How to Add Entity Without Recreating Tables - sql-server

I have this edmx model (see below) and I would like to add an extra association from Order to Worker *-1 as shown by the red line, problem is, the database has already got lots of data that I don't want to wipe, is it possible to add do this without recreating the tables?

Simply let EF to create a new database in your development environment and use some database diff. tool to get change script from the old database to a new one. VS 2010 Premium and Ultimate contains this diff. tool and you can even use it directly from EDMX designer if you install Database Generation tools power pack.
Another popular diff tool is for example SQL Compare by RedGate.

Just because you have used Entity Designer to start with doesn't mean that you have to totally recreate your database each time.
If you generate the SQL from your changed model, you should be able to find the part referring to your new relationship easily enough. That is the only part you need to run against your database- just split it out into it's own file. If in doubt save a copy of the old SQL file, add your relationship, generate the new file and create a diff to be sure.
Alternatively if you have a good understanding of how EF represents data and relationships you can probably change the database manually. As long as the database and the model are accurately coherent, EF doesn't really care how the database got that way.


Managing SQL Files in Source Control

I work on a piece of software that has many tables, views, and stored procedures. Currently, to make it easy for developers to run all of the latest updates on their local databases and for ease of deployment of the software, we have a large Update.sql file. This creates tables and stored procedures that don't exists and adds/updates/removes data that needs to change. It is designed to be run over and over again without messing up someones database and only apply the changes that are needed. This is very convenient for the developers and for deployment.
However, I would really love to be able to split all of the database objects (tables, functions, stored procedures, back-fills/data updates) into separate scripts in source control. This would allow us to track changes to individual database objects instead of just one large SQL file.
Is there a good way to get the best of both worlds? Perhaps a free tool that can run all SQL files in a folder and all of its sub-folders? Or some batch script that can merge all of the individual files together into a single file after every check-in?
EDIT 10/27/2017: After reviewing some of the links that the answers have shared, I think this question comes down to finding a way to take the best parts of State based VS Migration based database update management. Here is an article that I think breaks down the differences and pros/cons pretty well, but I'll summarize the parts that I am focused on below
STATE BASED: This is what is used by Visual Studio SQL Server Projects. It is a snapshot of what the database should look like at the current version. Updates to servers are created by comparing the database to this snapshot and auto-generating scripts that will alter tables/views/SPs/etc. to be what they need to be.
Version Control: Each database objects (table, stored procedure, etc.) is a separate script file. This makes tracking changes made to those objects over time very manageable because you can just view the source control history.
Compilation: If you are using Visual Studio SQL Server Projects, you can actually compile them and they will tell you if your references are all good. For instance, if you drop a column in the table and there was a stored procedure that references that column, this will tell you that the SP references a column that no longer exists so you can fix it.
Simple Deployment: You can use these projects that have hundreds of individual database object scripts and have it update a database either in Visual Studio using Publish or by compiling it and taking the DacPac that it made to SQL and updating it that way. So even though there are a bunch of individual files, after compiling it just comes down to one file that you work with in the end.
Updating data: In the real-world, State-based updates often aren't viable. For example, let's say your Contacts table used to have a Full Name column. In version 2, you decide to split this into First Name and Last Name and drop the Full Name column. Normally you would write scripts to add the new columns, convert the data, and then drop the old column. However, state-based doesn't work that way, it will just drop the column and add the new ones, but not do anything to convert the data.
MIGRATION BASED: This is pretty much what we are currently doing, except in one really big file instead of several small files. You start with a base-line (which might be an empty database), and then you write one or more files that then alter that base-line to get it to the current version. For instance, Version1.sql might create the Contacts table with the Full Name column, then Version2.sql could create the First Name/Last Name columns, move the data, and then drop the old column. You can either use tools that only runs each script once in the right order or you can do what we've been doing and have a big script that has logic in it to know what things have been run and which haven't and only do what needs to be done.
Pros and Cons: This is basically the reverse of State-based. It gives you a lot of flexibility on how you create your scripts and the power to use real-world logic to update your database the way it needs to be instead of letting it automatically create drop/alter/insert/etc. scripts itself. Much like State-based, as long as you have the right tools, it is easy to deploy. However, it usually isn't very easy to track changes made to database objects overtime. If I want to see the full history of changes to a particular table, who did it, and when, there's not really an easy way to do this, because there is not a single file representing that database object with a Source Control history. Also, I haven't seen any tools that can take a Migration-based strategy and compile it to show you if the changes made have any reference issues.
SO, MY QUESTION IS: How can I keep the power, flexibility, and ease of use of Migration-based that we are currently using, but also get the best parts of State-based (Version Control and Compilation to check dependencies)? I'm up for some hybrid solution as long as it doesn't mean that my developers have to manage two things (like write a Migration script, but also don't forget to update the SQL project so we can track the history). If I could automate a SQL Project to update the database object scripts based on the migration that would be cool, but it would need to know who made the changes that caused the update and preferably what changeset it happened in.
With sql server mamagement studio you can generate scripts to recreate the db - you could do tha and put those in your source versionning system.
Use "Tasks" , "Generate Scripts" and click through the options. You can use single objects to file.
As for Data ... I think there is some kind of checkbox to export the data as well - not sure though.
f.e. here: Want to create a script to export Data and tables and views to a sql script
I'm not sure of a free tool, but the solution to the below seems interesting...
Run all SQL files in a directory
What I WILL say about that is there are no transactions, so if one of your .sql scripts breaks, it is not going to roll back all of your creations. Other than that though, this should work fine.

