How do I find documents in my index that have a SCHEMA-INDEX-MISMATCH? I have a number of these that I am finding them by trial-and-error. I want to query for them.
The results that I get have "ERROR:SCHEMA-INDEX-MISMATCH" in a field. An example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<result name="response" numFound="1" start="0" maxScore="12.993319">
<float name="score">12.993319</float>
<str name="articleId">ERROR:SCHEMA-INDEX-MISMATCH,stringValue=555</str>
<str name="articleType">Knowledge Base</str>
<str name="description">Moving to another drive Question: How can I ....</str>
<str name="id">article:555</str>
<str name="title">Moving to another drive</str>
<str name="type">article</str>
If it matters, my query is along the lines of http://server/solr/select?q=id:%22article:555%22
What is the "type" of articleId?
I had issues with a date field and due to a defect in indexing program, I had 'ERROR:SCHEMA-INDEX-MISMATCH". Since these are values out side the bounds of a normal date, I was able to find them by the query - "Not myDateFieldType:[0001-01-01T00:00:00Z NOW]" .
If you are able to craft this type of query, depending on your data type, you should be able to find these values.
I have some repeated (same strings) data in a multiValue field on my solr index and i want to boost documents by matches count in that field. For example:
doc1 : { locales : ['en_US', 'de_DE', 'fr_FR', 'en_US'] }
doc2 : { locales : ['en_US'] }
When i run the query q=locales:en_US i would like to see the doc1 at the top because it has two "en_US" values. What is the proper way to boost this kind of data?
Should i use a special tokenizer?
Solr version is: 4.5
In order to use either of the following solutions you will need to make either one of the following changes:
Create a copyField for locales:
<field name="locales" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
<!-- No need to store(stored="false") locales_text as it will only be used for searching/sorting/boosting -->
<field name="locales_text" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true"/>
<copyField source="locales" dest="locales_text"/>
Change the type of locales to "text_general" (the type is provided in the standard solr collection1)
First solution (Ordering):
Results can be ordered by some function. So we can order by number of occurrences (termfreq function) in field:
If copyField is used, then sort query will be: termfreq(locales_text,'en_US') DESC
If locales is of text_general type, then sort query will be: termfreq(locales,'en_US') DESC
Example response for copyField option (the result is the same for text_general type):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">1</int>
<lst name="params">
<str name="fl">*,score</str>
<str name="sort">termfreq(locales_text,'en_US') DESC</str>
<str name="indent">true</str>
<str name="q">locales:en_US</str>
<str name="_">1383598933337</str>
<str name="wt">xml</str>
<result name="response" numFound="2" start="0" maxScore="0.5945348">
<arr name="locales">
<str name="id">4f9f71f6-7811-4c22-b5d6-c62887983d08</str>
<long name="_version_">1450808563062538240</long>
<float name="score">0.4203996</float></doc>
<arr name="locales">
<str name="id">7f93e620-cf7b-4b90-b741-f6edc9db77c9</str>
<long name="_version_">1450808391856291840</long>
<float name="score">0.5945348</float></doc>
You can also use fl=*,termfreq(locales_text,'en_US') to see the number of matches.
One thing to keep in mind - it is an order function, not a boost function. If you will rather boost score based on multiple matches, you will be probably more insterested in the second solution.
I included the score in the results to demonstrate what #arun was talking about. You can see that the score is different(probably to length)... Quite unexpected(for me) that for multivalued string it is the same.
Second solution (Boosting):
If copyField is used, then the query will be : {!boost b=termfreq(locales_text,'en_US')}locales:en_US
If locales is of text_general type, then the query will be: {!boost b=termfreq(locales,'en_US')}locales:en_US
Example response for copyField option (the result is the same for text_general type):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">0</int>
<lst name="params">
<str name="lowercaseOperators">true</str>
<str name="fl">*,score</str>
<str name="indent">true</str>
<str name="q">{!boost b=termfreq(locales_text,'en_US')}locales:en_US</str>
<str name="_">1383599910386</str>
<str name="stopwords">true</str>
<str name="wt">xml</str>
<str name="defType">edismax</str>
<result name="response" numFound="2" start="0" maxScore="1.1890696">
<arr name="locales">
<str name="id">4f9f71f6-7811-4c22-b5d6-c62887983d08</str>
<long name="_version_">1450808563062538240</long>
<float name="score">1.1890696</float></doc>
<arr name="locales">
<str name="id">7f93e620-cf7b-4b90-b741-f6edc9db77c9</str>
<long name="_version_">1450808391856291840</long>
<float name="score">0.5945348</float></doc>
You can see that the score changed significantly. The first document score two time more than the second (because there was two matches each scored as 0.5945348).
