performance is a key, it adds a lot of performance when you code IDataReader manually, so that it is compiled, instead of using reflection

For recommendations on tuning SQL Server for bulk loads, see the Data Loading and Performance Guide paper from MS, and also Guidelines for Optimising Bulk Import from books online. Although they focus on bulk loading from SQL Server, most of the advice applies to bulk loading using the client API. This papers apply to SQL 2008 - you don't say which SQL Server version you're targetting
Both have quite a lot of information which it's worth going through in detail. However, some highlights:
Minimally log the bulk operation. Use bulk-logged or simple recovery.
You may need to enable traceflag 610 (but see the caveats on doing
Tune the batch size
Consider partitioning the target table
Consider dropping indexes during bulk load
Nicely summarised in this flow chart from Data Loading and Performance Guide:
As others have said, you need to get some peformance counters to establish the source of the bottleneck, since your experiments suggest that IO might not be the limitation.
Data Loading and Performance Guide includes a list of SQL wait types and performance counters to monitor (there are no anchors in the document to link to but this is about 75% through the document, in the section "Optimizing Bulk Load")
It took me a while to find the link, but this SQLBits talk by Thomas Kejser is also well worth watching - the slides are available if you don't have time to watch the whole thing. It repeats some of the material linked here but also covers a couple of other suggestions for how to deal with high incidences of particular performance counters.

It seems you have done a lot however I am not sure if you have had chance to study Alberto Ferrari SqlBulkCopy Performance Analysis report, which describes several factors to consider the performance related with SqlBulkCopy. I would say lots of things discussed in that paper is still worth trying to that would good to try first.

I am not sure why you are not getting 100% utilization on CPU, IO or memory. But if you simply want to improve your bulk load speeds, here is something to consider:
Partition you data file into different files. Or if they are coming from different sources, then simply create different data files.
Then run multiple bulk inserts simultaneously.
Depending on your situation the above may not be feasible; but if you can then I am sure it should improve your load speeds.


How can a very large table with a single integer primary key index be tuned for massive volume of inserts? [migrated]