How to copy structure of all tables to a new empty database?

How do I copy the structure only (i.e., empty, no user data) of all tables, views, and indices from one SQL-Server database to new (empty) database?
(If anyone remembers dBase, this was done with "copy struct" for each table. I know also that this could be done by reverse-engineering the structure of the database into SQL statements using a tool like ERWin, but I don't have that either.)
I'm working in a very bureaucratic (maybe even paranoid) client site, in which I can only create temp tables, and only read from the regular tables. But it's really important that I be able to insert and update in a "safe" area.
You can generate scripts to generate a cloned test area for your database Documenting and Scripting Databases
Microsoft's SQL Server supports this scenario through partially abstract tools that can work with the database model, visualize it, edit it, transfer the model from one place to another and even compute differences between models and this way create database schema upgrade script.
The part that I have memorized is that those models are stored in big XML files called *.dacpac and there is a schema compare button available if I open *.sqlproj project in Visual Studio
This is whole architectural concept, more abstract and different from dBase, and you can start learning more about it e.g. at
Microsoft SQL Server - Data-tier applications
(Or try Google: "dacpac deployment")

Entity Framework; updating DB from Model?

In mySql Workbench there's a possibility to "sync" the model with the DB and vice versa. Is there a function like this in EF? I've added som entities and I'd like it to get reflected in the DB. Do I really have to regenerate the entire DB and loose data?
Sadly there is no easy way AFAIK to do this today.
One way to handle this is to generate the DDL and then cut and paste the new sections into SQL Server Management Studio and run them there. If you want to maintain scripts for each release of the database you'll need to take an approach like this too.
See also: Database migrations for Entity Framework 4
PS The EF Power Pack: may help. It says "The second useful feature related to model-first the ability to update an existing database and synchronize the model with it. This allows you to make changes to the model that can be deployed to the database without data loss."
if you are using the VS2010 then in Select your edmx designer ( designer showing tables) and right click it will show the update model option.

Database source control vs. schema change scripts

Building and maintaining a database that is then deplyed/developed further by many devs is something that goes on in software development all the time. We create a build script, and maintain further update scripts that get applied as the database grows over time. There are many ways to manage this, from manual updates to console apps/build scripts that help automate these processes.
Has anyone who has built/managed these processes moved over to a Source Control solution for database schema management? If so, what have they found the best solution to be? Are there any pitfalls that should be avoided?
Red Gate seems to be a big player in the MSSQL world and their DB source control looks very interesting:
Although it does not look like it replaces the (default) data* management process, so it only replaces half the change management process from my pov.
(when I'm talking about data, I mean lookup values and that sort of thing, data that needs to be deployed by default or in a DR scenario)
We work in a .Net/MSSQL environment, but I'm sure the premise is the same across all languages.
Similar Questions
One or more of these existing questions might be helpful:
The best way to manage database changes
MySQL database change tracking
SQL Server database change workflow best practices
Verify database changes (version-control)
Transferring changes from a dev DB to a production DB
tracking changes made in database structure
Or a search for Database Change
I look after a data warehouse developed in-house by the bank where I work. This requires constant updating, and we have a team of 2-4 devs working on it.
We are fortunate because there is only the one instance of our "product", so we do not have to cater for deploying to multiple instances which may be at different versions.
We keep a creation script file for each object (table, view, index, stored procedure, trigger) in the database.
We avoid the use of ALTER TABLE whenever possible, preferring to rename a table, create the new one and migrate the data over. This means that we don't have to look through a history of ALTER scripts - we can always see the up to date version of every table by looking at its create script. The migration is performed by a separate migration script - this can be partly auto-generated.
Each time we do a release, we have a script which runs the create scripts / migration scripts in the appropriate order.
FYI: We use Visual SourceSafe (yuck!) for source code control.
I've been looking for a SQL Server source control tool - and came across a lot of premium versions that do the job - using SQL Server Management Studio as a plugin.
LiquiBase is a free one but i never quite got it working for my needs.
There is another free product out there though that works stand along from SSMS and scripts out objects and data to flat file.
These objects can then be pumped into a new SQL Server instance which will then re-create the database objects.
See gitSQL
Maybe you're asking for LiquiBase?

How to have a "master-structure" database with "children-data" databases in SQL SERVER 2005?

I have been googling a lot and I couldn't find if this even exists or I'm asking for some magic =P
Ok, so here's the deal.
I need to have a way to create a "master-structured" database which will only contain the schemas, structures, tables, store procedures, udfs, etc, everything but real data in SQL SERVER 2005 (if this is available in 2008 let me know, I could try to convince my client to pay for it =P)
Then I want to have several "children" of that master db which implement those schemas, tables, etc but each one has different data.
So when I need to create a new stored procedure or something like that, I just create it on the master database (and of course it's available on its children).
Actually I have several different databases with the same schema and different data. But the problem is to maintain congruency between them. Everytime I create a script to create some SP or add some index or whatever, I have to execute it in every database, and sometimes I could miss one =P
So let's say you have a UNIVERSE (would be the master db) and the universe has SPACES (each one represented by a child db). So the application I'm working on needs to dynamically "clone" SPACES. To do that, we have to create a new database. Nowadays I'm creating a backup of the db being cloned, restoring it as a new one and truncate the tables.
I want to be able to create a new "child" of the "master" db, which will maintain the schemas and everything, but will start with empty data.
Hope it's clear... My english is not perfect, sorry about that =P
Thanks to all!
What you really need is to version-control your database schema.
See do-you-source-control-your-databases
If you use SQL Server, I would recommend dbGhost - not expensive and does a great job of:
synchronizing 2 databases
diff-ing 2 databases
creating a database from a set of scripts (I would recommend this version).
batch support, so that you can upgrade all your databases using a single batch
You can use this infrastructure for both:
rolling development versions to test, integration and production systems
rolling your 'updated' system to multiple production deployments (especially in a hosted environment)
I would write my changes as a sql file and use OSQL or SQLCMD via a batchfile to ensure that I repeatedly executed on all the databases without thinking about it.
As an alternative I would use the VisualStudio Database Pro tools or RedGate SQL compare tools to compare and propogate the changes.
There are kludges, but the mainstream way to handle this is still to use Source Code Control (with all its other attendant benefits.) And SQL Server is increasingly SCC friendly.
Also, for many (most robust) sites it's a per-server issue as much as a per-database issue.
You can put things in master like SPs and call them from anywhere. As far as other objects like tables, you can put them in model and new databases will get them when you create a new database.
However, in order to get new tables to simply pop up in the child databases after being added to the parent, nothing.
It would be possible to create something to look through the databases and script them from a template database, and there are also commercial tools which can help discover differences between databases. You could also have a DDL trigger in the "master" database which went out and did this when you created a new table.
If you kept a nice SPACES template, you could script it out (without data) and create the new database - so there would be no need to TRUNCATE. You can script it out from SQL or an external tool.
Little trivia here. The mssqlsystemresource database works as you describe: is defined once and 'appears' in every database as the special sys schema. Unfortunately the special 'magic' needed to get this working is not available to the user databases. You'll have to use deployment techniques to keep your schema in synk. That is, apply the changes to every database as the other answers already suggested.
In theory, you could put a trigger on your UNIVERSE.sysobjects table (assuming SQL Server), and then you could enumerate master.dbo.sysdatabases to find all the child databases. If you have a special table that indicates it's a child database, you can reference child.dbo.sysobjects to find it.
Make no mistake, it would be difficult to implement. But it's one way you could do it.
