Does LLDB have convenience variables ($var)? - lldb

Does LLDB have convenience variables? If so, how do I use them? If not, is there anything similar that I can use?

I finally figured it out myself. Run help expr in LLDB and you will see:
User defined variables:
You can define your own variables for convenience or to be used in subsequent expressions.
You define them the same way you would define variables in C. If the first character of
your user defined variable is a $, then the variable's value will be available in future
expressions, otherwise it will just be available in the current expression.
So expr int $foo = 5 is what I want.

I struggled with this today. Here's what it looks like to deal with Objective-C variables in LLDB:
expr UIApplication *$app = (UIApplication *)[UIApplication sharedApplication]
expr UIWindow *$keyWindow = (UIWindow *)[$app keyWindow]
etc. I've found LLDB works best if you don't nest any calls, and you explicitly give a return type on every call.
Still I am getting a segmentation fault when I try to make initWithFrame: work on a UIView later on though. :/

Just use the form:
(lldb) expr var
From their tutorial:
(lldb) expr self
$0 = (SKTGraphicView *) 0x0000000100135430
(lldb) expr self = 0x00
$1 = (SKTGraphicView *) 0x0000000000000000
You can also call functions:
(lldb) expr (int) printf ("I have a pointer 0x%llx.\n", self)
$2 = (int) 22
I have a pointer 0x0.
(lldb) expr self = $0
$4 = (SKTGraphicView *) 0x0000000100135430

For swift version
e let $data = Data()
po $data
▿ 0 bytes
- count : 0
▿ pointer : 0x000000016d36d9d0
- pointerValue : 6127278544
- bytes : 0 elements


OCaml type constructors in C = <unknown constructor>

I've written some OCaml bindings for some C code; they seem to work fine, except that, at the interpreter, the type constructor appears to be opaque to OCaml. So, for example:
# #load "foo.cma" ;;
# open Foo ;;
# let b = barbie "bar";;
val b : Foo.kung = <unknown constructor>
# let k = ken "kenny" ;;
val k : Foo.tza = <abstr>
I'm trying to get rid of the <unknown constructor> and replace it with a meaningful print.
The contents of are:
type kung = Tsau of string [##boxed] ;;
type tza ;; (* Obviously, an abstract type *)
external barbie : string -> kung = "barbie_doll" ;;
external ken : string -> tza = "ken_doll" ;;
The C code is the minimal amount of code to get this to work:
CAMLprim value barbie(value vstr) { ... }
CAMLprim value ken(value vsttr) { ... }
The actual C code uses caml_alloc_custom() to hold stuff; and obviously has to return what caml_alloc_custom() alloced, so that it doesn't get lost. That's the core reason for using custom types: so I can return the custom malloc's.
Even though these types are abstract or opaque, I'd like to have the let expression print something meaningful. For example, perhaps this?
val b : Foo.kung = "Hi my name is bar"
val k : Foo.tza = "Yo duude it's kenny"
The second question would be: if it's possible to print something meaningful, what should it be? Obviously, the constructors were invoked with strings, so whatever is printed should include those string values...
The third question is: is it possible to specify types and type constructors in C? I suspect that the answer is "obviously no", because OCaml types are static, compile-time types, and are not dynamically constructable. But it never hurts to ask. I mean, the ocaml interpreter is able to deal with brand new type declarations just fine, so somehow, OCaml types aren't entirely static; there's some kind of 'dynamic' aspect to them. I've not found any documentation on this.
As suggested in a comment, the answer is to use #install_printer, which is briefly touched on in the toplevel documentation. This is but a hint: example code as follows (keeping with the earlier example).
(** Signature declarations for C functions *)
external kung_prt : kung -> string = "c_kung_str" ;;
(* Need to #install_printer kung_pretty ;;
* FYI, the OCaml documentation is confusing
* as to what a Format.formatter actually is:
* it is used like a C stream or outport. *)
let kung_pretty : Format.formatter -> kung -> unit =
function oport ->
fun x -> Format.fprintf oport "Hi %s" (kung_prt x) ;;
The printer in C would look like this:
CAMLprim value c_kung_str(value vkung)
const char* name = String_val(vkung);
char buff[200];
strcpy(buff, "my name is ");
strncat(buff, name, 200);
Then, either you have to tell the user to #install_printer kung_pretty ;; or, better yet, provide the user with a that does this, and tell them to #use "".