Third solution (omitNorms=false)
Based on the answer from #arun I figured that there is also a third option.
If you convert you field to (for example) text_general AND set omitNorms=true for that field - it should have the same result.
The default standard request handler in Solr does not use only the term frequency to compute the scores. Along with term frequency, it also uses the length of the field. See the lucene scoring algorithm, where it says:
lengthNorm - computed when the document is added to the index in accordance with the number of tokens of this field in the document, so that shorter fields contribute more to the score.
Since doc2 has a shorter field it might have scored higher. Check the score for the results with fl=*,score in your query. To know how Solr arrived at the score, use fl=*,score&wt=xml&debugQuery=on (then right click on your browser and view page-source to see a properly indented score calculation). I believe you will see the lengthNorm contributing to a lower score for doc1.
To have length of the field not contribute to the score, you need to disable it. Set omitNorms=true for that field. (Ref: Then see what the scores are.
I'm using Solr for indexing products and organising them into several categories. Each document has a taxon_names multi value field, where the categories are stored as human readable strings for a product.
Now I want to fetch all the categories from Solr and display them with clickable links to the user, without hitting the database again. At index time, I get the permalinks for every category from the MySQL database, which is stored as a multi value field taxon_permalinks. For generating the links to the products, I need the human readable format of the category and its permalink (otherwise you would have such ugly URLs in your browser, when just using the plain human readable name of the category, e.g. %20 for space).
When I do a facet search with http://localhost:8982/solr/default/select?q=*%3A*&rows=0&wt=xml&facet=true&facet.field=taxon_names, I get a list of human readable taxons with its counts. Based on this list, I want to create the links, so that I don't have to hit the database again.
So, is it possible to retrieve the matching permalinks from Solr for the different categories? For example, I get a XML like this:
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">0</int>
<result name="response" numFound="6580" start="0"/>
<lst name="facet_counts">
<lst name="facet_queries"/>
<lst name="facet_fields">
<lst name="taxon_names">
<int name="Books">2831</int>
<int name="Music">984</int>
And inside the taxon_names array I would need the name of the permalink.
Maybe it's possible by defining a custom field type in the config XMLs. But for this, I don't have enough experience with Solr.
Since it appears from your description that you are faceting permalink in the taxon_permalink field and the values in that field should correspond to the same category names in the taxon_names field. Solr allows you to facet on multiple fields, so you can just facet on both fields and walk the two facet results grabbing the display name from the taxon_names facet values and the permalink from the taxon_permalink facet values.
Your output should then look like similar to the following:
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">0</int>
<result name="response" numFound="6580" start="0"/>
<lst name="facet_counts">
<lst name="facet_queries"/>
<lst name="facet_fields">
<lst name="taxon_names">
<int name="Books">2831</int>
<int name="Music">984</int>
<lst name="taxon_permalink">
<int name="permalink1">2831</int>
<int name="permalink2">984</int>
I am importing data into Solr 4.3.0 from two different dataSources. This all works fine except that the search results do not indicate the original dataSource for each result document.
Is there a "proper" way to get the dataSource (or entity name) into the result document?
My data-config.xml looks like this (based on example given in ):
<dataSource name="ds1" driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:#//oracle-1:1521/DB1" user="SCHEMA1" password="Passw0rd1"/>
<dataSource name="ds2" driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:#//oracle-1:1521/DB2" user="SCHEMA2" password="Passw0rd2"/>
<entity name="apples" dataSource="ds1" pk="id" query="select id,name,color from apples" />
<entity name="bannnas" dataSource="ds2" pk="id" query="select id,name,desc from bananas" />
Sample XML result set from a search looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">3</int>
<lst name="params">
<str name="indent">true</str>
<str name="q">yellow</str>
<str name="_">1370321809357</str>
<str name="wt">xml</str>
<result name="response" numFound="2" start="0">
<str name="id">12</str>
<str name="name">Golden Delicious</str>
<str name="color">yellow</str></doc>
<str name="id">5</str>
<str name="name">Cavendish group</str>
<str name="desc">Cavendish group is the common name for the triploid AAA group of Musa acuminata, by far the most popular cultivar by export volume. Cavendish bananas have a yellow skin and pale yellow inside when ripe.</str></doc>
Note the reason I want to know the dataSource for a given result is that the result entities have different schemas and thus need to be parsed/handled/rendered differently by the client application. Happy to see other answers that address this root problem in a different way.