This question was migrated from Stack Overflow because it can be answered on Database Administrators Stack Exchange.
Migrated 3 days ago.
SQL Server 2019 on Windows Server 2019, on KVM backed by TrueNAS, 16 cores, 32 GB RAM.
Application runs 50 parallel threads all inserting into the same massive table.
This combination appears to work against the SQL Server architecture
Additional details
the problem table is both deep and wide - 20,000,000 rows with over 300 columns and 40-50 indexes
The application uses JDBC Batch API's. This particular table, due to row size, is inserting in batches of 1,000 rows.
Tables with more reasonable row sizes are inserting in batches of 10,000 rows
I can't share the actual DDL, but it's pretty mundane apart from the row simply being massive (a surrogate key BIGINT ID column, two natural key VARCHAR columns, 300 or so cargo columns, 0 BLOB/CLOB columns, then 40-50 indexes)
The primary key index DDL is "create unique index mytable_pk on dbo.mytable (keycolumn);"
The only other unique index DDL is "create unique index mytable_ndx1 on dbo.mytable (division, itemnum)";
The product that owns the database is used by hundreds of fortune 2000 customers, so changing hte data model is not an option for me or the product vendor.
Since the database is ultimately a third party's, any changes I make
to it must be in-place. Once the data is inserted into it, I no
longer have any access to it.
The database is owned by a third party
off-the-shelf application.
the primary key is a sequential integer
Observations and metrics
Early in the process, we were bottlenecked on CPU resources.
Once we hit about 1,000,000 rows, we were single threading on latches, sometimes spending over two seconds in a latch, and rarely spending less than 500ms in a latch. Latching and IO buffer waits were both excessive. CPU dropped to about 12% usage.
In a second test, I dropped all of the indexes and re-ran the job. The job completed 8 times as quickly, showing zero load on the SQL server and bottlenecking on CPU on the application which is very good from the SQL Server perspective.
After reading Microsoft's literature, I came to the conclusion that the data model is working against SQL Server's indexing architecture for tuning for massive inserts.
I will not always have the option of dropping and recreating the indexes. Is there a way to tune the table to distribute the I/O
** Now to the real question **
Is there a way to tune SQL Server, under the covers, to distribute the IO so sequential numbers in an index not in the same buffer when doing massive inserts of sequential data?
There are several well-known approaches to addressing last page insert contention in SQL Server.
Many of these are covered in the documentation at Resolve last-page insert PAGELATCH_EX contention in SQL Server. Summarising the options from that link:
Move primary key off identity column
Make the leading key a non-sequential column
Add a non-sequential value as a leading key
Use a GUID as a leading key
Use table partitioning and a computed column with a hash value
Switch to In-Memory OLTP
Method 7 can also be implemented as an in-memory OLTP table to handle a high rate of ingestion with regular batch moves to the final destination table. For the very highest concurrency, use natively compiled code with the in-memory table as much as possible (including for the inserts). The frequency and size of moves is dictated by your requirements.
As mentioned in another answer, delayed durability can also improve insert performance in many cases.
Related Q & A: Solving periodic high PAGELATCH_EX Waits. Last page contention?
All that said, you haven't shown evidence of a last-page contention issue at all. More likely, you're encountering problems related to updating all those secondary indexes and a lack of memory on the instance meaning index maintenance often has to wait for pages to be brought in from storage for modification. You don't mention the type of latch you see waits on, but I imagine they'd be PAGEIOLATCH_*.
The primary solution would be to dramatically increase the memory available to SQL Server for its buffer pool so fewer IOs are necessary. Failing that, a faster storage subsystem would be required.
Have you tried using Delayed Durability?
When to use delayed transaction durability
Some of the cases in which you could benefit from using delayed transaction durability are:
You can tolerate some data loss.
If you can tolerate some data loss, for example, where individual records are not critical as long as you have most of the data, then delayed durability may be worth considering. If you cannot tolerate any data loss, do not use delayed transaction durability.
You are experiencing a bottleneck on transaction log writes.
If your performance issues are due to latency in transaction log writes, your application will likely benefit from using delayed transaction durability.
Your workloads have a high contention rate.
If your system has workloads with a high contention level much time is lost waiting for locks to be released. Delayed transaction durability reduces commit time and thus releases locks faster, which results in higher throughput.
The short answer to your "real question" is no because contiguous keys of a disk-based b-tree index must be stored in the same page.
I've never used SQL server, but your problem isn't specific to one database, so maybe this can still help.
When inserting a large number of rows per second the bottlenecks are either going to be parsing overhead (which can be parallelized), index updates (which may be parallelizable or not), primary key sequence generation, or other stuff like postgres' large object support, but that depends on your column types and database quirks. Then at some point any transactional database must generate sequential transaction log entries which is also a concurrency bottleneck.
First thing you should do is check if the inserts are grouped into transactions (not one insert per transaction). Then make sure the IO is fast, look for bottlenecks there, iowait, etc.
In a second test, I dropped all of the indexes and re-ran the job. The job completed 8 times as quickly, showing zero load on the SQL server
So that eliminates some of the candidates and hints that the problem is indices.
For example if 50 threads each insert a row at the same time, and...
You have a high cardinality index with each row hitting a different page in the index, then these can be parallelized
You have a low cardinality index, most of the inserted rows have the same value in the same column, and all these threads are fighting for control of the same index page.
This can compound with index/table page splits if your fillfactor is too high, in this case all the threads will want to insert in the same index page, and it's already full, so one thread is splitting the page while all others are waiting.
Unfortunately you didn't post the table info in the question, which you should really do. But you probably know if your indices are low cardinality or high. The first thing you could do is run the same tests again, adding the indices one by one, try to see which one causes trouble.
You can also lower fillfactor so there is less chance the inserts end up in a page that is already full.
If you find a problematic low cardinality index then you should first wonder if it's actually useful for queries, maybe you can drop it. If you want to keep it, you can hack it into a high cardinality index by adding a dummy column at the end. For example if you have an index on (category) which has few different values and causes problems for inserts, you can turn it into (category,other_column) which will work just as well for selecting based on category and might provide some extra features like sorting on other_column while selecting on category. However other_column should not be the PK or date or any other column that will have have values that end up in the same page in all your concurrent inserts, because that would be back to square one.
Next, you can try single-threading, or a low number of threads. Back to this:
In a second test, I dropped all of the indexes and re-ran the job. The job completed 8 times as quickly, showing zero load on the SQL server and bottlenecking on CPU on the application which is very good from the SQL Server perspective.
This may look nice at first glance but there's a problem here. Basically your application is doing the easy things (processing rows) and delegating the hard things (ie, concurrency) to the database. That's fine until it exceeds the database's capabilities, then it breaks down. Databases are excellent at handling concurrency correctly, but doing it fast is a very hard problem: coordinating several cores on a lock has a hard performance limit, caused by latency of communication between the cores, which is the speed of information propagation, in other words the speed of light, which cannot be negotiated with.
Locks are just memory held as cache lines in CPU caches. So a side effect of the way multicore systems work is, it's much faster for the same core to reacquire a lock it just released, because the line is still in its cache, so there is no slow inter-core communication involved. Likewise, several cores attempting to modify different parts of the same index page will result in cache line exchanges between them and lots of communication to determine what core owns what byte in that page. And that is surprisingly slow, it can take microseconds instead of nanoseconds.
In addition you have 50 client threads, so 50 server threads, and only 16 cores, so on the database server the OS will multitask the 50 threads between the 16 cores. This means the OS will end up putting one thread to sleep while it's holding a lock, and when that happens, performance is destroyed.
So the next test you can do is to compare insertion time with all your indices between these two scenarii:
Your current one with 50 threads
Then stop it, copy the inserted data from your main table into a temp table, truncate the main table, and insert the exact same data again with:
INSERT INTO yourtable SELECT * FROM temptable
In the second case you're inserting the same data. For the test to be valid it should be in the same order, so you might want to add an ORDER BY primary key while copying the rows into the temp table, so they come out in the proper order. I don't know if the tables are clustered, but you'll find a way to get the order correct.
You can also try various orders, one of the indices may be faster if data is inserted in an order that it likes.
If the second insert is much faster than the mutli-threaded one, then that will give you a clue of what you need to do. In this case that's probably a funnel, ie a process that gathers rows generated by the many threads and inserts them using a low number of threads, maybe just one.
This can simply be all the threads inserting into a non-indexed table, and a separate task flushing this table into the main one every X milliseconds.