Why is it possible to print an array but not an array of structs with gdb?

I have written a python function for gdb to print an
array to save me time,to type the same line everytime.
define print_array
print *($arg0)#(sizeof($arg0)/ sizeof($arg0[0])
It works like expected, but when I try to print an array of structs, I get the following error :
>>> print_array opcode_list
A syntax error in expression, near `'.
When I type it by hand, it works without errors.
>>> print *(opcode_list)#(sizeof(opcode_list)/sizeof(opcode_list[0]))
$2 = {[0] = {
opcode_str = 0x401484 "halt",
output = 0
}, [1] = {
opcode_str = 0x401489 "pushc",
output = 1
}, ...
Could someone explain me, what is my fault?
And also give me maybe a hint/better solution for this?
You seem to be missing a ).
define print_array
print *($arg0)#(sizeof($arg0)/ sizeof($arg0[0]))

bash shell script error: ambigious redirect

In the following code, a problem occurs when encapsulating the block of code with a function. The error message $1: ambigious redirect" is displayed.
The while loop reads text from the input.txt file line by line and stores it in the array linesArray.
The for loop within the 'while' loop iterates through all the elements of the linesArray array at index 0, and then executes the case-statement, which compares the elements of the array with valid mips operators.
function mnemonicCheck {
while read line; do
for e in ${linesArray[0]}
case $e in
echo "invalid operator used. Valid operators are: add,sub,addi,lw,sw"
done < $1
#calling methods
checkArguments $1 $2 $3
You call mnemonicCheck without any arguments, so inside the function $1 is the empty string.
What would you then expect
< $1
to mean? (I agree that "ambiguous" is an odd word to use in this context, but it's not entirely incorrect since one cannot say for certain what is meant.)

Perl IO::Pipe does not work within arrays

im trying the following:
I want to fork multiple processes and use multiple pipes (child -> parent) simultaneously.
My approach is to use IO::Pipe.
use strict;
use IO::Pipe;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my #ua_processes = (0..9);
my $url = "http://<some-sample-textfile>";
my #ua_pipe;
my #ua_process;
$ua_pipe[0] = IO::Pipe->new();
$ua_process[0] = fork();
if( $ua_process[0] == 0 ) {
my $response = $ua->get($url);
print $ua_pipe[0] $response->decoded_content;
exit 0;
while (<$ua_pipe[0]>) {
print $_;
In future i want to use multiple "$ua_process"s in an array.
After execution i got the following errors:
Scalar found where operator expected at ./ line 18, near "] $response"
(Missing operator before $response?)
syntax error at ./ line 18, near "] $response"
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at ./ line 23.
If i dont use arrays, the same code works perfectly. It seems only the $ua_pipe[0] dont work as expected (together with a array).
I really dont know why. Anyone knows a solution? Help would be very appreciated!
Your problem is here:
print $ua_pipe[0] $response->decoded_content;
The print and say builtins use the indirect syntax to specify the file handle. This allows only for a single scalar variable or a bareword:
print STDOUT "foo";
print $file "foo";
If you want to specify the file handle via a more complex expression, you have to enclose that expression in curlies; this is called a dative block:
print { $ua_pipe[0] } $response-decoded_content;
This should now work fine.
I overlooked the <$ua_pipe[0]>. The readline operator <> also doubles as the glob operator (i.e. does shell expansion for patterns like *.txt). Here, the same rules as for say and print apply: It'll only use the file handle if it is a bareword or a simple scalar variable. Otherwise, it will be interpreted as a glob pattern (implying stringification of the argument). To disambiguate:
For the readline <>, we have to resort to the readline builtin:
while (readline $ua_pipe[0]) { ... }
To force globbing <>, pass it a string: <"some*.pattern">, or preferably use the glob builtin.

