Database Connection and Rollback Process - database

I wonder a case. I have a project using a database (Oracle and Mssql). My project has a framework that I manage transactions.
In thread I open a database connection and start a transaction.(In transaction, there are many update and insert queries.) While code is running, somehow connection is closed. Because I have try-catch block, I catch exception and rollback transaction. BUT; if my connection is closed because some reasons, how rollback query can run on database? How can I handle this situation? If I open a new connection and rollback, does it work?

There is a term you should know - ACID compliancy:
Atomicity is an all-or-none proposition;
Consistency guarantees that a transaction never leaves your database in a half-finished state.
Isolation keeps transactions separated from each other until they’re finished.
Durability guarantees that the database will keep track of pending changes in such a way that the server can recover from an abnormal termination.
Concerning MySQL
In order to get this at MySQL, you have to use Transaction Safe Tables (TST). Advantages of Transaction-Safe Tables:
Safer. Even if MySQL crashes or you get hardware problems, you can get your data back, either by automatic recovery or from a backup + the transaction log.
You can combine many statements and accept these all in one go with the COMMIT command.
You can execute ROLLBACK to ignore your changes (if you are not running in auto-commit mode).
If an update fails, all your changes will be restored.
Concerning SQL Server
You should read "Transaction Behavior On Lost Connection" MSDN forum topic.
To understand better what lays behind MS SQL Server transactions, read a good article "Locks and Duration of Transactions in MS SQL Server"

Make sure you are not using any autocommit feature (I think that's enabled by default in some MySQL installations). If you do all your commits "manually", a broken connection will just result in you never committing the transaction and so it won't ever get written.
You cannot reconnect to rollback in most database systems.


What does sql server do when a JPA transaction fails across a network?

I'm using JPA to connect to an SQL server across a WAN. I've been unable to find information on what happens when I begin a JPA transaction that involves writes to the remote DB, but the WAN connection goes down before or during commit.
In each transaction, I'm transmitting a header and several hundred detail lines.
Does the far-end database know enough to discard all the changes?
Obviously, requesting a rollback on the local application isn't going to have any effect since the WAN link is down.
I presume:
By "the connection goes down", I mean, that the dbms-client-driver signals to your application code, that the connection has been lost.
you have just one DBMS, which means no two-phase commit.
It does not matter if you are using sql-server via WAN or LAN. Either the transaction is done completely, or not at all.
That is the nature of transactions.
So if the connection goes down before the commit, the server will rollback everything. There is no way to reconnect on application level, to complete the transaction.
If the connection goes down during the commit, then dependent on the implementation and on the exact point in time, the transaction might be persisted completely or rolled back completely.
You can be absolutely sure that everything is persisted as intended as soon as commit returns to your code.
Beware, that "connection goes down" might happen after a timeout that might be quite long (several minutes). In that time, the transactions keep all the locks and might slow down the complete system. These timeouts might be set to longer intervals if you are communicating via slower network.

What are atomikos transaction logs used for?

I've inherited an application that uses Atomikos for transaction handling in Spring on top of an Oracle database. In production deployments transaction logging has always been enabled by setting com.atomikos.icatch.enable_logging=true but the truth is I can't find any info on what exactly these logs are used for.
The atomikos site states "this should never be disabled on production or data integrity cannot be guaranteed" and I found a comment in a on that site that said there is a "risk of losing data after restart or crash" if it is disabled.
We don't enable this in our development environments and are able to use the application normally. I thought they might be used in the case of the application crashing but if so I'm not sure how they'd be used. Maybe automatically during the next startup or manually in some way? In terms of data integrity I know Oracle enables it's own data recovery but maybe these transaction logs hold data that Oracle hasn't seen yet, e.g. if Spring were to crash. seems to indicate that the transaction logs are used for recovery only and can be disabled if you don't need them for recovery.
These logs maintain transaction information in the latest revision that may not be known yet to your database. without this set, recovery after a crash/restart will probably be incorrect.
Before I answer you question you need to read the begining of this post here How would you tune Distributed ( XA ) transaction for performance? to get the therminology.
The Atomikos is acting as Transaction coordinator who coordinates across the participants which are the different databases. As a coordinator it orchestrate the process of transactions accross the different databases. It is essentialy the same work that a Policemen is doing at the middle of a crossroad.
Atomikos writes its log file in order to know where exactyly in the process of the distributed transaction it is. In case of failure it can trace its uncommited transactions progress and attempt from the place it was previously interrupted. As such the transaction log is very important for the transaction recovery process.

SQL Server transaction, where is uncommitted data held?

My question relates to how are transactions dealt with in SQL Server.
Lets say I have a user defined transaction that contains a lot of data, where does that data get stored during that process? Its only committed to the database file if the transaction is successful but where does it reside beforehand.
Does that stay in memory of the program creating the transaction
to the SQL server memory process
is it written to the transaction log of the database?
temporary files or some other disk location?
Uncommitted data is written into the table(s) in question, it is simply not marked as committed until the transaction commits. If the transaction is rolled back the data will be overwritten the next time a write occurs that needs the affected page. Once the transaction commits, the data is in the table is committed and cannot be overwritten. The log contains an ongoing record of what is happening in the database so that transactions can be rolled backwards or forwards after a system crash, or if a transaction is rolled back.
SQL Server uses ARIES write-ahead logging. Details are described in How It Works: Bob Dorr's SQL Server I/O Presentation. Write-ahead logging requires every change made tot he data to eb described by a log record so that crash recovery can reconstruct the database. To rollback a transaction all that one has to do is to walk the log backward and generate a compensating action for every record generated by the transaction. This will in effect undo everything done by the transaction. Two phase locking will ensure that the compensating operation is always free to proceed.
See also Inside the SQL Server Transaction Log and, of course, ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging.

Is SQL "inherently transactional"?

I just read in Wikipedia, that SQL is inherently transactional.
I took this to mean that every statement made to a SQL DBMS is treated as a transaction by default. Is this correct?
An example I can think of that might make this question relevant would be if you considered an update statement like this:
UPDATE Employee SET salary=salary * 1.1 WHERE type='clerk';
If this were being processed and there was some failure that caused the DBMS to shutdown, on restart, in a transactional sense, wouldn't the rows that records that were updated be rolled back?
At least in SQL Server, if you run a transaction, opening the line with
and you don't commit or rollback the transaction, it will ask you (if you try to exit the window) if you want to commit the transactions. If something caused everything to crash, and we had an open transaction (meaning, nothing to close it), it would not be considered committed.
Your question demonstrates another reason why many developers will use a COMMIT TRAN only if there are no errors, so every transaction by default, will rollback.
Disclaimer here: I am ONLY referring to SQL Server - I cannot say this would hold true for other SQL databases.
The answer is no. SQL is a language, what you describe is ACID behaviour. Though many database systems behave that way, it is still perfectly possible to create one that uses SQL as language and allows statements to be partially executed.

Force MSDTC to orphan a SQLServer distributed transaction

When shutting down my project's WebSphere-based JavaEE application, distributed transactions are sometimes left alive in the SQLServer 2005 database. These retain their locks forever and must be killed manually. They are described generally in this very good article.
The article talks about how the transaction coordinator is unable to co-ordinate the distributed transaction participants and so flags the transaction with a process ID of -2.
Given that we get this issue infrequently, but that it always happens when we shut down the application, I am not convinced it is a failure of the MSDTC. It is more likely to have something to do with WebSphere and how it terminates applications.
I would like to test it. But I cannot reliably make it happen.
Is there any way to force the MSDTC to orphan a SQLServer distributed transaction?
My question was misleading, because I wasn't quite sure what the problem actually was. I suspect MSDTC is assisting WebSphere in transacting with MQ and SQLServer. The problem occurs when we perform an unclean shutdown of the WAS server and the vendor-provided part of our application tries to do some sort of cleanup and fails.
I suspect this question is not helpful to anyone else (unless they are using the Misys Message Manager in WebSphere on Windows) so apologies, dear reader, for wasting your time.
Orphaned DTC transactions can occur in case SQLServer sessions with open but not yet prepared DTC or XA transactions are closed. This may happen because of network interruption or due to unexpected application abort.
In this case SQLServer keeps the transaction with DTC and the SPID is -2.
The post on SQLServerCentral mentions that following query can be used to identify the orphaned transactions:
Select req_transactionUOW
from master..syslockinfo
where req_spid = -2
Exeuting "kill" with the UOW given as argument, will remove the active ransaction.
This behavior of SQLSever is very uncommon. Usually a session loss will abort any XA transaction.
The good news is that SQLServer provides an option that changes this behavior.
The trace flag 3924 can be set in order to achieve this. Just exec DBCC TRACEON(3924,-1) with "sa" privileges and SQLServer automatically removes transactions in case sessions get lost.
The trace flag will be lost on SQLServer restart. In order to get it set during SQLServer startup automatically add it in SQLServer configuration manager:
SQLServer Configuration Manager sceenshot