Possible bottlenecks when inserting and updating BYTEA rows?

The project requires storing binary data into PostgreSQL (project requirement) database. For that purpose we made a table with following columns:
id : integer, primary key, generated by client
data : bytea, for storing client binary data
The client is a C++ program, running on Linux.
The rows must be inserted (initialized with a chunk of binary data), and after that updated (concatenating additional binary data to data field).
Simple tests have shown that this yields better performance.
Depending on your inputs, we will make client use concurrent threads to insert / update data (with different DB connections), or a single thread with only one DB connection.
We haven't much experience with PostgreSQL, so could you help us with some pointers concerning possible bottlenecks, and whether using multiple threads to insert data is better than using a single thread.
Thank you :)
Edit 1:
More detailed information:
there will be only one client accessing the database, using only one Linux process
database and client are on the same high performance server, but this must not matter, client must be fast no matter the machine, without additional client configuration
we will get new stream of data every 10 seconds, stream will provide new 16000 bytes per 0.5 seconds (CBR, but we can use buffering and only do inserts every 4 seconds max)
stream will last anywhere between 10 seconds and 5 minutes
It makes extremely little sense that you should get better performance inserting a row then appending to it if you are using bytea.
PostgreSQL's MVCC design means that an UPDATE is logically equivalent to a DELETE and an INSERT. When you insert the row then update it, what's happening is that the original tuple you inserted is marked as deleted and new tuple is written that contains the concatentation of the old and added data.
I question your testing methodology - can you explain in more detail how you determined that insert-then-append was faster? It makes no sense.
Beyond that, I think this question is too broad as written to really say much of use. You've given no details or numbers; no estimates of binary data size, rowcount estimates, client count estimates, etc.
bytea insert performance is no different to any other insert performance tuning in PostgreSQL. All the same advice applies: Batch work into transactions, use multiple concurrent sessions (but not too many; rule of thumb is number_of_cpus + number_of_hard_drives) to insert data, avoid having transactions use each others' data so you don't need UPDATE locks, use async commit and/or a commit_delay if you don't have a disk subsystem with a safe write-back cache like a battery-backed RAID controller, etc.
Given the updated stats you provided in the main comments thread, the amount of data you want to consume sounds entirely practical with appropriate hardware and application design. Your peak load might be achievable even on a plain hard drive if you had to commit every block that came in, since it'd require about 60 transactions per second. You could use a commit_delay to achieve group commit and significantly lower fsync() overhead, or even use synchronous_commit = off if you can afford to lose a time window of transactions in case of a crash.
With a write-back caching storage device like a battery-backed cache RAID controller or an SSD with reliable power-loss-safe cache, this load should be easy to cope with.
I haven't benchmarked different scenarios for this, so I can only speak in general terms. If designing this myself, I'd be concerned about checkpoint stalls with PostgreSQL, and would want to make sure I could buffer a bit of data. It sounds like you can so you should be OK.
Here's the first approach I'd test, benchmark and load-test, as it's in my view probably the most practical:
One connection per data stream, synchronous_commit = off + a commit_delay.
INSERT each 16kb record as it comes in into a staging table (if possible UNLOGGED or TEMPORARY if you can afford to lose incomplete records) and let Pg synchronize and group up commits. When each stream ends, read the byte arrays, concatenate them, and write the record to the final table.
For absolutely best speed with this approach, implement a bytea_agg aggregate function for bytea as an extension module (and submit it to PostgreSQL for inclusion in future versions). In reality it's likely you can get away with doing the bytea concatenation in your application by reading the data out, or with the rather inefficient and nonlinearly scaling:
CREATE AGGREGATE bytea_agg(bytea) (SFUNC=byteacat,STYPE=bytea);
INSERT INTO final_table SELECT stream_id, bytea_agg(data_block) FROM temp_stream_table;
You would want to be sure to tune your checkpointing behaviour, and if you were using an ordinary or UNLOGGED table rather than a TEMPORARY table to accumulate those 16kb records, you'd need to make sure it was being quite aggressively VACUUMed.
See also:
Whats the fastest way to do a bulk insert into Postgres?
How to speed up insertion performance in PostgreSQL

Terrible SQL reads performance (culprit update stats?)

I'm running on SQL Server 2008 R2 and am trying to fine-tune performance. I did everything I could from:
Code review of SQL code
Create or remove indexes as I think appropriate
Auto create stats ON
Auto update stats ON
Auto update stats async ON
I have a 24/7 system that constantly stores data. Sometimes we do reads and that's where the issue is. Sometimes the reads take a couple of seconds or less (which would be expected and acceptable to us). Other times, the reads take several seconds that could amount to a minute before the stored procedure completes and we render data on the UI.
If we do the read again, it would be faster. The SQL profiler would trace the particular stored procedure or query that took several seconds. We would zoom into that stored procedure, and do everything we can do to optimize it if we can.
I also traced the auto stats event and the recompile event. It's hard to tell if a stat is being updated causing the read to take a long time, or if a recompile caused it. Sometimes, I see that the profiler traced a recompile of the read query that took several unacceptable minutes, other times it doesn't trace a recompile.
I tried to prevent the query optimizer from blocking the read until it recompiles or updates stats by using option use plan XML, etc. But I ran into compile errors complaining that the query plan XML isn't valid; that could be true because the query is quiet involved: select + joins that involve a local table var. I sort of hacked the XML and maybe that's why it deemed it invalid. So I gave up on using plan hint.
We tried periodic (every 15 minutes) manual running update stats in order to keep stats up-to-date as much as we can, but that hurt performance. updatestats blocks writes, and I'm sure even reads; updatestats seemed to maintain a bunch of statistics and on average it was taking around 80-90 seconds. A read that waits that long is unacceptable.
So the idea is to let the reads happen and prevent a situation when a recompile/update stat blocks it, correct? Does it make sense to disable auto statistics altogether? Or perhaps disable auto create statistics after deleting all the auto created stats?
This goes against Microsoft recommendations perhaps, since they enable auto create statistics and auto update statistics by default, and performance may suffer, but any ideas/hints you can give would be appreciated.
From what you are explaining, it looks like the below (all or some) might be happening.
You are doing physical reads. The quick way you avoid this is by increasing the amount of RAM you throw at the box. You haven't mentioned the hardware specs of your server. Please add details.
If you trace the SQL calls then you can easily figure out why the RECOMPILE happened. Look at the EventSubClass to figure out the reason and work towards resolving that.
You mentioned table variables. These are notorious for causing performance issues when NOT using at the right place. If you use table variables in a JOIN, parallel plan is out of the question and no stats also. I am NOT sure how and where you are using but try replacing them with temp tables. And starting from SQL Server 2005, you will get only STMT recompilation at best and NOT the complete SP recompile as it happened in 2000.
You mentioned Update Stats ASYNC option and this won't block the query.
What are the TOP WAIT STATS on this server? Have you identified the expensive procedures based on CPU, Logical reads & execution count?
Have you looked the Page Life Expectancy, amount of IO using virtual file stats DMV?
Updating Stats every 15 minutes is NOT a good plan. How often is data inserted into the system? What is the sample rate you are using? What is your index maintenance strategy?
Have you looked at the missing indexes DMV?
There are a bunch of good queries to identify problems in more granular fashion using the below queries.
There are so many other things to look at but the above is a good starting point.
OK, here is my IMHO catch on this:
DBCC INDEXDEFRAG is worth trying and is an ONLINE function hence can be used on a live system
You could be reaching the maximum capacity of your architectural design. You can scale up which can always help but more likely you have to change the architecture to achieve better scalability sacrificing simplicity
A common trick is partitioning. You are writing to a table whose index distribution looks nothing like it was a few hours ago - hence degrading performance. This is a massive write, such a table could be divided to daily write and the rest of the data with nightly batches of moving stuff across.
More and more, people are being converting to CQRS. You might be the next. This solves the problem by separating reads from writes (a very simplistic explanation).

Database scalability - performance vs. database size

I'm creating an app that will have to put at max 32 GB of data into my database. I am using B-tree indexing because the reads will have range queries (like from 0 < time < 1hr).
At the beginning (database size = 0GB), I will get 60 and 70 writes per millisecond. After say 5GB, the three databases I've tested (H2, berkeley DB, Sybase SQL Anywhere) have REALLY slowed down to like under 5 writes per millisecond.
Is this typical?
Would I still see this scalability issue if I REMOVED indexing?
What are the causes of this problem?
Each record consists of a few ints
Yes; indexing improves fetch times at the cost of insert times. Your numbers sound reasonable - without knowing more.
You can benchmark it. You'll need to have a reasonable amount of data stored. Consider whether or not to index based upon the queries - heavy fetch and light insert? index everywhere a where clause might use it. Light fetch, heavy inserts? Probably avoid indexes. Mixed workload; benchmark it!
When benchmarking, you want as real or realistic data as possible, both in volume and on data domain (distribution of data, not just all "henry smith" but all manner of names, for example).
It is typical for indexes to sacrifice insert speed for access speed. You can find that out from a database table (and I've seen these in the wild) that indexes every single column. There's nothing inherently wrong with that if the number of updates is small compared to the number of queries.
However, given that:
1/ You seem to be concerned that your writes slow down to 5/ms (that's still 5000/second),
2/ You're only writing a few integers per record; and
3/ You're queries are only based on time queries,
you may want to consider bypassing a regular database and rolling your own sort-of-database (my thoughts are that you're collecting real-time data such as device readings).
If you're only ever writing sequentially-timed data, you can just use a flat file and periodically write the 'index' information separately (say at the start of every minute).
This will greatly speed up your writes but still allow a relatively efficient read process - worst case is you'll have to find the start of the relevant period and do a scan from there.
This of course depends on my assumption of your storage being correct:
1/ You're writing records sequentially based on time.
2/ You only need to query on time ranges.
Yes, indexes will generally slow inserts down, while significantly speeding up selects (queries).
Do keep in mind that not all inserts into a B-tree are equal. It's a tree; if all you do is insert into it, it has to keep growing. The data structure allows for some padding, but if you keep inserting into it numbers that are growing sequentially, it has to keep adding new pages and/or shuffle things around to stay balanced. Make sure that your tests are inserting numbers that are well distributed (assuming that's how they will come in real life), and see if you can do anything to tell the B-tree how many items to expect from the beginning.
Totally agree with #Richard-t - it is quite common in offline/batch scenarios to remove indexes completely before bulk updates to a corpus, only to reapply them when update is complete.
The type of indices applied also influence insertion performance - for example with SQL Server clustered index update I/O is used for data distribution as well as index update, where as nonclustered indexes are updated in seperate (and therefore more expensive) I/O operations.
As with any engineering project - best advice is to measure with real datasets (skews page distribution, tearing etc.)
I think somewhere in the BDB docs they mention that page size greatly affects this behavior in btree's. Assuming you arent doing much in the way of concurrency and you have fixed record sizes, you should try increasing your page size

SQL Server 2005 - Rowsize effect on query performance?

Im trying to squeeze some extra performance from searching through a table with many rows.
My current reasoning is that if I can throw away some of the seldom used member from the searched table thereby reducing rowsize the amount of pagesplits and hence IO should drop giving a benefit when data start to spill from memory.
Any good resource detailing such effects?
Any experiences?
Tuning the size of a row is only a major issue if the RDBMS is performing a full table scan of the row, if your query can select the rows using only indexes then the row size is less important (unless you are returning a very large number of rows where the IO of returning the actual result is significant).
If you are doing a full table scan or partial scans of large numbers of rows because you have predicates that are not using indexes then rowsize can be a major factor. One example I remember, On a table of the order of 100,000,000 rows splitting the largish 'data' columns into a different table from the columns used for querying resulted in an order of magnitude performance improvement on some queries.
I would only expect this to be a major factor in a relatively small number of situations.
I don't now what else you tried to increase performance, this seems like grasping at straws to me. That doesn't mean that it isn't a valid approach. From my experience the benefit can be significant. It's just that it's usually dwarfed by other kinds of optimization.
However, what you are looking for are iostatistics. There are several methods to gather them. A quite good introduction can be found ->here.
The sql server query plan optimizer is a very complex algorithm and decision what index to use or what type of scan depends on many factors like query output columns, indexes available, statistics available, statistic distribution of you data values in the columns, row count, and row size.
So the only valid answer to your question is: It depends :)
Give some more information like what kind of optimization you have already done, what does the query plan looks like, etc.
Of cause, when sql server decides to do a table scna (clustered index scan if available), you can reduce io-performance by downsize row size. But in that case you would increase performance dramatically by creating a adequate index (which is a defacto a separate table with smaller row size).
If the application is transactional then look at the indexes in use on the table. Table partitioning is unlikely to be much help in this situation.
If you have something like a data warehouse and are doing aggregate queries over a lot of data then you might get some mileage from partitioning.
If you are doing a join between two large tables that are not in a 1:M relationship the query optimiser may have to resolve the predicates on each table separately and then combine relatively large intermediate result sets or run a slow operator like nested loops matching one side of the join. In this case you may get a benefit from a trigger-maintained denormalised table to do the searches. I've seen good results obtained from denormalised search tables for complex screens on a couple of large applications.
If you're interested in minimizing IO in reading data you need to check if indexes are covering the query or not. To minimize IO you should select column that are included in the index or indexes that cover all columns used in the query, this way the optimizer will read data from indexes and will never read data from actual table rows.
If you're looking into this kind of details maybe you should consider upgrading HW, changing controllers or adding more disk to have more disk spindle available for the query processor and so allowing SQL to read more data at the same time
SQL Server disk I/O is frequently the cause of bottlenecks in most systems. The I/O subsystem includes disks, disk controller cards, and the system bus. If disk I/O is consistently high, consider:
Move some database files to an additional disk or server.
Use a faster disk drive or a redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) device.
Add additional disks to a RAID array, if one already is being used.
Tune your application or database to reduce disk access operations.
Consider index coverage, better indexes, and/or normalization.
Microsoft SQL Server uses Microsoft Windows I/O calls to perform disk reads and writes. SQL Server manages when and how disk I/O is performed, but the Windows operating system performs the underlying I/O operations. Applications and systems that are I/O-bound may keep the disk constantly active.
Different disk controllers and drivers use different amounts of CPU time to perform disk I/O. Efficient controllers and drivers use less time, leaving more processing time available for user applications and increasing overall throughput.
First thing I would do is ensure that your indexes have been rebuilt; if you are dealing with huge amount of data and an index rebuild is not possible (if SQL server 2005 onwards you can perform online rebuilds without locking everyone out), then ensure that your statistics are up to date (more on this later).
If your database contains representative data, then you can perform a simple measurement of the number of reads (logical and physical) that your query is using by doing the following:
-- Execute your query here
On a well setup database server, there should be little or no physical reads (high physical reads often indicates that your server needs more RAM). How many logical reads are you doing? If this number is high, then you will need to look at creating indexes. The next step is to run the query and turn on the estimated execution plan, then rerun (clearing the cache first) displaying the actual execution plan. If these differ, then your statistics are out of date.
I think you're going to be farther ahead using standard optimization techniques first -- check your execution plan, profiler trace, etc. and see whether you need to adjust your indexes, create statistics etc. -- before looking at the physical structure of your table.