How would I return a value from a function which iterates over a for loop in F#

I am trying loop over an array and return a value as shown below. But this gives me an error on the line after the if statement. It says "This expression was expected to have type unit but has type int"
let findMostSignificantBitPosition (inputBits:System.Collections.BitArray) =
for i = inputBits.Length - 1 to 0 do
if inputBits.[i] then
How would I do this? I am in the middle of recoding this with a recursive loop, as it seems to be the more accepted way of doing such loops in functional languages, but I still want to know what I was doing wrong above.
for loops are not supposed to return values, they only do an operation a fixed number of times then return () (unit). If you want to iterate and finally return something, you may :
have outside the loop a reference where you put the final result when you get it, then after the loop return the reference content
use a recursive function directly
use a higher-order function that will encapsulate the traversal for you, and let you concentrate on the application logic
The higher-function is nice if your data structure supports it. Simple traversal functions such as fold_left, however, don't support stopping the iteration prematurely. If you wish to support this (and clearly it would be interesting in your use case), you must use a traversal with premature exit support. For easy functions such as yours, a simple recursive function is probably the simplest.
In F# it should also be possible to write your function in imperative style, using yield to turn it into a generator, then finally forcing the generator to get the result. This could be seen as a counterpart of the OCaml technique of using an exception to jump out of the loop.
Edit: A nice solution to avoid the "premature stop" questions is to use a lazy intermediate data structure, which will only be built up to the first satisfying result. This is elegant and good scripting style, but still less efficient than direct exit support or simple recursion. I guess it depends on your needs; is this function to be used in a critical path?
Edit: following are some code sample. They're OCaml and the data structures are different (some of them use libraries from Batteries), but the ideas are the same.
(* using a reference as accumulator *)
let most_significant_bit input_bits =
let result = ref None in
for i = Array.length input_bits - 1 downto 0 do
if input_bits.(i) then
if !result = None then
result := Some i
let most_significant_bit input_bits =
let result = ref None in
for i = 0 to Array.length input_bits - 1 do
if input_bits.(i) then
(* only the last one will be kept *)
result := Some i
(* simple recursive version *)
let most_significant_bit input_bits =
let rec loop = function
| -1 -> None
| i ->
if input_bits.(i) then Some i
else loop (i - 1)
loop (Array.length input_bits - 1)
(* higher-order traversal *)
open Batteries_uni
let most_significant_bit input_bits =
(fun result i ->
if input_bits.(i) && result = None then Some i else result)
None input_bits
(* traversal using an intermediate lazy data structure
(a --- b) is the decreasing enumeration of integers in [b; a] *)
open Batteries_uni
let most_significant_bit input_bits =
(Array.length input_bits - 1) --- 0
|> Enum.Exceptionless.find (fun i -> input_bits.(i))
(* using an exception to break out of the loop; if I understand
correctly, exceptions are rather discouraged in F# for efficiency
reasons. I proposed to use `yield` instead and then force the
generator, but this has no direct OCaml equivalent. *)
exception Result of int
let most_significant_bit input_bits =
for i = Array.length input_bits - 1 downto 0 do
if input_bits.(i) then raise (Result i)
with Result i -> Some i
Why using a loop when you can use high-order functions?
I would write:
let findMostSignificantBitPosition (inputBits:System.Collections.BitArray) =
Seq.cast<bool> inputBits |> Seq.tryFindIndex id
Seq module contains many functions for manipulating collections. It is often a good alternative to using imperative loops.
but I still want to know what I was
doing wrong above.
The body of a for loop is an expression of type unit. The only thing you can do from there is doing side-effects (modifying a mutable value, printing...).
In F#, a if then else is similar to ? : from C languages. The then and the else parts must have the same type, otherwise it doesn't make sense in a language with static typing. When the else is missing, the compiler assumes it is else (). Thus, the then must have type unit. Putting a value in a for loop doesn't mean return, because everything is a value in F# (including a if then).
+1 for gasche
Here are some examples in F#. I added one (the second) to show how yield works with for within a sequence expression, as gasche mentioned.
(* using a mutable variable as accumulator as per gasche's example *)
let findMostSignificantBitPosition (inputBits: BitArray) =
let mutable ret = None // 0
for i = inputBits.Length - 1 downto 0 do
if inputBits.[i] then ret <- i
(* transforming to a Seq of integers with a for, then taking the first element *)
let findMostSignificantBitPosition2 (inputBits: BitArray) =
seq {
for i = 0 to inputBits.Length - 1 do
if inputBits.[i] then yield i
} |> Seq.head
(* casting to a sequence of bools then taking the index of the first "true" *)
let findMostSignificantBitPosition3 (inputBits: BitArray) =
inputBits|> Seq.cast<bool> |> Seq.findIndex(fun f -> f)
Edit: versions returning an Option
let findMostSignificantBitPosition (inputBits: BitArray) =
let mutable ret = None
for i = inputBits.Length - 1 downto 0 do
if inputBits.[i] then ret <- Some i
let findMostSignificantBitPosition2 (inputBits: BitArray) =
seq {
for i = 0 to inputBits.Length - 1 do
if inputBits.[i] then yield Some(i)
else yield None
} |> Seq.tryPick id
let findMostSignificantBitPosition3 (inputBits: BitArray) =
inputBits|> Seq.cast<bool> |> Seq.tryFindIndex(fun f -> f)
I would recommend using a higher-order function (as mentioned by Laurent) or writing a recursive function explicitly (which is a general approach to replace loops in F#).
If you want to see some fancy F# solution (which is probably better version of using some temporary lazy data structure), then you can take a look at my article which defines imperative computation builder for F#. This allows you to write something like:
let findMostSignificantBitPosition (inputBits:BitArray) = imperative {
for b in Seq.cast<bool> inputBits do
if b then return true
return false }
There is some overhead (as with using other temporary lazy data structures), but it looks just like C# :-).
EDIT I also posted the samples on F# Snippets:
I think the reason your having issues with how to write this code is that you're not handling the failure case of not finding a set bit. Others have posted many ways of finding the bit. Here are a few ways of handling the failure case.
failure case by Option
let findMostSignificantBitPosition (inputBits:System.Collections.BitArray) =
let rec loop i =
if i = -1 then
elif inputBits.[i] then
Some i
loop (i - 1)
loop (inputBits.Length - 1)
let test = new BitArray(1)
match findMostSignificantBitPosition test with
| Some i -> printf "Most Significant Bit: %i" i
| None -> printf "Most Significant Bit Not Found"
failure case by Exception
let findMostSignificantBitPosition (inputBits:System.Collections.BitArray) =
let rec loop i =
if i = -1 then
failwith "Most Significant Bit Not Found"
elif inputBits.[i] then
loop (i - 1)
loop (inputBits.Length - 1)
let test = new BitArray(1)
let i = findMostSignificantBitPosition test
printf "Most Significant Bit: %i" i
| Failure msg -> printf "%s" msg
failure case by -1
let findMostSignificantBitPosition (inputBits:System.Collections.BitArray) =
let rec loop i =
if i = -1 then
elif inputBits.[i] then
loop (i - 1)
loop (inputBits.Length - 1)
let test = new BitArray(1)
let i = findMostSignificantBitPosition test
if i <> -1 then
printf "Most Significant Bit: %i" i
printf "Most Significant Bit Not Found"
One of the options is to use seq and findIndex method as:
let findMostSignificantBitPosition (inputBits:System.Collections.BitArray) =
seq {
for i = inputBits.Length - 1 to 0 do
yield inputBits.[i]
} |> Seq.findIndex(fun e -> e)