Instead of the storing the datasource, why not just add the entity identifier column with each document.
This identifier field would a fixed value column, probably embedded within the Query itself.
e.g. Use alias in sql e.g. SELECT 'APPLE' AS ENTITY_TYPE
You can use this field to determine what type of parsing is needed for the respective entity.
Recently i've upgraded my Solr from 1.3 to 1.4 and I'm happy for this. Now I faced a strange problem and I would like to see if you have the same problem or I'm missing something.
I've run a query and put in this a PLACE with latitude and longitude, thus i could retrieve this with a spatial search (which it already works). If I run a query via ID, I retrieve this PLACE with the schema info, latitude and longitude are correct. When I run a spatial query (with latitude and longitude of the PLACE), in the xml result I don't see my place.
<field name="id">PLC||77173</field>
<field name="document_type">PLACE</field>
<field name="document_type_content"><![CDATA[POI]]></field>
<field name="latitude">45.07475</field>
<field name="longitude">7.680215</field>
Ok, if I'm going to query solr with "id:PLC||77173" (primary key), here the XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">139</int>
<lst name="params">
<str name="indent">on</str>
<str name="start">0</str>
<str name="q">id:PLC||77173
<str name="rows">10</str>
<str name="version">2.2</str>
<result name="response" numFound="1" start="0">
<str name="document_type">PLACE</str>
<str name="document_type_content">POI</str>
<str name="id">PLC||77173</str>
<double name="latitude">45.07475</double>
<double name="longitude">7.680215</double>
Now, I'm going to type the following query
And in my json/xml (just erase json from the query) there's no trace of my PLACE (PLC||77173). I prefere don't paste the xml response, is too big.
I want to get all results AFTER a given date, can you do this with solr?
Right now the results are search the entire result set, I want to filter for anything after a given date.
This isn't working for me yet.
My returned doc:
<str name="apptype">Forum</str>
<str name="collapse">forum:334</str>
<str name="content"> testing </str>
<str name="contentid">357</str>
<str name="createdby">some_user</str>
<str name="date">20090819</str>
<str name="dummy_id">1</str>
<int name="group">5</int>
<date name="indexed_at">2009-08-25T16:48:45.121Z</date>
<str name="rating">000.0</str>
<str name="rawcontent"><p>testing</p></str>
<arr name="roles">
<int name="section">79</int>
<int name="thread">334</int>
<str name="title">testing</str>
<str name="titlesort">testing</str>
<str name="type">forum</str>
<str name="unique_id">
<str name="url">/blahey/f/79/p/334/357.aspx#357</str>
<str name="user">21625</str>
<str name="username">some_user</str>
Yes you can I assume you have a field with the date value you want to filter on. Then you do
yourdatefield:[2008-08-27T23:59:59.999Z TO *]
a sample url would be localhost:8983/solr/select?q=yourdatefield:[2008-08-27T23:59:59.999Z TO *]
you want to submit the date part as a query so in the value of q like
localhost:8983/solr/select/q=(text:test+AND+indexed_at:`[2009-08-27T13:A15:A27.73Z TO *`])
So the entire query is contained within the q querystring paramter.
the format of the date is ISO 8601.
You can add a automatic timestamp to the documents as they are indexed using:
<field name="timestamp" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true" default="NOW" multiValued="false"/>
in the schema.xml. The default schema has this commented out so if you copied the default, you just need to uncomment it.
You could add that and use olle's suggested search pattern to find the documents indexed after a certain date. (You'd have to update yourdatefield with timestamp or whatever you name the field in the xml.
You will need to create a query that compares dates, here is the syntax for queries:
And here is how you can make date comparisons in the query: